


Service calls:

Procedure name Purpose
INQUIRE_FILE Tells whether a file exists
INQUIRE_MEMBER Tells whether a member of a library exists
INQUIRE_TYPE Returns the type of a global variables
LIST_OBJECTS Lists the current booking state of objects
PRINT Prints its arguments
SLEEP Pause for a number of seconds
TIME_LOGGING Enters a timing record

Numeric procedures:

Procedure name Purpose
CARTESIAN_TO_POLAR Converts Cartesian to polar coordinates
CARTESIAN_TO_INTERNAL Converts Cartesian to internal coordinates
EXTREMUM Searches for an extremum of a function
INTERNAL_TO_CARTESIAN Converts internal to Cartesian coordinates
INTERNAL_TO_POLAR Converts internal to polar coordinates
POLAR_TO_CARTESIAN Converts polar to Cartesian coordinates
POLAR_TO_INTERNAL Converts polar to internal coordinates
PREPARE_RND_FUNCTION Prepares random number generation for functions
RND_IONISATION_ENERGY Generates an ionisation energy for 1 electron
RND_VAVILOV Generates Vavilov-distributed random numbers
RND_VAVILOV_FAST Generates Vavilov-distributed random numbers
VAVILOV Computes Vavilov probabilities
ZEROES Searches for zeroes of a function

Cell related procedures:

Procedure name Purpose
GET_CELL_DATA Returns # of wires, coordinate system etc
GET_CELL_SIZE Returns the size of the cell
GET_PERIODS Returns the periodicities
GET_X_PLANE_DATA Returns the x-plane descriptions
GET_Y_PLANE_DATA Returns the y-plane descriptions
GET_WIRE_DATA Returns information on a wire
GET_SOLID_DATA Returns information on a solid

Gas related procedures:

Procedure name Purpose
ATTACHMENT Returns the attachment coeff. for a given (E,B)
CROSS_SECTION_IDENTIFIER Identifies a Magboltz cross section term.
DIFFUSION_TENSOR Returns the diffusion tensor for a given (E,B)
DRIFT_DIVERGENCE Returns the local divergence of the drift field.
DRIFT_ROTATION Returns the drift field rotation matrices.
DRIFT_VELOCITY Returns the drift velocity for a given (E,B)
EXCITATION_IDENTIFIER Returns the identification string of a state.
GAS_AVAILABILITY Tells which gas description elements are present
GET_GAS_DATA Returns pressure, temperature and gas identifier
GET_E/P_TABLE Returns the list of E/p values in the table
IONISATION_IDENTIFIER Returns the identification string of a state.
ION_MOBILITY Returns the ion mobility for a given (E,B)
LEVEL_COUNT Returns the number of excitations and ionisations.
LONGITUDINAL_DIFFUSION Returns sigma_L for a given (E,B)
LORENTZ_ANGLE Returns the Lorentz angle for a given (E,B)
TOWNSEND Returns the Townsend coeff. for a given (E,B)
TRANSVERSE_DIFFUSION Returns sigma_T for a given (E,B)
VELOCITY_BTRANSVERSE Returns the drift velocity component || Btrans
VELOCITY_E Returns the drift velocity component || E
VELOCITY_ExB Returns the drift velocity component || E\×B

Electric field calculation:

Procedure name Purpose
ELECTRIC_FIELD Computes the electric field for a given (x,y)
ELECTRIC_FIELD_3 Computes the electric field for a given (x,y,z)
FORCE_FIELD Electrostatic force component (debugging only)
INTEGRATE_CHARGE Integrates the charge contained in an area.
INTEGRATE_FLUX Integrates the E flux over a parallelogram
MAGNETIC_FIELD Computes the magnetic field for a given (x,y)
MAGNETIC_FIELD_3 Computes the magnetic field for a given (x,y,z)
MAP_ELEMENT Returns a field map element description
MAP_INDEX Returns a field map element index
MAP_MATERIAL Returns a field map material reference
PLOT_FIELD_AREA Plots the current field area

Drift-line related procedures:

Procedure name Purpose
AVALANCHE Simulates an electron induced avalanche
DRIFT_ELECTRON Drifts an electron from a given (x,y)
DRIFT_ELECTRON_3 Drifts an electron from a given (x,y,z)
DRIFT_INFORMATION Returns information about the current drift-line
DRIFT_ION Drifts a positive ion from a given (x,y)
DRIFT_ION_3 Drifts a positive ion from a given (x,y,z)
DRIFT_MC_ELECTRON MC drift of an electron from a given (x,y,z)
DRIFT_MC_ION MC drift of a positive ion from a given (x,y,z)
DRIFT_MC_NEGATIVE_ION MC drift of a negative ion from a given (x,y,z)
DRIFT_MC_POSITRON MC drift of a positron from a given (x,y,z)
DRIFT_NEGATIVE_ION Drifts a negative ion from a given (x,y)
DRIFT_NEGATIVE_ION_3 Drifts a negative ion from a given (x,y,z)
DRIFT_POSITRON Drifts a positron from a given (x,y)
DRIFT_POSITRON_3 Drifts a positron from a given (x,y,z)
ELECTRON_VELOCITY Returns the electron velocity vector at (x,y,z)
ION_VELOCITY Returns the ion velocity vector at (x,y,z)
GET_CLUSTER Returns a new cluster position
GET_DRIFT_LINE Copies the current drift-line to vectors
INTERPOLATE_TRACK Performs interpolation on prepared tracks
NEW_TRACK Re-initialises the track
PLOT_DRIFT_AREA Plots the current drift area
PLOT_DRIFT_LINE Plots projections of the current drift-line
PLOT_TRACK Plots the current track with clusters
PRINT_DRIFT_LINE Prints the current drift-line
RND_MULTIPLICATION Simulates multiplication over a drift-line

Signal related procedures:

Procedure name Purpose
ADD_SIGNALS Computes signals for the current drift-line
GET_RAW_SIGNAL Stores a raw signal in a 1-dimensional matrix
GET_SIGNAL Copies a signal to a 1-dimensional matrix
INDUCED_CHARGE Computes total charges induced in electrodes
LIST_RAW_SIGNALS Lists the raw signals currently in store
STORE_SIGNAL Copies a 1-dimensional matrix to a signal
THRESHOLD_CROSSING Returns threshold crossings in a signal
WEIGHTING_FIELD Computes single electrode ("weighting") fields
WEIGHTING_FIELD_3 Same as WEIGHTING_FIELD for (x,y,z) coordinates


Procedure name Purpose
BARYCENTRE Computes the barycentre of an histogram
BOOK_HISTOGRAM Books an histogram
CONVOLUTE Convolutes two histograms
CUT_HISTOGRAM Returns a sub-range of an histogram
DELETE_HISTOGRAM Deletes one or more histograms
FILL_HISTOGRAM Fills an histogram
GET_HISTOGRAM Retrieves an histogram from a file
INQUIRE_HISTOGRAM Returns information about an histogram
LIST_HISTOGRAMS Lists the histograms currently in memory
PLOT_HISTOGRAM Plots an histogram
PRINT_HISTOGRAM Prints an histogram
REBIN_HISTOGRAM Rebins an histogram
RESET_HISTOGRAM Resets the contents of an histogram
SKIP_HISTOGRAM Skips one or more histogram representations
WRITE_HISTOGRAM Writes an histogram to a Garfield library
WRITE_HISTOGRAM_RZ Writes an histogram to an RZ file
HISTOGRAM_TO_MATRIX Copies an histogram to a matrix
MATRIX_TO_HISTOGRAM Copies a matrix to an histogram

Matrix manipulation:

Procedure name Purpose
ADJUST_MATRIX Modifies on or more dimensions of a matrix
BOOK_MATRIX Creates a new matrix
DELETE_MATRIX Deletes one or more matrices
DERIVATIVE Computes numerically a derivative
DIMENSIONS Returns the dimensions of a matrix
EXTRACT_SUBMATRIX Returns a sub-matrix of a matrix (internal)
GET_MATRIX Retrieves a matrix from a file
INTERPOLATE Linear interpolation in an n-dimensional matrix
INTERPOLATE_i Local polynomial interpolation in a vector
LIST_MATRICES Lists the matrices currently in memory
LOCATE_MAXIMUM Returns the indices of the maximum of a matrix
LOCATE_MINIMUM Returns the indices of the minimum of a matrix
MULTIPLY_MATRICES Multiplies 2 matrices
PRINT_MATRIX Prints a matrix
RESHAPE_MATRIX Changes the format of a matrix
SOLVE_EQUATION Solves a matrix equation
SORT_MATRIX Sorts a matrix
STORE_SUBMATRIX Stores a sub-matrix in a matrix (internal)
WRITE_MATRIX Writes a matrix to a file


Procedure name Purpose
FIT_EXPONENTIAL Fits a exponential to an histogram or to vectors
FIT_FUNCTION Fits an arbitrary function
FIT_GAUSSIAN Fits a Gaussian to an histogram or to vectors
FIT_MATHIESON Fits a Mathieson distribution to an histogram
FIT_POLYA Fits a Polya distribution
FIT_POLYNOMIAL Fits a polynomial to an histogram or to vectors

String manipulation:

Procedure name Purpose
DELETE_STRING Deletes one or more strings
LIST_STRINGS Lists the currently known strings
STRING_DELETE Deletes a portion from a string
STRING_INDEX Returns the start position of a sub-string
STRING_LENGTH Returns the length of a string
STRING_LOWER Converts a string to lower case
STRING_MATCH Tells whether 2 strings match
STRING_PORTION Returns a sub-string
STRING_REPLACE Replaces parts of a string
STRING_UPPER Converts a string to upper case
STRING_WORDS Counts the number of words in a string
STRING_WORD Returns a selected word from a string


Procedure name Purpose
GKS_AREA Plots an area
GKS_POLYLINE Plots a polyline
GKS_POLYMARKER Plots a polymarker
GKS_SELECT_NT Selects a normalisation transformation
GKS_SET_CHARACTER_EXPANSION Sets the character expansion factor
GKS_SET_CHARACTER_HEIGHT Sets the character height
GKS_SET_CHARACTER_SPACING Sets the character spacing
GKS_SET_CHARACTER_UP_VECTOR Sets the character up vector
GKS_SET_TEXT_ALIGNMENT Sets the text alignment
GKS_SET_TEXT_COLOUR Sets the text colour index
GKS_SET_TEXT_FONT_PRECISION Sets the text font and precision
GKS_TEXT Plots a text string
GKS_VIEWPORT Sets a viewport
GKS_WINDOW Sets a window
PLOT_AREA Plots a fill-area
PLOT_ARROW Plots an arrow
PLOT_BARCHART Plots a bar chart
PLOT_COMMENT Places a comment on the current plot
PLOT_CONTOURS Plots 2-matrix as a set of contours
PLOT_END Closes the current plot
PLOT_ERROR_BAND Plots an error band
PLOT_ERROR_BAR Plots a series of error bars
PLOT_FRAME Plots a set of coordinate axes
PLOT_GRAPH Plots a graph
PLOT_LINE Plots a line
PLOT_MARKERS Plots a series of markers
PLOT_OBLIQUE_ERROR_BAR Plots a series of oblique error bars
PLOT_START Starts a plot
PLOT_SURFACE Plots a 2-matrix as a 3D surface plot
PLOT_TEXT Plots a text string
PLOT_TITLE Plots a string in the title area
PLOT_X_LABEL Plots a string in the x-label area
PLOT_Y_LABEL Plots a string in the y-label area
PROJECT_LINE Projects a line
PROJECT_MARKERS Projects a set of markers
SET_LINE_ATTRIBUTES Selects the representation to use next
SET_MARKER_ATTRIBUTES Selects the representation to use next
SET_TEXT_ATTRIBUTES Selects the representation to use next
SET_AREA_ATTRIBUTES Selects the representation to use next


Computes signals for the current drift-line and adds them to the currently stored signals, if any.

This call should be issued from the signal section and it should be preceded by:

A RESET SIGNALS command should be issued prior to the procedure call if you do not wish to add the new signals to signals computed earlier.

Use INDUCED_CHARGE instead of ADD_SIGNALS if you wish to compute the charge induced in the various electrodes.


CALL ADD_SIGNALS([shift [,weight [,options]]])


area -1 -1 1 1
select s
resolution 0 0.001
Call drift_ion(0, 0.001001)
Call add_signals
Call get_signal(1,time,direct,cross)
Global qe 1.60217733E-19
Say "Summed signal: {sum(cross)*0.001*1e-12/qe}"
Call induced_charge(0, 0.001001, 0, `ion`, 1, 0, 1, q)
Say "Induced charge: {q}"

After setting the time window and selecting the read-out electrode, we compute an ion drift-line from a point near a wire, located at (0,0). We then use the ADD_SIGNALS procedure to compute the signals induced by this ion and compare the integral of the current with the more accurate estimate from INDUCED_CHARGE over the same time window [0,1]\ \μsec.

Additional information on:



ADJUST_MATRIX is one of two procedures that modify the shape of an existing matrix.

ADJUST_MATRIX changes the size of a matrix in one or more dimensions, without changing the place the elements occupy. If you wish to change the number of dimensions of a matrix, then use RESHAPE_MATRIX.

ADJUST_MATRIX operates by creating a new matrix of the requested dimensions, then copying the elements from the old matrix to the same place in the new matrix. If the new matrix is smaller in any dimension, some elements are lost, even if the overall size of the matrix is larger. If a dimension of the new matrix is larger than the corresponding dimension of the old matrix, then the new elements are filled with pad.

The procedure sets the OK global variable to True if the matrix is successfully adjusted, and to False in case of a problem.


CALL ADJUST_MATRIX(matrix, size_1, size_2, ... size_n, pad)


Global n=3
Call book_matrix(a,2,n)
For i From 1 To 2 Do
   Say "How many elements do you need in row {i} ?"
   Global n_new=n
   Parse Terminal n_new
   If n_new>n Then
      Call adjust_matrix(a,2,n_new,pi)
      Global n=n_new
   For j From 1 To n Do
      Global a[i;j]=i*j
Call print_matrix(a)

A matrix is initially booked as 2\×3, but since the amount of data to be stored in the matrix is not a priori known, the matrix may have to be extended. This is the approach followed by the Vector command. The PAD argument is compulsory in ADJUST_MATRIX, and is likely to be used in this example.

Global a=row(1)
Call adjust_matrix(a,1000,1)

A trick to create a vector which contains everywhere the value 1, an alternative to using the ONES function.

Additional information on:



Returns the attachment coefficient, if available, for a given electric field, a given electric field vector or a given combination of an electric and a magnetic field vector.

In the absence of a magnetic field, the orientation of the electric field is immaterial. The electric field may be specified either by the norm or as a vector, of which only the norm matters.

In the presence of a magnetic field, the transport parameters depend on the relative orientation of the electric and magnetic field vectors. Both fields therefore have to be specified as vectors.

If the magnetic field is omitted, then all 3\ components are assumed to be zero, irrespective of the magnetic field settings that may be in effect.

Each of the field components can either be a Number or a Matrix. It is permissible to specify 1 or 2 components of the field as Numbers and the other(s) as Matrices.

All components which are specified as Matrix, must have the same total size - they do not have to be 1-dimensional. If at least one component is specified as Matrix, then the output will be a 1-dimensional Matrix with length equal to the overall size of the arguments of type Matrix. Otherwise the result will be a Number.

The electric field should be in V/cm. The magnetic field, if present, should be expressed in native units of 0.01\ T or 100\ G. The attachment coefficient is returned in 1/cm.


CALL ATTACHMENT(e, attachment)
CALL ATTACHMENT(ex, ey, ez, attachment)
CALL ATTACHMENT(ex, ey, ez, bx, by, bz, attachment)


Simulates an electron induced avalanche, taking diffusion, multiplication and attachment into account. Use AVALANCHE_SIGNAL if you wish to compute induced currents.

A simplified version of this procedure, which neglects the spatial development of the avalanche, is available as RND_MULTIPLICATION.

A more detailed version, which uses microscopic tracking, is available as MICROSCOPIC_AVALANCHE.

This procedure can produce 3\ kinds of output:

The procedure first drifts an initial electron from the specified starting point. At each step, a number of secondary electrons and ions is drawn according to the local Townsend and attachment coefficients and the newly produced electrons are traced like the initial electron.

Ion drift-lines are computed only if needed, i.e. when their start or end point has to be histogrammed, and when their path has to be plotted.

Drifting of both electrons and ions is performed using the Monte_Carlo technique. Care has to be taken therefore that the step_size is set properly. The use of the PROJECTED-PATH-INTEGRATION integration parameter is recommended in order to avoid a dependence of the multiplication on the step size.


CALL AVALANCHE(x, y, z, options, n_electron, n_ion, ...
   formula_1, histogram_1, formula_2, histogram_2 ...)


area -0.02 -0.02 0.02 0.02
integration-parameters m-c-dist-int 0.0002
Call book_histogram(elec,50,0,2500)
Call book_histogram(ion,50,0,2500)
Call book_histogram(created,50,-0.02,+0.02)
Call book_histogram(lost,50,-0.02,+0.02)
Call book_histogram(end_e,50,-0.02,+0.02)
Call book_histogram(end_ion,50,-0.02,+0.02)
For i From 1 To 100 Do
   Call plot_drift_area
   Call avalanche(0.010,0.019,0,`plot-electron,plot-ion`,ne,ni,...
   Say "Electrons: {ne}, ions: {ni} (avalanche {i})"
   Call fill_histogram(elec,ne)
   Call fill_histogram(ion,ni)
   Call plot_end
Call fit_exponential(elec,a,b,ea,eb,`plot`)
Say "Slope: {-1/b}"
!options log-y
Call plot_histogram(elec,`Electrons`,`Number of electrons after avalanche`)
Call plot_end
Call hplot(ion,`Ions`,`Number of ions produced in avalanche`)
Call plot_end
Call hplot(created,`y [cm]`,`Production point of electrons`)
Call plot_end
Call hplot(lost,`y [cm]`,`Absorption point of electrons`)
Call plot_end
Call hplot(end_e,`y [cm]`,`End point of electrons`)
Call plot_end
Call hplot(end_ion,`y [cm]`,`End point of ions`)
Call plot_end

After setting the AREA, the parameters for Monte Carlo drift line integration are set such that there are about 100 steps on each drift-line. The output histograms are booked beforehand so as to ensure they have a common scale. Then, 100 avalanches are produced, all of which are fully plotted, after which the overview statistics are shown.

Additional information on:


Returns information about the electron trajectories in an avalanche previously computed using AVALANCHE, AVALANCHE_SIGNAL or MICROSCOPIC_AVALANCHE.

This procedure can be used to add e.g. ion-induced currents to a signal, as is illustrated with an example for the AVALANCHE_SIGNAL procedure.


CALL AVALANCHE_INFORMATION(item1, [index1,] value1, item2, [index2,], value2 ...)

Additional information on:



Offers all the functionality of AVALANCHE, and calculates in addition the signals induced in the various electrodes.

The procedure first drifts an initial electron from the specified starting point. The currents induced by the electron are added to the signals if requested. At each step, a number of secondary electrons and ions is drawn according to the local Townsend and attachment coefficients. Trajectories, signals and secondaries are computed for the newly produced electrons as for the initial electron. Start and end points of all electrons can be histogrammed.

Ion drift-lines are computed if needed, i.e. when ion induced currents have been requested, when their start or end point has to be histogrammed, and when their path has to be plotted. Ions do not generate secondaries in this procedure.

This call should be issued from the signal section and it should be preceded by:

Drifting of both electrons and ions is performed using the Monte_Carlo technique. Care has to be taken therefore that the step_size is set properly. The use of the PROJECTED-PATH-INTEGRATION integration parameter is recommended in order to avoid a dependence of the multiplication on the step size. Ion tail calculation requires the possibility of drifting ions from the vicinity of electrodes. To enable this, one may have to switch CHECK-ALL-WIRES off. If electron induced currents are to be computed in chambers with wires, then you have to reduce the TRAP-RADIUS considerably.

This procedure adds the newly computed signals to the signal banks. A RESET SIGNALS command should therefore be issued prior to the procedure call if you wish to obtain only the newly computed signals.


CALL AVALANCHE_SIGNAL(x, y, z, options, n_electron, n_ion, ...
   formula_1, histogram_1, formula_2, histogram_2 ...)

Example 1:

area -0.2 -0.2 0.2 0.2
integration-parameters max-step 0.01 int-acc 1e-10 m-c-dist-int 0.0002 projected ...
   trap-radius 1.01
select s
window 0 0.001
Call plot_drift_area
Call avalanche_signal(0.01,0.01,0,`plot-electron`,ne,ni)
Call plot_end

The integration parameters are set such that very small steps are taken, for higher accuracy. Also, the trap radius is made small to avoid avalanche truncation near the wire. Then. we use the AVALANCHE_SIGNAL procedure to generate an avalanche, which is plotted, and to compute the signal its electrons (but not its ions !) induces.

To add the ion signals, one would use the AVALANCHE_INFORMATION and DRIFT_ION_3 procedures, as illustrated below:

Call avalanche_information(`electrons`,ne)
For ie From 1 To ne Do
   Call avalanche_information( `x-start`, ie, xe, `y-start`, ie, ye, ...
      `z-start`, ie, ze, `t-start`, ie, te)
   Call drift_ion_3(xe, ye, ze, status, tion)
   Call add_signals(te)

Example 2:

Global sumaval=0
Global sumdetail=0
For i From 1 To 10 Do
   reset signals
   Call avalanche_signal(0.01,0.01,0,`noplot-electron,ion-tail`,ne,ni)
   Say "Avalanche {i}, electrons/ions: {ne}/{ni}"
   Call get_signal(1,time,direct,cross)
   Global sumaval=sumaval+cross
   reset signals
   signal detailed-ion-tail cross-induced mc-drift
   Call get_signal(1,time,direct,cross)
   Global sumdetail=sumdetail+direct

Global sumaval=sumaval/sum(sumaval) Global sumdetail=sumdetail/sum(sumdetail) Call plot_graph(time,sumaval,`Time [microsec]`,`Signal`, ... `Comparison`) Call plot_line(time,sumdetail,`function-2`) Call plot_end

This example demonstrates a comparison with the DETAILED-ION-TAIL method of calculating a signal.

