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[c]Constant = Fortran parameter
[f]Fortran function
[s]Fortran subroutine
[sf]Fortran statement function
[v]Fortran variable/array stored in a COMMON block

ADBSCONS ALEPH database, may be defined on FDBA data card, 4.1.6 on p. [*]
add vectors: 9.2.2 on p. [*] and 10.3 on p. [*]
ALCORnnn Obsolete: correction file to ALPHA version nnn. All corrections are included into the Alpha library, see Appendix C on p. [*]
ALENFLW Obsolete: library to run ENFLW, QMUIDO, GAMPEX: now in the Alpha library, see Appendix C on p. [*]
ALEPH file types 4.1.1 on p. [*]
ALGUIDE App C on p. [*] Where to find the LATEX source and PostScript file of the present documentation
ALLR parameter on FILO data card: 4.1.4 on p. [*] , ALPHA initialization in QMALPH called from QMINIT: 3.2 on p. [*]
ALPHA+ + C+ + extension of ALPHA: Appendix H on p. [*]
ALPHARUN command file to run ALPHA on VMS:Ch. 2 on p. [*] and App. C on p. [*]
alpharun shell file to run ALPHA on UNIX:Ch. 2 on p. [*] and App. C on p. [*]

azimuth, polar angle: 9.1 on p. [*]
decay angle: 9.1 on p. [*]
access to antiparticles: 7.4.4 on p. [*]
definition on data cards: 4.13.1 on p. [*]
AUBOS [s]ALEPHLIB routine to book BOS banks, use FORBIDDEN in ALPHA: 3.1.5 on p. [*]

batch job see ALPHARUN: 2 on p. [*]
beam position, from chunk-by-chunk information (GET_BP) see XGETBP, etc.: 6.2 on p. [*],
beam position from BOMs 6.5.6 on p. [*]
bending radius of a reconstructed charged track: 8.2.1 on p. [*]
beta see QBETA: 9.1 on p. [*]
BGARB [s]BOS routine to cleanup BOS array, forbidden in ALPHA : 3.1.5 on p. [*]
BHIS data card for QIPBTAG: 12.5.3 on p. [*]

BMACRO standard BOS statement functions: 3.1.2 on p. [*]
BNEG data card for QIPBTAG: 12.5.3 on p. [*]

book histograms: 5.1 on p. [*]
boost Lorentz: 9.6 on p. [*]
BOBS data card for LEP BOMs: 4.16 on p. [*]
BOM beam position from BOMs: 6.5.6 on p. [*]
BOS initialization in QUIBOS: 3.5.5 on p. [*]
BPER data card for MCarlo beam position: 4.15 on p. [*]
BPWT data card for MCarlo beam position: 4.15 on p. [*]
BSIZ data card for MCarlo beam position: 4.15 on p. [*]
BTRK data card for QIPBTAG: 12.5.3 on p. [*]

c [c] speed of light: 6.1 on p. [*]
CALB data card for QIPBTAG: 12.5.3 on p. [*]
CALPHA to use ALPHA from C programs : Appendix H on p. [*]
calorimeter objects 7.1 on p. [*] and 7.3 on p. [*]
CARDS file type: 4.1.1 on p. [*]
of an individual particle: 8.1.1 on p. [*]
on particle table: 15.5 on p. [*]
charged tracks 7.1 on p. [*] and 7.3 on p. [*]
CHTSIM [f] To decide to use QDEDX or QDEDXM in MCarlo analysis 12.1.5 on p. [*]
CLAS Data card for use with event directories to select events: 4.1.5 on p. [*]
reading class word for EDIRs: 6.5.2 on p. [*]
setting class word for EDIRs: 13.3 on p. [*]
``track'' class: 7.4.1 on p. [*] and 8.1.8 on p. [*]

COPY data card: 4.1.7 on p. [*]
track vectors into other track vectors: 9.2.4 on p. [*] and 9.2.9 on p. [*]
track vectors into Fortran arrays: 9.2.7 on p. [*]
Fortran arrays into track vectors: 9.2.13 on p. [*]
CQDATE [v] date at start of job: 6.7.6 on p. [*]
CQFOUT [v] name of output file: 6.7.6 on p. [*]
CQPART [f] particle name for a given integer code: 15.5 on p. [*]
CQTPN [f] track's particle name: 8.1.8 on p. [*]
CQTIME [v] time at start of job: 6.7.6 on p. [*]
CQVERS [v] ALPHA version: 6.7.6 on p. [*]
create new track: 9.2.8 on p. [*]
cross product QVCROS: 9.2.5 on p. [*]

DAF file type - direct access files: 4.1.1 on p. [*]
base - opened in QMINIT: 3.2 on p. [*]
cards - description 4 on p. [*]
set name -conventions 4.1.1 on p. [*]; examples 4.1.2 on p. [*]
daughter particles 7.5.1 on p. [*] and 7.8 on p. [*]
DEBU data card: 4.5 on p. [*]
special VAX debugger features: 2 on p. [*]
level - see KDEBUG: 6.7.2 on p. [*]
decay angle 9.1 on p. [*]
dE/dx 12.1 on p. [*], 8.2.4 on p. [*]
DISP parameter on HIST or FILO data card
dot product 9.1 on p. [*]
DRGA data card: 4.18 on p. [*]
drop tracks 9.2.6 on p. [*]
DST unpacking 4.3 on p. [*]
D0 see QDB
DURHAM jet finding - scaled invariant mass sq. algorithm: 10.11.1 on p. [*]
DWIN data card for QFNDIP cuts: 4.17 on p. [*]

