
This procedure accepts coordinates of type Number only.

The coordinates are expected to refer to the internal frame. If you describe your cell in Cartesian coordinates, then the internal frame is simply the Cartesian coordinate system. If polar coordinates are used however, then you should supply the following parameters:

for x: log(r)
for y: \φ, in radians
for z: z

The z-coordinate is not affected by any of the conformal mappings currently in use by the program.

These mappings can be performed with the POLAR_TO_INTERNAL procedure.


The velocity is returned in internal coordinates. The internal coordinates system is Cartesian when the cell is described in Cartesian coordinates, but when you describe the cell in polar coordinates, you've to apply the following mapping:
vr = vx/r
vphi = vy/r
vz is invariant


See status.
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Formatted on 21/01/18 at 16:55.