
A string that specifies the particle that you wish to drift.

Value Meaning
`E-` electron
`E+` positron
`ION-` negatively charged ion
`ION+` positively charged ion

[No default, this is a mandatory parameter.]


This is the number of a read-out group. The charges are summed over the elements that compose a read-out group, the charges on the individual members are not stored.

Read-out groups are formed with the SELECT command. SELECT without arguments will show how the groups are composed.

[No default, this is a mandatory parameter.]


The time limits of the integration.

These arguments are optional. If they are omitted, the charge is integrated over the entire drift path.


On return, this parameter contains the integrated charge.

This argument should be a global variable, not an expression nor a constant. The variable doesn't have to be declared. Any value the variable has before the call, is lost after the call.

The charge is expressed in multiples of the electron charge.

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Formatted on 21/01/18 at 16:55.