e constant: 6.1 on p. [*]
objects 7.1 on p. [*] and 7.3 on p. [*]
wire energy - see QEECWI: 6.6 on p. [*]
EDIR event directory: 4.1.5 on p. [*]
EFLW energy flow data card: 11.2 on p. [*]
EFOL see energy flow
EFOU data card: to write the EFOL bank on output tape 4.18 on p. [*]
EGPC see GAMPEC, obsolete
ENDQ BOS data card: 4 on p. [*]
center-of-mass LEP energy, see QELEP: 6.3 on p. [*]
for ALPHA tracks, see QE: 8.1.1 on p. [*]
missing energy: 10.10 on p. [*]
energy flow Ch. 11 on p. [*]
ENFLW energy flow algorithm: 11.1 on p. [*]
EPIO file type: machine-independent input / output: 4.1.1 on p. [*]
EVEH bank: 6.5.1 on p. [*]
directories: 4.1.5 on p. [*]
input - see FILI data card: 4.1.2 on p. [*]
output- see FILO data card 4.1.4 on p. [*] and routine QWRITE: 13.2 on p. [*]
processing - see QUEVNT: 3.3 on p. [*]

FDBA Data card to set ADBSCONS database : 4.1.6 on p. [*]
FIEL Data card to set magnetic field: 4.8 on p. [*]
file types = ALEPH file types: 4.1.1 on p. [*]
FILI data card - input data set(s): 4.1.2 on p. [*]
FILO data card - output data set: 4.1.4 on p. [*]
flags user: 8.1.8 on p. [*], 9.2.14 on p. [*]
Fox-Wolfram moments: 10.8 on p. [*]
frame access to Lorentz frames: 7.4.1 on p. [*]
FRF0 data card - ignore vertex det. in track fit: 4.9 on p. [*]
FR10 or FR12 data card - use unsmeared hits for track fits in Mcarlo POTs : 4.10 on p. [*]

gamma see QGAMMA: 9.1 on p. [*]
gamma conversions see QPAIRF: 12.2 on p. [*]
GAMPEC photons: 7.1.1 on p. [*] and 8.3.1 on p. [*]
GAMPEX photons: 7.1.1 on p. [*] and 8.3.2 on p. [*]
GENEVA jet finding - so-called GENEVA algorithm: 10.11.1 on p. [*]
GET_BP(I) [s] Find the event-chunk beam position 6.2 on p. [*]
GETYIJ [s]jet finding ->> yij for a fixed number of jets 10.11.1 on p. [*]

h Planck constant 6.1 on p. [*]
HAC parameters bank offset: 3.1.3 on p. [*]
hbar constant: 6.1 on p. [*]
HBOOK 5.1 on p. [*]
initialization - QUIHIS: 3.5.3 on p. [*]
termination -QUTHIS: 3.5.4 on p. [*]
HCAL objects 7.1 on p. [*] and 7.3 on p. [*]
hemispheres see QJHEMI: 10.9 on p. [*]
High Voltage 6.5.4 on p. [*]
HIS histogram file type 5.2.1 on p. [*]
HIST histogram file data card: 5.2.1 on p. [*]
histograms Ch. 5 on p. [*]
histogram output see 5.2.1 on p. [*] and 5.2.2 on p. [*]
HJET data card for QIPBTAG: 12.5.3 on p. [*]
HTIT data card: general histogram title 4.7.2 on p. [*]

Implicit None 3.1.4 on p. [*]
INCLUDE Fortran statement: 3.1.2 on p. [*]
initialization see QMINIT and QUINIT: 3.2 on p. [*]
invariant mass 9.1 on p. [*]
INVMAS jet finding - invariant mass algorithm: 10.11.1 on p. [*]
IRUN data card: ignore runs 4.1.3 on p. [*]

JADE jet finding - scaled invariant mass sq. algorithm: 10.11.1 on p. [*]
JMES data card for QIPBTAG: 12.5.3 on p. [*]
JULMATCH [s] matching between reconstructed tracks and MC truth: 12.14 on p. [*]
jets 10.11 on p. [*]

KBESTM [f] best match to a charged track: 7.7 on p. [*]
KBFLAG [sf] track flag bits
KBMASK [sf] track mask bits

KCANTI [sf] particle - antiparticle: 15.5 on p. [*]
KCDIR [sf] direct access to particles: 7.4.2 on p. [*]
KCDIRA [sf] direct access to (anti)particles: 7.4.4 on p. [*]
KCHGD [sf] list of associated charged tracks: 7.3 on p. [*]
KCLASS [sf] class KRECO,KMONTE,Lorentz fr.: 8.1.8 on p. [*]
KCLASW [v] event directory class. word: 6.5.2 on p. [*]
KCH [sf] track's charge: 8.1.1 on p. [*]
KCHT [f] original copy of a charged track: 7.6.2 on p. [*]
KDAU [sf] access to daughter particles: 7.5.1 on p. [*]
KDEBUG [v] debug level: 6.7.2 on p. [*]
KECAL [sf] list of associated ECAL objects: 7.3 on p. [*]
KEFOxx [sf] access to ENFLW energy flow informations 11.1.1 on p. [*]
KEIDxx [sf] bank EIDT: 8.2.5 on p. [*]
KENDV [sf] track's end vertex: 7.8 on p. [*]
KEVExx [v] event header bank EVEH: 6.5.1 on p. [*]
KEVH bank: 6.5.3 on p. [*]
KEVT [v] current event number: 6.5.1 on p. [*]
KEXP [v] experiment number: 6.5.1 on p. [*]

KFAST [v] first cal object associated to a charged track: 7.1 on p. [*]
KFCHT [v] first charged track: 7.1 on p. [*]
KFCOT [v] first cal object: 7.1 on p. [*]
KFDCT [v] first decay track: 7.1 on p. [*]
KFIST [v] first isolated cal object: 7.1 on p. [*]
KFJET [v] first reconstructed jet: 7.1 on p. [*]
KFKIV [v] first Kink vertex: 7.1.2 on p. [*]
KFLJET [v] first jet built by subroutine QSELEP : 12.11.8 on p. [*]
KFLVT [v] first reconstructed Long V0 track: 7.1.1 on p. [*]
KFLV0 [v] first reconstructed Long V0 vertex: 7.1.2 on p. [*]

