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Data cards for QIPBTAG

Mandatory data card :

QFNDIP is needed to find the event interaction point

Optional data cards :

BHIS nnnn
Books default diagnostic histograms, offset by nnnn

Create a private calibration. The user must also CALL BTAG_FIT('filename') in QWTERM, and the output calibration cards will be written to the file 'filename'.

with nn> 3, will force QIPBTAG to calculate the b-tagging probability for the first nn jets of the event, ordered by decreasing energy. If this data card is not provided, nn=3 by default.

BTRK nn 'name'
Define a user track type with ALPHA track name 'name'. Up to 3 track types can be defined per job, nn must be $ \leq$ 3. These tracks will never be removed by QIPBTAG selection cuts. Tracks should be selected or created in QUEVNT and copied to name 'name' before calling QIPBTAG. If the track is a mother track created by vertexing (see KVFITN), its daughter tracks are excluded from QIPBTAG, and the FRFT 2 track number is set to 20000 + ALPHA track number. If the CALB card is present, user defined track types will be calibrated along with the rest.

Use negative impact parameter tracks in the definition of jet, hemisphere, and event probabilities. This slightly enhances efficiency at the cost of the negative impact parameter control sample.
Forces BNEG option off, even if VDET96 option is ON. (Of course, must not be used together with BNEG !).
Define the hemispheres according to the leading jet direction. By default, the event is split by the thrust direction (hemi 1 being positive). The hemisphere axis can also be supplied externally for each event as the ALPHA track of name 'THRUST'.
Overwrite the default jet definition and corresponding angular resolution parameterization. User-supplied jets should have ALPHA track name 'QIPBJETS'.

Include VDET 96 modifications even if one is reading LEP 1 data or MCarlo (VDET description of years 1991 to 1995 included).

Do NOT Include VDET 96 modifications even if one is reading LEP 2 data or MCarlo (VDET description of 1996 and after). Strongly recommended if you are reading LEP1 data reprocessed in 1998.
Overwrite the default track selection cuts. This card is for use by experts only .

Calls the QIPBTCPU routine, see section 12.5.5.

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Joel Closier