Additional information on:


Returns the barycentre of the area around the highest peak in the histogram.

The procedure works by sliding a window of width NBIN over the histogram to locate a maximum (if several peaks have the same maximum, then the first peak is taken). Then, the weighted mean of the entries within the window is computed and returned.

If the calculation fails (no maximum), then the global variable OK will be set to False, otherwise to True.


CALL BARYCENTRE(histogram, barycentre [, nbin])

Additional information on:



This procedure is the principal means of creating a new Histogram.

Histograms can be filled with FILL_HISTOGRAM, plotted with PLOT_HISTOGRAM, fitted with a variety of functions (e.g. FIT_POLYA) and written to a file with WRITE_HISTOGRAM. One can also apply arithmetic to them.

Garfield histograms can either be created with a user determined range, or can be declared with the AUTOSCALE option. In the latter case, the first few entries are used to set a range.

Only the histogram reference argument is mandatory, all other arguments are optional.

The procedure sets the OK global variable to True if the histogram is successfully booked, and to False in case of a problem.


CALL BOOK_HISTOGRAM(reference, [number of bins, ...
     [minimum, maximum]] [, options]])


Call book_histogram(ref,10,2,3)
Call book_histogram(ref,10,`integer`)

The first example books an histogram of 10 bins for the range [2,3]. The second example books an histogram with 10 bins each spanning an integer range with an automatically chosen scale.


Additional information on:



Creates a Matrix of specified dimensions.

The procedure sets the OK global variable to True if the matrix is successfully created, and to False in case of a problem.


CALL BOOK_MATRIX(reference, size_1, size_2, ...)


Call book_matrix(cube,3,3,3)

Books a 3\×3\×3 matrix which can be accessed via the global variable CUBE.

Additional information on:


Applies the conformal mapping of Cartesian (x,y) coordinates to internal (\ρ,\φ) coordinates. The (\ρ,\φ) coordinates are used internally in the program when the cell is described in polar coordinates. The internal coordinates are defined by:
\ρ = 0.5*log(x\²+y\&sup2)         [dimension not defined]
\φ = arctan(y/x)            [\φ in radians]

The input arguments of this procedure can be either of type Number or of type Matrix. If the input type is Matrix, then the two input matrices must have the same total number of elements. The output matrices will have the same structure as the first input matrix.

The abbreviated procedure name CTR is also accepted.




Converts Cartesian (x,y) coordinates to polar (r,\φ) coordinates. The angle \φ is in degrees.

The input arguments of this procedure can be either of type Number or of type Matrix. If the input type is Matrix, then the two input matrices must have the same total number of elements. The output matrices will have the same structure as the first input matrix.

The abbreviated procedure name CTP is also accepted.




Computes the convolution of 2 Histograms (hist1 and hist2) and stores the result (hist3) in a new histogram. The 2 input histograms must have the same bin width.

The range of the output histogram is chosen as the combined range of the two input histograms. The bin width of the output histogram is the same as the bin width of the input histograms.

If the calculation fails (different bin widths, not enough memory), then the global variable OK will be set to False, otherwise to True.


CALL CONVOLUTE(hist1, hist2, hist3)


Returns information about a Magboltz cross section. This procedure is used to identify the elements of the rate vector returned by DRIFT_MICROSCOPIC_ELECTRON.


CALL CROSS_SECTION_IDENTIFIER(number, identifier, type)

Example: listing only the ionisation cross sections and counting the total number of ionisations

Call drift_microscopic_electron(x, y, z, status, time, ``, ...
   100.0, 4.0, 0,0,0, histe, vec)
Global sum=0
For i From 1 To size(vec) Do
   Call cross_section_identifier(i, level, type)
   If type#`Ionisation` Then Iterate
   Say "Level {i} = {level}, count = {number(vec[i])}, type = {type}"
   Global sum=sum+number(vec[i])
Say "Total number of ionisations: {sum}"

Additional information on:



Creates the cumulative version of an existing Histogram. This procedure may be called while filling is in progress, but should not be called for AUTOSCALE histograms before the range has been established. The input histogram is not modified by a call to this procedure.

The procedure sets the OK global variable to True if the operation was successful and to False if it wasn't.




Vector a
1 2 3 2 1

Call matrix_to_histogram(a,1,6,aa)

Call plot_histogram(aa) Call plot_end

Call cumulate_histogram(aa,bb)

Call plot_histogram(bb) Call plot_end

An histogram is created from a Vector and a call to MATRIX_TO_HISTOGRAM. We then call CUMULATE_HISTOGRAM and verify the result with PLOT_HISTOGRAM.


Returns the cumulate of a Matrix.


CALL CUMULATE_MATRIX(matrixin, matrixout)


Global a = row(20)
Call cumulate_matrix(a, acum)
Say {acum}

Additional information on:


Returns the part of an histogram for which the abscissa are located in the range [xmin,xmax].

This procedure does not change the bin width - use the REBIN_HISTOGRAM for that purpose.

This procedure may be called while filling is in progress, but should not be called for AUTOSCALE histograms before the range has been established.

If the calculation fails (sub-range doesn't overlap with the histogram, input histogram doesn't exist etc), then the global variable OK will be set to False, otherwise to True.


CALL CUT_HISTOGRAM(ref_in, xmin, xmax, ref_out)


Call book_histogram(gauss,500,-50,50)
For i From 1 To 500 Do
   Call fill_histogram(gauss,rnd_gauss)
Call plot_histogram(gauss)
Call plot_end

Call cut_histogram(gauss,-5,5,new) Call plot_histogram(new) Call plot_end

Gaussian random numbers are entered in an histogram which is much wider than the spread of the entries. Using the CUT_HISTOGRAM procedure, the central part of the histogram is isolated.

Additional information on:


Deletes one or more Histograms. All histograms, whether associated with a global variable or not, are deleted if arguments are omitted.

The memory associated with the histograms is only released at the next histogram garbage collect, usually only carried out when there are no free histogram slots left.

If the histograms were known via a Global variable, as is usually the case, then the global variables will exist after this call but their type will have changed to Undefined.


CALL DELETE_HISTOGRAM(reference_1, reference_2, ...)

Additional information on:



The DELETE_MATRIX procedure frees the memory occupied by one or more variables of type Matrix and returns the associated Global variables to type Undefined.

If a DELETE_MATRIX call is issued without arguments, then all existing matrices are deleted, whether associated with a global variable or not, whether in use as a constant of an active instruction or not. The use of this procedure in a loop is therefore not recommended.

DELETE_MATRICES may be used as a synonym for DELETE_MATRIX.


CALL DELETE_MATRIX(matrix_1, matrix_2, ...)


Call book_matrix(a,2,3,4,5)
Call delete_matrix(a)
Call list_matrices


Frees the memory occupied by one or more Strings and returns the associated Global variables to type Undefined.

If called without arguments, then all global variables of type String are deleted, but strings not associated with a global variable are left in peace - strings are used also outside the context global variables.

This procedure is almost never used since liberating string storage can also be achieved by assigning e.g. a number to global variables representing strings.


CALL DELETE_STRING(string_1, string_2, ...)


Global a=`test`
Call delete_string(a)
Say {a}


Computes an approximation of the derivative y'(x) at x_int where x and y are given as matrices and where x_int is a number.

The calculation is using an interpolation between y and x of an order that can be specified as an option and which is by default quadratic.


CALL DERIVATIVE(x, y, x_int, dy [, option])


Vector x

Global y=x^2 Say "Please enter a value" Parse Terminal xint Call derivative(x,y,xint,dy) Say "Derivative: {dy} should be {2*xint}."

This example verifies that the derivative is approximately correct. If y had been set to x\<SUP\>3\</SUP\>, the derivative would be inaccurate unless one adds the option `cubic`.

Additional information on:



Returns the diffusion tensor, if available, for a given electric field, a given electric field vector or a given combination of an electric and a magnetic field vector.

In the absence of a magnetic field, the orientation of the electric field is immaterial. The electric field may be specified either by the norm or as a vector, of which only the norm matters.

In the presence of a magnetic field, the transport parameters depend on the relative orientation of the electric and magnetic field vectors. Both fields therefore have to be specified as vectors.

Each of the field components can either be a Number or a Matrix. It is permissible to specify 1 or 2 components of the field as Numbers and the other(s) as Matrices.

All components which are specified as Matrix, must have the same total size - they do not have to be 1-dimensional. If at least one component is specified as Matrix, then the output will be a 1-dimensional Matrix with length equal to the overall size of the arguments of type Matrix. Otherwise the result will be a Number.

The electric field should be in V/cm. The magnetic field, if present, should be expressed in native units of 0.01\&nbsp;T or 100\&nbsp;G. The tensor, contrary to the convention used for the diffusion coefficients, is returned in cm. The diagonal components correspond to \&sigma;\<SUB\>E\</SUB\>\&sup2;, \&sigma;\<SUB\>Btrans\</SUB\>\&sup2; and \&sigma;\<SUB\>E\&times;B\</SUB\>\&sup2; and while the off-diagonal elements are the covariances between the diffusion along (E, Btrans, E\&times;B). The tensor is a 3\&times;3 Matrix if all input arguments are Numbers, otherwise it will be an n\&times;3\&times;3 Matrix.


CALL DIFFUSION_TENSOR(ex, ey, ez, covariance)
CALL DIFFUSION_TENSOR(ex, ey, ez, bx, by, bz, covariance)


Call diffusion_tensor(100,0,0,  0,0,100, cov)
Say "Diffusion along E:         {10000*sqrt(cov[1;1])} micron"
Say "Diffusion along Btrans:    {10000*sqrt(cov[2;2])} micron"
Say "Diffusion along ExB:       {10000*sqrt(cov[3;3])} micron"
Say "Correlation E vs Btrans:   {100*cov[1;2]/sqrt(cov[1;1]*cov[2;2])} %"
Say "Correlation E vs ExB:      {100*cov[1;3]/sqrt(cov[1;1]*cov[3;3])} %"
Say "Correlation Btrans vs ExB: {100*cov[2;3]/sqrt(cov[2;2]*cov[3;3])} %"

This example shows the interpretation of the components of the diffusion tensor.


Returns, for the Matrix that is given as first argument, the number of dimensions (n_dimensions) and a vector with the size of the matrix in each of the dimensions (dimension_vector).

Use the SIZE function if you only need to know the overall size of the matrix.


CALL DIMENSIONS(matrix, n_dimensions, dimension_vector)


Call get_matrix(abc,`abc.mat`)
Call dimensions(abc,n_dim,dim_abc)
For i From 1 To n_dim Do
   If i=1 Then
      Global shape=string(number(dim_abc[i]))
      Global shape=shape/` x `/string(number(dim_abc[i]))
Say "Matrix abc has {n_dim} dimensions and its shape is {shape}."

A matrix is read from a file, and the example shows how one can find out what the structure of the object is. The NUMBER function is used to convert the 1-dimensional matrices dim_abc[i] into numbers - this is purely aesthetic: Say would place parentheses around the individual dimensions.


Calculates a electron drift-line from the point (x, y, 0) and returns the drift time, the status (hit a wire, left the area etc) and optionally also the integrated diffusion, the multiplication and the losses through attachment.

This procedure should be called only from within the drift or signal sections, after the cell and the gas have been entered.

The integrated diffusion, the multiplication and the attachment losses can only be computed if resp. longitudinal diffusion, Townsend and attachment data have been supplied in the &GAS section. The integrated diffusion takes the transverse diffusion into account if both transverse and longitudinal diffusion coefficients have been entered.

This procedure uses the Runge_Kutta_Fehlberg integration method.


CALL DRIFT_ELECTRON(x, y [, status [, time [, diffusion ...
     [, multiplication [, attachment]]]]])

Additional information on:



Calculates a electron drift-line from the point (x, y, z) and returns the drift time, the status (hit a wire, left the area etc) and optionally also the integrated diffusion, the multiplication and the losses through attachment.

This procedure should be called only from within the drift or signal sections, after the cell and the gas have been entered.

The integrated diffusion, the multiplication and the attachment losses can only be computed if resp. longitudinal diffusion, Townsend and attachment data have been supplied in the &GAS section. The integrated diffusion takes the transverse diffusion into account if both transverse and longitudinal diffusion coefficients have been entered.

This procedure uses the Runge_Kutta_Fehlberg integration method.


CALL DRIFT_ELECTRON_3(x, y, z [, status [, time [, diffusion ...
     [, multiplication [, attachment]]]]])

Additional information on:


Tracks an electron through vacuum.

This procedure is intended for testing the inter-molecular tracking algorithm used in microscopic simulation. For this reason, a gas must be entered before the procedure can be called, even though no gas properties are used by this procedure.


CALL DRIFT_ELECTRON_VACUUM(x, y, z, vx, vy, vz[, status [, time]])


plane x -1 v=0
plane x +1 v=0
s * * 0 0 200000

&MAG comp 0 0 0.2 T

&GAS arg-50-eth-50 // Mandatory, but not used gas-id "Vacuum"

&DRIFT integration-parameters integration-accuracy 1e-4 area -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 Call plot_drift_area Call drift_electron_vacuum(0.5,0,0, -10000,0,0, status, time) Say {status, time} Call plot_drift_line Call plot_end

A strong radial electric field in a tube combined with an axial magnetic field of 0.2\&nbsp;T, makes a relavistic electron with a velocity of 0.33\&nbsp;c describe a flower-like trajectory:

Additional information on:


Returns various pieces of information about the current drift-line.

This procedure can be called after any of the drift-line computation procedures has been called (e.g. DRIFT_ELECTRON).


     [ `CHARGE`, q ] ,              ...
     [ `DRIFT-TIME`, time ] ,       ...
     [ `ELECTRODE`, electrode ] ,   ...
     [ `PARTICLE`, particle ] ,     ...
     [ `PATH-LENGTH`, path ] ,      ...
     [ `STATUS-CODE`, istat ] ,     ...
     [ `STATUS-STRING`, status ] ,  ...
     [ `STEPS`, nsteps ] ,          ...
     [ `TECHNIQUE`, technique ] ,   ...
     [ `X-START`, coordinate ] ,    ...
     [ `Y-START`, coordinate ] ,    ...
     [ `Z-START`, coordinate ] ,    ...
     [ `X-END`, coordinate ] ,      ...
     [ `Y-END`, coordinate ] ,      ...
     [ `Z-END`, coordinate ])


Call plot_drift_area
Call drift_electron_3(2.5,3.5,4.5,status,time)
Call plot_drift_line
Call plot_end
Say "Status: {status}"
Call string_index(status,`wire`,index1)
Call string_index(status,`replica`,index2)
If index1>0 & index2=0 Then
   Call drift_information('status-code',wire)
   Say "The particle hit wire {wire}."

An electron drift-line is computed using the Runge Kutta method with DRIFT_ELECTRON_3 which returns a formatted status string. This string has, if the electron hits a wire, the format "Hit X wire n" or "Hit a replica of X wire n". With the help of the STRING_INDEX procedure, we search for the strings "wire" and "replica" to determine whether an original copy of a wire has been hit. If so, DRIFT_INFORMATION is called to find the number of the wire that has been hit.

Additional information on:


Calculates a drift-line for a positively charged ion from the point (x, y) and returns the drift time and the status (hit a wire, left the area etc).

The integrated diffusion, the multiplication and the attachment losses are not computed.

This procedure should be called only from within the drift or signal sections, after the cell and the gas have been entered.

This procedure uses the Runge_Kutta_Fehlberg integration method.


CALL DRIFT_ION(x, y [, status [, time]])

Additional information on:


Calculates a drift-line for a positively charged ion from the point (x, y, z) and returns the drift time and the status (hit a wire, left the area etc).

This procedure should be called only from within the drift or signal sections, after the cell and the gas have been entered.

The integrated diffusion, the multiplication and the attachment losses are not computed.

This procedure uses the Runge_Kutta_Fehlberg integration method.


CALL DRIFT_ION_3(x, y , z [, status [, time]])

Additional information on:



Tracks an electron through vacuum.

This procedure is intended for testing the inter-molecular tracking algorithm used in microscopic simulation. For this reason, a gas must be entered before the procedure can be called, even though no gas properties are used by this procedure.


CALL DRIFT_ION_VACUUM(x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, charge, mass [, status [, time]])


plane x -1 v=0
plane x +1 v=0
s * * 0 0 -100000000

&MAG comp 0 0 0.2 T

&GAS arg-50-eth-50 // Dummy gas-id "Vacuum"

&DRIFT integration-parameters integration-accuracy 1e-4 area -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 Call plot_drift_area Call drift_vacuum_ion(0.5,0.5,0, -2e3,-1e2,0, 18, 39.948*931.494, status, time) Say {status, time} Call plot_drift_line Call plot_end

A fully stripped Ar nucleus starts from (0.5 , 0.5) with a velocity slightly in excess of 2000 cm/\&mu;s, approximately 0.07\&nbsp;c. It is subject to an electric and a magnetic field. The example should produce the following figure:

Additional information on:


Performs a Monte-Carlo calculation of an electron drift-line, taking diffusion into account on a step-by-step basis. The drift-line starts from the point (x,y,z). The procedure returns the drift time, the status (hit a wire, left the area etc) and optionally also the multiplication and the losses through attachment.

This procedure should be called only from within the drift or signal sections, after the cell and the gas have been entered.

This procedure can only meaningfully be used if both the transverse and the longitudinal diffusion have been supplied in the gas section. The multiplication and the attachment losses can only be computed if Townsend and attachment data have been entered.

The Monte Carlo integration method is described in the drift section under Monte_Carlo.


CALL DRIFT_MC_ELECTRON(x, y, z [, status [, time ...
     [, multiplication [, attachment]]]])

Additional information on:



Performs a Monte-Carlo calculation of a drift-line for a positively charged ion, taking diffusion into account on a step-by-step basis. The drift-line starts from the point (x,y,z). The procedure returns the drift time and the status (hit a wire, left the area etc).

This procedure should be called only from within the drift or signal sections, after the cell and the gas have been entered.

It should be noted that MC drift of electrons and ions uses the same set of integration parameters (step size in particular). Care should be taken to set these parameters to reasonable values for ions before this procedure is called.

Diffusion coefficients for ions can be set with the PARAMETERS statement in the gas section (see sigma).

Multiplication and attachment losses are not evaluated.

The Monte Carlo integration method is described in the drift section under Monte_Carlo.


CALL DRIFT_MC_ION(x, y, z [, status [, time]])

Additional information on:



Performs a Monte-Carlo calculation of a drift-line for a negatively charged ion, taking diffusion into account on a step-by-step basis. The drift-line starts from the point (x,y,z). The procedure returns the drift time and the status (hit a wire, left the area etc).

This procedure should be called only from within the drift or signal sections, after the cell and the gas have been entered.

It should be noted that MC drift of electrons and ions uses the same set of integration parameters (step size in particular). Care should be taken to set these parameters to reasonable values for ions before this procedure is called.

Diffusion coefficients for ions can be set with the PARAMETERS statement in the gas section (see sigma).

Multiplication and attachment losses are not evaluated.

The Monte Carlo integration method is described in the drift section under Monte_Carlo.


CALL DRIFT_MC_NEGATIVE_ION(x, y, z [, status [, time]])

Additional information on:



Performs a Monte-Carlo calculation of an electron drift-line, assuming an inverted charge, taking diffusion into account on a step-by-step basis. The drift-line starts from the point (x,y,z). The procedure returns the drift time and the status (hit a wire, left the area etc).

Note that the drift velocity vector is not anti-symmetric under charge inversion is there is a non-zero E-perpendicular component of the B field.

This procedure should be called only from within the drift or signal sections, after the cell and the gas have been entered.

This procedure can only meaningfully be used if both the transverse and the longitudinal diffusion have been supplied in the &GAS section.

The Monte Carlo integration method is described in the drift section under Monte_Carlo.


CALL DRIFT_MC_POSITRON(x, y, z [, status [, time]])

Additional information on:



Performs a microscopic simulation of the movement of an electron through the gas.

This procedure relies extensively on Magboltz. Before using this procedure, the Magboltz gas composition must be set - by running MAGBOLTZ, by retrieving using GET gas tables that have been computed with Magboltz and which have been written in gas file format 10, or by using the COMPOSITION command.

The step size in this procedure is the free path, as in the real gas, with its natural (exponential) distribution. A typical drift path therefore proceeds through millions of collisions and it is rarely practical to store each step individually. Instead, the electron location is recorded every n'th collision, where n is specified with the MONTE-CARLO-COLLISIONS parameters of the INTEGRATION-PARAMETERS command - n may be set to 1 if desired.

In order to profit fully from the detailed nature of these calculations, it is advisable, in case the electrons head for a wire, to set the TRAP-RADIUS to 1.

Each collision is classified as either elastic, inelastic, super-elastic, attachment or ionisation, with one of the species of molecules present in the gas mixture. In case of attachment, the electron is not tracked any further and the status is set accordingly. In this procedure, additional electrons produced through ionisation are not tracked. Use MICROSCOPIC_AVALANCHE if this is desired.


   [, status [, time [, options ...
   [, e_maximum [, e_start [, dir_x, dir_y, dir_z ...
   [, distribution, [, rates]]]]]]]])

Additional information on:



Calculates a drift-line for a negatively charged ion from the point (x, y) and returns the drift time and the status (hit a wire, left the area etc).

The integrated diffusion, the multiplication and the losses through attachment are not computed.