KFMCT [v] first MC particle: 7.1 on p. [*]
KFMCV [v] first MC vertex : 7.1.2 on p. [*]
KFNIV [v] first Nuclear Interaction vertex: 7.1.2 on p. [*]

KFOLLO [sf] following track: 7.4.2 on p. [*]
KRDFL [sf] read user flag: 8.1.8 on p. [*]
KFRET [v] first reconstructed track: 7.1 on p. [*]
KFREV [v] first reconstructed vertex : 7.1.2 on p. [*]
KFRFxx [sf] bank FRFT = track fit: 8.2.1 on p. [*]
KFRIxx [sf] bank FRID: 8.2.3 on p. [*]
KFRTxx [sf] bank FRTL: 8.2.2 on p. [*]
KFV0T [v] first particle pointing to V0: 7.1 on p. [*]

KHCAL [sf] list of associated HCAL objects: 7.3 on p. [*]
KHMAxx [sf] bank HMAD = HCAL-muon association: 8.2.6 on p. [*]
Kinematic fitting 9.3 on p. [*]
KKEVxx [v] bank KEVH 6.5.3 on p. [*]
KLAST [v] last cal object associated to a charged track: 7.1 on p. [*]
KLCHT [v] last charged track: 7.1 on p. [*]
KLCOT [v] last cal object: 7.1 on p. [*]
KLDCT [v] last decay track: 7.1 on p. [*]
KLEPxx [sf] Output variables from subroutine QSELEP : 12.11.6 on p. [*]
KLIST [v] last isolated cal object: 7.1 on p. [*]
KLJET [v] last reconstructed jet: 7.1 on p. [*]
KLJTNO [sf] number of objects inside jet built by QSELEP : 12.11.8 on p. [*]

KLKIV [v] last Kink vertex: 7.1.2 on p. [*]
KLLJET [v] last jet built by subroutine QSELEP : 12.11.8 on p. [*]
KLLVT [v] last reconstructed Long V0 track: 7.1.1 on p. [*]
KLLV0 [v] last reconstructed Long V0 vertex: 7.1.2 on p. [*]
KLMCT [v] last MC particle: 7.1 on p. [*]
KLMCV [v] last MC vertex : 7.1.2 on p. [*]
KLNIV [v] last Nuclear Interaction vertex: 7.1.2 on p. [*]

KLRET [v] last reconstructed track: 7.1 on p. [*]
KLREV [v] last reconstructed vertex : 7.1.2 on p. [*]
KLUNDS [sf] Lund status code: 8.1.8 on p. [*]
KLV0T [v] last particle pointing to V0: 7.1 on p. [*]
KMCAxx [sf] bank MCAD = muon chambers: 8.2.7 on p. [*]
KMOTH [sf] access to mother particle: 7.5.2 on p. [*]
KMTCH [sf] match MC - reconstructed charged tracks: 7.7 on p. [*]
KMUIIF [sf] Muon identification flag for charged tracks: 8.2.8 on p. [*]
KNAST [v] number of cal objects assoc. to a charged track: 7.1 on p. [*]
KNCHGD [sf] number of associated charged tracks: 7.3 on p. [*]
KNCHT [v] number of charged tracks: 7.1 on p. [*]
KNCOT [v] number of cal objects: 7.1 on p. [*]
KNDAU [sf] number of daughters: 7.5.1 on p. [*]
KNDCT [v] number of decay tracks: 7.1 on p. [*]
KNECAL [sf] number of associated ECAL objects: 7.3 on p. [*]
KNEFIL [v] number of events on current input file: 6.7.1 on p. [*]
KNEOUT [v] number of events on output file: 6.7.1 on p. [*]
KNEVT [v] number of events read in up to now: 6.7.1 on p. [*]
KNHCAL [sf] number of associated HCAL objects: 7.3 on p. [*]
KNIST [v] number of isolated cal objects: 7.1 on p. [*]
KNJET [v] number of reconstructed jets: 7.1 on p. [*]
KNLJET [v] number of jets built by subroutine QSELEP : 12.11.8 on p. [*]
KNMCT [v] number of MC particles: 7.1 on p. [*]
KNMCV [v] number of MC vertices : 7.1.2 on p. [*]
KNMOTH [sf] number of mother particles: 7.5.2 on p. [*]
KNMTCH [sf] number of matching particles: 7.7 on p. [*]
KNOVT [v] number of overlap objects: 7.1 on p. [*]
KNREIN [v] number of records read from current input file: 6.7.1 on p. [*]
KNRET [v] number of reconstructed tracks: 7.1 on p. [*]
KNREV [v] number of reconstructed vertices : 7.1.2 on p. [*]
KNTEX [sf] number of TPC sectors for dE/dx: 8.2.4 on p. [*]
KNTRU [f] number of matchings between ENFLW objects and true MC: 11.1.5 on p. [*]

KNV0T [v] number of particle pointing to V0s: 7.1 on p. [*]

KORIV [sf] vertex at origin of track: 7.8 on p. [*]

KPART [f] integer code from particle name: 15.5 on p. [*] and 7.4.3 on p. [*]
KPDIR [f] direct access to particles: 7.4.2 on p. [*]
KPDIRA [f] direct access to (anti)particles: 7.4.4 on p. [*]
KPECxx [sf] bank PECO: 8.2.9 on p. [*]
KPEPxx [sf] bank PEPT: 8.2.10 on p. [*]
KPGAxx [sf] bank PGAC: 8.3.3 on p. [*]
KPHCxx [sf] bank PHCO: 8.2.11 on p. [*]

KRUN [v] run number: 6.5.1 on p. [*]

