Summary of Open Issues reported by LHC experiments

1. Security, authorization, authentication
  1. VOMS available and stable
    Priority High
  2. VOMS groups and roles used by all middleware
    Support for up to o(10) groups.
    Priority High
  3. VOMS supporting user metadata (LHCB)
    Storing arbitrary user metadata should be possible in VOMS with an easy
    interface to access the user parameters, e.g. passing them in the VOMS proxy
    Development: This issue has been discussed already with the VOMS developers.
    It is a feature already foreseen to come with some release of gLite.
    A short term solution which does not require proxy format modifications has been
    provided to LHCb. A unique ID is stored together with the user DN and
    provided via a simple interface.
    For instructions please check here.
    Priority Medium
  4. Automatic handling of service proxy renewal
    The user should not need to know which server to use to register
    his proxy for a specific service.
    Priority High
  5. Service needed for automatic renewal of Kerberos credentials via the Grid (ALICE)
    Priority Medium
  6. Recommendations on how to develop experiment specific secure services
    Best framework to write a secure service interacting with the Grid
    using delegated and automatically renewed user credentials;
    API or "development guide" for security delegation standards and
    GSI delegation vs. Myproxy, GT2 vs. GT4 vs. Web services, etc.
    Priority High

2. Information System
  1. Stable access to static information
    Grid Information System (BDII or equivalent) should provide a stable
    access to the static information (services end-points and characteristics).
    Static and dynamic information should be splitted. Caching can be a solution.
    Glue schema should be the same in gLite and LCG.
    Priority Medium

3. Storage Management

  1. SRM interface provided by all Storage Element Services
    SRM must be a fully supported specification as indicated in
    Baseline Service group report.
    In particular, the functionalities provided with SRM V2.1.1 are requested.
    Mostly needed are: space reservation, file pinning, bulk operations.
    Priority High
  2. Common and homogeneous functionality (same semantic) for all Storage Services
    The APIs between SRM v1 and SRM v2 are different.
    Tests are needed to verify that the SRM implementation for a given SE type is compliant to the spec.
    Smooth transition from SRM v1 to SRM v2.
    SRM v1 and v2 have to be maintained in parallel.
    gfal or FTS should hide the differences between v1 and v2.
    SE interoperabiliy issues must be solved.
    The functionality must be homogeneous.
    Applications must be able to access SRM functionalities at sites.
    SRM client libraries should be available to the applications.
    Priority High
  3. Support for disk quota management
    Support for disk quota management both at group and user level should be offered
    by all Storage Services (requested in particular by ATLAS , CMS
    and LHCB ). For MSS space is considered to be illimited.
    Developers of CASTOR, d-Cache and DPM cannot promise anything before the 3Q 2006.
    Priority Low
  4. Checking of the file integrity/validity after the new replica creation.
    The copy operation should perform a checksum (on demand). The minimum is to check
    that the file size remains the same.
    LHCB/ATLAS Remove and other operations have to be validated so that they have the
    correct effect on the fabric.
    Priority Critical
  5. Highly optimized SRM client tools
    SRM clients should be based on a highly optimized C/C++ library (gfal).
    In particular, command line tools based on the C/C++ API (and not java based)
    should be available. Python binding is required.
    LHCB: no direct access to the information system should be required for any operation.
    Priority Critical

4. Data Management

4.1 File Transfer Service
  1. Availability of File Transfer Service clients
    FTS Clients available on all SC3 sites on WNs and VOBOXes
    Priority High
  2. FTS "improvements" and feature requests as specified in the FTS workshop
    Please, check:
    FTS Workshop agenda and minutes
    The relevant points are reported in what follows.
    The status plan for FTS can be found here.
    Priority Critical
  3. Reliability
    Keep retrying until told to stop. Allow for real-time monitoring of
    errors for transfer (parseable errors preferable) so that reshuffling of
    transfers, cancellation, etc. is possible.
    Signal conditions such as source missing, destination down, etc.
    Priority High
  4. A service is needed for automatic file transfers betwen two sites on the Grid
    Start the transfers giving as input information the name of the SE (source and destination) and the file SURL (note: the file transfer service should not be linked to any specific catalogue; the SURL is the best specification for the file)
    Priority Critical
  5. Central entry point for all transfers
    FTS should provide a single central entry point for all the required
    transfer channels including T0-T1, T1-T1 and T1-T2/T2-T1 transfers and for the T2
    sites running analysis tasks.
    Priority Critical
  6. FTS should handle the automatic proxy renewal if necessary
    Priority Critical
  7. SRM interface fully integrated within FTS
    Possibility to specify type of space, lifetime of a pinned file, etc.
    Priority Medium
  8. Support priorities, with possibility to do late reshuffling
    Priority Low
  9. Support for plug-ins to allow interactions with experiment's services
    Priority High