This procedure should be called only from within the drift or signal sections, after the cell and the gas have been entered.

This procedure uses the Runge_Kutta_Fehlberg integration method.


CALL DRIFT_NEGATIVE_ION(x, y [, status [, time]])

Additional information on:


Calculates a drift-line for a negatively charged from the point (x, y, z) and returns the drift time and the status (hit a wire, left the area etc).

This procedure should be called only from within the drift or signal sections, after the cell and the gas have been entered.

The integrated diffusion, the multiplication and the losses through attachment are not computed.

This procedure uses the Runge_Kutta_Fehlberg integration method.


CALL DRIFT_NEGATIVE_ION_3(x, y, z [, status [, time]])

Additional information on:



Calculates an electron drift-line, assuming a positive charge, from the point (x, y, 0) and returns the drift time and the status (hit a wire, left the area etc).

Note that the drift velocity vector is not anti-symmetric under charge inversion is there is a non-zero E-perpendicular component of the B field.

This procedure should be called only from within the drift or signal sections, after the cell and the gas have been entered.

This procedure uses the Runge_Kutta_Fehlberg integration method.


CALL DRIFT_POSITRON(x, y [, status [, time]])

Additional information on:


Calculates an electron drift-line, assuming a positive charge, from the point (x, y, z) and returns the drift time and the status (hit a wire, left the area etc).

Note that the drift velocity vector is not anti-symmetric under charge inversion is there is a non-zero E-perpendicular component of the B field.

This procedure should be called only from within the drift or signal sections, after the cell and the gas have been entered.

This procedure uses the Runge_Kutta_Fehlberg integration method.


CALL DRIFT_POSITRON_3(x, y, z [, status [, time]])

Additional information on:



Returns the local divergence of the drift field.

This is a instruction used to debug the diffusion calculation, the procedure is not of much general use.


CALL DRIFT_DIVERGENCE(x, y, z, f1, f2, f3 [, options])


tube r=1
s 1 0.01  0 0 1000

&GAS table drift-velocity=ep/100

&DRIFT Global step=0.0010 integration-parameters m-c-dist {step} Call book_matrix(xv,100) Call book_matrix(f1v,100) Call book_matrix(f2v,100) Global n=0 Global phi=335*pi/180 For x From 0.01 Step 0.02 To 0.99 Do Call drift_divergence(x*cos(phi), x*sin(phi), 0, ... f1, f2, f3, `positive,electron`) Global n=n+1 Global xv[n]=x Global f1v[n]=f1 Global f2v[n]=f2 Enddo Call adjust_matrix(xv,n,0) Call adjust_matrix(f1v,n,0) Call adjust_matrix(f2v,n,0) Global min=minimum(f1v&f2v) Global max=maximum(f1v&f2v) Call plot_frame(0,0.95*min,1,1.05*max,`r`,`f`,`Divergence`) Call plot_line(xv,f1v,`function-1`) Call plot_line(xv,f2v,`function-2`) Call plot_line(xv,1+step/xv,`function-3`) Call plot_end

This example computes the divergence of the drift field in a round tube with a gas of constant mobility. The product of f1 and f2 should be equal to 1 in this case. With a gas of constant drift velocity, f1 should be constant but not f2.

The curve drawn with representation FUNCTION-3 shows the exact expression of the transverse divergence.

Additional information on:


Returns the local rotation matrices of the drift field.

This is a instruction used to debug the diffusion calculation, the procedure is not of much general use.


CALL DRIFT_ROTATION(x, y, z, Rvc, Rmc, Rvm [, options])


tube r=1
s 1 0.01  0 0 1000

&MAGNETIC components 0 0 1 T

&GAS table drift-velocity=100

&DRIFT integration-parameters m-c-dist 0.001 Call drift_rotation(0.1, 0.0, 0,rvc,rmc,rvm,`electron,positive`) Call print_matrix(rvc,rmc,rvm)

Additional information on:


Returns the magnitude of the drift velocity vector for a given electric field, a given electric field vector or a given combination of an electric and a magnetic field vector.

In the absence of a magnetic field, the orientation of the electric field is immaterial. The electric field may be specified either by the norm or as a vector, of which only the norm matters. In this case, the values returned by this procedure coincide with those returned by VELOCITY_E.

In the presence of a magnetic field, the transport parameters depend on the relative orientation of the electric and magnetic field vectors. Both fields therefore have to be specified as vectors. The velocity that is returned is equal to the vectorial sum of VELOCITY_E, VELOCITY_BTRANSVERSE and VELOCITY_ExB.

Each of the field components can either be a Number or a Matrix. It is permissible to specify some components of the field as Numbers and the other(s) as Matrices.

All components which are specified as Matrix, must have the same total size - they do not have to be 1-dimensional. If at least one component is specified as Matrix, then the output will be a 1-dimensional Matrix with length equal to the overall size of the arguments of type Matrix. Otherwise the result will be a Number.

The electric field should be in V/cm, the magnetic field has to be in native units of 100\&nbsp;G or 0.01\&nbsp;T, and the drift velocity is returned in cm/\&mu;sec.


CALL DRIFT_VELOCITY(ex, ey, ez, drift)
CALL DRIFT_VELOCITY(ex, ey, ez, bx, by, bz, drift)


Global emin=100
Global emax=10000
Global e=emin*(emax/emin)^((row(200)-1)/199)
mix argon 95 methane 5 noplot-f0 noplot-cross-section e/p-range {emin/760,emax/760}
Call drift_velocity(0,0,e,vd5)
mix argon 90 methane 10 noplot-f0 noplot-cross-section e/p-range {emin/760,emax/760}
Call drift_velocity(0,0,e,vd10)
mix argon 80 methane 20 noplot-f0 noplot-cross-section e/p-range {emin/760,emax/760}
Call drift_velocity(0,0,e,vd20)

Call plot_frame(emin,0,emax,10,`E [V/cm]`, ... `v<SUB>D</SUB> [cm/microsec]`, ... `Drift velocity in Ar/CH4 mixtures`) Call plot_line(e,vd5,`function-1`) Call plot_line(e,vd10,`function-2`) Call plot_line(e,vd20,`function-3`) Call plot_end


Returns the electric field vector and the potential at a given point. This procedure assumes that the z-coordinate of the point is equal to 0.

The arguments ex, ey, ez, e, v and status are optional.


CALL ELECTRIC_FIELD(x, y, ex, ey, ez, e, v, status)


plane x=-1
plane y=-1
s * * 1 1 1000

&FIELD Global n=6 Call book_matrix(x,n,n) Call book_matrix(y,n,n) For i From 1 To n Do For j From 1 To n Do Global x[i;j]=(i-1)/(n-1) Global y[i;j]=(j-1)/(n-1) Enddo Enddo Call efield(x,y,ex,ey,ez,e,v,stat) Call print_matrix(x,y,ex,ey,ez,e,v,stat) area 0 0 1 1 grid {n} print ex ey e v

In a simple chamber, one uses on the one hand the ELECTRIC_FIELD procedure to compute the field on a 6x6 grid, on the other hand the PRINT command is used to verify the result.

Additional information on:


Returns the electric field vector and the potential at a given point. This routine is to be used in case the field has structure along the z-axis, for instance because of the presence of space charge.

The arguments ex, ey, ez, e, v and status are optional.


CALL ELECTRIC_FIELD_3(x, y, z, ex, ey, ez, e, v, status)



Additional information on:



Returns the electron velocity vector at a point.

This procedure needs electron drift velocity data, which can be computed with the MAGBOLTZ gas section command. The magnetic field, if present, is taken into account. Diffusion data is not used, even if present - the vector that is returned represents the mean electron drift velocity at a given point.

This procedure provides functionality similar to the SPEED command.


CALL ELECTRON_VELOCITY(x, y, z, vx, vy, vz [, status])


Call electron_velocity(2,3,0,vx,vy,vz,status)
Say "Velocity: ({vx,vy,vz}), Status: {status}"

Additional information on:



Returns the identifier of an excitation level. This procedure is used to identify the rates that are returned by INTEGRATE_EXCITATIONS.

The first argument is the level number, the index of the vector given by INTEGRATE_EXCITATIONS. The second argument contains on return a string with the level identifier, which is described in somewhat more detail in the gas ingredients. The optional third argument contains on return the threshold energy of the level (in eV).

The number of levels can be obtained with LEVEL_COUNT.


CALL EXCITATION_IDENTIFIER(level_number, level_identifier [, level_energy])



Returns the rate at which an excited state is formed, for a given electric field, a given electric field vector or a given combination of an electric and a magnetic field vector.

In the absence of a magnetic field, the orientation of the electric field is immaterial. The electric field may be specified either by the norm or as a vector, of which only the norm matters.

In the presence of a magnetic field, the rates (at least in principle) depend on the relative orientation of the electric and magnetic field vectors. Both fields therefore have to be specified as vectors.

Each of the field components can either be a Number or a Matrix. It is permissible to specify some components of the field as Numbers and the other(s) as Matrices.

All components which are specified as Matrix must have the same total size - they do not have to be 1-dimensional. If at least one component is specified as Matrix, then the output will be a 1-dimensional Matrix with length equal to the overall size of the arguments of type Matrix. Otherwise the result will be a Number.

The first argument is a Number which identifies the level. The number of available levels can be found with the LEVEL_COUNT procedure and further information can be obtained with EXCITATION_IDENTIFIER.

The electric field should be in V/cm, the magnetic field has to be in native units of 100\&nbsp;G or 0.01\&nbsp;T, and the rate is returned in THz.


CALL EXCITATION_RATE(level, e, rate)
CALL EXCITATION_RATE(level, ex, ey, ez, rate)
CALL EXCITATION_RATE(level, ex, ey, ez, bx, by, bz, rate)


Global emin=5000
Global emax=25000
Global e=emin*(emax/emin)^((row(200)-1)/199)
Call plot_frame(emin/1000, 0, emax/1000, 2, `E [kV/cm]`, ...
   `Excitation rate [GHz]`, `Excitations and Dissociations`)
Call level_count(nexc, nion)
For id From 1 To nexc Do
   Call excitation_rate(id,e,exc)
   Call excitation_identifier(id, name, ethresh)
   Say "{id}: {name}, Emin = {ethresh}"
   Call string_index(name,`DISS`,ind)
   If ind>0 Then
      Call plot_line(e/1000,exc*1e3, `function-2`)
      Call plot_line(e/1000,exc*1e3, `function-3`)
Call plot_end

This examples plots all excitation rates, and marks the dissociations using a different line type.


Extracts a sub-matrix from a (larger) matrix.

The matrix from which elements are to be extracted should exist prior to the call, the receiving matrix should not exist prior to the call.

This procedure is used to process array indexing on the right hand side of formulae, in procedure calls etc. This procedure is not meant to called by the user. It is much simpler to get sub-matrices using indexing expressions.


CALL EXTRACT_SUBMATRIX(ndim, nsel_1, nsel_2, ... , ...
     isel_1_1, isel_1_2, ..., isel_2_1, isel_2_2, ... , ...
     isel_n_1, isel_n_2, ref_submatrix, ref_matrix)


Searches for an extreme value of a function varying 1 parameter over a given range. Whether a minimum or a maximum will be searched for depends on the setting of the options.

When the search is successful, the global variable OK is set to True, otherwise to False. The following conditions can lead to un unsuccessful search:

This procedure works by parabolic iteration over a set of 3 near-extreme values, which is initialised with a random search. If the boundary values are better, than the result of the random search, then the parabolic search is skipped.

Format for functions:

CALL EXTREMUM(function, extremum, minimum, maximum, ...
     [ options [, \&epsilon;_loc [, \&epsilon;_fun [, itermax ]]]])

Format for matrices:

CALL EXTREMUM(ordinates, values, extremum, ...
     [ options [, \&epsilon;_loc [, \&epsilon;_fun [, itermax ]]]])


Call extremum(`1+5*x-(x-2)^3`,x,-1,4,`plot,print,minimum`)
Global min=x
Call extremum(`1+5*x-(x-2)^3`,x,-1,4,`plot,print,maximum`)
Global max=x
Say "Extrema: {min,max}"

The function 1+5*x-(x-2)^3 has a local minimum near x=0.7 and a local maximum near x=3.3. The first call will indeed find the local minimum, while the second call will set x to -1 since the function value on this boundary is higher than in the local maximum.

Global a=2
Global b=3
Call extremum(`1+cosh(a-b)`,b,-1,4,`plot,print,minimum`)
Say "Minimum found is {b}, should be {a}."

This example shows a function of two global variables, A and B. The function is minimised as function of B in this example. During the minimisation, A retains its value.

Additional information on:


This procedure adds entries to an existing histogram.

The procedure sets the OK global variable to True if filling was successful and to False if it wasn't, usually because the histogram to be filled didn't exist. OK is not set to False if the entry is out of range.


CALL FILL_HISTOGRAM(histogram, entry [, weight])


Call book_histogram(ref,100)
For i From 1 To 10000 Do
   Call fill_histogram(ref,rnd_landau)
Call plot_histogram(ref,`Energy loss`,`Landau distribution`)
Call plot_end

This example could be used to check that the Landau random number generator does indeed work.

Additional information on:



Fits an exponential of a polynomial to an histogram or to 1-dimensional matrices.

In addition to the parameters, the global variable OK is set by this procedure. Its value is True is the fit converged, and False otherwise.

Format for histograms:

CALL FIT_EXPONENTIAL(reference, a0, a1, a2, ..., an, ...
     err_a0, err_a1, err_a2, ..., err_an [, options])

Format for matrices:

CALL FIT_EXPONENTIAL(x, y, err_y, a0, a1, a2, ..., an, ...
     err_a0, err_a1, err_a2, ..., err_an [, options])


avalanche polya-townsend 0.5
check avalanche from 0 0.5 range 0.1 10000 keep-histograms
Call fit_exponential(avalanche,a0,a1,ea0,ea1,`print,plot`)
Say "a0 = {a0}+/-{ea0}, a1 = {a1}+/-{ea1}."

In this example, the user wishes to see how well a Polya distribution with parameter \&theta;=0.5, can be reproduced by an exponential.

Vector ep      ap
       0.13158 0
       0.65789 0
       1.31579 0
       2.63158 0
       6.57895 0
      13.1579  0.0089211
      19.7368  0.10592
      26.3158  0.24737
      39.4737  0.62105
      52.6316  0.97995
      78.9474  1.86895
     105.263   2.74474
     131.579   3.605
     197.368   5.515
     230.263   6.39237
     300       8.07711

Global epfit=ep[6,7,8,9] Global apfit=ap[6,7,8,9]

Global p=760 Call fit_exponential(1/epfit,apfit,0.1*apfit,a0,a1,ea0,ea1, ... `noplot,noprint`)

Global emin=5000 Global emax=300000 Global ne=100 Global ekorff=emin*(emax/emin)^((row(ne)-1)/(ne-1)) Global akorff=exp(a0+a1*p/ekorff)*p !options log-x log-y Call plot_frame(emin,0.1,emax,8000,`E [V/cm]`,`&alpha; [1/cm]`, ... `Korff fit`) Call plot_error_bar(ep*p,ap*p) Call plot_line(ekorff,akorff,`function-1`) Global a=exp(a0) Global ea=ea0*a Global a=entier(a*10)/10 Global ea=entier(ea*10)/10 Global b=-entier(a1) Global eb=entier(ea1) Call plot_text(40000,100,`A = `/string(a)/` &plusmn; `/string(ea), ... `title`) Call plot_text(40000,60,`B = `/string(b)/` &plusmn; `/string(eb), ... `title`) Call plot_end

The Townsend coefficients are sometimes approximated using the Rose-Korff formula:

\&alpha;/p = A.exp(-B.p/E)
This example performs such a fit on Townsend coefficients that have been computed by the Imonte program for a mixture of 90\&nbsp;% argon and 10\&nbsp;% isobutane. Imonte is a precursor program for Magboltz version\&nbsp;7 and is no longer used.

Additional information on:



Fits an arbitrary function to an histogram or to 1-dimensional matrices. Fitting a Landau distribution to an histogram, seems to be a common application of this procedure.

This procedure, unlike the other fitting procedures, does not try to find suitable starting values for the fitting parameters. A starting value for each parameter must therefore be supplied by the user.

Since this procedure uses the symbolic evaluation procedures of Garfield, the fit works essentially in single precision. In order to have a chance to be successful, the problem must therefore be well conditioned.

In addition to the parameters, the global variable OK is set by this procedure. Its value is True is the fit converged, and False otherwise.

Format for histograms:

CALL FIT_FUNCTION(reference, function, ...
     par1, par2, par3, ... , err1, err2, err3, ... [, options])

Format for matrices:

CALL FIT_FUNCTION(x, y, err_y, function, ...
     par1, par2, par3, ... , err1, err2, err3, ... [, options])


Call book_histogram(ref,50,-1,3)
For i From 1 To 500 Do
   Global x=-1+4*rnd_uniform
   Global w=x^2+1
   Call fill_histogram(ref,x,w)
Global c=100
Global a=2
Global b=1
Call fit_function(ref,`c+a*(1+b*x^2)`,a,b,ea,eb,`plot,print`)
Say "Function: {c}+{a}*(1+{b}*x^2), errors {ea,eb}"
Say "{a+c} +/- {abs(ea)} should be equal to"
Say "{a*b} +/- {a*b*sqrt((ea/a)^2+(eb/b)^2)}"

This is a simple test of the FIT_FUNCTION procedure in which the function depends on 3 global variables A, B and C of which A and B are varied while C is kept fixed.

Another example can be found in the description of the RND_POISSON random number generator.

Additional information on:


Fits a Gaussian distribution to a set of 1-dimensional matrices or to an histogram.

In addition to the parameters, the global variable OK is set by this procedure. Its value is True is the fit converged, and False otherwise.

Format for histograms:

CALL FIT_GAUSSIAN(reference, integral, mean, sigma ...
     [, error_int [, error_mean [, error_sigma [, options]]]])

Format for matrices:

CALL FIT_GAUSSIAN(x, y, err_y, integral, mean, sigma ...
     [, error_int [, error_mean [, error_sigma [, options]]]])

Example 1:

Call get_histogram(sel_5,`arrival.hist`,`sel_5`)
Call fit_gaussian(sel_5,dum,dum,sigma,dum,dum,esigma,`PLOT`)
Say "Gaussian width is {sigma} +/- {esigma}."

The ARRIVAL-TIME-DISTRIBUTION instruction returns the RMS of the arrival time distributions. To obtain Gaussian fits in addition, you can specify the KEEP-HISTOGRAMS option and then use FIT_GAUSSIAN. You can also do the fit in a separate job as explained in

Example 2:

Call book_histogram(hist)
For i From 1 To 10000 Do
   Global sum=0
   For j From 1 To 12 Do
      Global sum=sum+rnd_uniform
   Call fill_histogram(hist,sum)
Call fit_gaussian(hist,a,b,c,ea,eb,ec,`print,plot`)

(This verifies the approximation of a Gaussian distribution by the sum of 12 uniformly distributed random numbers.)

Additional information on:



Fits a integrated Mathieson distribution to an histogram or to a set of matrices. This distribution is intended to describe the signal induced in a cathode plane that is segmented into strips.

The Mathieson distribution depends on a shape parameter, called K3, which is a function of the geometrical structure of the chamber, and on the ratio of strip width and anode-cathode distance. The distribution assumes that the avalanche is localised on anode wires placed centrally with respect to the cathode strips.

The procedure derives the strip width from the bin width of the input histogram, the anode-cathode distance has to be entered as an argument. The K3 parameter can be fitted, but may optionally also be kept constant during the fit at a user-specified value.

In addition to the parameters, the global variable OK is set by this procedure. Its value is True is the fit converged, and False otherwise.


CALL FIT_MATHIESON(x, y, err_y, distance, norm, centre, k3, ...
     error_norm, error_centre, error_k3, [, options])
CALL FIT_MATHIESON(reference, distance, norm, centre, k3, ...
     error_norm, error_centre, error_k3, [, options])


Call book_histogram(ref_m,50)
Call book_histogram(ref_b,50)
For i From 1 To 65 Do
   Call get_histogram(hist,`profile.hist`,string(i))
   Global k3=0.1
   Global s=0.254
   Call fit_mathieson(hist,s,f,xc,k3,ef,exc,ek3,...
   Call fill_histogram(ref_m,xc)
   Call barycentre(hist,b,5)
   Call fill_histogram(ref_b,b)
   Say "Centre:     {xc} +/- {exc}"
   Say "Barycentre: {b}"
   Say "K3:         {k3} +/- {ek3}"
Call plot_histogram(ref_m,`Reconstructed x [cm]`,`Mathieson fits`)
Call plot_end
Call plot_histogram(ref_b,`Reconstructed x [cm]`,`Barycentre`)
Call plot_end

(We have already produced a file that contains for 65 events a distribution of induced charges in the pads, and now we fit each of these with a Mathieson distribution and compare these fits with barycentres. The K3 parameter is left free.)


J.S. Gordon & E. Mathieson, NIM 227 (1984) 267-276
E. Mathieson & J.S. Gordon, NIM 227 (1984) 277-282
E. Mathieson, NIM A270 Letter to the Editor (1988) 602-603

Additional information on:


Fits a Polya distribution to an histogram or to 1-dimensional matrices. The Polya distribution is a special case of a \&Gamma;-distribution and is sometimes used, as a semi-empiric formula, to describe avalanche fluctuations around wires.

This procedure optionally tries to determine the a linear horizontal scale correction for which the fit is optimal. But, fitting a Polya distribution with a free scale is a numerically poorly conditioned problem because of the high correlation between the Polya parameter and the scale parameters. If the scale is known, then it is preferable to fix the scale.

Similarly, the routine will make an attempt to estimate the Polya parameter if no starting value is known, but it is better to provide a starting value if one is known with reasonable accuracy.