KSAME [sf] access to same objects: 7.6 on p. [*]
KSMTCH [sf] number of shared hits in match: 7.7 on p. [*]
KSTABC [sf] stability code: 8.1.5 on p. [*]
KSTATU [v] job status (init / event proc. / term): 6.7.2 on p. [*]

KTEXxx [sf] dE/dx bank TEXS: 8.2.4 on p. [*]
KTLOR [f] Lorentz transformation: 9.6.1 on p. [*]
KTLOR1 [f] Lorentz transformation: 9.6.2 on p. [*]
KTN [sf] Julia/Galeph track number: 8.1.8 on p. [*]
KTPCOD [sf] track's particle code: 8.1.8 on p. [*]

KUCARD [v] log. unit for the card file: 6.7.4 on p. [*]
KUCRD2 [v] 2nd log. unit for card files: 6.7.4 on p. [*]
KUCONS [v] log.unit for the data base: 6.7.4 on p. [*]
KUINPU [v] log. unit for event input: 6.7.4 on p. [*]
KUOUTP [v] log. unit for event output: 6.7.4 on p. [*]
KUPRNT [v] log. unit for the line printer output: 6.7.4 on p. [*] and 6.7.4 on p. [*]
KUPTER [v] log. unit for the terminal: 6.7.4 on p. [*] and 6.7.4 on p. [*]

KVBFLG [sf] vertex bit flags
KVDAU [sf] access to tracks from a vertex: 7.8 on p. [*]
KVFITA [f] kinematic fitting: 9.3 on p. [*]
KVFITC [f] Fitting of N tracks with YTOP with mass constraint , 9.4 on p. [*]
KVFITM [f] kinematic fitting: 9.3 on p. [*]
KVFITN [f] Fitting of N tracks with YTOP , 9.4 on p. [*]
KVFITV [f] Fitting of N tracks with YTOP with vertex constraint , 9.4 on p. [*]
KVFTMC [f] Fitting of a subset of n tracks with YTOP with mass constraint , 9.4 on p. [*]
KVGOOD [f] VDET readout: 12.4.3 on p. [*]
KVINCP [sf] incoming particle to a vertex: 7.8 on p. [*]
KVN [sf] Julia/Galeph vertex number: 8.4 on p. [*]
KVNDAU [sf] number of outgoing tracks: 7.8 on p. [*]
KVNEW [f] create new track vector: 9.2.8 on p. [*]
KVSAVE [f] save track: 9.2.9 on p. [*]
KVSAVC [f] save track in specific class: 9.2.12 on p. [*]
KVTYPE [sf] vertex type : 8.4 on p. [*]

KYV0xx [sf] bank YV0V: 8.2.12 on p. [*]

LEP energy see QELEP
lepton identification for Heavy Flavours, see QSELEP : 12.11 on p. [*]
lifetime on particle table: see QCLIFE / QPLIFE: 15.5 on p. [*]
line printer see KUPRNT
LJET Jets built by subroutine QSELEP : 12.11.8 on p. [*]
lock 10.2 on p. [*]
logical units 6.7.4 on p. [*]
loops over tracks (= vectors) and vertices: 7 on p. [*]
Lorentz transformations: 9.6 on p. [*]; see also decay angle: 9.1 on p. [*]
LSxx data cards for QSELEP: 12.11.4 on p. [*]
LUCLUS jet finding algorithm: 10.11.3 on p. [*]
Luminosity value for current run: see XIOKLU,QRINLU,XIOKSI,QRSLLU

main program see QMAIN
of an individual particle: 8.1.1 on p. [*]
invariant mass of a system of particles: 9.1 on p. [*]
missing mass: 10.10 on p. [*]
nominal mass in the particle table: 15.5 on p. [*]
match reconstructed charged tracks and MC particles: 7.7 on p. [*]
match Energy Flow objects and MC particles: 11.1.5 on p. [*]
MCMATCH [s] matching between reconstructed charged tracks and MC truth: 12.13 on p. [*]
MEXT data card: to force the muon extrapolation in HCAL 4.18 on p. [*]
MINA data card: add non-standard banks to a private MINI, App.  D.4 on p. [*]
Mini-DST App. D on p. [*]
card:  4.1.4 on p. [*] and App. D on p. [*]
flag for Mini-DST input: 6.7.3 on p. [*]
MINPdata card for official MINI writing : 4.1.4on p. [*] and App. D on p. [*]
missing mass, energy, momentum: 10.10 on p. [*]
momentum of a particle see QP 8.1.1 on p. [*] / missing momentum 10.10 on p. [*]
Monte Carlo
flag for an event: 6.7.3 on p. [*]
loops over MC particles: 7.1 on p. [*] and 7.4 on p. [*]
particle code: 15.1 on p. [*]
particle table: 15.1 on p. [*]
mother particle 7.5.2 on p. [*]
MUID access to MUID (QMUIDO) information: 8.2.8 on p. [*]

Nano-DST App. E on p. [*]
NANCOM Include File to use when reading a Nano : see previous edition of this manual
NATIVE file type: machine-dependent input/output 4.1.1 on p. [*]
NATIVE parameter on FILI / FILO data cards (q.v.)
NEVT data card: select NEVT events: 4.1.3 on p. [*]
new track KVNEW: 9.2.8 on p. [*]
nominal mass on particle table: 15.5 on p. [*]
NOBG data card for QIPBTAG: 12.5.3 on p. [*]
NOOV parameter on FILO / HIST data cards (q.v.)
NOPH no hostogram printing: 5.2.2 on p. [*]
NOPX data card to suppress rebuilding of PTPX bank for pad dE/dx: 4.18 on p. [*]
NORU parameter on FILO data card: 4.1.4 on p. [*]
NOxx ALPHA process cards: 4.2 on p. [*]
NQIP data card for QIPBTAG: 12.5.3 on p. [*]
NREC parameter on HIST data card : 5.2.1 on p. [*]
NSEQ data card: to read files with runs in any order : 4.1.3 on p. [*]
NSID data card for ENFLW to suppress SICAL cleaning: 4.18 on p. [*]
Ntuples Ch. 5 on p. [*]
NUMJ data card for QIPBTAG: 12.5.3 on p. [*]
NWRT data card: Write NWRT events: 4.1.3 on p. [*]

