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COLORPICKER{} -- color picker for use in HTML forms for TWiki applications

  • The %COLORPICKER{}% variable is handled by the ColorPickerPlugin.
  • Syntax: %COLORPICKER{ name="..." value="..." }%
  • Parameters:
    Parameter Description Default Example
    name Name of input field (required) name="text_color"
    value Initial color value, in hexadecimal notation for the combination of Red, Green, and Blue color values (RGB). (none) value="#0000ff"
    size Size of input field, in number of characters (browser default) size="8"
    class CSS class of input field or the rectangular color block (none) class="twikiInputField"
    style Style of input field or the rectangular color block (none) style="width: 190px; height: 32px"
    type Type of color widget:
    ? "below" - color picker is located below the input field;
    ? "popup" - pop-up a color picker window when clicking the button next to the input field
        (this uses very little vertical space);
    ? "view" - a read-only rectangular block colored in the color value (no color picker);
    ? "view-hex" - like view, in addition shows the color value as an RGB hexadecimal code (no color picker);
    type="below" type="view-hex"
    Additional parameters can be supplied; they will be added to the HTML input field or the rectangular color block.
  • Example:
    <form action="...">
    %COLORPICKER{ name="text_color" value="#123456" class="twikiInputField" type="popup" }%
    Renders as:
  • Category: ApplicationsAndComponentsVariables, DatabaseAndFormsVariables, EditingAndContentUpdateVariables, FormattingAndRenderingVariables, UIAndVisualizationVariables
  • Related: ColorPickerPlugin, TWikiForms (this topic)

COMMENT{ attributes } -- insert an edit box into the topic to easily add comments.

  • A %COMMENT% without parameters shows a simple text box.
  • A %COMMENT{}% can handle the following parameters:
    Parameter Description Default
    type This is the name of the template to use for this comment. Comment templates are defined in a TWiki template - see customization. If this attribute is not defined, the type is whatever is defined by COMMENTPLUGIN_DEFAULT_TYPE, either in this topic or in your WebPreferences. "below"
    default Default text to put into the textarea of the prompt.  
    target Name of the topic to add the comment to the current topic
    location Regular expression specifying the comment location in the target topic. Read carefully the CommentPlugin documentation!  
    mode For compatibility with older versions only, synonymous with type  
    nonotify Set to "on" to disable change notification for target topics "off"
    noform Set to "on" to disable the automatic form that encloses your comment block - remember to insert <form> tags yourself! See CommentPluginExamples#noform for an example. "off"
    nopost Set to "on" to disable insertion of the posted text into the topic. "off"
    remove Set to "on" to remove the comment prompt after the first time it is clicked. "off"
    button Button label text "Add comment"
    emailto Send comment by email. Use comma "," to seperate multiple email addresses. This feature is disabled by default. To enable this feature, please set up "$TWiki::cfg{Plugins}{CommentPlugin}{EmailEnabled} = 1;".  

