Tier-1 Tape Metrics in SLS

WLCG Tier-1 Tape Metrics Page: http://sls.cern.ch/sls/service.php?id=WLCG_Tier1_Tape_Metrics

SLS information from Tier-1 Sites

Each Tier-1 Site should update an XML file exactly with the tags described below.
See the explanation of the XML tags in the following section.

The files should have these names and be retrievable via a web URL.

Template of SLS display and XML File (from the Tier-0)

Use the XML template for each Tier-1 Site. The update frequency for CERN is of 1 hour.

XML template file to use : https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewfile/LCG/MssEfficiency?filename=CERN_Tape_Metrics.xml

SLS display: http://sls.cern.ch/sls/service.php?id=WLCG_CERN_Tape_Metrics

Explanation of the XML Tags

<fullname>DE-KIT Tape System</fullname> 
Site name. Modify id and fullname accordingly. WIth the exact underscores and hyphens in the text above.

mandatory: it's up to each site, for now, to decide if their tape system is available or not and how much.

<availabilityinfo>total read=XXX, total write=YYY</availabilityinfo>
It is the tooltip that will appear when you mouse over the bar. up to the SIte to decide which are the most interesting information to be quickly displayed

<threshold level="available">75</threshold>
<threshold level="affected">45</threshold>
<threshold level="degraded">15</threshold>
Do not modify those values: just remember them when you calculate the availability of your service. It will be green between 100 and 76%, orange till 45, yellow till 15, then red.

<webpage> http://xxxxxxx </webpage>
Write here the contact email (if you want, or just remove the line) and the webpage where you're reporting more detailed information

Do not touch: this means how often the SLS server will try to read your update xml (10 minutes).

This value represents the validity of your data. example: you update the xml every 6hours, this means that that valued should not be smaller than 6hours, otherwise the service will appear gray, as the information is too old. if the information of your tape system are updated every hour, we suggest to put a value of 2H (PT2H) the data structure, all these data will be stored into the SLS DB. 

<numericvalue name="drvol" desc=" DATA READ: data volume read in GB in last 24 hours" timestamp="2009-05-28T15:14:25">2645.4</numericvalue>
<numericvalue name="drfil" desc=" DATA READ: number of files transferred in last 24 hours" timestamp="2009-05-28T15:14:25">10955</numericvalue>
<numericvalue name="dravs" desc=" DATA READ: average file size in MB" timestamp="2009-05-28T15:14:25">247.27</numericvalue>
<numericvalue name="dwvol" desc=" DATA WRITE: data volume written in GB in last 24 hours" timestamp="2009-05-28T15:14:25">10915.6</numericvalue>
in the structure you can add any data that you want. The reference template is the XML file used at the Tier-0.


Format date and time as shown above. Time zone must be Geneva time zone, and it is mandatory.

(Thanks to A.DI Girolamo)

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XMLxml CERN_Tape_Metrics.xml r1 manage 14.4 K 2009-05-28 - 17:28 AlbertoAimar  
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Topic revision: r2 - 2009-10-01 - AlbertoAimar
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