In addition to the parameters, the global variable OK is set by this procedure. Its value is True is the fit converged, and False otherwise.

Format for histograms:

CALL FIT_POLYA(reference, factor, offset, slope, \&theta;, ...
     error_factor, error_offset, error_slope, error_theta [, options])

Format for matrices:

CALL FIT_POLYA(x, y, err_y, factor, offset, slope, \&theta;, ...
     error_factor, error_offset, error_slope, error_theta [, options])


Call book_histogram(ref,100,0,10)
For i From 1 To 2000 Do
   Call fill_histogram(ref,1+2*rnd_polya(1))
Global o=-1/2
Global s=1/2
Global t=500
Global f=200
Call fit_polya(ref,f,o,s,t,ef,eo,es,et,`plot,print,poisson,auto`)
Say "Scaling X={o}+{s}*x, theta={t}+/-{et}, contents={f}."

(First we fill a histogram with a Polya distribution of which we know the \&theta; parameter and the scale, then we check whether the fit finds the input values back. We don't need to give initial values in this case since the AUTO option is specified.)

Additional information on:



Fits a polynomial to an histogram or to 1-dimensional matrices.

In addition to the parameters, the global variable OK is set by this procedure. Its value is True is the fit converged, and False otherwise.

Format for histograms:

CALL FIT_POLYNOMIAL(reference, a0, a1, a2, ..., an, ...
     err_a0, err_a1, err_a2, ..., err_an [, options])

Format for matrices:

CALL FIT_POLYNOMIAL(x, y, err_y, a0, a1, a2, ..., an, ...
     err_a0, err_a1, err_a2, ..., err_an [, options])


Call hdelete(ref)
Call hbook(ref,100,-2,2)
For i From 1 To 10000 Do
   Global x=(rnd_uniform-0.5)*4
   Global dy=0.01*(rnd_uniform-0.5)
   Call hfill(ref,x,1+2*x+x^2+dy)
Call fit_polynomial(ref,a0,a1,a2,ea0,ea1,ea2,`print,plot`)
Say "a0 = {a0}+/-{ea0}, a1 = {a1}+/-{ea1}, a2 = {a2}+/-{ea2}."

This example is a test to verify that the fit works. In the procedure calls, HDELETE is short for DELETE_HISTOGRAM, HBOOK for BOOK_HISTOGRAM and HFILL for FILL_HISTOGRAM.

Additional information on:



Returns the electrostatic component of the force experienced by a wire that would have been located at the specified position. The field still has to be multiplied by a charge to get a force.

This procedure is only of use for debugging, and must be used with caution since it is on purpose not protected for locations inside wires (the call can result in a division by zero).


CALL FORCE_FIELD(x, y, ex, ey)

Additional information on:


Returns the status of the gas data.


CALL GAS_AVAILABILITY(object, available)

Additional information on:


Informs about the number of wires in the cell, the potential function used to compute the fields and the coordinate system in which the cell has been described. The procedure also returns the cell identifier.

All arguments are optional.


CALL GET_CELL_DATA([number_of_wires [, cell_type [, ...
     coordinates [, identifier]]]])

Additional information on:


Returns the dimensions of the cell.

If the cell has been entered in polar coordinates, then the dimensions are returned in internal coordinates. These can be converted to Cartesian or polar coordinates with the INTERNAL_TO_CARTESIAN and INTERNAL_TO_POLAR procedures.

If 4 arguments are provided, only the (x,y) part of the cell dimensions is returned. If 6 arguments are present, also the z part is set.


CALL GET_CELL_SIZE(xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax)
CALL GET_CELL_SIZE(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)

Example: see GET_WIRE_DATA


Once the TRACK has been set and cluster generation initialised by means of a call to NEW_TRACK, one can repeatedly call GET_CLUSTER to get one cluster at the time. A flag, done, is set when all clusters for the track have been generated.

In addition to the parameters, the global variable OK is set by this procedure. Its value is True if generating the clusters worked properly, otherwise it will be set to False. OK is set to False if the done flag has been set to True.

Before using the cluster location and energy, the value of the done argument and of the OK global variable should be checked. The parameters should not be used if either of these two has been set to True.


CALL GET_CLUSTER(xcls, ycls, zcls, npair, ecls, [extra1,] done)


track 0 1 1 1 muon energy 10000 nodelta
Call book_histogram(size,100)
For i From 1 To 100 Do
   Call new_track
   Until done Do
      Call get_cluster(xcls,ycls,zcls,npair,ecls,done)
      If done Then Iterate
      Call fill_histogram(size,npair)
!options log-y
Call plot_histogram(size,`Cluster size`,...
   `Cluster size distribution`)
Call plot_end

This example shows how one can obtain the cluster size distribution for tracks generated by the Heed program. Since Heed doesn't generate clusters but always \&delta;-electrons (they usually have a very short range), we use the NODELTA-ELECTRONS option on the TRACK command. This compresses the \&delta;-electrons into clusters.

Additional information on:


Returns the (x,y,z,t) coordinates of the current drift-line. Each of the 4 arguments receives a 1-dimensional Matrix. Any value these arguments may have before the procedure is called, is lost after the procedure call.

If you wish to retrieve e.g. the length or the coordinates of the end point of the drift path, then DRIFT_INFORMATION provides easier access to the information.

The drift time is expressed in \&mu;sec and the z-component of the drift path in cm. Also the (x,y) part of the path is in cm if Cartesian or tube coordinates are used. If the cell has been described in polar coordinates, then (x,y) is represented in internal coordinates:


These can be converted to Cartesian or polar coordinates with the INTERNAL_TO_CARTESIAN and INTERNAL_TO_POLAR procedures.


CALL GET_DRIFT_LINE(x [, y [, z [, t]]])


Say "Please enter (x,y) of the starting point"
Parse Terminal x_start y_start
Call drift_electron(1,1,status,time)
Call get_drift_line(x,y,z,t)
Call plot_graph(t,x,`Time [microsec]`,`x [cm]`,`x vs time`)
Call plot_comment(`UP-LEFT`,`Status: `/status)
Call plot_comment(`DOWN-LEFT`,`Drift time: `/string(time)/` [microsec]`)
Call plot_comment(`UP-RIGHT`, `From (x,y)=(`/string(x_start)/`,`/...
Call plot_end

A way to plot the relation between the x-coordinate of a drift line and the drift time.


Returns the list of E/p points which are currently used to interpolate electron and ion transport properties. One can use the GET_GAS_DATA procedure to obtain the pressure in order to convert ep to an electric field.

After the call, the argument is a 1-dimensional Matrix. Any value this argument has before the procedure call, is lost after the call.




Call get_e/p_table(ep)
Call get_gas_data(p)
Call townsend(ep*p,0,0,a)
Call plot_graph(ep*p,a,`E [V/cm]`,`&alpha; [1/cm]`, ...
   `Townsend coefficient`)
Call plot_error_bar(ep*p,a,0,0.1*a)
Call plot_end

Retrieves the set of E/p points, the pressure and the Townsend coefficients, and then makes a plot showing 10\&nbsp;% error bars for the values.


Returns the pressure, temperature and identifier of the gas.


CALL GET_GAS_DATA(pressure [, temperature [, identifier]])


Call get_gas_data(p, t, gasid)
Say "Gas identifier is {gasid}."

Additional information on:



Retrieves an Histogram which has been written to disk by WRITE_HISTOGRAM. After retrieval, the histogram can further be filled etc.

The procedure sets the OK global variable to True if the histogram has successfully been retrieved and to False if a problem occurred.


CALL GET_HISTOGRAM(reference, file [, member])

Additional information on:



GET_MATRIX is used to recover a Matrix from a disk file to which it has been written with the WRITE_MATRIX procedure.

The procedure sets the OK global variable to True if the matrix is successfully retrieved, and to False in case of a problem.


CALL GET_MATRIX(matrix, file [, member])



Additional information on:



Returns information concerning the periodicities of the chamber.


CALL GET_PERIODS(yesno_x, length_x, yesno_y, length_y)

Additional information on:


Copies a raw signal to a 1-dimensional matrix. Raw signals serve as ingredient to compute actual signals and are mainly of use if you wish to do such calculations outside Garfield.

Raw signals are obtained by computing drift trajectories, and multiplying at each step, the local velocity with the weighting field. Raw signals do not, as a rule, have equal time intervals.

Use the LIST_RAW_SIGNALS procedure to find out which raw signals currently are in memory.


CALL GET_RAW_SIGNAL(type, electrode, avalanche_wire, angle, ...
     time, signal)

Additional information on:


Copies a signal to a (set of) 1-dimensional matrices.


CALL GET_SIGNAL(electrode, time, direct [, cross])


Additional information on:


Returns information about a solid.


CALL GET_SOLID_DATA(solid, qsolid)


Additional information on:


Returns information on all planes at constant x or r present in the cell.

Internal coordinates are used for the plane locations. Use the INTERNAL_TO_POLAR procedure to convert to, for instance, polar coordinates.

All arguments are mandatory.


CALL GET_X_PLANE_DATA(yn_1, x_1, V_1, label_1, ...
                      yn_2, x_2, V_2, label_2)


Call get_cell_data(wires,type,coord,id)
Call get_x_plane_data(yn1,x1,V1,lab1, yn2,x2,V2,lab2)
If coord="Polar" Then
   If yn1 Then Say "There is a plane at r={exp(x1)} and with V={V1}."
   If yn2 Then Say "There is a plane at r={exp(x2)} and with V={V2}."
   If yn1 Then Say "There is a plane at x={x1} and with V={V1}."
   If yn2 Then Say "There is a plane at x={x2} and with V={V2}."


Returns information on all planes at constant y or phi present in the cell.

Internal coordinates are used for the plane locations, use the INTERNAL_TO_POLAR procedure to convert to polar coordinates.

All arguments are mandatory.


CALL GET_Y_PLANE_DATA(yn_1, y_1, V_1, label1, ...
                      yn_2, y_2, V_2, label2)


Call get_cell_data(wires,type,coord,id)
Call get_y_plane_data(yn1,y1,V1,lab1, yn2,y2,V2,lab2)
If coord="Polar" Then
   If yn1 Then Say "There is a plane at phi={180*y1/pi} and with V={V1}."
   If yn2 Then Say "There is a plane at phi={180*y2/pi} and with V={V2}."
   If yn1 Then Say "There is a plane at y={y1} and with V={V1}."
   If yn2 Then Say "There is a plane at y={y2} and with V={V2}."


Returns information about a wire: the location in internal coordinates, the potential, the diameter, the charge, the wire label, the length, the stretching weight and the density.

All arguments are optional.


CALL GET_WIRE_DATA(wire [, x [, y [, V [, d [, q [, label [, ...
   length [, weight [, density]]]]]]]]])


Call get_cell_data(nwire,dummy,dummy,id)
Say "List of wires with a negative charge:"
For i From 1 To nwire Do
   Call get_wire_data(i,xw,yw,vw,dw,qw,labelw)
   If qw>0 Then Iterate
   Say "Wire {i} at (x,y)=({xw,yw}), type {labelw}"

This example shows how one can produce a list of the wires that have a negative charge. One could also select a sense wire and store its coordinates using this technique.

Additional information on:


Plots a fill area.

This procedure is a direct interface to the GKS routine GFA. The first argument of GFA, the vector length, is absent.

The area is plotted with the area attributes, and using the normalisation transformation that are in effect at the time the procedure is called.



Additional information on:



Plots a polyline.

This procedure is a direct interface to the GKS routine GPL. The first argument of GPL, the vector length, is absent.

The polyline is plotted with the polyline attributes, and using the normalisation transformation that are in effect at the time the procedure is called.



Additional information on:



Plots a polymarker.

This procedure is a direct interface to the GKS routine GPM. The first argument of GPM, the vector length, is absent.

The polymarker is plotted with the polymarker attributes, and using the normalisation transformation that are in effect at the time the procedure is called.



Additional information on:



Selects the normalisation transformation.

This procedure is equivalent to the GKS routine GSELNT.




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Sets the character expansion factor.

This procedure is an interface to the GKS routine GSCHXP.



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Sets the character height

This procedure is an interface to the GKS routine GSCHH.




Sets the character spacing

This procedure is an interface to the GKS routine GSCHSP.



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Sets the character up vector

This procedure is an interface to the GKS routine GSCHUP.



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Sets the text alignments.

The text alignments specify where a piece of text is to placed with respect to its anchor point.

This procedure is an interface to the GKS routine GSTXAL.



Additional information on:



Sets the text colour index.

This procedure is a direct interface to the GKS routine GSTXCI.



Additional information on:



Sets the text font and precision.

This procedure is a direct interface to the GKS routine GSTXFP.


Additional information on:


Plots a text string.

This procedure is a direct interface to the GKS routine GTX.

The text is plotted with the polyline attributes, the alignment, the up-vector and using the normalisation transformation that are in effect at the time the procedure is called. These attributes can either be set at the GKS level by calling GKS_SET_CHARACTER_EXPANSION, GKS_SET_CHARACTER_HEIGHT, GKS_SET_CHARACTER_SPACING, GKS_SET_CHARACTER_UP_VECTOR, GKS_SET_TEXT_ALIGNMENT, GKS_SET_TEXT_COLOUR and GKS_SET_TEXT_FONT_PRECISION, or at the Garfield level by calling SET_TEXT_ATTRIBUTES.


CALL GKS_TEXT(x,y,text)

Additional information on:


Sets the viewport for a normalisation transformation. This procedure is provided for completeness only - for most applications, the VIEWPORT graphics command will prove more convenient.

Specifying a viewport doesn't entail an automatic change of normalisation transformation. For this, one needs to call the GKS_SELECT_NT procedure.

A call to a procedure like PLOT_FRAME overrides the viewport setting for normalisation transformation number 1 with the parameters that can be set with the VIEWPORT graphics command. Also, all regular Garfield plots will modify these viewport settings.

This procedure is equivalent to the GKS routine GSVP.


CALL GKS_VIEWPORT(nt, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)


Additional information on:


Sets the window for a normalisation transformation. This procedure is provided for completeness only - for most applications, the PLOT_FRAME procedure together with the VIEWPORT graphics command will prove more convenient.

Specifying a window doesn't entail an automatic change of normalisation transformation. For this, one needs to call the GKS_SELECT_NT procedure.

A call to a procedure like PLOT_FRAME overrides the window setting for normalisation transformation number 1 with the dimensions specified in the argument. Also all regular Garfield plots will modify these window settings.

This procedure is equivalent to the GKS routine GSWN.


CALL GKS_WINDOW(nt, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)


Additional information on:


Makes a Matrix copy of an Histogram, optionally returning the range of the histogram in the form of a pair of Numbers.

The histogram is not affected by this operation.


CALL HISTOGRAM_TO_MATRIX(hist, matrix [, min [, max]])


Call book_histogram(ref1,10,0,1)
For i From 1 To 1000 Do
   Call fill_histogram(ref1,rnd_uniform)
Call plot_histogram(ref1)
Call plot_end
Call histogram_to_matrix(ref1,a,min,max)
Call matrix_to_histogram(a,min,max,ref2)
Call plot_histogram(ref2)
Call plot_end

First, we book an histogram and fill it with uniformly distributed random numbers. The histogram is then copied to a matrix A, and then copied back to a histogram. Both histograms are plotted to check they are indeed the same.


Integrates the charge induced over a given time interval in an electrode by an electron or an ion released from a given point.

To take the effect of electronics into account, one should calculate pure signals with the SIGNAL command or with the ADD_SIGNALS procedure, process them (e.g. with CONVOLUTE-SIGNALS), recuperate the electronics output with GET_SIGNAL and integrate the signal using the SUM function.

The procedure first drifts a particle of the desired kind from the starting point. Next, the routine integrates the internal product of the weighting field for the electrode that is read out and the drift velocity between the time limits over the drift path. The result is multiplied with minus the charge of the particle that has been drifting.

Contrary to appearances, the total induced charge (i.e. integrated over the entire drift path) thus computed is a surprisingly boring quantity. A charged particle that moves from one electrode to another can only induce a total charge of +1, 0 or -1. The total charge is +1 or -1 in case the particles moves from an electrode that is read out to one that is not, or vv. The total charge is 0 if the particle moves between electrodes which are both read out or are both not read out.

The sum of charges induced on all electrodes vanishes: the effect of a moving charge in a chamber is a reshuffling of the charges on the conductors, charges are not created and do not vanish.


CALL INDUCED_CHARGE(x, y, z, particle, electrode ...
   [, tmin, tmax], q)


pl y -1 label p
pl y +1 label q
a * * +0.5 0 -1000
s * *  0   0  1000
b * * -0.5 0 -1000

&GAS co2

&SIG area -1.1 -1.1 1.1 1.1 sel (pq)s(ab) Call induced_charge(-0.4,-0.5,0,`e-`,2,q1) Call induced_charge(-0.4,-0.5,0,`e+`,2,q2) Say "Status e-: {stat1}, e+: {stat2}" Say "Charge between wire and plane: {q1+q2}"

Verifies that the total charge induced by a particle moving between two conductors (the B wire and a plane) other than the one that is read out (the S wire), is indeed 0.

A more elaborate application of this procedure can be found in

Additional information on:


Calls all random number generators the specified number of times.

This procedure is used to control the starting point in the random number generator sequences. By default, the random number generators are, at the start of the calculations, called a number of times that depends on the time of the day (product of the hours, minutes and seconds).

If reproducible, yet different, sequences are required, then specify the -noRNDM_initialisation command line option and use this procedure to set a starting point.




garfield -noRNDM_init
Call initialise_generators(1234)


Tells whether a file exists or not.

The file does not have to be a Garfield library. If you wish to test the presence of, for instance, a gas description in a given library, then you should use INQUIRE_MEMBER.

The EXIST function performs the same tasks as this procedure.


CALL INQUIRE_FILE(file, exists)


Call inquire_file(`new_cell`,exist)
If exist Then
   % delete "dc1.lib" cell
   < new_cell
   write "dc1.lib" cell
   get "dc1.lib" cell

In this example a cell description is retrieved from a library called dc1.lib, unless a file called new_cell is found. In that case, the cell description is deleted from the library, the new description is read and stored in compact format in the library.

Additional information on:


Returns information, such as the bin width and the range, about an histogram.

Calling this procedure does not interfere with the filling process.

The first 2 arguments are mandatory, the rest is optional.


CALL INQUIRE_HISTOGRAM(reference, exists, set, channels, ...
     minimum, maximum, entries, mean, rms)

Additional information on:



Tells whether a member in a library exists or not, approximately equivalent to the INDEX dataset command.

The exists argument is set to True only if all of the following conditions are fulfilled:

Otherwise exists is set to False and the arguments member, remark, date and time are not touched.

Use the INQUIRE_FILE procedure if you only wish to find out whether a file exists.


CALL INQUIRE_MEMBER(file, member, type, exists ...
     [,remark [, date [, time]]])


Call inquire_member(`straw.gas`,`xe50e50`,`gas`,exist)
If exist Then
   get gas.dat xe50e50
   pressure 500
   temperature 300
   magboltz xenon 50 ethane 50
   write gas.dat xe50e50

In this example the existence of a member called XE50E50 in a library called straw.gas is checked. Since the type is set to GAS, only compact gas descriptions are considered. If the member exists, the data is read, otherwise a new table is prepared and is then written to the file.

Additional information on:



The INQUIRE_TYPE procedure can be used to determine whether a given global variable exists and, if it does, what type it has. The procedure also accepts expressions as first argument.

The return parameter, type, can have the following values: `String`, `Number`, `Logical`, `Histogram`, `Matrix`, `Undefined` and `# Invalid`.

This procedure provides a functionality which is similar to that of the TYPE function. The main difference is that it is permissible to give the INQUIRE_TYPE procedure as first argument a variable that does not yet exist while this is not allowed with the TYPE function. The reason for this is that the arguments of procedures are automatically declared if they do not yet exist, while the arguments of functions must be existing variables.


CALL INQUIRE_TYPE(variable, type)


Call book_histogram(hist,10,0,10)
Call inquire_type(hist,type)
Say "Type is {type}"


Integrates, depending on the format that is used, the normal component of the electric field over By the Maxwell equations, this integral equals the charge contained inside the circle or sphere.

Line charges are returned in units of V and point charges in units of The reason for these unusual charge units is that Garfield uses potential functions without scaling factors that cancel between the charge and field calculations.

The potential function used for line charges reads:

V = q log(x\&sup2; + y\&sup2;)
The procedure applied to a 2-dimensional area surrounding such a line charge, and no other charges, should return the value q. Charges expressed in V need to be scaled, as illustrated in the example, before the charge can be compared with the values shown by the CELL-PRINT option, which uses the pC/cm unit. GET_WIRE_DATA returns charges expressed in V, which can be compared directly.

Similarly, in the 3-dimensional case, integrating the a point charge over a field with potential function

        _____________ -1
V = q \\/ x\&sup2; + y\&sup2; + z\&sup2;
should yield a charge of q. To convert from to C, one should multiply with 4\&pi;\&epsilon;\<SUB\>0\</SUB\>.

Integration is performed using 6-point Gaussian quadrature over 50\&nbsp;equal intervals for the 2-dimensional case, and over 20\&nbsp;equal intervals both in \&phi; and in \&theta; for the 3-dimensional case.

ANSYS field calculations are unit-independent when only voltage and periodicity boundary conditions are used. But a choice of distance unit needs to be made when charges are added because of the presence of \&epsilon;\<SUB\>0\</SUB\> in the expressions for potentials and fields. When the ANSYS model is prepared in the native distance unit of metre, no precautions need to be taken. For all other distance units, the charge needs to be adjusted as explained in the space_charge example.