OQIP data card for QIPBTAG: 12.5.3 on p. [*]
events - see FILO card: 4.1.4 on p. [*] and routine QWRITE: 13.2 on p. [*]
histograms - see HIST data card: 5.2.1 on p. [*]

parameters HAC parameters: 3.1.3 on p. [*]
analysis of particle systems: 7.4.5 on p. [*]
-antiparticle relation: 7.4.4 on p. [*]
attributes: 15.5 on p. [*]
code: 7.4.3 on p. [*] and 15.2 on p. [*]
direct access to specific particles: 7.4 on p. [*]
invariant mass of particle systems: 9.1 on p. [*]
data cards: 15.4 on p. [*]
MC table: 15.1 on p. [*] and 15.4 on p. [*]
standard table 15.4 on p. [*]
PAW interactive analysis of histograms and Ntuples: 5.2.1 on p. [*]
PCOR data card to call QPCORR automatically: 4.18 on p. [*] and 12.20 on p. [*]
PCPA neutral objects from PCPA: 7.1.1 on p. [*] and 11.3 on p. [*]
PGAC bank for photons in ECAL, 8.3.3 on p. [*]
PGPC see GAMPEX ( banks for photons, obsolete )
photon conversions see QPAIRF: 12.2 on p. [*]
photons from GAMPEC: 7.1.1 on p. [*] and 8.3.1 on p. [*]
pi constant: 6.7.6 on p. [*]
PI0DEB [s] Debug printout of $ \pi^{0}_{}$ found by QPI0DO 12.9 on p. [*]
Planck constant: 6.7.6 on p. [*]
PMOD data card: modify particle table 15.4.1 on p. [*]
PNEW data card: new entry into particle table 15.4.2 on p. [*]
PTRA data card: modify MC particle code translation: 15.4.3 on p. [*]
POT unpacking: 4.3 on p. [*]
process ALPHA process cards: 4.2 on p. [*]
PTCLUS jet finding algorithm: 10.11.4 on p. [*]
PVM Running ALPHA in parallel on SAGA: C.3 on p. [*]

QBEAMX [s] size of luminous region: 12.10 on p. [*]
QBETA [sf] beta of a particle: 9.1 on p. [*]
QBMTAG [s] Invariant-mass b-tagging: 12.7 on p. [*]
QBOOKN [s] book Ntuples: 5.1.4 on p. [*]
QBOOKR [s] book Ntuples with run and event number: 5.1.5 on p. [*]
QBOOK1 [s] book 1-dimensional histograms: 5.1.1 on p. [*]
QBOOK2 [s] book 2-dimensional histograms: 5.1.2 on p. [*]
QBPROF [s] book Profile histograms: 5.1.3 on p. [*]
QCDE macro: all parameters, commons etc.: 3.1.2 on p. [*]
QCDESH short subset of QCDE
QCFxxx macros containing statement functions
QCH [sf] track's charge: 8.1.1 on p. [*]
QCOSA [sf] cos (angle between two tracks): 9.1 on p. [*]
QCT [sf] cos (theta): 9.1 on p. [*]

QDATA [s] (quasi) block data
QDB [sf] distance to beam axis: 8.1.4 on p. [*]
QDBS2 [sf] error2 on QDB: 8.1.4 on p. [*]
QDDX [s] combined dE/dx estimation using pads and wires: 12.1.3 on p. [*]
QDECAN [f] decay angle: 9.1 on p. [*]
QDECA2 [f] decay angle: 9.1 on p. [*]
QDEDX [s] dE/dx analysis: 12.1 on p. [*]
QDEDXM [s] dE/dx analysis (MCarlo datasets): 12.1.4 on p. [*]
QDHExx [v] header bank DHEA: obsolete since May 1993
QDMMCL [s]jet finding - scaled invariant mass sq. DURHAM algorithm: 10.11.1 on p. [*]
QDMSQ [sf] mass difference 2: 9.1 on p. [*]
QDOT3 [sf] dot product (3-vector): 9.1 on p. [*]
QDOT4 [sf] dot product (4-vector): 9.1 on p. [*]

QE [sf] energy: 8.1.1 on p. [*]
QEECWI [v] ECAL wire energy: 6.6 on p. [*]
QEIDxx [sf] bank EIDT = electron identification: 8.2.5 on p. [*].
QELEP [v] LEP c.m.s. energy, in GeV: 6.3 on p. [*]
QEWSUM [s] ECAL wire energy on even/odd wire planes: 12.19 on p. [*]
QFILBP_STATUS [s] to know how the beam position with BOMS was found: 12.18 on p. [*]
QFND data card: to call the QFNDIP package 4.17 on p. [*]
QFNDIP [s]event interaction point finding routine 4.17 on p. [*]
QFRFxx [sf] bank FRFT = track fit: 8.2.1 on p. [*]
QFRIxx [sf] bank FRID: 8.2.3 on p. [*]
QFRTxx [sf] bank FRTL = appendix to FRFT: 8.2.2 on p. [*]
QGAMMA [sf] particle's gamma: 9.1 on p. [*]
QGJMMC [s]jet finding : ALPHA interface to ALEPHLIB FJMMCL routine : 10.11.1 on p. [*]
QHFN [s] fill Ntuple: 5.1.7 on p. [*]
QHFNR [s] fill Ntuple with run and event number: 5.1.7 on p. [*]
QHFR [s] fill Ntuple with run and event number: 5.1.6 on p. [*]
QHMAxx [sf] bank HMAD = HCAL-muon association: 8.2.6 on p. [*]

