
Contains, on successful completion of the procedure, a reference to the matrix that has been created. This reference is a Global variable of type Matrix which can from then on be used when doing arithmetic with the matrix.

This argument should be a simple variable name, not an expression. It must also be modifiable, hence it can't be a constant.

If the global variable is already in use, anything attached to it at the moment BOOK_MATRIX is called will be deleted. In particular, if the global variable is already a matrix, then the matrix is first deleted before a newly created matrix is associated with the global variable.

This argument is mandatory.


Should contain on input a dimension of the matrix. The number of these arguments is equal to the number of dimensions of the matrix. The number of dimensions is limited by a compilation parameter, usually set to 10.

Each parameter of this kind should be of type Number. One such argument is mandatory. These arguments are not modified by the procedure.

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Formatted on 21/01/18 at 16:55.