
This is the name by which you want to reference the histogram when performing fits on it (e.g. with a call to FIT_GAUSSIAN) and when performing arithmetic on it.

This argument plays the same role as the reference argument of BOOK_HISTOGRAM.

If this variable is already associated with a string, histogram or matrix, then this string, histogram or matrix is lost after the call to GET_HISTOGRAM.


The name of the Garfield file from which the histogram should be read.

This argument should be of type String.


The name that has been given to the member in the Garfield library that contains the histogram. If the member name is omitted, then the a member with the name of the global variable to which the histogram is to be assigned, will be searched for.

This is in many cases a meaningful default and there is therefore rarely a need to specify a member.

This argument should be of type String.

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Formatted on 21/01/18 at 16:55.