QIDV0 [s]Recalculate V0 4-vector: 9.2.3 on p. [*]

QIPBTAG [f] B-Tagging routine using impact parameter method 12.5 on p. [*]
QITI data card for QIPBTAG: 12.5.3 on p. [*]
QJADDP [s]add 4-vectors: 10.3 on p. [*]
QJEIG [s]eigenvalues of mom. tensor: 10.4 on p. [*]
QJFOXW [s]Fox-Wolfram moments: 10.8 on p. [*]
QJHEMI [s]divide the event into two hemispheres: 10.9 on p. [*]
QJMISS [s]missing energy, mass, and momentum: 10.10 on p. [*]
QJMDCL [s]jet finding - scaled minimum distance algorithm: 10.11.2 on p. [*]
QJMMCL [s]jet finding - scaled invariant mass sq. JADE algorithm: 10.11.1 on p. [*]
QJLUCL [s]jet finding - LUCLUS: 10.11.3 on p. [*]
QJOPTM [s]select MC particles for QJxxxx routines: 10.1.2 on p. [*]
QJOPTR [s]select reconstructed objects for QJxxxx routines: 10.1.1 on p. [*]
QJPTCL [s]jet finding - PTCLUS: 10.11.4 on p. [*]
QJSPHE [s]sphericity: 10.6 on p. [*]
QJTENS [s]linearized momentum tensor: 10.5 on p. [*]
QJTHRU [s]thrust value / axis: 10.7 on p. [*]

QKEVxx [v] bank KEVH: 6.5.3 on p. [*]

QKINKT [s] to get the list of tracks ending in Kink Vertices: 8.5 on p. [*]

QKINKV [s] to get first/last Kink Vertices: 7.1.2 on p. [*]

QLEPxx [sf] Output variables from subroutine QSELEP : 12.11.6 on p. [*]
QLID data card to trigger the execution of QSELEP : 12.11 on p. [*]
QLTRK [s] lock individual track: 10.2.1 on p. [*]
QLOCK [s] lock track family: 10.2.3 on p. [*]
QLOCK2 [s] lock track family: 10.2.6 on p. [*]
QLREV [s] reverse lock: 10.2.5 on p. [*]
QLREV2 [s] reverse lock: 10.2.6 on p. [*]
QLUTRK [s] unlock individual track: 10.2.2 on p. [*]
QLV0T [s] to get first/last Long V0 Tracks: 7.1.1 on p. [*]
QLV0V [s] to get first/last Long V0 Vertices: 7.1.2 on p. [*]

QLZER [s] zero lock: 10.2.4 on p. [*]
QLZER2 [s] zero lock: 10.2.6 on p. [*]

QM [sf] particle's mass: 8.1.1 on p. [*]
QMACRO macro: statement functions: 3.1.2 on p. [*]
QMAIN ALPHA main program: App. A on p. [*]
QMASV0 [f]V0 mass: 8.1.2 on p. [*]; see also QIDV0.
QMCAxx [sf] bank MCAD = muon chambers: 8.2.7 on p. [*]
QMCHI2 [f] $ \chi^{2}_{}$ from mass difference: 9.1 on p. [*]
QMCHIF [f] $ \chi^{2}_{}$ for track mass-constrained fit : 9.1 on p. [*]
QMCHIV [f] $ \chi^{2}_{}$/NDF for vertex fit : 9.1 on p. [*]
QMDIFF [f] mass difference: 9.1 on p. [*]
QMFLD [v] ALEPH magnetic field: 6.2 on p. [*]
QMINIT [s] system initialization: 3.2 on p. [*]
QMUIDO [s] muon identification: 12.3 on p. [*] and 8.2.8 on p. [*]
QMSQ2,QMSQ3,QMSQ4 [sf] invariant mass2: 9.1 on p. [*]
QMTERM [s] system termination: 3.4 on p. [*] and 13.1 on p. [*]
QM2,QM3,QM4 [sf] invariant mass: 9.1 on p. [*]
QNCDE Include File to use when reading a Nano : see previous edition of this manual
QNMACR Macro of statement functions to be used when reading a Nano : see previous edition of this manual

QNTEX [sf] number of sectors for dE/dx: 8.2.4 on p. [*]
QNUCL [s] to get first/last Nuclear Interaction Vertices: 7.1.2 on p. [*]
QP [sf] momentum: 8.1.1 on p. [*]
QPAIRF [s] photon conversions: 12.2 on p. [*]
QPCHAR [f] particle table charge: 15.5 on p. [*]
QPCORR [s] ``sagitta correction" to charged particle momenta: 12.20 on p.  [*] see also the PCOR data card 4.18 on p. [*]
QPECxx [sf] bank PECO: 8.2.9 on p. [*]
QPEPxx [sf] bank PEPT: 8.2.10 on p. [*]
QPGAxx [sf] bank PGAC: 8.3.3 on p. [*]
QPHCxx [sf] bank PHCO: 8.2.11 on p. [*]
QPH [sf] track's azimuth: 9.1 on p. [*]
QPI0BK [f] Subroutine booking internal histograms for QPI0DO 12.9 on p. [*]
QPI0DO [f] $ \pi^{0}_{}$ finding routine 12.9 on p. [*]
QPLIFE [f] particle table life time: 15.5 on p. [*]
QPMASS [f] particle table mass: 15.5 on p. [*]
QPPAR [sf] momentum parallel to a vector: 9.1 on p. [*]
QPPER [sf] momentum perpendicular to a vector: 9.1 on p. [*]
QPT [sf] transverse momentum: 9.1 on p. [*]
QPWIDT [f] particle table width: 15.5 on p. [*]