CALL INTEGRATE_CHARGE(x, y, [z,] r, q)

Example 1: Verify the line and point charges.

s * * 1 1 1000      // Wire 1
s * * -1 -1 -1000   // Wire 2

options cell-print

&OPTIMISE charges 2 2 2 1 3 2 3 4.5

&FIELD Call integrate_charge(1.1, 0.5, 0.8, q) // Integrate around wire 1 Global eps0=8.854187817e-14 // Vacuum dielectric constant [C/] Call get_wire_data(1,xw,yw,vw,dw,ew) // Retrieve internal wire charge Say "Charge on wire 1:" Say " as calculated by integrate_charge: {q} V," Say " should be equal to the get_wire_data charge: {ew} V," Say " the cell-print option should give: {2*pi*eps0*q * 1e12} pC/cm." Call integrate_charge(5, 2, 2.5, 3.5, q) Say "Both point charges:" Say " as calculated by integrate_charge: {q}" Say " in conventional units: {4*pi*eps0*q * 1e12} pC"

Example 2: Verify solid charges as computed by neBEM

box  centre        0        0        -1 ...
     half-lengths  0.01    0.01    0.01 ...
     voltage       1000 ...
     label a
box  centre        0        0        +1 ...
     half-lengths  0.01    0.01    0.01 ...
     voltage       -1000 ...
     label b

options cell-print

&FIELD track 0 0 -1.1 0 0 1.1 plot-field graph v

Call integrate_charge(0, 0, -1, 0.3, q1) // Integrate around box 1 Call integrate_charge(0, 0, +1, 0.3, q2) // Integrate around box 2 Call get_solid_data(1, qbox1) // Obtain charge of box 1 from neBEM Call get_solid_data(2, qbox2) // Obtain charge of box 2 from neBEM

Global eps0=8.854187817e-14 // Vacuum dielectric constant [C/] Say "Charge on first box:" Say " as calculated by integrate_charge: {q1}," Say " should be equal to the get_solid_data charge: {qbox1}," Say " the cell-print option should show: {q1 * 4*pi*eps0 * 1e12} pC." Say "Charge on second box:" Say " as calculated by integrate_charge: {q2}," Say " should be equal to the get_solid_data charge: {qbox2}," Say " the cell-print option should show: {q2 * 4*pi*eps0 * 1e12} pC."

Example 3: ANSYS finite element surface charges

First, we prepare a model of a small box of dielectric material between two conductor plates at different voltages. A charge equivalent to 1234567 electrons is distributed over the 6 faces of the small box:

! No polynomial elements

! Set electric preferences KEYW,PR_ELMAG,1 KEYW,MAGELC,1

! Select element ET,1,SOLID123

! Material properties MP,PERX,1,1e10 ! Metal MP,RSVX,1,0.0 ! MP,PERX,2,1.0 ! Gas MP,PERX,3,5.0 ! Permittivity of the box

! Parameters of the device unit = 1000 ! Units: 1000 for mm, 100 for cm, 1 for m r = 10 ! Radius [mm] box = 50 ! Surrounding box qe = 1.60217646e-19 ! Electron charge [C] charge = 1234567*unit*qe ! Total charge in the device

! Model a box in a block BLOCK, -box, box, -box, box, -box, box BLOCK, -r, r, -r, r, -r, r

! Subtract the small box from the block VSBV, 1, 2, , , KEEP ! 1 -> 3

! Glue everything together VGLUE, ALL

! Assign material attributes VSEL, S,,, 3 VATT, 2 VSEL, S,,, 2 VATT, 3

! Voltage boundaries on the planes VSEL, ALL ASEL, S, LOC, Z, box DA, ALL, VOLT, 100 ASEL, S, LOC, Z, -box DA, ALL, VOLT, 200

! Distribute charges over the surfaces of the small box VSEL, S,,,2 ASLV, S SFA,ALL,,CHRGS,charge/(2*6*4*r*r)

! Meshing VSEL, S,,, 2, 3 ASLV, S MSHKEY,0 SMRT, 1 VMESH, ALL

! Solve the field /SOLU SOLVE FINISH


! Write the solution to files /OUTPUT, PRNSOL, lis PRNSOL /OUTPUT




Next we read the field maps and integrate the charge around the small box.

The model has been prepared in units of mm, as shown by the charge correction factor ("unit" in the above script). We need to inform Garfield about this choice when reading the field maps.

field-map files "~/scratch0/PRNSOL.lis" ansys-solid-123 unit mm

&MAIN Global r = 4 // sufficiently large to wrap around all charges Global eps0 = 8.854e-14 // C/( Global qe = 1.60217646e-19 // C Call integrate_charge(0, 0, 0, r, qi) Say "Electron charges: {qi*4*pi*eps0/qe}"

It is worth trying the above example for a smaller charge to observe that the field generated by a small charge is invisible in a finite element map.


Integrates the flux of the E field over a parallelogram.

This procedure was written with classic (i.e. diffusion-free) estimates of the transparency of e.g. meshes in mind. More realistic estimates of such transparencies can be obtained with microscopic tracking techniques.

Although this procedure can be used to determine the charge contained in a box, the INTEGRATE_CHARGE procedure is easier to use in case the integration can also be performed over a sphere. Note that there is a difference of 4\&nbsp;\&pi; between the normalisations of these two procedures (see Example 2).

The parallelogram has (x0,y0,z0) as one of its corners while the two adjacent corners are (x0+dx1,y0+dy1,z1+dz1) and (x0+dx2,y0+dy2,z1+dz2).

Integration is performed using 6-point Gaussian quadrature over (nu\&nbsp;\&times;\&nbsp;nv) equal intervals along the two sides of the rectangle. The arguments nu and nv are optional. They are by default set to 20.

The flux is returned in


CALL INTEGRATE_FLUX(x0,y0,z0, dx1,dy1,dz1, dx2,dy2,dz2, flux [, nu [, nv]])

Example 1: Flux in a parallel plate device

plane x=-1 v=-1000
plane x=+1 v=+1000

&FIELD Call flux(0,-1,-1, 0,2,0, 0,0,2, flux) Say "Flux={flux} []"

In a parallel plate chamber, with a field of 1\&nbsp;kV/cm, we compute the flux through a rectangle of 2\&nbsp;cm by 2\&nbsp;cm. The flux is equal to 1000\&nbsp;V/cm\&nbsp;\&times;\&nbsp;4\&nbsp;cm\&sup2;\&nbsp;=\&nbsp;4000\&nbsp;

Example 2: Relation with charge

field-map files "~/scratch0/PRNSOL.lis" ansys-solid-123 unit mm

&MAIN Global r = 4 // sufficiently large to wrap around all charges Global eps0 = 8.854e-14 // C/( Global qe = 1.60217646e-19 // C Call integrate_charge(0, 0, 0, r, qi) Say "Electron charges: {qi*4*pi*eps0/qe}"

Global r=4 Global n=30 Call integrate_flux(-r,-r,-r, 2*r,0,0, 0,2*r,0, f1, n, n) Call integrate_flux(-r,-r,-r, 0,2*r,0, 0,0,2*r, f2, n, n) Call integrate_flux(-r,-r,-r, 0,0,2*r, 2*r,0,0, f3, n, n) Call integrate_flux( r, r, r, 0,0,-2*r, 0,-2*r,0, f4, n, n) Call integrate_flux( r, r, r, 0,-2*r,0, -2*r,0,0, f5, n, n) Call integrate_flux( r, r, r, -2*r,0,0, 0,0,-2*r, f6, n, n) Say {f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6} Global qj = f1+f2+f3+f4+f5+f6 Say "Electron charges: {-qj*eps0/qe}"

This example computes the total charge for the field map used in Example 3 for INTEGRATE_CHARGE by summing the flux through the 6 faces of a box enclosing the charges. Note that INTEGRATE_FLUX, contrary to INTEGRATE_CHARGE does not divide the flux by a factor 4\&nbsp;\&pi;. The difference in sign is due to the orientation of the panels.


Integrates the excitation rates over the current drift path to obtain the total number of excited molecules along the path. The procedure returns a Matrix with separate counts for each of the excited states.

An electron drift-line must be computed before the present procedure is called. Currently, only Runge_Kutta_Fehlberg integrated electron drift-lines can be processed, pending validation of the integration method. Such drift-lines can be calculated using the DRIFT_ELECTRON and DRIFT_ELECTRON_3 procedures.

Excitation rates are computed by Magboltz as a side product of the calculation of the transport parameters. These rates can be visualised and printed using the GAS-PLOT and GAS-PRINT options of the gas section.

The integration of these rates takes the underlying avalanche into account. Since both the excitation rates and the Townsend coefficients rise fast on approach of electrodes, the leading terms in the integrand are differences between terms of order exp(x\&sup2;) resp. exp(-x\&sup2;). To maintain precision, integration is split over 6 different regimes while the special functions that are used (the error function erf, the complement of error function erfc, the reduced complement of error function erfcr, the imaginary error function erfi and the reduced imaginary error function erfir) all have internally a set of approximations according to argument value. Although tested for a wide range of parameters, users are advised to carefully check the results that are obtained with this procedure.

The accuracy of this procedure is controlled by the setting of the TOWNSEND-ACCURACY and TOWNSEND-STACK-DEPTH INTEGRATION-PARAMETERS




Call drift_electron(-0.3,0.2,status,time,diff,gain)
Call level_count(nexc, nion)
Call integrate_excitations(ex)
For i From 1 To nexc Do
   Call excitation_identifier(i,name)
   Say "Level {i}: {number(ex[i])} ({name})."

This example calculates an electron drift-line from (-0.3,0.2) and lists the total number of excited molecules produced along the path.


Integrates the ionisation rates over the current drift path to obtain the total number of ionised molecules along the path. The procedure returns a Matrix with separate counts for each of the ionised states.

An electron drift-line must be computed before the present procedure is called. Currently, only Runge_Kutta_Fehlberg integrated electron drift-lines can be processed, pending validation of the integration method. Such drift-lines can be calculated using the DRIFT_ELECTRON and DRIFT_ELECTRON_3 procedures.

Ionisation rates are computed by Magboltz as a side product of the calculation of the transport parameters. These rates can be visualised and printed using the GAS-PLOT and GAS-PRINT options of the gas section.

A priori, the number of ionised molecules should be the same as the number of avalanche electrons. As can easily be checked, this is not really the case. This is related to the way the velocity is computed when determining the Townsend coefficient.

The integration of these rates takes the underlying avalanche into account. Since both the ionisation rates and the Townsend coefficients rise fast on approach of electrodes, the leading terms in the integrand are differences between terms of order exp(x\&sup2;) resp. exp(-x\&sup2;). To maintain precision, integration is split over 6 different regimes while the special functions that are used (the error function erf, the complement of error function erfc, the reduced complement of error function erfcr, the imaginary error function erfi and the reduced imaginary error function erfir) all have internally a set of approximations according to argument value. Although tested for a wide range of parameters, users are advised to carefully check the results that are obtained with this procedure.

The accuracy of this procedure is controlled by the setting of the TOWNSEND-ACCURACY and TOWNSEND-STACK-DEPTH INTEGRATION-PARAMETERS




Call drift_electron(-0.3,0.2,status,time,diff,gain)
Call level_count(nexc, nion)
Call integrate_ionisations(ion)
For i From 1 To nion Do
   Call ionisation_identifier(i,name)
   Say "Level {i}: {number(ion[i])} ({name})."


Applies the conformal mapping of internal (\&rho;,\&phi;) coordinates to Cartesian (x,y) coordinates. The (\&rho;,\&phi;) coordinates are used internally in the program when the cell is described in polar coordinates.

Internal coordinates are related to Cartesian coordinates by:

x = cos(\&phi;)*exp(\&rho;)        [\&phi; in radian, x in cm]
y = sin(\&phi;)*exp(\&rho;)        [\&phi; in radian, y in cm]

The input arguments of this procedure can be either of type Number or of type Matrix. If the input type is Matrix, then the two input matrices must have the same total number of elements. The output matrices will have the same structure as the first input matrix.

The abbreviated procedure name RTC is also accepted.




Converts internal (\&rho;,\&phi;) coordinates to polar (r,\&phi;') coordinates. The (\&rho;,\&phi;) coordinates are used internally in the program when the cell is described in polar coordinates.

Internal coordinates are related to polar coordinates by:

r  = exp(\&rho;)      [dimensions not defined]
\&phi;' = 180*\&phi;/\&pi;     [\&phi;' in degrees]

The input arguments of this procedure can be either of type Number or of type Matrix. If the input type is Matrix, then the two input matrices must have the same total number of elements. The output matrices will have the same structure as the first input matrix.

The abbreviated procedure name RTP is also accepted.




The INTERPOLATE procedure performs linear interpolation in matrices of up to 5 dimensions for an arbitrary number of points.

This procedure is intended for interpolations in multi-dimensional matrices for a series of points at the time. For single-point interpolations in 1-dimensional arrays, it is easier to use the INTERPOLATE_i (i = 1, 2, 3 or 4) procedures which furthermore permit higher order polynomial interpolation.

The procedure is based on the CERN library routine FINT and in addition verifies that the points at which interpolations are requested, are within the ranges of the ordinate vectors. If a point is located outside these ranges, then a value of 0 is returned, without warning message.


CALL INTERPOLATE(matrix, ord_1, ... ord_n, points, out)


Call get_matrix(time,`transfer.mat`)
Call get_matrix(z,`transfer.mat`)
Call get_matrix(delta,`transfer.mat`)

Say "Please enter the value of z for which you wish the transfer function:" Global OK=False Global z_hit=-1 While ^OK Do Parse Terminal z_hit Global OK=z_hit>=0 & z_hit<=6 If ^OK Then Say "Please enter a value between 0 and 6 m." Enddo

Call dimensions(time,ndim_time,dim_time) Call book_matrix(point,2,dim_time[1]) Call delete_matrix(dim_time) Global point[1;]=z_hit Global point[2;]=time

Call interpolate(delta,z,time,point,trans) Call delete_matrix(point)

The matrix delta contains the \&delta;-responses of a tube measured at various points along the tube (written z) and as function of time (written time). The purpose of the example is to show how one can compute the \&delta;-response for intermediate values of z by interpolation.

Additional information on:


A series of 4 procedures (INTERPOLATE_1, INTERPOLATE_2, INTERPOLATE_3 and INTERPOLATE_4) which perform 1-dimensional local linear, parabolic, cubic and quartic polynomial interpolations.

For (linear) interpolation in higher-dimensional matrices, use the INTERPOLATE procedure.


CALL INTERPOLATE_i(x_vector, y_vector, x, y)


select 1
check wire keep-results
Call interpolate_2(phi_1, e_1, pi/2, e90)
Call interpolate_2(phi_1, e_1, 3*pi/2, e270)
Say "Electric field at 90 degrees is {e90} and at 270 degrees {e270}."

In this example, one computes the field at the surface of wire 1 and asks to save the results in a series of vectors. Since the values at 90\&deg; and 270\&deg; are not present in these vectors, one uses one of the INTERPOLATE_i procedures to interpolate for these angles.

Additional information on:


Performs an interpolation, at a given location, of a track that has been prepared with PREPARE-TRACK.

Track preparation is a means to obtain rapidly, mainly for the sake of Monte Carlo calculations, numerous drift times, integrated diffusions and multiplications for a single track.


CALL INTERPOLATE_TRACK(x, y, z, status [, time [, ...
   diffusion [, multiplication [, attachment [, angle]]]]])


Global n 20
track 0.5 -0.9 0.5 0.9 lines {n}
Call book_matrix(yvec,n)
Call book_matrix(tvec,n)
Call book_matrix(dvec,n)
Call book_matrix(avec,n)
Call book_matrix(bvec,n)
Call new_track
For i From 1 To n Do
   Call get_cluster(x,y,z,npair,e,done)
   Call interpolate_track(x,y,z,status,time,diff,aval,loss)
   Say "From ({x,y,z}), t={time}, status={status}"
   Global yvec[i]=y
   Global tvec[i]=time
   Global dvec[i]=diff
   Global avec[i]=aval
   Global bvec[i]=loss
Call plot_graph(yvec,tvec,`y [cm]`,`Time [microsec]`, ...
   `Drift time`)
Call plot_end
Call plot_graph(yvec,dvec,`y [cm]`,`Diffusion [microsec]`, ...
Call plot_end
Call plot_graph(yvec,avec*bvec,`y [cm]`,`Electron`, ...
   `Multiplication and loss`)
Call plot_end

A track is defined by its location and its clustering model. In this example, the clustering model is chosen to be a fixed number of regularly spaced points along the track, a convenient choice for making the drift time, diffusion and multiplication graphs.

Additional information on:


Returns the identifier of an ionisation level. This procedure is used to identify the rates that are returned by INTEGRATE_IONISATIONS.

The first argument is the level number, the index of the vector given by INTEGRATE_IONISATIONS. The second argument contains on return a string with the level identifier, which is described in somewhat more detail in the gas ingredients. The optional third argument contains on return the threshold energy of the level (in eV).

The number of levels can be obtained with LEVEL_COUNT.


CALL IONISATION_IDENTIFIER(level_number, level_identifier [, level_energy])



Returns the rate at which an ionised state is formed, for a given electric field, a given electric field vector or a given combination of an electric and a magnetic field vector.

In the absence of a magnetic field, the orientation of the electric field is immaterial. The electric field may be specified either by the norm or as a vector, of which only the norm matters.

In the presence of a magnetic field, the rates (at least in principle) depend on the relative orientation of the electric and magnetic field vectors. Both fields therefore have to be specified as vectors.

Each of the field components can either be a Number or a Matrix. It is permissible to specify some components of the field as Numbers and the other(s) as Matrices.

All components which are specified as Matrix must have the same total size - they do not have to be 1-dimensional. If at least one component is specified as Matrix, then the output will be a 1-dimensional Matrix with length equal to the overall size of the arguments of type Matrix. Otherwise the result will be a Number.

The first argument is a Number which identifies the level. The number of available levels can be found with the LEVEL_COUNT procedure and further information can be obtained with IONISATION_IDENTIFIER.

The electric field should be in V/cm, the magnetic field has to be in native units of 100\&nbsp;G or 0.01\&nbsp;T, and the rate is returned in THz.


CALL IONISATION_RATE(level, e, rate)
CALL IONISATION_RATE(level, ex, ey, ez, rate)
CALL IONISATION_RATE(level, ex, ey, ez, bx, by, bz, rate)


Global emin=5000
Global emax=25000
Global e=emin*(emax/emin)^((row(200)-1)/199)
Call plot_frame(emin/1000, 0, emax/1000, 100, `E [kV/cm]`, ...
   `Ionisation rate [MHz]`, `Ionisations`)
Call level_count(nexc, nion)
For id From 1 To nion Do
   Call ionisation_rate(id,e,ion)
   Call plot_line(e/1000,ion*1e6, `function-1`)
Call plot_end

This examples makes a simple plot of all ionisation rates, similar to the one obtained when using the GAS-PLOT option, but with a customised range.


Returns the ion dissociation coefficients, if available, for a given electric field, a given electric field vector or a given combination of an electric and a magnetic field vector.

In the absence of a magnetic field, the orientation of the electric field is immaterial. The electric field may be specified either by the norm or as a vector, of which only the norm matters.

In the presence of a magnetic field, the transport parameters depend on the relative orientation of the electric and magnetic field vectors. Both fields therefore have to be specified as vectors.

Each of the field components can either be a Number or a Matrix. It is permissible to specify 1 or 2 components of the field as Numbers and the other(s) as Matrices.

All components which are specified as Matrix, must have the same total size - they do not have to be 1-dimensional. If at least one component is specified as Matrix, then the output will be a 1-dimensional Matrix with length equal to the overall size of the arguments of type Matrix. Otherwise the result will be a Number.

The electric field should be in V/cm. The magnetic field, if present, should be expressed in native units of 0.01\&nbsp;T or 100\&nbsp;G. The dissociation coefficient is returned in 1/cm.


CALL ION_DISSOCIATION(e, dissociation)
CALL ION_DISSOCIATION(ex, ey, ez, dissociation)
CALL ION_DISSOCIATION(ex, ey, ez, bx, by, bz, dissociation)


Returns the ion mobility, if available, for a given value electric field, a given electric field vector or a given combination of an electric and a magnetic field vector.

In the absence of a magnetic field, the orientation of the electric field is immaterial. The electric field may be specified either by the norm or as a vector, of which only the norm matters.

Although to my knowledge not yet measured, the ion mobility may depend on the magnetic field as well as on the angle between the electric and magnetic field. If such dependence has been entered in the gas tables, then it can be retrieved with this procedure. Both fields then have to be specified as vectors.

Each of the field components can either be a Number or a Matrix. It is permissible to specify 1 or 2 components of the field as Numbers and the other(s) as Matrices.

All components which are specified as Matrix, must have the same total size - they do not have to be 1-dimensional. If at least one component is specified as Matrix, then the output will be a 1-dimensional Matrix with length equal to the overall size of the arguments of type Matrix. Otherwise the result will be a Number.

The electric field should be in V/cm, the magnetic field, if present, in native units of 0.01\&nbsp;T or 100\&nbsp;G. The ion mobility is returned in cm\&sup2;/V.\&mu;sec.


CALL ION_MOBILITY(e, mobility)
CALL ION_MOBILITY(ex, ey, ez, mobility)
CALL ION_MOBILITY(ex, ey, ez, bx, by, bz, mobility)


Returns the ion drift velocity vector at a point.

This procedure needs ion mobility data, which can for instance be entered with the TABLE and ADD gas section commands. The magnetic field, if present, is taken into account for the calculation of the vector. Diffusion data is not used, even if present - the vector that is returned represents the mean ion drift velocity at a given point.

This procedure provides functionality similar to the SPEED command.


CALL ION_VELOCITY(x, y, z, vx, vy, vz [, status])


Call ion_velocity(2,3,0,vx,vy,vz,status)
Say "Velocity: ({vx,vy,vz}), Status: {status}"

Additional information on:



Returns the number of excitation and ionisation levels in the gas data. These counts are used to loop over the states as shown in the example.

