GSL-- File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
annealing.hhAnnealing class
bernoulli.hhRandom bernoulli classes
beta.hhRandom beta classes
binomial.hhRandom binomial classes
bivariate_gaussian.hhRandom bivariate_gaussian classes
blas.hhBlas class
blas_base.hhBasic declarations for BLAS module
blas_complex_double.hhcomplex<double> specialisation of blas class
blas_double.hhdouble specialisation of blas class
blas_float.hhfloat specialisation of blas class
cauchy.hhRandom cauchy classes
chebyshev.hhChebyshev class
chisq.hhRandom chisq classes
cholesky_decomposition_double.hhBase template for Linear Algebra classes
combination.hhA combination representation
command_line.hhCommand line parser
complex.hhInclude all declarations of the complex classes
complex_base.hhBase template for complex classes
complex_double.hhStubs for declarations of gslmm::complex<T> specialisations
complex_long_double.hhStubs for declarations of gslmm::complex<T> specialisations
constant/constant.hhConstant class
math/constant.hhMathematical constants
dataset_char.hhStatistic class for char
dataset_double.hhStatistic class for double
dataset_float.hhStatistic class for float
dataset_int.hhStatistic class for int
dataset_long.hhStatistic class for long
dataset_long_double.hhStatistic class for long double
dataset_short.hhStatistic class for short
dataset_unsigned_char.hhStatistic class for unsigned char
dataset_unsigned_int.hhStatistic class for unsigned int
dataset_unsigned_long.hhStatistic class for unsigned long
dataset_unsigned_short.hhStatistic class for unsigned short
differentiation.hhDifferentiation class
dir.hhRandom dir classes
dirichlet.hhRandom dirichlet classes
discrete.hhRandom distribution classes
distribution.hhRandom distribution classes
divide_difference.hhNewtons divide difference representation of a polynomial
divide_difference_base.hhNewtons divide difference representation of a polynomial
divide_difference_double.hhNewtons divide difference representation of a polynomial - double specialisation
eigen.hhEigen class
erlang.hhRandom erlang classes
error_handler.hhDeclaration of gslmm::error_handler
exponential.hhRandom exponential classes
exponential_power.hhRandom exponential_power classes
fdist.hhRandom fdist classes
fdl.ccGNU Free Documentation License
fit.hhFit class
flat.hhRandom flat classes
fourier.hhFourier class
function_1d.hhA 1D generalised function
function_base.hhAbstract base class for functions of all kinds
gamma.hhRandom gamma classes
gaussian.hhRandom gaussian classes
gaussian_bivariate.hhRandom gaussian_bivariate classes
gaussian_tail.hhRandom gaussian_tail classes
generator.hhRandom number generator class
geometric.hhRandom geometric classes
gslmm-util.hhVarious utility macros, etc
gumbel.hhRandom gumbel classes
hankel.hhHankel class
histogram.ccMake a 1D histogram of the data input
histogram.hhHistogram class
histogram_1d.hhHistogram class
histogram_2d.hhHistogram class
histogram_base.hhHistogram class
hypergeometric.hhRandom hypergeometric classes
ieee.hhSet up the IEEE floating point environment
ieee_representation.hhRepresetation of real values numbers
integration.hhIntegration class
interpolation.hhInterploation class
landau.hhRandom landau classes
laplace.hhRandom laplace classes
levy.hhRandom levy classes
levy_skew.hhRandom levy_skew classes
lgpl.ccGNU Lesser General Public License
fit/linear.hhFit class
linear/linear.hhLinear class
linear_base.hhBase template for matricies classes
logarithmic.hhRandom logarithmic classes
logistic.hhRandom logistic classes
lognormal.hhRandom lognormal classes
lq_decomposition_double.hhBase template for Linear Algebra classes
lq_decomposition_pivot_double.hhBase template for Linear Algebra classes
lu_decomposition_complex_double.hhBase template for Linear Algebra classes
lu_decomposition_double.hhBase template for Linear Algebra classes
machine.hhMachine specific constants
mainpage.ccTitle page documentation
matrix.hhDeclaration of matrix classses. A base template class as well as some specialisation are declared in this file
matrix_base.hhBase template for matricies classes
matrix_char.hhchar specialisation of matrix class
matrix_complex_double.hhcomplex<double> specialisation of matrix class
matrix_double.hhdouble specialisation of matrix class
matrix_float.hhfloat specialisation of matrix class
matrix_int.hhint specialisation of matrix class
matrix_long.hhlong specialisation of matrix class
matrix_long_double.hhlong double specialisation of matrix class
matrix_manip.hhBasic declarations of matrix manipulators
matrix_oper.hhBase template for matricies classes
matrix_short.hhshort specialisation of matrix class
matrix_unsigned_char.hhunsigned char specialisation of matrix class
matrix_unsigned_int.hhunsigned int specialisation of matrix class
matrix_unsigned_long.hhunsigned long specialisation of matrix class
matrix_unsigned_short.hhunsigned short specialisation of matrix class
minimization.hhMinimization class
montecarlo.hhMontecarlo class
multinomial.hhRandom multinomial classes
negative_binomial.hhRandom negative_binomial classes
ntuple.hhNtuple class
option.hhCommand line option
ordinary.hhOrdinary class
pareto.hhRandom pareto classes
pascal.hhRandom pascal classes
permutation.hhA permutation $ p $ representation
poisson.hhRandom poisson classes
polynomial.hhDeclaration file for all polynomial classes
polynomial_base.hhA polynomial
polynomial_double.hhPolynomial - double specialisations
qr_decomposition_double.hhBase template for Linear Algebra classes
qr_decomposition_pivot_double.hhBase template for Linear Algebra classes
quasi_generator.hhQuasi_random class
rayleigh.hhRandom rayleigh classes
rayleigh_tail.hhRandom rayleigh_tail classes
root.hhRoot class
series.hhSeries class
sort.hhSort class
special.hhSpecial class
statistic.hhStatistic class
statistic_base.hhStatistic class
sv_decomposition_double.hhBase template for Linear Algebra classes
taylor_expansion.hhRepresentation of a tayler expansion
taylor_expansion_base.hhRepresentation of a tayler expansion
taylor_expansion_double.hhRepresentation of a tayler expansion
tdist.hhRandom tdist classes
test_suite.hhDeclaration of test suite class
type_trait.hhType constants
utility.hhVarious mathematical utility functions
vector.hhDeclaration of vector classses. A base template class as well as some specialisation are declared in this file
vector_base.hhDeclaration of vector classses. A base template class as well as some specialisation are declared in this file
vector_char.hhVector specialisation for char
vector_complex_double.hhVector specialisation for complex<double>
vector_double.hhVector specialisation for double
vector_float.hhVector specialisation for float
vector_int.hhVector specialisation for int
vector_long.hhVector specialisation for long
vector_long_double.hhVector specialisation for long double
vector_short.hhVector specialisation for short
vector_unsigned_char.hhVector specialisation for unsigned char
vector_unsigned_int.hhVector specialisation for unsigned int
vector_unsigned_long.hhVector specialisation for unsigned long
vector_unsigned_short.hhVector specialisation for unsigned short
weibull.hhRandom weibull classes
weighted_dataset_double.hhStatistic class for double
weighted_dataset_float.hhStatistic class for float
weighted_dataset_long_double.hhStatistic class for long double
Top of page Last update Tue May 9 10:11:10 2006
Christian Holm
Created by DoxyGen 1.4.6