DASHBOARD -- build a dashboard with banner and boxes

DATEPICKER{} -- pop-up calendar to select a date for use in HTML forms

  • The %DATEPICKER{}% variable is handled by the DatePickerPlugin.
  • Syntax: %DATEPICKER{ name="..." value="..." }%
  • Parameters:
    Parameter Description Default Example
    name Name of input field.
    φ: No output is shown if the name parameter is missing, but the CSS and Javascript are loaded.
    (requiredφ) name="Start"
    value Initial date value. "" (today) value="2012-12-31"
    format Format of resulting date value.
    ? %a - abbreviated weekday name
    ? %A - full weekday name
    ? %b - abbreviated month name
    ? %B - full month name
    ? %C - century number
    ? %d - the day of the month (00 ... 31)
    ? %e - the day of the month (0 ... 31)
    ? %H - hour (00 ... 23)
    ? %I - hour (01 ... 12)
    ? %j - day of the year ( 000 ... 366)
    ? %k - hour (0 ... 23)
    ? %l - hour (1 ... 12)
    ? %m - month (01 ... 12)
    ? %M - minute (00 ... 59)
    ? %n - a newline character
    ? %p - "PM" or "AM"
    ? %P - "pm" or "am"
    ? %S - second (00 ... 59)
    ? %s - number of seconds since Epoch (since Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 UTC)
    ? %t - a tab character
    ? %U, %W, %V - the week number. The week 01 is the week that has the Thursday in the current year, which is equivalent to the week that contains the fourth day of January. Weeks start on Monday.
    ? %u - the day of the week (1 ... 7, 1 = MON)
    ? %w - the day of the week (0 ... 6, 0 = SUN)
    ? %y - year without the century (00 ... 99)
    ? %Y - year including the century (ex. 2012)
    ? %% - a literal % character
    "%Y-%m-%d" format="%e %b %Y"
    id ID of input field, optional. "id_" + name id="idStart"
    size Size of input field, in number of characters. (calculated as needed) size="12"
    class CSS class of input field. "twikiInputField" class="dateField"
    Additional HTML input field attributes, such as alt, disabled, maxlength, onblur, onchange, onfocus, readonly, style, tabindex, title    
  • Example:
    <form action="...">
    %DATEPICKER{ name="Start_Date" }%
  • Expands to:
  • Category: ApplicationsAndComponentsVariables, DatabaseAndFormsVariables, DateAndTimeVariables, EditingAndContentUpdateVariables, FormattingAndRenderingVariables, UIAndVisualizationVariables
  • Related: DatePickerPlugin, TWikiForms (this topic)

GET{"name"} -- get a variable

  • Get the value of a named variable, previously set with %SET{}%. The %SET{}% and %GET{}% variables are handled by the SetGetPlugin.
  • Syntax: %GET{ "name" default="..." }%
  • Parameters:
    Parameter Description Default
    "name" Name of variable, such as menu. May optionally contain a JSON path, such as menu.File.Open. (required)
    format="..." Format with supported variables:
    ? $name for variable name
    ? $value for variable value
    ? $isdefined expanding to 1 or 0 depending if variable is defined or not
    ? $isset expanding to 1 or 0 depending if variable is logically true or false
    ? $ispersistent expanding to 1 or 0 depending if variable is persistent or not
    ? all FormatTokens such as $dollar, $n, $percnt.
    default="..." Text shown if variable is not defined, e.g. not found. This parameter overrides the format parameter. "" (empty string)
    store="..." Specify a store name that holds the persistent variable. This assumes the variable was previously set with the same store name. ""
  • Example: %GET{"lunch"}% returns Sushi if the following has been previously set:
    %SET{ "lunch" value="Sushi" }% - see more examples
  • JSON Syntax: %GET{ name }% - see description.
  • Example to set a JSON object and to get a JSON object with a JSON path:
    • %SET{ menu = { "File": { "New": [ "new", "F" ], "Open": [ "open", "F" ] }, "Edit": { "Copy": [ "cpy", "F" ], "Paste": [ "pst", "F" ] } } }% - set a JSON object
    • %GET{ menu.File.Open }% - returns: ["open","F"]
  • Category: ApplicationsAndComponentsVariables, DevelopmentVariables
  • Related: IF, SET, SETGETDUMP, SetGetPlugin, SpreadSheetPlugin#FuncGET (this topic)

