rlmm::basic_history< Lock >::entry Class Reference

#include <history.hh>

Collaboration diagram for rlmm::basic_history< Lock >::entry:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

template<typename Lock>
class rlmm::basic_history< Lock >::entry

An entry in the history list.

Public Member Functions

 entry ()
 entry (entry_type e)
 entry (const std::string &line, const std::string &time=std::string(), void *data=0)
 entry (const entry &e)
virtual ~entry ()
entryoperator= (const entry &e)
bool operator== (const entry &e)
const std::string & line () const
const std::string & time () const
const void * data () const

Private Attributes

entry_type _entry
std::string _line
std::string _time
void * _data


class basic_history

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename Lock>
rlmm::basic_history< Lock >::entry::entry  )  [inline]

Create an empty entry.

template<typename Lock>
rlmm::basic_history< Lock >::entry::entry entry_type  e  )  [inline]

Create an entry from a C API entry.

template<typename Lock>
rlmm::basic_history< Lock >::entry::entry const std::string &  line,
const std::string &  time = std::string(),
void *  data = 0

Create an entry.

line The text
time Time stamp
data User data

template<typename Lock>
rlmm::basic_history< Lock >::entry::entry const entry e  )  [inline]

Copy constructor.

template<typename Lock>
virtual rlmm::basic_history< Lock >::entry::~entry  )  [inline, virtual]


Member Function Documentation

template<typename Lock>
const void* rlmm::basic_history< Lock >::entry::data  )  const [inline]

template<typename Lock>
const std::string& rlmm::basic_history< Lock >::entry::line  )  const [inline]

template<typename Lock>
entry& rlmm::basic_history< Lock >::entry::operator= const entry e  )  [inline]

Assignment operator.

e Entry to copy
reference to this object.

template<typename Lock>
bool rlmm::basic_history< Lock >::entry::operator== const entry e  )  [inline]

Equalty operator.

e Entry to compare to
true if all fields are equal

template<typename Lock>
const std::string& rlmm::basic_history< Lock >::entry::time  )  const [inline]

Friends And Related Function Documentation

template<typename Lock>
friend class basic_history [friend]

Member Data Documentation

template<typename Lock>
void* rlmm::basic_history< Lock >::entry::_data [private]

User data.

template<typename Lock>
entry_type rlmm::basic_history< Lock >::entry::_entry [private]

template<typename Lock>
std::string rlmm::basic_history< Lock >::entry::_line [private]

The text line.

template<typename Lock>
std::string rlmm::basic_history< Lock >::entry::_time [private]

Time stamp.

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Last update Fri Aug 26 15:19:53 2005
Christian Holm
Created by DoxyGen 1.4.4