Excitation and ionisation rates are computed by Magboltz as a side product when generating transport tables. Magboltz distinguishes a large number of individual levels. The list of gas mixture ingredients contains a brief descriptions of these levels.

The INTEGRATE_EXCITATIONS and INTEGRATE_IONISATIONS procedures integrate the rates, returning vectors of integrated rates. The correspondence between the indices of these vectors and the level identifiers is established by the EXCITATION_IDENTIFIER and IONISATION_IDENTIFIER procedures.


CALL LEVEL_COUNT(n_excitations, n_ionisations)


Call level_count(nexc, nion)
For i From 1 To nexc Do
   Call excitation_identifier(i,name, e)
   Say "Excitation {i}: {name}, threshold energy = {e} eV"
For i From 1 To nion Do
   Call ionisation_identifier(i,name, e)
   Say "Ionisation {i}: {name}, threshold energy = {e} eV"


Prints a summary of all histograms currently in storage, showing the current average, RMS and number of entries as well as the range if set. Also shown are the names of the Global variables associated with each histogram.

Histograms should in principle always be associated with a global variable. Memory leaks can occur however because of incomplete garbage collects. If all available memory is occupied by orphan histograms, then memory can be freed with the DELETE_HISTOGRAM procedure.




Call book_histogram(hist,50,`integer`)
Call list_histograms
For i From 1 To 10000 Do
   Call fill_histogram(hist,rnd_poisson(10))
Call list_histograms

An histogram is booked in autorange mode with integer bins. The listing will indicate this, adding that there are no entries yet. During filling, the range of the histogram is set, as is revealed in the second listing.


LIST_MATRICES prints an overview of matrices currently in memory and of the Global variables associated with them.

Matrices should in principle always be associated with a global variable. Memory leaks can occur however because of incomplete garbage collects. If all available memory is occupied by orphan matrices, then memory can be freed with the DELETE_MATRIX procedure.




Call book_matrix(a,2,3,4,5)
Call list_matrices
Call delete_matrix(a)
Call list_matrices


Lists the current booking state of all known objects.

Objects are e.g. memory areas which can be shared by various calculations. Some procedures can proceed faster if some area of memory contains data of a certain kind, and they test this by looking into the object booking list.

Usually, you do not need to worry about this.



s 5 * i i 1000*i

&FIELD Call list_objects plot surf v Call list_objects

Will show that the area called MATRIX is first used for the capacitance matrix. Once the charges have been computed, the area is released. It is claimed again for making the surface plot, and released once this plot has been made. The capacitance matrix is lost at this point, and e.g. CHANGE-VOLTAGES would now recompute the capacitance matrix.


Lists the raw signals that are currently in store.

Raw signals can be retrieved using the GET_RAW_SIGNAL procedure.




track 0.5 -0.5 0.5 0.5
ava exp 10000
res 0 0.01 200
opt nocl-pr nocl-pl
sel 1
Call list_raw_signals
Call get_raw_signal(`ion`,1,1,0,time,sig)
Call plot_frame(0,0,4,10,` `,` `,` `)
Call plot_line(time,sig)
Call plot_end

In this example, the LIST_RAW_SIGNALS call is used to determine which raw signals are currently available. Then, one of them is retrieved and plotted.


Lists all currently known strings, their length, current value and association with Global variables.

Unlike histograms and matrices, not all strings are associated with a global. For instance, names of metafiles are kept in the string buffer.




Global a=`This is a string`
Call string_listing


Returns the indices of the maximum of a matrix.

Use the MAXIMUM function instead if you only need to know the value, and not the location, of the maximum.


CALL LOCATE_MAXIMUM(matrix, index_1,index_2, ... , index_n)


Call book_matrix(a,3,3,3)
For i From 1 To 3 Do
   For j From 1 To 3 Do
      For k From 1 To 3 Do
         Global a[i;j;k]=(i-1)*(j-2)*(k-3)
Call locate_maximum(a,imax,jmax,kmax)
Say "Maximum is at A[{imax};{jmax};{kmax}] = {a[imax;jmax;kmax]},"
Say "which should be equal to {maximum(a)}."

Additional information on:


Returns the indices of the minimum of a matrix.

Use the MINIMUM function instead if you only need to know the value, and not the location, of the minimum.


CALL LOCATE_MINIMUM(matrix, index_1,index_2, ... , index_n)


Call book_matrix(a,3,3,3)
For i From 1 To 3 Do
   For j From 1 To 3 Do
      For k From 1 To 3 Do
         Global a[i;j;k]=(i-1)*(j-2)*(k-3)
Call locate_minimum(a,imin,jmin,kmin)
Say "Minimum is at A[{imin};{jmin};{kmin}] = {a[imin;jmin;kmin]},"
Say "which should be equal to {minimum(a)}."

Additional information on:


Returns the longitudinal diffusion, if available, for a given electric field, a given electric field vector or a given combination of an electric and a magnetic field vector.

In the absence of a magnetic field, the orientation of the electric field is immaterial. The electric field may be specified either by the norm or as a vector, of which only the norm matters.

In the presence of a magnetic field, the transport parameters depend on the relative orientation of the electric and magnetic field vectors. Both fields therefore have to be specified as vectors.

Each of the field components can either be a Number or a Matrix. It is permissible to specify 1 or 2 components of the field as Numbers and the other(s) as Matrices.

All components which are specified as Matrix, must have the same total size - they do not have to be 1-dimensional. If at least one component is specified as Matrix, then the output will be a 1-dimensional Matrix with length equal to the overall size of the arguments of type Matrix. Otherwise the result will be a Number.

The electric field should be in V/cm. The magnetic field, if present, should be expressed in native units of 0.01\&nbsp;T or 100\&nbsp;G. The diffusion is returned in \&radic;cm.

The coordinate_system aligns the longitudinal diffusion with the electric field, not necessarily with the drift velocity vector. The transverse diffusion is the average of the diffusion perpendicular to E.

SIGMA_L can be typed as a synonym to LONGITUDINAL_DIFFUSION.


CALL LONGITUDINAL_DIFFUSION(ex, ey, ez, bx, by, bz, sigma_l)


Returns the Lorentz angles, if available, for a given value of (Ex, Ey, Ez) and (Bx, By, Bz) or a given set of values of (Ex, Ey, Ez) and (Bx, By, Bz).

If the fields are specified with vectors, then the result will also be a vector. Otherwise the result will be a scalar. It is permitted to specify 1 or 2 components of the fields with scalars and the other(s) with vectors. The result will still be a vector in that case.

The electric field should be in V/cm, the magnetic field in native units of 0.01\&nbsp;T or 100\&nbsp;G. The Lorentz angles are returned in radians.


CALL LORENTZ_ANGLE(ex, ey, ez, bx, by, bz, angle)


Returns the magnetic field vector at a given point. This procedure assumes that the z-coordinate of the point is equal to 0.

The arguments bx, by, bz, and b are optional.


CALL MAGNETIC_FIELD(x, y, bx, by, bz [, b])

Additional information on:


Returns the magnetic field vector at a given point.

The arguments bx, by, bz and b are optional.


CALL MAGNETIC_FIELD_3(x, y, z, bx, by, bz [, b])

Additional information on:


Returns the coordinates of the vertices of an element of the field map.

The input argument is an element number which, for a given location, can be obtained with the related MAP_INDEX procedure. The dielectric constant of the element can be found with MAP_MATERIAL.

The output arguments depend on the elements used in the field map:

If the element does not exist, then a warning is printed, the global variable OK is set to False and the return arguments are not touched.

This procedure is meaningful only when the field is generated by a field map. This procedure is used for debugging such maps.


CALL MAP_ELEMENT(element, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
CALL MAP_ELEMENT(element, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4)
CALL MAP_ELEMENT(element, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z1, x3, y3, z3, ...
   x4, y4, z4)
CALL MAP_ELEMENT(element, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z1, x3, y3, z3, ...
   x4, y4, z4, x5, y5, z5, x6, y6, z6, x7, y7, z7, x8, y8, z8)


Call plot_frame(-1.6,-1.6,1.6,1.6,`x [cm]`,`y [cm]`,`Mesh structure`)
For i From 1 Step 1 Until ^OK To 10000 Do
   Call map_element(i,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3)
   If ^OK Then Leave
   Call plot_area(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,`material-2`)
Call plot_end

This example assumes a triangular map of less than 10000 elements. It fetches one element at the time, then plots it.


Returns the index of the field map element in which a point is located, and optionally also the local triangular, quadrilateral, tetrahedron or hexahedral or, for degenerate hexahedra, mixed triangular/hexahedral coordinates of the point. Currently, all coordinate systems are isoparametric.

The arguments to be provided depend on the elements used in the field map:

Use the MAP_ELEMENT procedure to obtain geometric information about the field map element. The MAP_MATERIAL procedure supplies information on the material with which the element is filled.

This procedure does not reduce the input coordinates to the elementary cell, even if the cell has been declared to have symmetries.

If the point is not located in any element, then a warning is printed, the global variable OK is set to False and the return arguments of the procedure are not touched.

Due to numerical rounding errors, points which are located in the immediate vicinity of the boundaries of the field map, are sometimes mistakenly declared to be outside the map. One should therefore test on OK.

This procedure is meaningful only when the field is generated by a field map. This procedure is used for debugging such maps.


CALL MAP_INDEX(x, y [, z], element, [t1, t2, t3 [,t4]])


Returns the material index and the dielectric constant for a given field map element.

The first argument of the procedure is the element number which, for a given location, can be obtained with the MAP_INDEX procedure. The geometric aspects of the element can be found with MAP_ELEMENT.

If the element does not exist, then a warning is printed, the global variable OK is set to False and the return arguments of the procedure are not touched.


CALL MAP_MATERIAL(element, material, \&epsilon;)


Global xmin=-0.0100
Global xmax=+0.0100
Global ymin=-0.0180
Global ymax=+0.01800
Global z=0.0032
Global n=50
!rep function-1 polymarker-colour green marker-type circle marker-size 0.2
!rep function-2 polymarker-colour blue  marker-type circle marker-size 0.2
!rep function-3 polymarker-colour red   marker-type circle marker-size 0.2
Call plot_field_area
For i From 1 Step 1 To n Do
   Global x=xmin+(i-1)*(xmax-xmin)/(n-1)
   For j From 1 Step 1 To n Do
      Global y=ymin+(j-1)*(ymax-ymin)/(n-1)
      Call map_index(x,y,0,index)
      Call map_material(index,ieps,eps)
      If eps<4 Then Iterate
      Call electric_field_3(x,y,z,ex,ey,ez,e)
      If ez<0 Then
         Call plot_markers(x,y,`function-1`)
      Elseif ez>5000 Then
         Call plot_markers(x,y,`function-3`)
         Call plot_markers(x,y,`function-2`)
Call plot_end

This example shows how one can find areas of a GEM foil that attract electrons, and thus can cause inefficiencies. A scan is made just above the foil (at z=32\&nbsp;\&mu;m) over a grid of n\&nbsp;\&times;\&nbsp;n points. A green marker is plotted in places where the z-component of the field is negative (i.e. areas where the foil will not attract electrons), a red marker shows spots where electrons are attracted and a blue marker is used for the transition regions. To exclude the hole in the GEM, which should not be shown in red since this area attracts electrons when the GEM operates properly, the dielectric constant at z=0, i.e. in the middle of the kapton layer, is checked.


Creates an Histogram with a number of channels equal to the number of elements of the Matrix, and then interprets the elements of the matrix as number of entries in the bins of the histogram. You must specify the range, which is a set of two Numbers. The matrix is not affected by this operation.

The matrix should be 1-dimensional, if you give a matrix with a higher number of dimensions, then it will be unfolded.

The procedure sets the OK global variable to True if the conversion has been performed and to False if it hasn't.


CALL MATRIX_TO_HISTOGRAM(matrix, min, max, hist)


Call histogram_to_matrix(heheed,mat,x0,x1)
Call matrix_to_histogram(mat,1e6*x0,1e6*x1,heheed)

This example illustrates how one can change the horizontal scale of a matrix. With the help of a call to HISTOGRAM_TO_MATRIX, the range of the histogram HEHEED is obtained and stored in the variables X0 and X1. The contents is stored in the vector MAT. The subsequent call to MATRIX_TO_HISTOGRAM overwrites the original histogram by one that has the same bin contents, but an horizontal scale increased by a factor 1e6.


Performs microscopic tracking of an electron and its secondaries.

This procedure will optionally also compute signals.

Refer to DRIFT_MICROSCOPIC_ELECTRON for a description of the techniques used and the precautions to be taken.

After a call to this procedure, one can obtain the start and end location of all electrons in the avalanche with the AVALANCHE_INFORMATION procedure. This feature can e.g. be used to compute the ion trajectories.


CALL MICROSCOPIC_AVALANCHE(x, y, z, options, e_maximum, e_start, ...
     dir_x, dir_y, dir_z, distribution, rates, n_electron, n_ion, delay)
Call plot_drift_area
Call new_track
   Call get_cluster(x,y,z,n,e,done)
   If done Then Leave
   Call microscopic_avalanche(x, y, z, ...
      `mark-ion nomark-super mark-att print plot-electron abort-10000`, ...
      200.0, 1.0, 0,0,0, histe, rates, ne, ni)
   Say "Electrons: {ne}, Ions: {ni}"
Call plot_track
Call plot_end

In this example, all electrons generated along a track, as well as the avalanches they generate are traced up to a size of 10000. The electron trajectories are plotted and locations where ionisation and attachment occurs are marked.

Additional information on:


(Not yet available)


This procedure (re)initialises cluster generation along the current track.

The track location and the clustering model should be specified on beforehand with the TRACK command.

Once NEW_TRACK has been called, cluster positions and cluster sizes can be obtained from GET_CLUSTER.






Plots an area that is delineated by the series of points given as argument. At least 3 points should be present in the argument list, but many more can be specified.

This procedure should only be called after a call to PLOT_FRAME.

Two formats are accepted: one takes a series of (x,y) coordinates, the other takes a pair of vectors as arguments.


CALL PLOT_AREA(x1, y1, x2, y2, ..., x_n, y_n [, representation])
CALL PLOT_AREA(x_vector, y_vector [, representation])


!rep times-roman character-height 0.075 ch-exp {1.2/8.5}
!rep box-tickmarks polyline-col background
!rep grid polyline-col background
!rep numbers text-col background
Call plot_frame(0,0,1.2,8.5,` `,` `,` `)
For i from 0 to 1.01 step 0.2 do
   For j from 0 to 1.01 step 0.2 do
      For k from 0 to 1.01 step 0.2 do
         !colour a red {i} green {j} blue {k}
         !rep wires fill-area-colour a fill-area-int-style solid
         Call plot_area(j,7*i+k, j,7*i+k+0.2, j+0.2,7*i+k+0.2, ...
              j+0.2,7*i+k, j,7*i+k, `WIRES`)
         Call plot_text(j+0.1,7*i+k+0.1, ...
              `R=`/string(i)/`, B=`/string(k)/`, G=`/string(j), ...
Call plot_end

This example illustrates how one can generate an RGB colour map. The colour A is repeatedly redefined in the loop and is used to modify also the representation of WIRES (one of the few pre-defined FILL-AREA representations). In each box with a given colour, the RGB value is plotted in TIMES-ROMAN. You may have to change this name depending on the graphics system that you are using.

Additional information on:



Plots an arrow from one point to another.

The appearance of the arrow is affected by the representation used to draw the lines, and also by the settings of ARROW-TIP-ANGLE and ARROW-TIP-LENGTH.

The start and end point of the arrow are interpreted in the user coordinate system even if a call to GKS_SELECT_NT has been issued prior to the PLOT_ARROW call.


CALL PLOT_ARROW(x0, y0, x1, y1 [, representation])


Call plot_arrow(0,0,1,1,`function-1`)

Additional information on:



Plots a bar chart with the specified labels along the x-axis and y-axis and with the given title.

This procedure, by default, plots the bar chart in a frame with dimensions adjusted to the range of the points. If you wish to control the axes yourself, then use the PLOT_FRAME procedure to plot the axes and use the NOFRAME option of PLOT_BARCHART. This option can also be used to superimpose several charts.

The width of the bars can be adjusted with the BARCHART-WIDTH graphics command. This is useful when overlaying several charts, as shown in the example.

The procedure leaves the plot open for further additions, the PLOT_END procedure should be called when the plot is complete.


CALL PLOT_BARCHART(x, y [, x_label [, y_label [, title [, options]]]])


!colour red red 1 blue 0 green 0
!col blue red 0 blue 1 green 0
!representation barchart-1 fill-area-colour blue fill-area-int-style solid
!rep barchart-2 fill-area-colour red fill-area-int-style solid

Global x=row(20)/3 Global y=sin(x) Global z=cos(x) !barchart-width 0.9 Call plot_barchart(x,y,`x`,`f(x)`,`sin(x) and cos(x)`) !bar-w 0.7 Call plot_barchart(x,z,``,``,``,`noframe`) Call plot_end

This example shows 2 overlaid bar charts, distinguished by colour.

Additional information on:



Each plot frame has room for 4 comments, placed beneath the title: 2 on the left, 2 on the right, in both cases 2 lines.


CALL PLOT_COMMENT(place, text)


Call plot_frame(1,1,2,2,`x`,`y`,`Title`)
Call plot_comment(`up-left`,`Made on `/machine)
Call plot_comment('down-right`,`Time left: `/string(time_left))
Call plot_end

Will place a comment string on the left in the top row that reads (on a Vax) "Made on Vax".

Additional information on:


Plots a matrix as a set of contours. The rendering of the contours and the set of options that is honoured, depends on the underlying graphics package.


CALL PLOT_CONTOURS(matrix [, n_contours [, options ...
     [, x-vector [, y-vector ...
     [, x-label [, y-label [, title ]]]]]]])


Call book_matrix(a,30,30)
Call plot_contours(a)

Additional information on:


Plots, using the current projection, the part of the chamber that falls within the drift AREA. The plot frame is left open after the call for further additions. Once the plot is complete, PLOT_END should be called to close the plot frame.

Use PLOT_FIELD_AREA to plot the field area.




area -1 -1 -2 1 1 2 view x+2*y+3*z=5
Call plot_drift_area

Additional information on:



Plots a projection of the current drift-line.

The desired projection should be set on beforehand with the AREA command and coordinate axes should have been plotted before, with e.g. PLOT_DRIFT_AREA.




Global x0=0.001
Global y0=0.028
Call plot_drift_area
For i From 1 To 50 Do
   Call drift_mc_electron(x0, y0, 0, status, time)
   Call plot_drift_line
Call plot_end

This examples makes a plot of 50 Monte Carlo integrated drift-lines all starting from the same point (x0,y0). One would use a similar construction to histogram e.g. the drift time or the arrival point.

Additional information on:



This procedure should be called once your plot is ready.

The procedure empties the graphics buffer to ensure that the plot is complete. If the WAIT-AFTER-PLOT option is in effect, a prompt is displayed before proceeding with the next plot.

You may optionally specify a string as argument. The string will be entered in the list of plots that is printed at the end of the job output.


CALL PLOT_END( [string] )


Plots an error band, an area usually filled with a light colour, to indicate the uncertainty in a calculated curve, for instance due to uncertainty in the parameters used to compute the curve.

This call would typically be combined with PLOT_ERROR_BAR.




Call plot_frame(0,0,5,5,`x`,`y`,`title`)
Global x1=(row(51)-1)/10
Global y1=1+x1^2/10
Global y2=y1*1.2
Call plot_error_band(x1,y1,y2)
Call plot_end

First, we create a vector X1 that contains 50 numbers regularly spaced between 0 and 5. Using X1, an error band between Y1 and Y2 is constructed with 20\&nbsp;% uncertainty.

Additional information on:


Plots a series of error bars. Only the (x,y) coordinates of the centre must be present, but one can specify both symmetric and asymmetric error bars. Optionally, one may also provide the size and appearance of the error bar.


CALL PLOT_ERROR_BAR(x, y [, ex-, ey- [, ex+, ey+]] [, type [, size]])


Vector x y ex1 ey1 ex2 ey2
1 1 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.25
2 2 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.25

Call plot_frame(0,0,5,5,`x`,`y`,`title`) Call plot_error_bar(x,y,ex1,ey1,`circle`,0.02) Call plot_error_bar(x+2,y,ex1,ey1,ex2,ey2,`square`) Call plot_end

Additional information on:



Plots, using the current projection, the part of the chamber that falls within the field AREA. The plot frame is left open after the call for further additions. Once the plot is complete, PLOT_END should be called to close the plot frame.

Use PLOT_DRIFT_AREA to plot the drift area.




area -1 -1 -2 1 1 2 view x+2*y+3*z=5 cut
Call plot_field_area

Additional information on:



Draws a set of Cartesian coordinate axes with labels.

Call PLOT_END to end the plot.


CALL PLOT_FRAME(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax ...
     [, x_label [, y_label [, title]]])

Additional information on:



Draws a graph of one vector against another vector.

The scales are chosen automatically on the basis of the range of the vectors and axes are plotted accordingly. The procedure PLOT_FRAME should not be called prior to PLOT_GRAPH.

The graph is left open after the call and further elements can be added to the plot. PLOT_END should be called to end the plot.


CALL PLOT_GRAPH(x_vector, y_vector [, x_label [, y_label, [,title]]])


Global n=20
Call book_matrix(x,n)
Call book_matrix(y,n)
Global m=3
For i From 1 To n Do
   Global x[i]=cos(m*2*pi*i/(n-1))
   Global y[i]=sin(m*2*pi*i/(n-1))
Call plot_graph(x,y)
!representation circle polymarker-colour green
Call plot_markers(x,y,`circle`)
Call plot_end

The plot in this example is a kind of star pattern. The axis labels are omitted and will therefore be replaced by X and Y, the names of the variables that have been plotted.

