GSL-- Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
gslmm::_matrix_manip_mult< T >Class that represents a matrix-matrix product
gslmm::_matrix_manip_vector_mult< T >Class that represents a matrix-matrix product
gslmm::_matrix_mult< T >Class that represents a matrix-matrix product
gslmm::_matrix_vector_mult< T >Class that represents a matrix-matrix product
gslmm::annealing< T, Printer, Allocator >Perform a simulated annealing
gslmm::annealing< T, Printer, Allocator >::statusInternal status structure
gslmm::annealing_printer< T >Default printer for annealing
optionmm::basic_command_line< ErrorHandler >Command line parser
optionmm::basic_option< Type, argument, multivalue, Trait >Command line option class
gslmm::bernoulliBernoulli distribution interface class
gslmm::beta$\beta$ distribution interface class
gslmm::binomialBinomial distribution interface class
gslmm::bivariate_gaussianGaussian Bivrate distribution interface class
gslmm::cauchyCauchy distribution interface class
gslmm::cerr_policyAn error handling policy
gslmm::chebyshev_seriesChebyshev series approximation
gslmm::chisq$\chi^2$ distribution interface class
cholesky_decompositionBasic template for Cholesky decompositions of matricies
gslmm::cholesky_decomposition< double >Class template specialisation for Cholesky decompositions of matricies of type double
gslmm::combinationA combination representation
gslmm::complex< T >Complex numbers (base template)
gslmm::complex< double >double Specialisation of gslmm::complex<T>
gslmm::complex< long double >long double Specialisation of gslmm::complex<T>
gslmm::constantMathematical contants
gslmm::dataset< T >Class template for statistics on numbers
gslmm::dataset< char >Class template specialisation for char
gslmm::dataset< double >Class template specialisation for double
gslmm::dataset< float >Class template specialisation for float
gslmm::dataset< int >Class template specialisation for int
gslmm::dataset< long >Class template specialisation for long
gslmm::dataset< long double >Class template specialisation for long double
gslmm::dataset< short >Class template specialisation for short
gslmm::dataset< unsigned char >Class template specialisation for unsigned char
gslmm::dataset< unsigned int >Class template specialisation for unsigned int
gslmm::dataset< unsigned long >Class template specialisation for unsigned long
gslmm::dataset< unsigned short >Class template specialisation for unsigned short
optionmm::default_error_handlerThe default error handler for the command line
gslmm::dirSpherical distribution interface class
gslmm::dirichletDirichlet distribution interface class
gslmm::discreteRandom number distribution interface class
gslmm::distribution< Return >Random number distribution interface class
gslmm::divide_difference< Value >Newtons divide difference representation of a polynomial
gslmm::divide_difference< double >Newtons divide difference representation of a polynomial - double specialisation
gslmm::empty_policyAn error handling policy
gslmm::erlangErlang distribution interface class
gslmm::error_handler< Policy, Lock >Error handling class
gslmm::error_handler< Policy, Lock >::basic_policy< PolicyType >Generic policy adaptors
gslmm::error_handler< Policy, Lock >::policy_baseBase class for policy adaptors
gslmm::exception_policyAn error handling policy
gslmm::exponentialExponential distribution interface class
gslmm::exponential_powerExponential power distribution interface class
gslmm::fdistF distribution interface class
gslmm::fitter< Client >Class template for fitting arbitriary objects
gslmm::fitter< Client >::func_tPointer to the current fit function
gslmm::fitter< Client >::solver_tPointer to the current fitter solver
gslmm::fitter< Client >::type_tPointer to the current fitter type
gslmm::flatUniform (flat) distribution interface class
gslmm::function_1d< Type >A 1D generalised function
gslmm::function_1d< double >A 1D generalised function - double specialisation
gslmm::function_base< Value, Argument, Derive, Error, Scale >Abstract base class for functions of all kinds
gslmm::gamma$ \Gamma$ distribution interface class
gslmm::gaussianGaussian distribution interface class
gslmm::gaussian_bivariateGaussian Bivrate distribution interface class
gslmm::gaussian_tailGaussian tail distribution interface class
gslmm::generatorRandom number generator interface class
gslmm::geometricGeometric distribution interface class
gslmm::givens_rotation< Type >Compute and apply a Givens rotation:

\[ \left(\begin{array}{cc} c & s \\ -s & c \end{array}\right) \left(\begin{array}{c} a \\ b \end{array}\right) = \left(\begin{array}{c} r \\ 0 \end{array}\right) \]

gslmm::givens_rotation< double >Compute and apply a Givens rotation:

\[ \left(\begin{array}{cc} c & s \\ -s & c \end{array}\right) \left(\begin{array}{c} a \\ b \end{array}\right) = \left(\begin{array}{c} r \\ 0 \end{array}\right) \]

gslmm::givens_rotation< float >Compute and apply a Givens rotation:

\[ \left(\begin{array}{cc} c & s \\ -s & c \end{array}\right) \left(\begin{array}{c} a \\ b \end{array}\right) = \left(\begin{array}{c} r \\ 0 \end{array}\right) \]

gslmm::guard< Lock >Class to ease the locking
gslmm::gumbelGumbel distribution (type 1 and 2) interface class
gslmm::histogram< Value, Bin >Base template for histogram classes
gslmm::histogram< double, size_t >A 1D histogram class
gslmm::histogram< double, size_t >::pdfProbablity distribution function from a 1D histogram
gslmm::histogram< std::pair< double, double >, std::pair< size_t, size_t > >A 2D histogram class
gslmm::histogram< std::pair< double, double >, std::pair< size_t, size_t > >::pdfProbablity distribution function from a 2D histogram
gslmm::hypergeometricHypergeometric distribution interface class
gslmm::ieee< Lock >Set up the IEEE floating point environment
gslmm::ieee_representation< Real >Represetation of real values numbers
gslmm::ieee_representation< double >Represetation of real values numbers
gslmm::ieee_representation< float >Represetation of real values numbers
gslmm::landauLandau distribution interface class
gslmm::laplaceLaplace distribution interface class
gslmm::levyLevy distribution interface class
gslmm::levy_skewLevy skew distribution interface class
gslmm::linear< np >Class template to do $ \chi^2$ fits to experimental data using linear combinations of functions
gslmm::linear< 1 >Class template to do $ \chi^2$ fits to experimental data using linear combinations of functions
gslmm::linear< 2 >Class template to do $ \chi^2$ fits to experimental data using linear combinations of functions
gslmm::logarithmicLogarithmic distribution interface class
gslmm::logisticLogistic distribution interface class
gslmm::lognormalLog normal distribution interface class
lq_decompositionBasic template for LQ decompositions of matricies
gslmm::lq_decomposition< double >Class template specialisation for LQ decompositions of matricies of type double
lq_decomposition_pivotBasic template for LQ decompositions with pivot of matricies
gslmm::lq_decomposition_pivot< double >Class template specialisation for LQ decompositions with column pivoting of matricies of type double
lu_decompositionBasic template for LU decompositions of matricies
gslmm::lu_decomposition< complex< double > >Class template specialisation for LU decompositions of matricies of type complex<double>
gslmm::lu_decomposition< double >Class template specialisation for LU decompositions of matricies of type double
gslmm::machineMachine precision constants
matrixBase template for matricies classes
gslmm::matrix< char >Matrix char specialisation
gslmm::matrix< complex< double > >Matrix complex<double> specialisation
gslmm::matrix< double >Matrix double specialisation
gslmm::matrix< float >Matrix float specialisation
gslmm::matrix< int >Matrix int specialisation
gslmm::matrix< long >Matrix long specialisation
gslmm::matrix< long double >Matrix long double specialisation
gslmm::matrix< short >Matrix short specialisation
gslmm::matrix< unsigned char >Matrix unsigned char specialisation
gslmm::matrix< unsigned int >Matrix unsigned int specialisation
gslmm::matrix< unsigned long >Matrix unsigned long specialisation
gslmm::matrix< unsigned short >Matrix unsigned short specialisation
gslmm::matrix_manip< T >Manipulator of matrixes
gslmm::modified_givens_rotation< Type >Compute and apply a modified Givens rotation
gslmm::modified_givens_rotation< double >Compute and apply a modified Givens rotation
gslmm::modified_givens_rotation< float >Compute and apply a modified Givens rotation
gslmm::multinomialMultinomial distribution interface class
gslmm::negative_binomialNegative binomial distribution interface class
