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Installation day, 4 GEMS installed (3 Tracker, 1 single mask triple GEM: called SMTG) [ Honeycomb GEM HC-Gem, and CMS Standard GEM - the one for timing measurements)

- GAS: We are using gas from the premixed bottle Ar:CO2 (70:30), mixer needs to be finalized.

- ELECTRONICS: VFAT Operational, data-taking only with tracker GEM.

- CMS standard GEM shielded and tested, noise perfomance very nice (no noise at all).

- Time Meas. setup needs to be finalized, standard CMS GEM needs to be mounted into the telescope

- Beam started at 3 A.M.


Dear Colleagues :

... as I learned this morning at the FOM meeting this weeks MD time needs to be changed due to the LHC schedule :

- on Thursday 24 th of June no 24 hour stop, instead standard physics operation

- on Wednesday 23 rd of June MD for PS and SPS from 6:00 to 14:00; SPS beams will be stopped already at midnight

sorry for the short notice, regards,

Horst Breuker


23/06/2010 During the morning - The CMS "timing" gem has been installed with copper gas lines inside the experimental area.

During the afternoon - The plastic gas lines has been replaced with copper in gas corner area. Still needs to finalize this tomorrow morning.

We are ready for beam and data taking.


The first run ongoing for Timing Gem. Efficiency of Timing GEM obtained.(Gas mixture used: Ar-CO2 70-30 %)

Efficiency= 95.28 %

No beam for in the afternoon due to SPS power supply problem.

Beam resumed at 9:30 pm.HV was applied and Noise level was found to be higher in the single mask GEM.


Data Analysis

Alignment of the Setup along with Greek micromegas at 2 o'clock


The greek micromegas have been aligned.

After the meeting,it was decided to move the 3rd telescopic chamber in order that it is aligned with the other two.The horizontal VFAT to be shifted to vertical position to obtain both the readouts on the vertical direction that is,to get two bottom VFATS.

Starting the scans for the efficiency plot and data acquisition to be continued over the weekend.


Data taken in the early morning 03.00: RUN 26,27,28 with thr (-25,-35.-45) [each file has "setting file" with conditions for each RUN.

Data Analysis; debugging the code (Event builder and reco tracks) 16.00

We take a run with vertical VFAT (V2) with wrong latency (0 instead 10) to debug the code. 19.00

IMPORTANT: We found out that concerting the Vertical strips the channel numeration in the code has to be inverted. In this way we are able to see a good beam profile. 19.45

Doing HV scan measuring efficiency of timing GEM with respect of the scintillators. 20.00

HV scan finished, shutting down chambers 21.30

The efficiency meas. for the timing gem is done. We have a nice plateau around 98% with respect of the trigger (scintilators). This we can discuss at tomorrow's meeting - 15:30. Stefano and Mateo are busy with the code. Turbos and GEMs are all off.

Resume the data taking at Sunday 12:30.


The group is present and we are waiting for beam. - Problem with LINAC2, beam has to come back in 1 hour. The beam is present. Eraldo will go to change the firmware of the turbos and try to improve the data package. Preparing for data taking with the tracker gems.

Problem with the tax, it is placed in bad position, no access and no beam.. waiting for expert help 16.00

Tax problem solved, access -> Replacing VFAT firmware, DAQ running smoothly, soon the double check with root software. Closing the access 18.00

Data taking is ongoing. We'll take 1 data point from the efficiency curve this evening in order to supply the "reconstruction team" with nice data. Tomorrow morning at 09:00 we can resume the meas. for the rest datapoints.

The datapoint is ready. We are shutting douwn the GEMs and turbos for safety. The group will be present tomorrow morning.

The new firmware seems to be ok for the DAQ, but sometimes when writing into registers it fails. IMPORTANT! Please launch always single acquisition checking that all green leds are ON.


The group is present and we start taking data from yesterday. The detectors are on. All looks fine (gas, currents). 09:00

We have to open the area for 15 min to let the Greek group fixing one of their gas valves.

