
x-Coordinate of the start of the arrow.

This argument is not modified by the call and should be of type Number.

[No default, this is a mandatory argument.]


y-Coordinate of the start of the arrow.

This argument is not modified by the call and should be of type Number.

[No default, this is a mandatory argument.]


x-Coordinate of the tip of the arrow.

This argument is not modified by the call and should be of type Number.

[No default, this is a mandatory argument.]


y-Coordinate of the tip of the arrow.

This argument is not modified by the call and should be of type Number.

[No default, this is a mandatory argument.]


A polyline representation with which the arrow is to be drawn.

This argument is not modified by the call and should be of type String.

[By default, the currently active polyline representation.]

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Formatted on 21/01/18 at 16:55.