gslmm::ntuple< Data, Size >An N-tuple class
optionmm::option_baseBase class for options
optionmm::option_trait< Type >Trait to help do conversions
optionmm::option_trait< std::string >Specialisation of the default option trait for std::string
gslmm::paretoPareto distribution interface class
gslmm::pascalPascal distribution interface class
gslmm::permutationPermutation representation
gslmm::poissonPoisson distribution interface class
gslmm::polynomial< Value >A polynomial in 1 dimension
gslmm::polynomial< double >A polynomial in 1 dimension
gslmm::polynomial< double >::workspaceClass to hold a workspace for root-finding
qr_decompositionBasic template for QR decompositions of matricies
gslmm::qr_decomposition< double >Class template specialisation for QR decompositions of matricies of type double
qr_decomposition_pivotBasic template for QR decompositions with pivot of matricies
gslmm::qr_decomposition_pivot< double >Class template specialisation for QR decompositions with column pivoting of matricies of type double
gslmm::quasi_generatorRandom number generator interface class
gslmm::rayleighRayleigh distribution interface class
gslmm::rayleigh_tailRayleigh Tail distribution interface class
gslmm::single_thread_lockA locking policy useful for singlethreaded applications
sv_decompositionBasic template for SV decompositions of matricies
gslmm::sv_decomposition< double >Class template specialisation for Singular Value decompositions of matricies of type double
gslmm::taylor_expansion< Value >Representation of a tayler expansion - base template
gslmm::taylor_expansion< double >Representation of a tayler expansion - double specialisation
gslmm::taylor_expansion< double >::workspaceWorkspace class for conversion from divide_difference representation
gslmm::tdistT distribution interface class
gslmm::test_suiteUtility class to use in test suits
gslmm::type_trait< Type >Type constants - basic template
gslmm::type_trait< char >Type constants for char
gslmm::type_trait< complex< T > >Type trait of complex<T> numbers
gslmm::type_trait< double >Type constants for double
gslmm::type_trait< float >Type constants for float
gslmm::type_trait< int >Type constants for int
gslmm::type_trait< long >Type constants for long
gslmm::type_trait< long double >Type constants for long double
gslmm::type_trait< short >Type constants for short
gslmm::type_trait< unsigned char >Type constants for unsigned char
gslmm::type_trait< unsigned int >Type constants for unsigned int
gslmm::type_trait< unsigned long >Type constants for unsigned long
gslmm::type_trait< unsigned short >Type constants for unsigned short
vectorVector class (base template)
gslmm::vector< char >Vector char specialisation
gslmm::vector< complex< double > >Vector complex<double> specialisation
gslmm::vector< double >Vector double specialisation
gslmm::vector< float >Vector float specialisation
gslmm::vector< int >Vector int specialisation
gslmm::vector< long >Vector long specialisation
gslmm::vector< long double >Vector long double specialisation
gslmm::vector< short >Vector short specialisation
gslmm::vector< unsigned char >Vector unsigned char specialisation
gslmm::vector< unsigned int >Vector unsigned int specialisation
gslmm::vector< unsigned long >Vector unsigned long specialisation
gslmm::vector< unsigned short >Vector unsigned short specialisation
gslmm::weibullWeibull distribution interface class
gslmm::weighted_dataset< T >Class template for statistics on numbers
gslmm::weighted_dataset< double >Class template specialisation for double This class template specialisation represents a data set where each entry is of type double and has a weight
gslmm::weighted_dataset< float >Class template specialisation for float This class template specialisation represents a data set where each entry is of type float and has a weight
gslmm::weighted_dataset< long double >Class template specialisation for long double This class template specialisation represents a data set where each entry is of type long double and has a weight
Top of page Last update Tue May 9 10:11:20 2006
Christian Holm
Created by DoxyGen 1.4.6