HEADLINES{"url"} -- show RSS and ATOM feeds in TWiki pages

  • The %HEADLINES{"url"}% variable is handled by the HeadlinesPlugin.
  • Syntax: %HEADLINES{ "http://..." }%
  • Parameters: (all but the first one are optional)
    "..." Source of RSS or ATOM feed; this can be a URL (starting with http) or a web.topic location for internal feeds
    refresh="60" Refresh rate in minutes for caching feed; "0" for no caching
    limit="12" Maximum number of items shown
    header="..." Header. May include these variables:
    - $channeltitle, $title: title of channel (channel.title)
    - $channellink, $link: link of channel (
    - $channeldescription, $description: description (channel.description)
    - $channeldate, $date: publication date of the channel (channel.pubDate)
    - $rights: copyrights of the channel (channel.copyright)
    - $imagetitle: title text for site (image.title)
    - $imagelink: link for site (
    - $imageurl: URL of image (image.url)
    - $imagedescription: description of image (image.description)
    format="..." Format of one item. May include these variables:
    - $title: news item title (item.title)
    - $link: news item link (
    - $description: news item description (item.description)
    - $date: the publication date (item.pubDate,
    - $category: the article category (item.category)
    newline="$br" Convert newlines in feed; "$br" becomes <br /> tag, default "$n" (newline)
    filter="..." Filter out content from feed; for example to delete an encoded break tag specify "&lt;br&gt;"
  • Example: %HEADLINES{ "" header="*[[$link][$title]]:* $description" format="$t* [[$link][$title]]" limit="4" }% shows the latest Slashdot news in bullet list format
  • Category: ApplicationsAndComponentsVariables, ImportVariables
  • Related: HeadlinesPlugin (this topic)

JIRA -- display JIRA issues using JQL search

  • JIRA issues can be displayed as a TWiki table, based on a JQL (JIRA Query Language) query. This variable is handled by the JiraPlugin.
  • Syntax: %JIRA{"JIRA URL" jql="..."}%
  • Category: ApplicationsAndComponentsVariables
  • Example: %JIRA{"" jql="project = XYZ and status in ('In Progress')"}%
  • Related: JiraPlugin (this topic)

JQENDTAB -- end a JQuery tab within a tab pane

JQENDTABPANE -- end a JQuery tab pane

JQPLOT -- add line, bar and pie charts using jqPlot JavaScript library

JQTAB -- start a JQuery tab within a tab pane

  • This variable is handled by the JQueryPlugin. For description see JQTABPANE
  • Syntax: %JQTABPANE% %JQTAB{"Tab 1"}% ... %JQENDTAB% %JQTAB{"Tab 2"}% ... %JQENDTAB% ... %JQENDTABPANE%
  • Supported parameters:
    Parameter: Description: Default:
    "..." Name of tab, shown as tab label (required)
    before When switching tabs, this is the Javascript fragment to be executed just before the tab is displayed ""
    after This Javascript handler is to be executed after the tab has been made visible ""
    afterload This Javascript handler will be called when content loaded asynchronously has finished loading (using the url parameter described below). Depending on the network latency and server response time, this can be significantly later than execution of the after handler above ""
    url Link from where to load the content of the tab asynchronously when selecting this tab; the result of the addressed handler will replace the content area; if no url is set the content of the TAB ... ENDTAB area will be shown when the tab is selected ""
    container Container element (".someClass" or "#someID") where content will be loaded asynchronously using Ajax; this is only used together with url ".jqTabContents"
    class Add additional class to existing tab class "jqTab" ""
  • Example: See complete example at JQTABPANE
  • Example: Asynchronously load the content of TimBernersLee topic into a tab content:
    %JQTAB{ "Tim Berners-Lee" url="%SCRIPTURL{view}%/TWiki/TimBernersLee?skin=text" }%
  • Category: ApplicationsAndComponentsVariables, FormattingAndRenderingVariables
  • Related: JQENDTAB, JQENDTABPANE, JQTABPANE, JQueryPlugin (this topic)

JQTABPANE -- start a JQuery tab pane

  • Create nice looking horizontal tab panes in TWiki topics. Write a sequence of %JQTAB{"..."}% and %JQENDTAB% pairs, and enclose them in %JQTABPANE% and %JQENDTABPANE%. Tab panes can be nested, e.g. within one tab you can add another tab pane. These variable are handled by the JQueryPlugin.
  • Syntax: %JQTABPANE{ select="1" }% %JQTAB{"Tab 1"}% ... %JQENDTAB% %JQTAB{"Tab 2"}% ... %JQENDTAB% ... %JQENDTABPANE%
  • Supported parameter:
    Parameter: Description: Default:
    select="" Select a tab pane, default is the first tab. "1"
  • Note: A tab can be selected with a tab URL parameter using %JQTABPANE{ select="%URLPARAM{tab}%" }%
  • Example:
    %JQTAB{"Tab 1"}%
    Tab 1 content...
    %JQTAB{"Tab 2"}%
    Tab 2 content...
  • Renders as:

    Tab 1

    Tab 1 content...