4.2 File Placement Service
  1. FPS plug-ins for VO specific agents
    FPS should provide easy plug-in of the VO specific agents to implement retry
    policies in case of any kind of failure.
    Priority Low
  2. FPS should handle higher level operations
    FPS should handle higher level operations such as data routing if necessary;
    replication operations (without specification for the file source);
    File Transfer Requests with multiple destination sites.
    Priority Medium

4.3 Grid File Catalogue Service
  1. LFC as global and local file catalogue
    CMS is using LFC as global file catalogue for current MC production (phased out during 2006).
    Expected access rate: 100Hz peak, few Hz average as file lookup.
    Priority High
  2. LFC requested features Support for replica attributes: tape, tape wth cache, pinned cache, disk,
    archived tape, etc.
    Custodial flag: The concept of Master Copy that can't be deleted.
    CMS: The availability of such attribute is mandatory for CMS.
    Priority High
  3. POOL interface to LFC
    The functionality of accessing file specific metadata should not be provided
    by POOL but probably by an appropriate service such as the RSS.
    This issue will be discussed in the TCG.
    Priority Critical
  4. Good performance
    Performace that privileges read access, up to read-only unauthenticated instance
    if it helps.
    The LFC should be highly optimized with respect to different kinds of queries,
    bulk operations for file and replica registration should be supported.
    Priority Critical

4.4 Grid Data Management Tools
  1. lcg-utils available in production
    Priority High
  2. POSIX file access based on the LFN
    The C/C++ API (gfal library) should be able to provide POSIX file access
    based on the file LFN. This should include an efficient strategy for the
    "best replica" choice in the context of a running job. The strategy should take
    into account site location, prioritization of the different storage classes,
    the current state of the networking, etc.
    Priority Medium
  3. File access API (gfal library) using multiple instances of LFC
    The basic file access API ( gfal library ) should be able to talk to several
    instances of the LFC catalog to ensure redundancy for high availability as well
    as load balancing for efficiency.
    Priority High
  4. Reliable registration service
    Supporting ACL propagation between storages and catalogs and bulk operations.
    Priority Medium
  5. Reliable (bulk) file replica deletion service
    Use Case: delete all SC3 data (specify a set of files) sitting
    on a storage element - a simple way to control that the deletion actual occurs,
    with automatic handling of failures.
    ATLAS: Need to be able to delete N files in M hours.
    Priority Critical
  6. Staging service needed
    A higher-level service to deal with staging of collection of files (datasets).
    Such service should also operate locally at the level of a T1.
    Priority Medium