Additional information on:


Plots an histogram with the specified label along the x-axis and with the given title.

Calling this procedure does not interfere with filling of the histogram but an autorange histogram will only be shown if the range has been set.

This procedure, by default, plots the histogram in a frame with dimensions adjusted to the histogram. If you wish to control the axes yourself, then use the PLOT_FRAME procedure to plot the axes and use the NOFRAME option of PLOT_HISTOGRAM. This option can also be used to superimpose several histograms.

The procedure leaves the plot open for further additions, the PLOT_END procedure should be called when the plot is complete.

The procedure sets the OK global variable to True if the histogram has been plotted and to False if it hasn't. OK is set to True even if the range has not yet been established.


CALL PLOT_HISTOGRAM(histogram [, x_label [, title [, options]]])


!colour red red 1 blue 0 green 0
!col blue red 0 blue 1 green 0
!col green red 0 blue 0 green 1
!representation histogram-1 polyline-colour green
!rep histogram-2 polyline-colour red
!rep histogram-3 polyline-colour blue
Call plot_histogram(all_1,`Time [microsec]`,`Arrival time spectrum`)
Call plot_histogram(sel_1,` `,` `,`noframe`)
Call plot_histogram(sel_2,` `,` `,`noframe`)
Call plot_end

In this example, the overall arrival time spectrum is plotted together with the arrival time distributions for a number of selected electron. The 3 histograms are distinguished by colour.

Additional information on:



Connects a series of points either by straight line segments, or by a cubic spline. This procedure should only be called after a call to PLOT_FRAME.

If you wish to make a graph, then using the PLOT_GRAPH procedure is probably simpler. If the curve you wish to plot is in fact a projection of a line in 3 dimensions, then consider using PROJECT_LINE.

Two formats are accepted: one takes a series of (x,y) coordinates, the other takes a pair of vectors as arguments.


CALL PLOT_LINE(x1, y1, x2, y2, ..., x_n, y_n [, option])
CALL PLOT_LINE(x_vector, y_vector [, option])

Example 1:

!colour cyan red 0 green 1 blue 1
!representation function-4 polyline-colour cyan
Call plot_frame(-1,-1,2,2)
Call plot_line(0,0, 1,0, 0,1, 1,1, 0,0, `function-4`)
Call plot_end

A colour called CYAN is defined with the COLOUR graphics command. Tis colour is used to modify the appearance of FUNCTION-4, polylines. This polyline representation is used to produce a figure.

Example 2:

Global time=row(20)
Call plot_frame(0,-1.1,21,1.1,`Time`,`Sinus`,`A curve`)
Call plot_line(time,sin(time/3),`FUNCTION-1`)
Call plot_end

This example shows how one can plot a simple curve: the vector TIME is declared and initialised with the numbers 1 through 20 using the ROW function. Then, a plot is made of TIME vs sin(TIME/3). A slightly simpler way to achieve this result would have been to use PLOT_GRAPH.

Example 3:

Global r=0.2
Global phi=2*pi*row(21)/20
Call plot_line(r*cos(phi),r*sin(phi),`FUNCTION-1`)

Plots a circle.

Additional information on:



Plots a series of markers. This procedure should only be called after a call to PLOT_FRAME.

If the markers you wish to plot are in fact located in 3-dimensional space, then consider using PROJECT_MARKERS.


CALL PLOT_MARKERS(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ... [, marker_type])
CALL PLOT_MARKERS(x_vector, y_vector [, marker_type])


Global n=50
Call book_matrix(x,n)
Call book_matrix(y,n)
For i From 1 To n Do
   Global x[i]=i
   Global y[i]=rnd_gauss
Call plot_frame(number(x[1]),-3,number(x[n]),3,...
   `Time`,`Random`,`Scattered points`)
!representation circle polymarker-colour orange
Call plot_markers(x,y,`CIRCLE`)
Call plot_end

First, 2 matrices are created. One is filled with the numbers 1-n, the other with Gaussian distributed random numbers. Then, the pairs are plotted as orange circles.

Additional information on:


Plots a series of oblique error bars.

The format and collection of symbols is identical to that of PLOT_ERROR_BAR, but the appearance differs. This procedure plots a symbol and a single oblique error bar from

(x - ex\<SUP\>-\</SUP\>, y - ey\<SUP\>-\</SUP\>) - (x + ex\<SUP\>+\</SUP\>, y + ey\<SUP\>+\</SUP\>)


CALL PLOT_OBLIQUE_ERROR_BAR(x, y [, ex-, ey- [, ex+, ey+]] [, type [, size]])


Switches to graphics output.

You only need to call this procedure if you wish to set window, viewport and normalisation transformation manually. All plot routines do this automatically.


// Start graphics
Call plot_start

// Set a viewport for normalisation transformation 1 and show the border Call GKS_viewport(1, 0.25, 0.75, 0.25, 0.75) Call GKS_select_nt(0) Call plot_line(0.25,0.25, 0.25,0.75, 0.75,0.75, 0.75,0.25, 0.25,0.25, `box-tickmarks`)

// Set a window for normalisation transformation 1 and select it Call GKS_window (1, 0, 2, -1, 3) Call GKS_select_nt(1)

// Plot some elements Call plot_line(0,0,1,1,`function-1`) Call plot_markers(0,0,`function-2`) Call plot_text(1,1,`abc`,`function-3`)

// Close the plot Call plot_end


Plots a 3-dimensional surface. The precise way the surface is rendered and the set of options that is honoured, depends on the underlying graphics package.


     [, \&theta; [, \&phi; ...
     [, x-vector [, y-vector ...
     [, x-label [, y-label [, title]]]]]]])


Call book_matrix(a,30,30)
Call plot_surface(a)

Additional information on:


Plots a string in the frame that should previously have been opened with PLOT_FRAME.

The text string is plotted near the point (x,y). Whether this point is the centre of the box enclosing the string, the lower left corner, or the middle of the upper edge etc. is determined by the alignment. The orientation of the string will by default be horizontal. The appearance of the text string is determined by the representation which is used.

Provided the graphics option DISPLAY-CONTROL-CHARACTERS is on, which is by default the case, special symbols are available with some graphics system through the following mechanisms:

  1. Where enclosed by squared brackets, the strings 'cm2', 'cm3', 'micron', 'microsec' and 'microamp' are shown in their conventional form: super-script 2 for 'cm2', Greek mu for 'micron' etc.
  2. Some particle names (e.g. electron-, mu+, tau-) as well as some chemical compounds (e.g. CO2, C3H8) are shown the way they are normally printed with super-scripts to indicate the charge and sub-scripts showing the number of atoms per molecule.
  3. Most Greek letters, diacritics and ligatures are accessible as SGML entities, e.g. &Ksi; &eacute; and &szlig;.
  4. Super-script and sub-script can be produced using SGML tags, e.g. <SUP>55</SUP>Fe and CH<SUB>3</SUB>-O-CH<SUB>3</SUB> (dimethylether).


CALL PLOT_TEXT(x, y, string [, representation [, alignment [, orientation]]])


Call plot_text(0.5, 0.5, `Some text`, `TIMES-ROMAN`, `LEFT-BASE`)

The string "Some text" will be plotted horizontally with its lower left corner at (0.5,0.5).

Additional information on:



Plots a text String in the area reserved for the title of the plot.

This procedure is used if you wish to replace the default title of a plot with your own.

The title is shown according to the TITLE representation. The location is determined with the LAYOUT command.




!representation title text-colour background
drift track
!rep title text-colour red
Call plot_title(`Track at 1 m from the membrane`)
Call plot_end

To make the default title invisible, the text colour of the title is set to BACKGROUND before the drift-line plot is made. Once this plot is finished, the title colour is restored and a new title is put in place. The PLOT_END procedure is used to close the graph.


This procedure plots a projection of the track according to the current settings of the AREA command of the drift section. The PLOT_DRIFT_AREA procedure should be called before invoking PLOT_TRACK and PLOT_END should be called once the plot is complete.

For most track models, this will simply be a line from the starting point of the track to the end point.

To plot a track that has been generated with Heed, you must first call NEW_TRACK and then at least once GET_CLUSTER, even if you don't use the data returned by the latter procedure.




For i From 1 To nstat Do
   If i=10*entier(i/10) Then Say "Iteration {i}"
   Call plot_drift_area
   Call new_track
      Call get_cluster(xcls,ycls,zcls,npair,done)
      If done Then
         For n From 1 To npair Do
           Call drift_mc_electron(xcls, ycls, zcls, status, time)
           Call plot_drift_line
   Call plot_track
   Call plot_end

(This example shows how one can make the same kind of plot as DRIFT TRACK by calling procedures.)

Additional information on:



Plots a text String in the area reserved for the label along the x-axis of the plot.

This procedure is used if you wish to replace the default label of a plot with your own.

The label is shown according to the LABELS representation. The location is determined with the LAYOUT command.






Plots a text String in the area reserved for the label along the y-axis of the plot.

This procedure is used if you wish to replace the default label of a plot with your own.

The label is shown according to the LABELS representation. The location is determined with the LAYOUT command.






Converts polar (r,\&phi;) coordinates to Cartesian (x,y) coordinates.

The input arguments of this procedure can be either of type Number or of type Matrix. If the input type is Matrix, then the two input matrices must have the same total number of elements. The output matrices will have the same structure as the first input matrix.

The abbreviated procedure name PTC is also accepted.




Converts polar (r,\&phi;) coordinates to (\&rho;,\&phi;') coordinates that are used internally when dealing with cells in polar coordinates. The internal coordinates a conformal mapping of (x,y) coordinates.

If the condition r>0 is not met, then the global variable OK is set to False, otherwise to True.

Internal coordinates are related to polar coordinates by:

\&rho;  = log(r)     [dimension not defined]
\&phi;' = \&pi; \&phi;/180    [radians]

The input arguments of this procedure can be either of type Number or of type Matrix. If the input type is Matrix, then the two input matrices must have the same total number of elements. The output matrices will have the same structure as the first input matrix.

The abbreviated procedure name PTR is also accepted.


CALL POLAR_TO_INTERNAL(r,\&phi;,\&rho;,\&phi;')


Establishes the expression according to which the RND_FUNCTION function will generate random numbers. RND_FUNCTION should be used only after PREPARE_RND_FUNCTION has been called.

If the distribution to be generated originates from an histogram, then the RND_HISTOGRAM function should be used.

RND_FUNCTION is based on the FUNLUX routine from the CERN program library.


CALL PREPARE_RND_FUNCTION(function, min, max)


Call book_histogram(hist,100,-1,2)
Call prepare_rnd_function(`1.5+sin(6*x)`,-1,2)
For i From 1 To 10000 Do
   Call fill_histogram(hist,rnd_function)
Call plot_histogram(hist)
Call plot_end

Additional information on:


The PRINT procedure simply prints the arguments it is given.


CALL PRINT(any number of arguments)


Prints the current drift-line.




Call drift_electron(1,2)
Call print_drift_line


This procedure prints the histogram called "reference". Calling this procedure does not interfere with filling of the histogram but an histogram will only be printed if the range has been set (applicable for auto range histograms only).


CALL PRINT_HISTOGRAM(reference [, x-title [, title]])

Additional information on:



Prints one or more variables of type Matrix.


CALL PRINT_MATRIX(matrix_1, matrix2, ...)


Call book_matrix(a,2,3)
Call print_matrix(a)

A matrix called A is booked, and is then immediately printed. This shows how matrices are initialised.


Projects a line onto the viewing plane that has been chosen with the AREA statement.

The procedure should be only be called after a plot frame has been opened, e.g. with PLOT_FIELD_AREA or PLOT_DRIFT_AREA.


CALL PROJECT_LINE(vector_1, vector_2, vector_3 [, representation])


Global n=20
Global nmax=5000
Call delete_matrix
Call book_matrix(xbuf,nmax)
Call book_matrix(ybuf,nmax)
Call book_matrix(zbuf,nmax)
Call book_matrix(nbuf,n)
Call book_matrix(ibuf,n)
Global i0=1
For i From 1 Step 1 To n Do
   Global y=4*(i-1)/(n-1)-0.5
   Call drift_electron_3(-0.5,y,1.5,status,time)
   Call get_drift_line(xd,yd,zd,t)
   Call drift_information(`steps`,nd)
   If i0+nd>nmax Then
      Say "Buffer overflow, reducing n to {i-1}."
      Global n=i-1
   Call book_matrix(ind,nd)
   Global xbuf[i0+ind]=xd
   Global ybuf[i0+ind]=yd
   Global zbuf[i0+ind]=zd
   Global ibuf[i]=i0
   Global nbuf[i]=nd
   Global i0=i0+nd

Do Global a Global b Global c Say "Please enter the normal vector of the viewing plane:" Parse Terminal a b c If type(a)=`Undefined` Then Leave Elseif type(a)#`Number` | type(b)#`Number` | type(c)#`Number` Then Say "The vector is not fully numeric" Iterate Endif area -1.5 -1.5 -1.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 view {a}*x+{b}*y+{c}*z=0 3d Call plot_drift_area For i From 1 Step 1 To n Do Call book_matrix(ind,nbuf[i]) Global i0=number(ibuf[i]) Global xd=xbuf[i0+ind] Global yd=ybuf[i0+ind] Global zd=zbuf[i0+ind] Call project_line(xd,yd,zd,`e-drift-line`) Enddo Call plot_end Enddo

This shows how one can compute a set of drift-lines and then look at them from various angles - probably more interesting for drift-lines computed with the MC procedures, where the method ensures that the drift-lines are the same in all projections.

Additional information on:


Projects one or more markers onto the viewing plane that has been chosen with the AREA statement.

The procedure should be only be called after a plot frame has been opened, e.g. with PLOT_FIELD_AREA or PLOT_DRIFT_AREA.


CALL PROJECT_MARKERS(vector_1, vector_2, vector_3 [, representation])

Additional information on:


Transforms a wave length into red-green-blue values.


CALL RAINBOW(wavelength, red, green, blue)
// Wave length range
Global wlmin = 350
Global wlmax = 801
// Start graphics
Call plot_start
Call GKS_viewport(1, 0.1, 0.9, 0.1, 0.9)
Call GKS_window  (1, wlmin, wlmax, 0, 2)
Call GKS_select_nt(1)
// Axis, tickmarks and labels
Call plot_line(wlmin, 1, wlmax, 1,`box-tickmarks`)
For wl From wlmin To wlmax Step 50 Do
   Call plot_line(wl,1,wl,0.95,`box-tickmarks`)
   Call plot_text(wl,0.90,string(wl),`numbers`,`centre-top`)
// Colours
For wl From wlmin Step 1 To wlmax Do
   Call rainbow(wl,r,g,b)
   If r=0 & g=0 & b=0 Then Iterate
   !colour rainbow red {r} green {g} blue {b}
   !representation function-1 polyline-colour rainbow
   Call plot_line(wl,1.1,wl,2,`function-1`)
// Close the plot
Call plot_end

Additional information on:


Groups bins of an histogram.

This procedure does not change the range of the histogram. To reduce the range, use CUT_HISTOGRAM.

This procedure may be called while filling is in progress, but should not be called for AUTOSCALE histograms before the range has been established.

If the calculation fails (invalid arguments etc), then the global variable OK will be set to False, otherwise to True.


CALL REBIN_HISTOGRAM(ref_in, ngroup, ref_out)


Call book_histogram(gauss,200,-10,10)
For i From 1 To 500 Do
   Call fill_histogram(gauss,rnd_gauss)
Call plot_histogram(gauss)
Call plot_end

Call rebin_histogram(gauss,5,new) Call hplot(new) Call plot_end

An histogram is filled with fine binning, and then rebinned for better readability.

Additional information on:



Resets the contents of one or more histograms.

The range, if set, and number of bins is not touched.

If the range has not been established for an histogram of the AUTOSCALE type, then the range will eventually be computed from only those entries that were entered after the call to RESET_HISTOGRAM. In case the range of such an histogram has already been established, and you wish the histogram to regain its auto scale status, then you should book the histogram anew with BOOK_HISTOGRAM.

If arguments are omitted altogether, then all histograms currently stored as global variables are reset.


CALL RESET_HISTOGRAM(hist1, hist2, ...)


RESHAPE_MATRIX is one of two procedures which modify the shape of existing matrices.

RESHAPE_MATRIX first unpacks the matrix in a string of numbers, then fills these numbers in a new matrix of the specified dimensions. This procedure can therefore be used to change the number of dimensions of a matrix. If you wish to truncate or expand a matrix keeping the elements in place, then use ADJUST_MATRIX.

If the new matrix contains more elements than the old matrix did, then the remaining elements are assigned the value PAD (the last argument of the procedure).

If the new matrix is smaller than the old matrix, then the remaining elements are simply lost.

The procedure sets the OK global variable to True if the matrix is successfully reshaped, and to False in case of a problem.


CALL RESHAPE_MATRIX(matrix, size_1, size_2, ..., size_n, pad)


(assume that B is a 3\&times;4 matrix)
Global a=b[2;]
Call reshape_matrix(b,4,0.0)

The 2nd row of the matrix B is extracted with the Global statement. At this point, A is a 1x4 matrix. In order to reduce A to a 4-matrix, RESHAPE_MATRIX is used. The PAD argument is compulsory, but its value is not used here.

Additional information on:



Generates a random energy to create one electron in a gas such that a high energies the given asymptotic work function and Fano factor are reached.

This distribution, empirical in nature and introduced by I.B. Smirnov [NIM A 554 (2005) 474-493] is used by the Heed program to convert electromagnetic energy loss into electron-ion pairs. It is generated from a standardised distribution with parameters w=30 eV and F=0.174 which is zero below w/2, flat from w/2 to w, falling with the 4th power of the energy until 3.064 w and zero beyond. It is scaled to the desired work function and Fano factor settings. As a result of this scaling, especially when F>0.174, values below w/2 can occur.


CALL RND_IONISATION_ENERGY(work_function, fano_factor, random_energy)

Example: Verification that the generator indeed asymptotically produces the specified work function and Fano factor.

Global emin=10
Global emax=500
Global npoint=50
Call book_matrix(evec,npoint)
Call book_matrix(rmsvec,npoint)
Call book_matrix(meanvec,npoint)
Call book_histogram(nhist,100,-0.5,99.5)

Global w=20 Global f=0.2

For ie From 1 To npoint Do Call book_histogram(nhist,100,-0.5,99.5) Global estart=emin*(emax/emin)^((ie-1)/(npoint-1)) For irndm From 1 To 100000 Do Global ne=0 Global etot=estart Do Call rnd_ionisation_energy(w,f,eloss) If etot-eloss>0 Then Global etot=etot-eloss Global ne=ne+1 Else Leave Endif Enddo Call fill_histogram(nhist,ne) Enddo Global evec[ie]=estart Global rmsvec[ie]=rms(nhist) Global meanvec[ie]=mean(nhist) Enddo

!options log-x Call plot_frame(emin,0,emax,80,`Energy [eV]`, ... `Energy deposited per electron [eV]`, ... `Energy used per electron`) Call plot_line(evec,evec/meanvec,`function-1`) Global v=70 Call plot_line(50,v,80,v,`function-1`) Call plot_text(100,v,`Heed model`,`function-1`,`left-half`)

Global fvec=w/(1-0.45*w/evec) Call plot_line(evec[2+row(size(evec)-2)],fvec[2+row(size(evec)-2)], ... `function-2`) Global v=v-5 Call plot_line(50,v,80,v,`function-2`) Call plot_text(100,v,`W/(1-V/E)`,`function-2`,`left-half`) Call plot_line(emin,w,emax,w,`comment`) Call plot_text(15,22,`w<SUB>s</SUB>`,`title`) Call plot_end

Call plot_frame(emin,0,emax,0.5,`Energy [eV]`, ... `RMS<SUP>2</SUP>/mean`,`Fano factor`) Call plot_line(evec,rmsvec^2/meanvec,`function-1`) Call plot_line(emin,f,emax,f,`comment`) Call plot_text(50,0.16,`Asymptotic Fano factor`,`title`) !rep comment linetype solid Call plot_arrow(w,0.03,w,0,`comment`) !rep comment linetype dashed Call plot_text(w,0.042,`Mean work`,`title`,`centre,half`) Call plot_end


Performs a Monte Carlo simulation of the number of electrons created and absorbed along the current electron drift-line. Unlike AVALANCHE, this procedure does not perform a spatial simulation of an avalanche - the avalanche in this procedure develops on the current drift path, and does not spread laterally. In return, the procedure is much faster.

For each step of the drift-line, the procedure uses the Townsend coefficients to compute the probability that an electron is produced, and the attachment coefficients to compute the probability that an electron is lost.

According to these probabilities, electrons are created or absorbed at each step.

The procedure can be applied both to drift-lines computed with the Runge_Kutta_Fehlberg and with Monte_Carlo methods. In the latter case, the use of the PROJECTED-PATH-INTEGRATION integration parameter is recommended in order to avoid a step size dependence in the multiplication.

The procedure can be called repeatedly for the same drift line.




integration-parameters projected m-c-dist-int 0.0002
Call drift_electron_3(0.15,0,0,status,time,diff,aval,att)
Say "Mean RKF aval: {aval}, loss: {att}, product: {aval*att}, status {status}"
Call book_histogram(hist,50,0,2*aval*att)
Global nrndm=500
For i From 1 To nrndm Do
   Call drift_mc_electron(0.15,0,0)
   Call rnd_multiplication(a)
   Call fill_histogram(hist,a)
   If entier(i/100)*100=i Then
      !options log-y
      Call plot_histogram(hist)
      Call plot_end


Returns a 3-vector uniformly distributed over the unit sphere.




