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Access to particle properties

Inside an ALPHA job, particle properties can be obtained by specifying the particle either by name (symbols starting with the characters ``QP'' or ``KP'') or by the integer code (``QC'' or ``KC''). The particle code has to be set by calling the function ICODE = KPART ('part-name') at least once per job. For more details, see 7.4.3.

KPART ('part-name')
Integer particle code for `part-name'
CQPART (intg-code)
Particle name (12 characters; trailing characters filled with blank spaces)
KPANTI ('part-name', IANTI)

If IANTI = 0: integer code for `part-name' If IANTI unequal to 0: integer code for the antiparticle of `part-name'

KCANTI (intg-code, IANTI)
QPMASS ('part-name')
nominal mass

QCMASS (intg-code)
QPCHAR ('part-name')
QCCHAR (intg-code)
QPLIFE ('part-name')
life time
QCLIFE (intg-code)
QPWIDT ('part-name')
QCWIDT (intg-code)

To check the particle names of ALPHA ``tracks'', see sections 8.1.6 and 8.1.8.

Warning : All above functions which have a particle name as input argument are case-insensitive .

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Joel Closier