
This is the Number of a read-out group. Signals are summed over the elements that compose a read-out group - signals for the individual members are not stored.

Read-out groups are formed with the SELECT command. SELECT without arguments will show how the groups are composed.

[No default, this is a mandatory parameter.]


On return, this argument is a 1-dimensional Matrix that contains the sampling points in \μsec of the signals.

This argument should be a global variable, not a constant or an expression. The global may exist before the call is issued, but doesn't have to. If it exists, then its contents will be lost.


Contains, on return, the direct component of the signal in the form of a 1-dimensional Matrix.

Signals are expressed in \μA when they are computed, but their units can change as a result of convolutions.

This argument should be a global variable, not a constant or an expression. The global may exist before the call is issued, but doesn't have to. If it exists, then its contents will be lost.


Contains, on return, the cross induced component of the signal in the form of a 1-dimensional Matrix.

This argument is optional.

Signals are expressed in \μA when they are computed, but their units can change as a result of convolutions.

This argument should be a global variable, not a constant or an expression. The global may exist before the call is issued, but doesn't have to. If it exists, then its contents will be lost.

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Formatted on 21/01/18 at 16:55.