5. Workload Management
  1. Stable and redundant service
    ALICE: Need a site specific configuration which contains a set of primary RB's
    to be used by each VO (it can be one RB or more depending on the VO
    requirements) and a second set of RB�s which will be used in the case
    the first set is down. The 2 sets can be different from region to region.
    LHCB: A list of RB's available for the VO should be defined and an easy or
    transparent switching mechanism from one RB to another should be provided.
    Ideally, a single RB end-point should be provided with an automatic load
    balancing between the RB services behind. No loss of jobs or loss of the job
    results due to temporary unavailability of a RB service should happen. =The resulting RB service should provide for load balancing, resilience to failures, and scalability.
    Priority Medium
  2. Capability of handling 10**6 short (>= 30') jobs in 1 day with RB service
    ATLAS/CMS: Feature needed for SC4. The final short job number is evaluated
    to be 10**6; thus the capability has to scale to 10**6 by summer 2007.
    LHCb: _~1Hz submission rate.
    Priority High
  3. Efficient use of information system in the match making
    Capability of sending the jobs to the sites where the input files are
    present and having enough free CPU slots.
    Priority High
  4. Efficient input sandbox management (Caching of input sandboxes at sites ?)
    Priority Low
  5. Latency for job execution and job status reporting should be proportional to the expected job duration.
    Priority Medium
  6. Support for different priorities based on VOMS groups/roles
    Support requested at the global level.
    ATLAS: This should be possible without relaying on a unique
    centralized DB (gPbox)
    Priority High
  7. The RB should reschedule the jobs in its internal task queue, using a prioritization system
    This RB requirement does not require rearrangement of the site queues triggered
    by anything outside the site (RB or other services), but only of the RB
    internal queue. Then the jobs submitted to the different sites should be normally
    handled by the batch systems, in fair scheduling mode.
    This feature is already available in gLite RB.
    Priority High
  8. Fair share across users in the same group
    Priority Medium
  9. Interactive access to running job
    For debugging and monitoring purposes
    CMS: top, ls, and peek at individual file level needed.
    Priority Medium
  10. Computing Element service directly accessible by services/clients other than RB
    Get the status of the computing resource and, in particular, the number
    of waiting/running tasks for the given VO.
    Submit, monitor and manipulate jobs through the CE service interface.
    Priority High
  11. Allow running special jobs (Agents) on a worker node to stear other jobs (LHCB)
    Agents can steer execution of the jobs belonging to other users on the same worker node.
    The Agents will run for as long as there is CPU time available on a given queue.
    Priority High
  12. Allow for changing identity of a job running on the worker node (LHCB/ATLAS)
    This is the same as the trusted identity change service.
    LHCb: Interrogate the site policy service for permission to run a job of
    a particular user.
    In case of the positive answer, the new user proxy will be acquired
    from the VO service for subsequent job operations.
    The Agent job continues even after the user job execution finished.
    ATLAS: Using WMS to submit jobs doing data transfer on behalf of multiple users.
    Priority Medium

6. Monitoring Tools
  1. Tools needed to monitor transfer traffic
    Priority Medium
  2. SE monitoring
    Needed statistics for file opening and I/O by file/dataset from SE's. Abstract load figures.
    Priority Medium
  3. A scalable tool to collect VO specific information for global operations
    Job status/failure/progress information Monalisa or R-GMA do it.
    Priority Critical
  4. Publish/Subscribe to logging and bookeeping and local batch system events for all jobs in the VO.
    R-GMA can do it.
    Priority Critical

7. Accounting
  1. Support for accounting, with site, user and group granularity (DGAS or equivalent)
    VOMS group information should be obtained from Proxy.
    Priority High
  2. Possibility to aggregate by VO (user) specified tag
    Application type (MC, Reconstruction,etc.), executable, dataset
    Priority Low
  3. Storage Element accounting aggregated by datasets (e.g. PFN directory)
    Priority Low

8. Applications
  1. Address library conflicts with Middleware
    Castor, LSF, POOL, DPM, etc
    Priority Critical
  2. Improvements/new features for the POOL File Catalog interface
    ATLAS Being discussed with POOL and LFC teams.
    Priority Critical

