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Smear 3-d impact parameter in Monte Carlo: QSMEAR

The routine QSMEAR may be used AFTER a call to QIPBTAG.

Its purpose is to smear the three dimensional impact parameter significance and delete extra tracks in the Monte Carlo. It includes options for doing this work dependently on the polar angle and momentum of the tracks.

Calling sequence:

\fbox {

Input Arguments:

LOGICAL = Is this the first call to QSMEAR since calling QIPBTAG (or QIPBTAG2) ?

CHAR*1 = '1' if being used after call to QIPBTAG
= '2' if being used after call to QIPBTAG2.
CHAR*1 = '0' no smearing correction at all.
= 'N' no binning in theta/p for smearing.
= 'T' binning in theta for smearing.
= 'P' binning in p for smearing.
= 'B' binning in both theta/p for smearing.
CHAR*1 = '0' no track deletion at all.
= 'N' no binning in theta/p for deletion.
= 'T' binning in theta for deletion.
= 'P' binning in p for deletion.
= 'B' binning in both theta/p for deletion.
Same arguments of call to QIPBTAG.

Output Arguments:

Same arguments overwritten with smeared values.

The -ve tag quantities in /BTAGRAW/ are also smeared.

It is possible to smear Monte Carlo from a different year than the data by including the card QPYR in the ALPHA card file with a YYMM code as an argument. Example:

QPYR 9701

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Joel Closier