Call book_histogram(h, 100, -1, 1)
For i From 1 To 1000000 Do
   Call rnd_unit_sphere(x, y, z)
   Call fill_histogram(h, x)
Call plot_histogram(h,`Projected coordinate`)
Call plot_end
This verifies that one of the projections is uniformly distributed. The other projections should be similarly distributed.


Generates Vavilov distributed random numbers.

This procedure relies on the G116 procedures of the CERN program library, a high-precision evaluation of the Vavilov distribution, typically 5 decimal are correct. Random numbers are generated using the V152 procedures. See the writeups and for particulars.

The following restrictions apply: 0.01\&nbsp;\&le;\&nbsp;\&kappa;\&nbsp;\&le;\&nbsp;10 and 0\&nbsp;\&le;\&nbsp;\&beta;\&sup2;\&nbsp;\&le;\&nbsp;1

The procedure seems to have difficulty coping with a few narrow ranges of \&kappa; values (around 0.35 and 0.92), for broad ranges of \&beta;\&sup2;. In those cases, a value of 0 is returned.

A faster, but considerably less accurate, version is available with the RND_VAVILOV_FAST procedure.


CALL RND_VAVILOV(\&kappa;, \&beta;\&sup2;, random_number)


Generates Vavilov distributed random numbers.

This procedure relies on the G115 procedures in the CERN program library. This is a low-precision evaluation of the Vavilov distribution, typically only 1-2 decimal places are correct. See the writeup for particulars: for particulars.

The following restrictions apply: 0.01\&nbsp;\&le;\&nbsp;\&kappa;\&nbsp;\&le;\&nbsp;12 and 0\&nbsp;\&le;\&nbsp;\&beta;\&sup2;\&nbsp;\&le;\&nbsp;1

A much slower, but considerably more accurate, version is available with the RND_VAVILOV procedure.


CALL RND_VAVILOV(\&kappa;, \&beta;\&sup2;, random_number)


Selects a given representation for the next fill area.

Calling this procedure is useful only if you draw the next fill area with GKS_AREA, most other procedures set the attributes before plotting.



Additional information on:



Selects a given representation for the next polyline.

Calling this procedure is useful only if you draw the next polyline with GKS_POLYLINE, most other procedures set the attributes before plotting.



Additional information on:



Selects a given representation for the next polymarker.

Calling this procedure is useful only if you draw the next polymarker with GKS_POLYMARKER, most other procedures set the attributes before plotting.



Additional information on:



Selects a given representation for the next text.

Calling this procedure is useful only if you draw the next text with GKS_TEXT, most other procedures set the attributes before plotting.



Additional information on:



When histograms are overlaid, their representations are taken from a fixed sequence. Using the SKIP_HISTOGRAM procedure, you can skip one (default) or more histograms from this sequence.


CALL SKIP_HISTOGRAM([number_to_be_skipped])

Example: Suppose, we usually plot 3 histograms in a row and now wish to comment one of these out, without changing the representations of the others. Then we could do this:

Call plot_histogram(hnheed,`n<SUM>e</SUB>`,`Electron count`)
* Call plot_histogram(hnexp,``,``,`noframe`)
Call skip_histogram
Call plot_histogram(hnsrim,``,``,`noframe`)
Call plot_end


Gaussian smoothing of an array.

The points in the array are supposed to be equidistant and in sequence. Each element is replaced by the Gaussian average of the surrounding points:

x_i := Sum       w_j x_i+j
       j = -n_w

-(j/sigma)^2/2 w_j = e

Near the end-points of the array, the sum is truncated symmetrically to prevent an asymmetric bias. Thus, the first and last point are not changed.

The integral of the array is automatically conserved.


CALL SMOOTH(x[, n_w[, sigma]])
Example: a string of Gaussian random numbers is smoothed.
Global n=10000
Call book_matrixx, n)
For i From 1 To n Do
   Global x[i] = rnd_gauss
Call plot_frame(0, -5, n+1, +5)
Call plot_markers(row(n), x, `function-1`)
Call smooth(x)
Call plot_markers(row(n), x, `function-2`)
Call plot_end

Additional information on:



(Not yet available)


Takes a Matrix as argument and sorts its elements in increasing numerical order.

Sorting a matrix of higher dimensionality than 1 is equivalent to first unravelling the matrix, sorting its elements and then restoring the original shape of the matrix.




Pauses program execution for a number of seconds.

This procedure is available only in Lunix compilations.


CALL SLEEP(seconds)


Copies a 1-dimensional matrix to a signal.

The vectors to be stored must have the same length as the other signals currently stored. The time vector can not be changed with this command.


CALL STORE_SIGNAL(electrode, direct [, cross-induced])

Additional information on:



Stores a Matrix in selected areas of a (larger) matrix.

Both matrices should exist prior to the call and the size of the selected area should match the size of the matrix which is to be stored.

This procedure is used to process array indexing on the left hand side of Global statements. The procedure is not intended to be called by the user. Using the Global statement is much simpler.


CALL STORE_SUBMATRIX(ndim, nsel_1, nsel_2, ..., isel_1_1, ...
     isel_1_2, ..., isel_2_1, isel_2_2, ... , isel_n_1, isel_n_2, ...
     ref_submatrix, ref_matrix)


Returns the string with the part between characters istart and iend (both inclusive) deleted.


CALL STRING_DELETE(string, istart, iend, output)


Call string_delete(`abc def ghi`,4,8,out)

Additional information on:


Returns the starting position of a substring in a String.

The first character of a string is numbered 1. Returns 0 if the substring is not found within the string.


CALL STRING_INDEX(string, substring, index)


Call string_index(`abc def`,`def`,pos)
Say "`def` starts at character {pos} in `abc def`"


Returns the number of characters in a String.


CALL STRING_LENGTH(string, length)


Call string_length(`abc`,n)
Say "Length of string is {n} characters."


Converts a String to lower case.




Global str=`ABCDEF`
Call string_lower(str)
Say {str}


Tells whether a String matches a given pattern. Patterns consist of a series of hyphen separated strings in each of which one can place a hash sign (#) to indicate the point up to which this particular piece of the string can be abbreviated.


CALL STRING_MATCH(string, pattern, match)


Call string_match(`abc-def`,`ab#cdef-de#fghi-#ghijkl`,match)
If match Then
   Say "The strings match."
   Say "The strings do not match."


Returns the part of the String that begins at character istart and ends at character iend. If the ending position precedes the starting position, the string portion that is returned is reversed.


CALL STRING_PORTION(string, istart, iend, portion)


Call string_portion(`abc def ghi`,5,7,out)
Say "Characters 5 through 7 of `abc def ghi` are: {out}"


Replaces all occurrences of "search" (2nd argument) by "replace" (3rd argument) in the String "string".

This procedure does not replace characters that stem from earlier replacements.


CALL STRING_REPLACE(string, search, replace)


Global mixture=`argon 90 methane 10`
Global gas_file=mixture/`.gas`
Call string_replace(gas_file,` `,`_`)
Say "|{gas_file}|"

In order to create a file name without blanks from a gas mixture, the blanks are replaced by underscores.

Vector a
1.23 2.34 3.45 4.56

Global b=string(a) Call string_replace(b,`, `,` `) Call string_replace(b,`(`,``) Call string_replace(b,`)`,``) Say "-{b}-"

Prints the vector A without parentheses and commata.

Global a=`baaaaa`
Call string_replace(a,`ba`,`bbb`)
Say "|{a}|"

After the call, a will be equal to `bbbaaaa` and not `bbbbbbbbbbb`.


Converts a String to upper case.




Global str=`abcdef`
Call string_upper(str)
Say {str}


Returns the i'th blank, comma or equal sign delimited word from a String.


CALL STRING_WORD(string, i, word)


Global str=`abc def ghi`
Call string_words(str,n)
Say "The string contains {n} words."
For i From 1 To n Do
    Call string_word(str,i,out)
    Say "Word {i} is {out}."


Returns the number of words in a String. Words are delimited by blanks, commata, colons and equal signs.






Registers the CPU time consumed since the previous time this procedure was called, and stores it together with a string that serves as annotation.

The entire buffer is printed out at job completion.




Call time_logging(`Until timing test`)
Global x0=0.5
Global y0=1.5
Call plot_drift_area
For i From 1 To 100 Do
   Call drift_mc_electron(x0, y0, 0, status, time)
   Call plot_drift_line
Call time_logging(`MC drifting`)

The TIME_LOGGING routine is called a first time to ensure that in the end we will record only the time spent in MC drifting will be recorded.


Returns the times at which a signal crosses a given threshold. If both direct and cross-induced signals are available, then the threshold crossings are computed for the sum of both.


CALL THRESHOLD_CROSSING(electrode, threshold, options, ...
   ntime, time1 [,time2 [,time3 ...]])


For i From 1 To 100 Do
   convolute-signals range 0 1000 ...
      transfer-function (5*t/0.01)^5*exp(-5*t/0.01)
   Call threshold_crossing(1,-0.02,`rising,linear`,n,t1,t2)
   Say "Found {n} threshold crossings, 1st at {t1} nsec."

Additional information on:



Returns the Townsend coefficient, if available, for a given electric field, a given electric field vector or a given combination of an electric and a magnetic field vector.

In the absence of a magnetic field, the orientation of the electric field is immaterial. The electric field may be specified either by the norm or as a vector, of which only the norm matters.

In the presence of a magnetic field, the transport parameters depend on the relative orientation of the electric and magnetic field vectors. Both fields therefore have to be specified as vectors.

If the magnetic field is omitted, then all 3\&nbsp;components are assumed to be zero, irrespective of the magnetic field settings that may be in effect.

Each of the field components can either be a Number or a Matrix. It is permissible to specify 1 or 2 components of the field as Numbers and the other(s) as Matrices.

All components which are specified as Matrix, must have the same total size - they do not have to be 1-dimensional. If at least one component is specified as Matrix, then the output will be a 1-dimensional Matrix with length equal to the overall size of the arguments of type Matrix. Otherwise the result will be a Number.

The electric field should be in V/cm. The magnetic field, if present, should be expressed in native units of 0.01\&nbsp;T or 100\&nbsp;G. The Townsend coefficient is returned in 1/cm.


CALL TOWNSEND(e, townsend)
CALL TOWNSEND(ex, ey, ez, townsend)
CALL TOWNSEND(ex, ey, ez, bx, by, bz, townsend)


Returns the transverse diffusion, if available, for a given electric field, a given electric field vector or a given combination of an electric and a magnetic field vector.

In the absence of a magnetic field, the orientation of the electric field is immaterial. The electric field may be specified either by the norm or as a vector, of which only the norm matters.

In the presence of a magnetic field, the transport parameters depend on the relative orientation of the electric and magnetic field vectors. Both fields therefore have to be specified as vectors.

Each of the field components can either be a Number or a Matrix. It is permissible to specify 1 or 2 components of the field as Numbers and the other(s) as Matrices.

All components which are specified as Matrix, must have the same total size - they do not have to be 1-dimensional. If at least one component is specified as Matrix, then the output will be a 1-dimensional Matrix with length equal to the overall size of the arguments of type Matrix. Otherwise the result will be a Number.

The electric field should be in V/cm. The magnetic field, if present, should be expressed in native units of 0.01\&nbsp;T or 100\&nbsp;G. The diffusion is returned in \&radic;cm.

SIGMA_T can be used as a synonym for TRANSVERSE_DIFFUSION.


CALL TRANSVERSE_DIFFUSION(ex, ey, ez, sigma_t)
CALL TRANSVERSE_DIFFUSION(ex, ey, ez, bx, by, bz, sigma_t)


Returns a Vavilov probability.

This procedure accepts both a Number and a Matrix as 3rd argument. The value that is returned will be of the same type and shape.

This procedure relies on the G116 procedures in the CERN program library. This is a higher-precision evaluation of the Vavilov distribution than the one used for RND_VAVILOV, and is typically correct to 5 decimal places. See the writeup for particulars: for particulars.

The following restrictions apply: 0.01\&nbsp;\&le;\&nbsp;\&kappa;\&nbsp;\&le;\&nbsp;10 and 0\&nbsp;\&le;\&nbsp;\&beta;\&sup2;\&nbsp;\&le;\&nbsp;1


CALL VAVILOV(\&kappa;, \&beta;\&sup2;, \&lambda;, probability)


Returns the component of drift velocity in the direction perpendicular to E and to E\&times;B, if such data is available, for given E and B fields.

This component is zero when there is no magnetic field.

Each of the field components can either be a Number or a Matrix. It is permissible to specify some components of the field as Numbers and the other(s) as Matrices.

All components which are specified as Matrix, must have the same total size - they do not have to be 1-dimensional. If at least one component is specified as Matrix, then the output will be a 1-dimensional Matrix with length equal to the overall size of the arguments of type Matrix. Otherwise the result will be a Number.

The electric field should be in V/cm, the magnetic field has to be in native units of 100\&nbsp;G or 0.01\&nbsp;T, and the drift velocity is returned in cm/\&mu;sec.


CALL VELOCITY_BTRANSVERSE(ex, ey, ez, bx, by, bz, drift)


Returns the component of drift velocity parallel with E, if such data is available, for given E and B fields.

If there is no magnetic field, then the magnetic field must not be specified. In this case, the values returned by this procedure coincide with those returned by DRIFT_VELOCITY.

Each of the field components can either be a Number or a Matrix. It is permissible to specify some components of the field as Numbers and the other(s) as Matrices.

All components which are specified as Matrix, must have the same total size - they do not have to be 1-dimensional. If at least one component is specified as Matrix, then the output will be a 1-dimensional Matrix with length equal to the overall size of the arguments of type Matrix. Otherwise the result will be a Number.

The electric field should be in V/cm, the magnetic field has to be in native units of 100\&nbsp;G or 0.01\&nbsp;T, and the drift velocity is returned in cm/\&mu;sec.


CALL VELOCITY_E(ex, ey, ez, bx, by, bz, drift)


magboltz argon 92 co2 8 e/p-range 0.05 8

&MAIN Global emin=60 Global emax=7000 Global n=200 Global e=emin*(emax/emin)^((row(n)-1)/(n-1)) Call velocity_e(0,0,e,v) !options log-x Call plot_graph(e,v,`E [V/cm]`,`Drift velocity [cm/microsec]`, ... `Magboltz vs Zhao et al.`) Vector ezhao 0.07 0.14 0.21 0.28 0.35 0.42 0.49 0.559 0.629 0.699 0.769 0.839 0.909 0.979 1.049 1.119 1.189 1.259 1.329 1.399 1.573 1.748 1.923 2.098 2.448 2.797 3.147 3.497 3.846 4.196 4.545 4.895 5.245 5.735

Vector vzhao 0.52 1.15 1.89 2.77 3.56 4.18 4.57 4.78 4.82 4.79 4.71 4.62 4.53 4.43 4.35 4.3 4.26 4.23 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.24 4.29 4.36 4.49 4.57 4.59 4.58 4.56 4.5 4.47 4.44 4.4 4.4

Call plot_error_bar(ezhao*1000,vzhao,`circle`) Call plot_end

Magboltz is used to compute the drift velocity in a mixture of 92\&nbsp;% argon and 8\&nbsp;% CO\<SUB\>2\</SUB\>. The results are compared with the measurements of T. Zhao et al., NIM A340 (1994) 485. The E > 3000 V/cm region is controversial, apart from that the two are in good agreement. This is an abridged version of


Returns the component of drift velocity in the E\&times;B direction, if such data is available, for given E and B fields.

This component is zero when there is no magnetic field.

Each of the field components can either be a Number or a Matrix. It is permissible to specify some components of the field as Numbers and the other(s) as Matrices.

All components which are specified as Matrix, must have the same total size - they do not have to be 1-dimensional. If at least one component is specified as Matrix, then the output will be a 1-dimensional Matrix with length equal to the overall size of the arguments of type Matrix. Otherwise the result will be a Number.

The electric field should be in V/cm, the magnetic field has to be in native units of 100\&nbsp;G or 0.01\&nbsp;T, and the drift velocity is returned in cm/\&mu;sec.


CALL VELOCITY_ExB(ex, ey, ez, bx, by, bz, drift)


Returns the field vector with which the drift velocity of a moving charge is multiplied in order to get the induced current per unit moving charge.

This routine differs from WEIGHTING_FIELD_3 in that it expects only the (x,y) part of the location, assuming z=0.

This procedure should be called from within the signal section.


CALL WEIGHTING_FIELD(x, y, ex, ey, ez, electrode)

Additional information on:



Returns the field vector with which the drift velocity of a moving charge is multiplied in order to get the induced current per unit moving charge.

This procedure differs from WEIGHTING_FIELD in that it expects an (x,y,z) set of coordinates.

This procedure should be called from within the signal section.


CALL WEIGHTING_FIELD_3(x, y, z, ex, ey, ez, electrode)

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Writes an histogram to disk in such a format that it can be read back by Garfield with the GET_HISTOGRAM procedure.

Histograms can, by means of the WRITE_HISTOGRAM_RZ procedure, also be written out in a format suitable for use with PAW. Using the h2root program, such files can be converted for use with root, see

Calling this procedure does not interfere with filling of the histogram and an autorange histogram can be written to disk before the range has been set.

This procedure is for instance used when one job fills a set of histograms which are, probably repeatedly, fitted by another job. Another application is a found in calculations where statistics are accumulated over a series of jobs. The first job would create the histogram and fill it, all successive jobs read the existing histogram, continue filling it, and write it back to the file at the end of the job. Care should be taken that the global option DELETE-OLD-MEMBER has been switched on before doing this.

The procedure sets the OK global variable to True if the histogram has been written and to False if it hasn't.


CALL WRITE_HISTOGRAM(reference, file [, member [, remark]])


Global chamber=1

(calculation of e.g. arrival time histograms for chamber 1)

Global hfile `CHAMBER`/string(chamber)/`.HIST` Global i=0 Global exist=True Global n=0 While exist Do Global i=i+1 Call inquire_histogram(reference(i),exist) If exist Then Call write_histogram(reference(i),hfile) Global n=n+1 Endif Enddo Say "Have written {n} histograms."

In this example, the input file is assumed to contain a cell section that enters the elements for chambers 1, 2, etc depending on the setting of the global variable "chamber".

At the end of the run, the user wishes to keep all histograms for further examination. The loop in the example writes all histograms to a file (hfile) the name of which is CHAMBER1.HIST, CHAMBER2.HIST etc. depending on the setting of the global variable "chamber".

All histograms are written to the same file, but they will be distinguished by their member names which are defaulted to the name of the global variables associated with the histogram.

This example assumes that no histograms have been deleted during the run, as it assumes the histograms are numbered from 1 on.

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Writes Garfield histograms to an RZ file suitable for reading by PAW. RZ files are not readily legible. If you wish to process the data with your own program, then it is probably advisable to write the histogram in Garfield format using the WRITE_HISTOGRAM procedure.

RZ files can be converted for use by root with the h2root program, see

An autorange histogram can only be written out to an RZ file once its range has been established. Use the WRITE_HISTOGRAM and GET_HISTOGRAM procedures to save and recover such an histogram.

The procedure sets the OK global variable to True if the histogram has been written and to False if it hasn't.


CALL WRITE_HISTOGRAM_RZ([reference [, file [, title]]])


Call book_histogram(a,200)
For i From 1 To 10000 Do
   Call fill_histogram(a,rnd_landau)
Call plot_histogram(a,`Energy`,`Landau`)
Call plot_end
Call write_histogram_rz(a,`hist.rz`,`Landau distribution`)

This generates an histogram with a Landau distribution and writes the histogram to a file called "hist.rz". Garfield replies telling that the histogram has been written with PAW identifier 1 and cycle number 1. To read it back with PAW, one would type:

h/file 20 hist.rz
h/pl 1

Additional information on:


WRITE_MATRIX is used to store on disk matrices that take a lot of time to compute. These matrices can be retrieved later on with the GET_MATRIX procedure.

The Garfield WWW example pages contain a Matlab function that reads a file written by WRITE_MATRIX (contributed by Guy Garty):

The procedure sets the OK global variable to True if the matrix is successfully written, and to False in case of a problem.


CALL WRITE_MATRIX(matrix, file [, member])


If type(global(`ABC`))#`Matrix` Then
   Call inquire_member(`abc.mat`,`abc`,`matrix`,exist)
   If exist Then
      Call get_matrix(abc,`abc.mat`)
      Call dimensions(abc,n_dim,dim_abc)
      Global nx=number(dim_abc[1])
      Global ny=number(dim_abc[2])
      Call delete_matrix(dim_abc)
      Global nx=20
      Global ny=30
      Call book_matrix(abc,nx,ny)
      For i From 1 To nx Do
         For j From 1 To ny Do
            Global abc[i;j]=sin(i)*exp(j/10)
      Call write_matrix(abc,`abc.mat`)

First, one checks whether ABC is already in memory. If it is, nothing is done. Otherwise, an attempt is made to recuperate the matrix from a file. If this doesn't work, then the matrix is generated and stored in the file so that next time, the matrix can be recuperated from there.

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Attempts to find the zeroes of a function represented by a vector of ordinates and a vector of corresponding function values.

The procedure searches for zero crossings between 2 adjacent tabulated values, then performs a linear or quadratic interpolation over the neighbouring range.

Do not confuse this procedure with the ZEROES function.


CALL ZEROES(x_vector, y_vector, nzero, zero1, zero2, ...)


Call get_signal(1,time,direct,cross)
Global signal=direct+cross
Call zeroes(time,signal/maximum(signal)-0.5,nz,t1,t2)
If nz<2 Then
   Say "Time range not long enough to determine FWHM."
   Say "FWHM of the signal: {t2-t1}"

Global r=row(200)/10 Global v=sin(r) Call zeroes(r,v,nz,z1,z2,z3) Say "Zeroes: {nz} - {z1,z2,z3}"

The first example computes the FWHM of a signal, the second example finds the zeroes of the sine function.

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Formatted on 21/01/18 at 16:55.