    Tab 2

    Tab 2 content...
  • Category: ApplicationsAndComponentsVariables, FormattingAndRenderingVariables
  • Related: JQENDTAB, JQENDTABPANE, JQTAB, JQueryPlugin (this topic)

SET{"name" value="..."} -- set a variable

  • Set a named variable that can be retrieved later with %GET{}%. No output is shown, e.g. %SET{}% resolves to an empty string. It is also possible to set a JSON object using a JSON path. The %SET{}% and %GET{}% variables are handled by the SetGetPlugin.
  • Syntax: %SET{ "name" value="..." remember="1" }%
  • Parameters:
    Parameter Description Default
    "name" Name of variable. Alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores can be used. (required)
    value="..." Value of variable. Escape double quotes with backslash. (required, may be empty)
    remember="1" If set, the variable will be stored persistently so that it can be used later in any TWiki topic. Alternatively use the store parameter. See important notes. "0"
    store="..." Specify a store name to persistently store the variable, such as store="Parts". Use alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores for the name. For better performance, store is preferred over the remember parameter if you need to store a large dataset. See important notes. ""
  • Example: %SET{"lunch" value="Sushi"}% - see more examples.
  • JSON Syntax: %SET{ name = { ... } remember="1" }% - see description.
    • An optional remember="1" or store="..." parameter can be appended. If specified, the JSON object will be stored persistently so that it can be used later in any TWiki topic.
  • Example to set, modify and get a JSON object:
    • %SET{ menu = { "File": { "New": [ "new", "F" ], "Open": [ "open", "F" ] }, "Edit": { "Copy": [ "cpy", "F" ], "Paste": [ "pst", "F" ] } } }% - set a JSON object
    • %GET{ menu }% - returns: {"File":{"New":["new","F"],"Open":["open","F"]},"Edit":{"Copy":["cpy","F"],"Paste":["pst","F"]}}
    • %SET{ menu.File.Open[1] = "T" }% - modify a JSON object
    • %GET{ menu }% - returns: {"File":{"New":["new","F"],"Open":["open","T"]},"Edit":{"Copy":["cpy","F"],"Paste":["pst","F"]}}
    • %SET{ menu.Edit.Cut = [ "cut", "T" ] }% - add to a JSON object
    • %GET{ menu }% - returns: {"File":{"New":["new","F"],"Open":["open","T"]},"Edit":{"Copy":["cpy","F"],"Paste":["pst","F"],"Cut":["cut","T"]}}
  • Category: ApplicationsAndComponentsVariables, DevelopmentVariables
  • Related: GET, IF, SETGETDUMP, SetGetPlugin, SpreadSheetPlugin#FuncSET (this topic)

