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Bank description

All banks described here must not be written to an output file.

| QVEC |              TRACKS
 1   number of words / track
 2   maximum allowed number of tracks
Basic attributes
 1   QX   F   PX
 2   QY   F   PY
 3   QZ   F   PZ
 4   QE   F   Energy
 5   QM   F   Mass
 6   QP   F   momentum
 7   CH   F   CHarge

 8   TN   I   JULIA / GALEPH Track Number
 9   SC   I   stability code
10   KS   I   LUND status code
11   CL   I   track CLass
12   PA   I   ALEPH particle code
13   QD   I   offset for corresponding row in QDET (NOT the row number !)
14   NP   I   pointer to Next Particle / same particle code / same class
15   SP   I   Same Particle, different hypothesis or Lorentz frame
16   OV   I   Origin Vertex no
17   EV   I   End Vertex no

18   ND   I   Number of Decay particles
19   DL   I   offset of 1st daughter in particle List QLIN
20   NO   I   Number of mother particles
21   OL   I   offset of 1st mother in particle List QLIN
22   NM   I   Number of Matches
23   ML   I   Match list = row offset in banks QMTL and QMTS
24   BM   I   Lock Bit masks ( up to 448 tracks allowed )
38   LK   I   QLITK flag
39   DB   F   Distance of closest approach to beam axis (if track pointing
              to the main vertex) or to the corresponding secondary vertex.
40   ZB   F   Z coordinate of point where DB is measured.
41   SD   F   Error**2 on DB
42   SZ   F   Error**2 on DZ
43   CB   F   Chi**2 corresponding do DB and DZ.

Error Matrix
44-53 EM  F   triangular covariance matrix
54    CF  F   chi**2 from last kinematical fit
55    EW  F   weight from energy flow analysis
56-73 US      User space

 1   number of words / track
 2   maximum allowed number of tracks
 1   AF   I   offset for corresponding row in bank FRFT (NOT row number !)
 2   AL   I   offset for corresponding row in bank FRTL
 3   NT   I   number of segments in bank TEXS
 4   AT   I   offset for corresponding rows in bank TEXS (MAX : 5)
 8   LT   I   last allowed AT address

 9   AE   I   offset for corresponding row in bank EIDT
10   AH   I   offset for corresponding row in bank HMAD
11   AM   I   offset for corresponding row in bank MCAD
12   CF   I   calorimeter flag (<0 : ass, > 0 : isol, abs=1 : ECAL; =2 : HCAL)
13   EC   I   offset for corresponding row in bank PECO
14   HC   I   offset for corresponding row in bank PHCO
15   ET   I   offset for corresponding row in bank PEPT
16   FI   I   offset for corresponding row in bank FRID
17   NF   I   number of associated charged tracks
18   FL   I   offset of 1st ass. ch. track in list QLIN
19   NE   I   number of associated ECAL objects
20   EL   I   offset of 1st ass. ECAL object in list QLIN
21   NH   I   number of associated HCAL objects
22   HL   I   offset of 1st ass. HCAL object in list QLIN
23   LH   I   overlap - associated
24   EF   I   offset for corresponding row in bank EFOL
25   PC   I   offset for corresponding row in bank PCQA
26   EG   I   offset for corresponding row in bank EGPC
27   MU   I   offset for corresponding row in bank MUID
28   DX   I   offset for corresponding row in bank
29   PG   I   offset for corresponding row in bank PGPC
30   PD   I   offset for corresponding row in bank PDLT
31   PM   I   offset for corresponding row in bank PMLT

| QVRT |              VERTICES
 1   number of words / vertex
 2   maximum allowed number of vertices
 1   VX   F   XPosition
 2   VY   F   YPosition
 3   VZ   F   ZPosition
 4   VN   I   JULIA /GALEPH Vertex number
 5   TY   B   vertex TYpe

 6   IP   I   track number of Incoming Particle
 7   ND   I   Number of Decay particles
 8   DL   I   offset for decay particle list
 9   AY   I   offset for corresponding row in YV0V
10   AF   I   offset for corresponding row in FVER
11-16 EM  F   triangular error matrix
17    CF  F   chi**2 for vertex fit -- filled by KVFITN, KVFITV
18-25 ET  F   track-vertex error matrix
26-30         User space

 1   number of track classes = 8
 2   maximum number of rows
 1   xx   I   ALPHA track number
              each row contains the 1st particle for a given class
              in order KRECO , KMONTE , Lorentz frames
              1 row per particle , pointed by QPLI

*------*                (e.g. : daughter -> mother)
 1   number of words / row = 1
 2   maximum allowed number of relations
 1   xx   I   ALPHA track number

| QMTL |              MATCH LIST
 1   number of columns = 1
 2   maximum allowed number of track matches
 1   xx   I   ALPHA Track number

 1   number of columns = 1
 2   maximum allowed number of track matches
 1   xx   I   Number of shared hits

 1   number of words / particle = 10
 2   maximum allowed number of particles
     The attributes are exactly the same as in the PART bank.

*------*              (Parallel to QPAR bank)
 1   number of columns = 1
 2   maximum allowed number of particles
 1   xx   I   bit flag
              bit 1 : used in function KPC
              bit 2 : particle attributes set by a data card
              bit 3 : particle attributes set by MC table
              bit 4 : pseudo-particle
              bit 5 : particle defined on a PTRA card

 1   number of columns = 1
 2   maximum allowed number of particles
 1   xx   I   pointer to QFPA row for this particle

 1   number of columns = 1
 2   maximum allowed number of particles in MC table
 1   xx   I   internal particle code

Joel Closier