The attachment coefficient will be integrated and the result will be stored along with the other data if this option is selected.


The diffusion coefficient will be integrated and the result will be stored along with the other data if this option is selected.


The Townsend coefficient will be integrated and the result will be stored along with the other data if this option is selected.


The number of drift-lines over which the interpolation will take place. The number is rounded to the next higher multiple of 4. The number may not exceed MXLIST-4.

In a first step, 75\ % of the drift-lines are distributed uniformly over the track. The remaining 25\ % of the points are chosen in a matter that tries to optimise the accuracy of the interpolation table.

When interpolation is requested for a point which is located between 2 tabulated points from where electrons reach different electrodes, Garfield either computes the drift-line (if the integration parameter COMPUTE-IF-INTERPOLATION-FAILS has been selected) or returns a drift-line status of Abandoned. In case electrons starting from the track reach several different electrodes, LINES should therefore be chosen large so as to minimise the regions where explicit calculation is required.

[By default, the number set with LINES.]

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Formatted on 21/01/18 at 16:55.