SETGETDUMP{...} -- dump variables

TWISTY{ attributes } -- dynamically open and close sections of content

VOTE{ id="..." } -- define a poll in a TWiki topic

  • The %VOTE{}% variable is handled by the VotePlugin.
  • Syntax: %VOTE{ id="..." select1="..., ..., ..." }%
  • Parameters:
    Parameter Description Example
    id The identifier of the poll. You can have multiple independent votes in the same topic. id="Dining"
    selectN Defines the name of a select vote, where you select one from a ranges of options. N is a number that identifies this item within the poll e.g. select1, select2 etc. You must number all select and stars parameters uniquely and sequentially (e.g. select1 stars2 select3 select1="Drink"
    optionsN Each selectN must have a corresponding optionsN that defines a comma-separated list of the options that can be selected between. options1="Beer,Wine,Milk"
    starsN Defines the name of a rate vote, where you rate something by giving it a number of stars. N is a number that identifies this item within the poll e.g. select1, stars2 etc. You must number all select and stars parameters uniquely and sequentially (e.g. select1 stars2 select3 stars2="Usability"
    widthN Each starsN must have a corresponding widthN. This gives the number of stars to show e.g. width1="5" will show 5 stars. width2="10"
    formatN Defines the format of the results display. See formatting results, below. format="$large"
    chartN Defines the format of a single bar in the results bar chart generated for the corresponding select (for select type only). See formatting results, below. chart="<p>$option $score</p>"
    separator Defines the string to be used to separate each row in the result. separator="<br/>"
    global If set to "off", this makes the id local to this topic (the default). If set to "on" it will be a global poll that can be accessed from many topics. global="on"
    open If set to "off" this is a closed vote. If set to "on" it is open (the default) open="on"
    secret If set to "off", then the database will record who voted. If set to "on", votes are secret (the default) secret="on"
    saveto If set to the name of a topic, the poll results will be appended to the end of that topic. The results are formatted as a TWiki table for easy post-processing. saveto="Main.VoteResults"
    bayesian If set to "on", rating averages will be computed using the Bayesian average of this item against all the other items that have the same item in their stars field. This requires all the participating %VOTEs to be global, or to save their results to the same place using saveto. See for more information about Bayesian rating. bayesian="off"
    submit If set to "off", this makes the %VOTE display the results of the vote without prompting for any input. This is useful when - for example - you want to show the results of a global vote, without permitting more voting.
  • Example: %VOTE{ id="FavouriteMeal" select1="Drink" options1="Beer,Wine,Milk,Water" select2="Food" options2="Steak,Bread,Pasta,Pizza" }% shows two selectors named "Drink" and "Food", respectively, and a "Vote" button
  • Category: ApplicationsAndComponentsVariables, DatabaseAndFormsVariables
  • Related: VotePlugin (this topic)

WORKFLOW*{} -- manage workflows

  • Associate a "state" with a topic and then control the work flow that the topic progresses through as content is added. The WorkflowPlugin expands the following variables:
  • Controlling topics in the workflow:
    • %WORKATTACHTOPIC% - Expands to a link that lets you attach to the topic (if the user is not able to modify the topic, either in the workflow sense or according to the standard access controls, the link will be struck out).
    • %WORKEDITTOPIC% - Expands to a link that lets you edit the topic (if the user is not able to modify the topic, either in the workflow sense or according to the standard access controls, the link will be struck out).
    • %WORKFLOWFORK{...}% - Expands to a button that will create a copy of the current topic (see below for more details)
    • %WORKFLOWTRANSITION% - Expands to either (a) a pull-down menu if the user can perform more than one transition, (b) a button if the current user can only perform one transition, or (c) empty space if the current user is not allowed to perform any action. You can change the format of the button using a CSS class.
  • Querying the workflow:
    • %WORKFLOWHISTORY% - Expands to the history of state transitions the topic has undergone. The format of the history is dictated by the WORKFLOWHISTORYFORMAT (described below).
    • %WORKFLOWLASTREV_State% - Expands to the version number when the document was last in the state State.
    • %WORKFLOWLASTTIME_State% - Expands to the timestamp when the document was last in the State last state. For example, %WORKFLOWLASTTIME_APPROVED% would be replaced by the timestamp when the document was last in the APPROVED state.
    • %WORKFLOWLASTVERSION_State% - Expands to a link to the version of the document when it was last in the state State.
    • %WORKFLOWSTATE% - Expands to the current state of the document. It can also be given a topic parameter (default), in which case the state of that topic is returned.
    • %WORKFLOWSTATEMESSAGE% - Expands to the corresponding message in the state table.
  • Category: ApplicationsAndComponentsVariables, EditingAndContentUpdateVariables, WorkflowAndAutomationVariables
  • Related: WorkflowPlugin for details (this topic)

Total: 17 variables


Related Topics: TWikiVariables, TWikiVariablesSearch, TWikiVariablesQuickStart

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