QQC [c] speed of light: 6.7.6 on p. [*]
QQE [c] e: 6.7.6 on p. [*]
QQH [c] hbar: 6.7.6 on p. [*]
QQHC [c] hbar * c 6.7.6 on p. [*]
QQIRP [c] factor between inv. bending radius and momentum: 6.7.6 on p. [*]
QQPI [c] $ \pi$: 6.7.6 on p. [*]
QQPIH [c] $ \pi$ / 2: 6.7.6 on p. [*]
QQRADP [c] 360 / $ \pi$: 6.7.6 on p. [*]
QQ2PI [c] 2 $ \pi$: 6.7.6 on p. [*]

QRDFL [sf] read user flag: 8.1.8 on p. [*]
QRINLU [sf] LCAL luminosity for current run: 6.2 on p. [*]
QRSLLU [sf] SiCAL luminosity for current run: 6.2 on p. [*]
QSELEP [s] Lepton Identification for Heavy Flavours : 12.11 on p. [*]
QSIGxx [sf] track's error matrix: 8.1.3 on p. [*]
QSTFLI [s] set user flag (integer): 9.2.14 on p. [*]
QSTFLR [s] set user flag (real): 9.2.14 on p. [*]
QSTRU [f] matching quantity for ENFLW/MC matching:11.1.5 on p. [*]

QSUSTR [s] allocate user's track space 14.1.1 on p. [*]
QSUSVX [s] allocate user's vertex space 14.1.2 on p. [*]

QTCLAS [s] Lorentz transformation: 9.6.3 on p. [*]
QTEXxx [sf] bank TEXS = dE/dx: 8.2.4 on p. [*]
QTIME [v] as given on the TIME data card: 6.7.5 on p. [*]
QTIMEL [v] remaining job time: 6.7.5 on p. [*]
QTRUTH [s] History of a reconstructed MCarlo track : 12.12 on p. [*]

QUEVNT [s] event processing user routine: 3.3 on p. [*]
QUIBOS [s] initialize BOS: 3.5.5 on p. [*]
QUIHIS [s] initialize histograms: 3.5.3 on p. [*]
QUINIT [s] user initialization routine: 3.2 on p. [*]
QUNEWR [s] user routine: called for every new run: 3.5.1 on p. [*]
QUSREC [s] special records: 3.5.2 on p. [*]
QUTERM [s] user termination routine: 3.4 on p. [*]
QUTHIS [s] terminate histograms: 3.5.4 on p. [*]
QVADD2, QVADD3, QVADD4, QVADDN [s] add track vectors: 9.2.2 on p. [*]
QVCHIF [sf] chisquare of vertex fit: 8.4 on p. [*]
QVCOPY [s] copy track vectors: 9.2.4 on p. [*]
QVCROS [s] cross product: 9.2.5 on p. [*]
QVDHIT [s] VDET hits: 12.4.1 on p. [*]
QVDROP [s] drop tracks: 9.2.6 on p. [*]
QVEM [sf] vertex error matrix: 8.4 on p. [*]
QVGETS [s] copy error matrix into Fortran array: 9.2.7 on p. [*]
QVGET3,QVGET4 [s] copy track vector into Fortran array: 9.2.7 on p. [*]
QVKINK [s] get special attributes of a kink vertex 8.5 on p. [*]
QVSCAL [s] scale track momentum: 9.2.13 on p. [*]
QVSETM [s] set mass of a track: 9.2.13 on p. [*]
QVSETS [s] copy Fortran array into error matrix: 9.2.13 on p. [*]
QVSET3,QVSET4 [s] copy Fortran array into track vector: 9.2.13 on p. [*]
QVSRCH [f] Routine for secondary vertices and B-tagging 12.8 on p. [*]
QVSUB [s] subtract track vectors: 9.2.15 on p. [*]
QVTEBP(I) [v] i=1,2,3 : x,y,z errors on beam position from GET_BP 6.2 on p. [*]
QVTSBP(I) [v] i=1,2,3 : x,y,z size of the beam spot from GET_BP 6.2 on p. [*]
QVTXBP(I) [v] i=1,2,3 : x,y,z beam position from GET_BP 6.2 on p. [*]
QVX,QVY,QVZ [sf] vertex position: 8.4 on p. [*]
QV0CHK [f] Computes chisq of V0 track w.r.t main vertex , 9.5 on p. [*]
QVZERO [s] zero track vector: 9.2.16 on p. [*]
QWCLAS [s] set classification word for EDIRs: 13.3 on p. [*]
QWEVNT [s] print whole event: 13.5.3 on p. [*]
QWHEAD [s] print event header: 13.5.4 on p. [*]
QWHFUL [s] print full event header: 13.5.5 on p. [*]
QWHICH_BP [s] to know how the beam spot was found: 12.17 on p. [*]
QWHICH_EN [s] to know how the LEP energy QELEP was found: 12.16 on p. [*]
QWITK [s] print individual track(s): 13.5.6 on p. [*]
QWIVX [s] print individual vertices: 13.5.7 on p. [*]
QWMESS [s] message routine: 13.5.1 on p. [*]
QWMESE [s] message routine: 13.5.2 on p. [*]
QWRITE [s] event output routine: 13.2 on p. [*]
QWSEC [s] print section of tracks/vertices: 13.5.8 on p. [*]
QWTIME [s] print time consumption: 13.4.1 on p. [*]
QWTREE [s] print decay chain tree: 13.5.9 on p. [*]
QX [sf] x-momentum: 8.1.1 on p. [*]
QY [sf] y-momentum: 8.1.1 on p. [*]
QZ [sf] z-momentum: 8.1.1 on p. [*]
QZB [sf] z-distance to interaction point: 8.1.4 on p. [*]
QZBS2 [sf] error2 on QZB: 8.1.4 on p. [*]

QYV0xx [sf] bank YV0V: 8.2.12 on p. [*]