9. Deployment Issues
  1. LFC global file catalogue available at CERN
    Request coming from CMS and LHCB.
    Priority Critical
  2. Read-only mirrors of the central LFC service
    Read-only mirrors should be available at a subset or all the T1 sites.
    The mirror update frequency is of the order of 30-60 minutes.
    Priority High
  3. Each site should provide a Storage Element with an SRM interface
    Priority High
  4. Different classes of SEs
    Tier1 sites as well as analysis Tier2 sites should provide different
    classes of storages with distinct SRM end-points:
    MSS storage (if available ) for non-frequently accessed data (archives);
    Disk storage with write access for production managers;
    Disk storage with write access for all the VO users.
    A mechanism for choosing the SE at a given site with the above mentioned
    characteristics should be provided.
    Priority High
  5. XROOTD deployed at all sites
    Priority Medium
  6. VOBOX deployment at sites
    ALICE: Needed at all sites
    ATLAS: Needed at all sites
    CMS: Needed at all sites
    LHCb: Needed at all T1 centers and selected T2
    Priority High
  7. VOBOX should be considered basic provided Grid services
    VOBOX are provided as basic services with specific functionality. As such, it is the responsibility of site administrators to keep them up-to-date for what concerns the middleware services they provide. It is instead responsibility of ALICE to keep the experiment software installed on these machines up-to-date and to take care of possible problems that can occur when running the experiment specific agents.
    Priority Medium
  8. Each site should provide a Computing Element service accessible directly (LHCB)
    Same interface but information access on the nodes needed.
    CREAM and CMon seem to satisfy this requirement.
    Priority High
  9. Support for short jobs
    Every site should have dedicated queue for short (less then 30 min e.g. jobs)
    so that those are executed with priotity. Job latencies should be proportional
    to job duration.
    Priority Medium
  10. Standards for CPU time limits
    Priority High
  11. Support for queues with at least 2 different priority levels
    Priority High
  12. Support for a system at the local queue level able to rearrange job priorities (ATLAS)
    ATLAS: Requirement for a priority system including local queues at the sites,
    able to rearrange the priority of jobs already queued at each single site in order
    to take care of new high priority jobs being submitted. Such system requires some
    deployment effort, but essentially no development since such a feature is already
    provided by most of the batch systems, and is a local implementation, not a Grid one.
    Priority Medium
  13. Tools to allow for setting up of site dependent part of the VO environment (CMS)
    Besides global VO software manager role, a mean is required to allow each site to
    handle the site dependent part of the VO environment setup and to fix problems
    with software installation.
    Priority High

10. Operations
  1. Extend Site Functional Test to a heartbeat test for all major functionalities
    Job execution,file transfers,storage access, etc.
    Priority Medium

11. Castor standing open issues
  1. Problem using Castor2 and SRM 'isCached'
    Castor2 has different diskpools at the backend, but the SRM only sees
    one of the diskpool. So a file is put onto a diskpool but is seen as
    'not being cached' by the SRM because it's checking the wrong diskpools.
    Diskpools should either be transparent: provided that the copy between pools
    is fast - or not transparent, but then visible/mapped somehow to the "grid" part.
    Priority High
  2. A User DN is mapped to one Castor pool only
    Priority High

12. Miscellaneous
  1. xrootd interfaced with SRM
    xrootd is about to provide SRM interface. xrootd should be provided in production. This discussion will be taken in the TCG.
    A set of workshops should be organized to discuss in details issues like this.
    A first list of issues to discuss in workshops will be compiled in the TCG/BSWG.
    Priority Low
  2. CMS does not require Posix-like open of non-local SE's
  3. Hosting long-lived processes
    Work on a standard set of secure containers? e.g Apache+mod_gridsite
    as a site component? How to run agents using those services? As normal jobs
    at the site?
    Is it worth looking into the model of FTS with it's VO-specific agents
    framework? Can the same principles be applied elsewhere? Is it possible to have
    more documentation on this?
    Priority High
  4. Publishing experiment specific info
    Where should experiment specific info be published? BDII, R-GMA, ...?
    Priority Medium

Legenda :

Priority Delivery Date
Critical January-February 2006
High February-April 2006
Medium Mid SC4
Low After SC4

Major updates:
-- Main.flavia - 29 Nov 2005 - Initial compilation starting from experiments input
-- Main.flavia - 06 Dec 2005 - More input from experiments
-- Main.flavia - 07 Dec 2005 - Including comments coming from discussion at BSWG
-- Main.flavia - 09 Dec 2005 - Including comments from Federico Carminati
-- Main.flavia - 12 Dec 2005 - Added VOMS instructions for getting User ID Metadata
-- Main.flavia - 13 Dec 2005 - Added reports on the development plans of middleware (FTS, VOMS)
-- Main.flavia - 11 Jan 2006 - Added experiments priority
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