The area is closed and the beam is back. 10:30

Data taking is ongoing - 11:00

After the meeting we have to redo some of the data points and take noise and out of latency runs. - 16:00

Problems with the Turbo's DAQ Eraldo is working on it. - 21:30

Beam problem - 21:35

The beam is back but with some problems with the magnets for H4 T2 - 22:00

Verifying the DAQ - 23:00

Waiting the beam - 23:56

Some of the group is going to sleep. After the debugging of the DAQ the team will shut down the GEMs and Turbos - 0:00

We'll resume the work tomorrow at 09:00


00.30 Investigating DAQ problem, we cannot tests due to beam problem, expert called no beam before tomorrow morning. We leave. _______________________________

With respect to the last update in the elog (I cannot write on it.. ), the magnet problem was solved and me and Eraldo performed a full voltage scan with only VFAT DAQ. This time we had no problem, all the datasets are in a good shape and we found a good plateau similar to the TDC DAQ. You can find all the info in the (paper) logbook.

Detectors and DAQs are off.

I will arrive in the afternoon, Eraldo will try to pass by in the morning too. Matteo Alfonsi - 04.42

Stefano, can you please check why we need a password now for this page? Thanks

The GEMs are "ON" - gas and currents OK - 09:48

The HV eff. scan is completed with the VFAT DAQ. All points are ok and can be analyzed. -11:00

We are performing Ed scan for the timing. 11:30

4:30 pm

Ed scans completed for field values 2, 2.5,3 and 3.5 kV/cm.The drift fields below 2 kV (0.5; 1.0; 1.5kV/cm) will be taken.

Induction field scans probably will be completed by midnight followed by change of gas mixture to the LHCb one.(45-15-40).

Beam is back at around 7:00 pm I (Nicolas) continue with the next point of Ed scan Ed=0.5 KV/cm Vfat DAQ OK TDC DAQ ok (efficiency from Vfat ~81.7%) At around 11:30pm we started the Einduction scan with the first point Ei=0.5 KV/cm and keeping Ed at 2 KV/cm We should reduce latency to 8. We continue with Ei=1.0 KV/cm (latency back to 9)


00:20 SPS Main power supply fault NO BEAMS

1:55 Beams are back, we continue the run (Ei=1.0 KV/cm) I continue with the next point 2:44 am No Beam expert is coming back! 4:40 am still no beam !

5:05 beam isback Point 3(Ei=1.5 KV/cm) Vfat Run 057 done and analysed (OK) TDC run 349 OK

I continue with Ei=2.0 KV/cm 5:28 :Main power supply down again! NO beam

6:20 pm still no Beam propably no beam before 1 hour I switch off the chambers and go to sleep. Point 4 (Ei=2.0) to be done

Beam back at ~ 12:00. I (Nicolas) continue with Point 4 .

We don't get the beam profile in the simple acquisition After investigation I noticed that we have a Parasitic noise in the trigger du to he Dual timer in the control room even when its off. I disconnected from the fan in fan out. Now it'sOK. 7:30pm Ei scan finished. I switch off the Cms chamber and change the gas mixture 8:00 pm New gas mixture : Ar(45%)+CO2(15%)+CF4(40%)


We start the meas. for the new gas mixture(LHCb mix(45-15-40)). We have the first point of the efficiency scan. All looks fine except problems with the beam. 0:30

We switch off the GEMs for safety

We resume the meas at 09:00 .

10:30... accessing the beam area to change the detector:single mask to be replaced with honeycomb.Measurement to be continued afterwards.

Delay in the data taking due to problems with TAX 02

At 2:00 pm we installed the honeycomb GEM. The Micromegas team moved the frames to align better their chambers. We had to align again our chambers T1 T2 and T3

We've got high noise with the Honeycomb Gem (HV off). After 1,5 hours of fluxing the gas, we switched on the HV but we couldn't see the beam. I switched on one by one only the Vfats located on this chamber but the level of the noise remained too high. I concluded that the Noise came from the chamber. We decided to check the shielding and the grounding of this chamber only tomorrow morning and continue this night with the HV scan of the timing chamber. We continue with point 4 over 7 of the HV scan and then we ll go on with Ed and Ei scans. First Run after the access :Run 064 ==> Misalignment on X Tracking 3 ~9 strips. Misalignment on Y of T1 ~ 9strips. Misalignment of the timing chamber / Tracker 1 ~ 28 strips.

As we can't move Tracker 3 because it is located on the same frame with Micromegas we decide to keep the alignment as it is and increase the statistics from 25K to 50K events.

We get an Efficiency of the Timing chamber ~10 % probably its du to the misalignment. Stefano tries to correct by software this misalignment......

Unfortunately, I have to go home so I am leaving the system in the shifters' hands.