READ data card; read cards from several card files: 4.4 on p. [*]
RECL parameter on HIST data card : 5.2.1 on p. [*]
REPG data card: to redo the GAMPEK photon search on POT/DST 4.18 on p. [*]
REV0 data card: to redo the V0 finding on POT/DST 4.18 on p. [*]
change: 3.5.1 on p. [*]
information: 6.2 on p. [*]
selection: 4.1.3 on p. [*]

objects in diff. Lorentz frames, with diff. hypotheses: 7.6 on p. [*]
two particles based on the same object - see XSAME: 8.1.7 on p. [*]
save tracks KVSAVE; KVSAVC: 9.2.12 on p. [*] and 9.2.9 on p. [*]
scale momentum QVSCAL: 9.2.13 on p. [*]
SCANBOOK interactive tool to create FILI cards: 4.1.2 on p. [*]
selection see run/event selection: 4.1.3 on p. [*]
SELR parameter on FILO data card 4.1.4 on p. [*]
set mass QVSETM: 9.2.13 on p. [*]
SEVT data card: select events 4.1.3 on p. [*]
SFALPHA Obsolete: tool to run ALPHA on SHIFT, see alpharun C.3 on p. [*]
SIBE data card for MCarlo beam spots mearing 4.15 on p. [*]
slow control read s.c. records: 3.5.2 on p. [*]
speed of light constant: 6.7.6 on p. [*]
sphericity 10.6 on p. [*], 10.4 on p. [*]
SRUN data card: select runs 4.1.3 on p. [*]
stagelist interactive tool to know which datasets are staged on CERN UNIX computers: 4.1.2 on p. [*]
start ALPHA interactively or in batch: Ch. 2 on p. [*]
STOP Fortran statement: forbidden: 3.4 on p. [*]
submit a job Ch. 2 on p. [*]
subtract track vectors: 9.2.15 on p. [*]
SYNT data card: indicates a syntax check run 4.14 on p. [*]

tapes 4.1.2 on p. [*]
terminal output see KUPTER
thrust 10.7 on p. [*]
TIME data card: time to terminate the job properly 4.6 on p. [*]
time remaining job time: see QTIMEL 6.7.5 on p. [*]
timing time consumption: 13.4 on p. [*]
title general title for HBOOK histograms: 5.2.3 on p. [*]
topology routines: Ch. 10 on p. [*]
TRA2 data card for QIPBTAG: 12.5.3 on p. [*]
class: 7.4.1 on p. [*]
track number: Ch. 7 on p. [*]
trigger information 6.5.5 on p. [*]
TXTREE [s] Create LATEX source for a MC true particle decay tree: 13.5.10 on p. [*]

UNIX App. C on p. [*]
unpack POT/DST/MINI unpacking: 4.3 on p. [*]
UNPK data card: control POT/DST/MINI unpacking 4.3 on p. [*]
UPDA parameter on HIST data card 5.2.1 on p. [*]
unit log. input / output units: 6.7.4 on p. [*]
units ALEPH phys. unit system: 6 on p. [*]
user routines Ch. 3 on p. [*]
user track / vertex sections 9.2.8 on p. [*]

utility routines: 12.4 on p. [*]
tracks not using VDET: 4.9 on p. [*]
VDHMATCH [s] VDET hit matching between reconstructed charged tracks and MC truth: 12.15 on p. [*]
vector synonym for ``track'' or ``particle''
class: 7.4.1 on p. [*] and 8.1.8 on p. [*]
number - see track or vertex number
operations: 9.2 on p. [*]
vertex number Ch. 7 on p. [*]
V0 mass 8.1.2 on p. [*] and 9.2.3 on p. [*]

width see particle table: 15.5 on p. [*]
events - see FILO data card: 4.1.4 on p. [*] and QWRITE: 13.2 on p. [*]
on line printer, terminal: Ch. 2 on p. [*]

XCEQAN, XCEQOR, XCEQU [sf] check particle name: 8.1.6 on p. [*]
XEFO [sf] does EFOL exist ? 8.2.13 on p. [*]
XEID [sf] does EIDT exist ? 8.2.5 on p. [*]
XFRF [sf] do FRFT and FRTL exist ? 8.2.1 on p. [*]
XGETBP [v] Is the event-chunk beam position from GET_BP available? 6.2 on p. [*]
XHMA [sf] does HMAD exist ? 8.2.6 on p. [*]
XHVTRG [v] detector HV and trigger status: 6.5.4 on p. [*]
XIOKLU [sf] LCAL luminosity available for current run ? 6.2 on p. [*]
XIOKSI [sf] SiCAL luminosity available for current run ? 6.2 on p. [*]
XLEPTG [sf] track is a Lepton tagged by QSELEP ? : 12.11.6 on p. [*]
XLEPTH [sf] MCarlo track is tagged by QTRUTH ? : 12.11.7 on p. [*]
XLOCK [sf] track locked? 10.2 on p. [*]
XLUMOK see XHVTRG: 6.5.4 on p. [*]
XMC [sf] MC particle? 8.1.8 on p. [*]
XMCA [sf] does MCAD exist? 8.2.7 on p. [*]
XMCEV [v] MC event? 6.7.3 on p. [*]
XMINI [v] event input MINI? 6.7.3 on p. [*]
XNANO [v] event input NANO? 6.7.3 on p. [*]
XPEQAN,XPEQOR,XPEQU [f] test particle name: 8.1.6 on p. [*]
XPGAC [sf] does PGAC exist ? 8.3.3 on p. [*]
XSAME [sf] tracks based on the same object? 8.1.7 on p. [*]
XTEX [sf] does TEXS exist? 8.2.4 on p. [*]
XVITC,XVTPC, etc. [v] detector HV status: 6.5.4 on p. [*]
XVDEOK [f] VDET HV: 12.4.2 on p. [*]

YTOP [s] Vertex finding package: 9.4 on p. [*]
zero track vectors: 9.2.16 on p. [*]
Z0 see QZB

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Joel Closier