
Contains on return the pressure of the gas in Torr.

The pressure of the gas is established with the PRESSURE command.

This value of this argument on entry is not used, and is lost after the procedure has completed. On return, this argument is of type Number.


Contains on return the temperature of the gas in K.

The temperature of the gas is established with the TEMPERATURE command.

This value of this argument on entry is not used, and is lost after the procedure has completed. On return, this argument is of type Number.

This argument is optional.


Contains on return the identifier of the gas as set with the GAS-IDENTIFIER statement or (implicitly) by the MAGBOLTZ command.

This value of this argument on entry is not used, and is lost after the procedure has completed. On return, this argument is of type String.

This argument is optional.

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Formatted on 21/01/18 at 16:55.