We are doing the eff/HV scan. 3 points left. Since this is done we can perform the Ed and Ei scans. 00:10

I am leaving the meas to the shifters. 01:00 - Andrey

The beam is lost. due to MPS problem experts are working on it. 01:05

Scan finished. Switching OFF detectors. 8.00


Good morning: Can Krishna and Lakshmi's make a list of runs with conditions? Thanks - Archana

8:30 am: Continuing with the runs.completed the HV Scan and Ed Scan. Moving onto the Ei Scan.

We have started making an excel workbook with the list of runs with conditions.

Data Acquisition ongoing.Honeycomb replaced with Single Mask.


Data Acquisition ongoing.

2:30 am: Data taking paused due to low beam intensity( only 900 counts per spill).

3:00 am : Data taking resumed now with high Voltage applied to Single Mask.

4:30 am: Recurring problems with the Beam. Beam Intensity still very low.


shift started at 09:00 by Krishna and joined by sunil at 12:30. 1. we have completed the single mask gem for the efficiency and resolution values this is as follows

voltage applied efficiency 4500v = 90.0; 4600v = 90.09; 4400v = 86.6; 4300v = 79.24; 4200v = 60.29; 4000v = 16.87; 3800 5.95 ;

2. we have completed the timing gem measurments for the drift field variation for the point 6 configuration.

Vg1 = 465V Vg2= 420V Vg3= 370V Ei= 3.0 KV/cm drift field efficiency

0.5 = 95.7; 1.0 = 96.5; 1.5 = 96.68; 2.0 = 96.79; 2.5 = 96.50; 3.0 = 96.59; 3.5 = stefano window full in space so no possibility to run the data so no run for the stefano software

3. timing GEM point 7 run has been retaken

4. now there is no beam for one hour from 03:00 pm.

5. we are left with three points for the timing gem efficiency measurments.


Data Analysis of Single Mask chamber, please reprocess the data using the usual command (for VFAT data), and take note of efficiency and space resolution


05/07/2010, 11:00 am ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

no stable beam siNce morning . they need to fix RF transmitter. so work has been paused.

work resumed at 11:00am

once again no beam from 02:53 pm

The SM GEM has been replaced with the honeycomb one. The detector is on gas Ar-CO2 7030 since 23:15


Gap in the honeycomb has been changed to (drf/t1/t2/ind)=(3/1/2/1)

Beam particles changed to muons.

Efficiency Scans of Timing GEM (with Honeycomb mounted) for the Drift Field going on.


00:15 am: Efficiency scans for the Drift field continuing.

2:30 am: Completed the Drift scan. Moving on to the Induction scan with Ed=2kV/cm Et1=Et2=3 kV/cm.

Vg1 = 465V Vg2= 420V Vg3= 370V.

8:15 am: Completed Induction scan with Ei values .5, 1.0, 1.5 ,2.0 ,2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5 kV/cm with Ed=2kV/cm Et1=Et2=3 kV/cm.

Vg1 = 465V Vg2= 420V Vg3= 370V.

Threshold scan started with the Golden point: Ed=3kV/cm Et1=Et2=3.5 kV/cm Ei=5 kV/cm

Vg1 = 440V Vg2= 430V Vg3= 410V. Thresholds from 10 to 150 to be taken overnight.


17.30 Installation of the timing chamber finished, waiting for gas flushing.

21.30 Leaving detector OFF. Resuming data taking tomorrow morning.


10.00 Gas problem, found valve in closed position!!

14.30 Detector ON, playing with latency, threshold DAQ

15.00 Start data-taking

21.00 Switching OFF detectors


9.30 Tracker scan (thr HV)

Many access waiting for the beam / software development

17.30 Starting HV scan for the timing gem (11 point for each HV point performing thr and latency scan)

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Microsoft Word filedoc Single_mask_biconical_triple_GEM_for_CMS_test_beam.doc r1 manage 272.0 K 2010-06-22 - 16:52 StefanoColafranceschi Single mask triple GEM for CMS
Unknown file formatxlsx Timing_GEM_Ar_CO2.xlsx r1 manage 14.8 K 2010-07-07 - 08:08 UnknownUser Efficiency Scan Run conditions(LOG Book) on timing GEM with Ar-CO2 70-30 mixture
Microsoft Word filedoc outline_v0.doc r1 manage 22.5 K 2010-06-22 - 11:01 StefanoColafranceschi  
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Topic revision: r57 - 2010-10-18 - StefanoColafranceschi
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