
The Matrix to be acted upon.

The reshaped matrix replaces the matrix given as input. This argument should therefore be modifiable, i.e. a simple name of a matrix, not an expression.

[This is a mandatory argument, no default is supplied.]


A set of Numbers, each of which specifies the length of the reshaped matrix along a dimension.

These arguments should in principle be integers, if they are not, then they are rounded to the nearest integer.

The number of dimensions of the reshaped matrix is equal to the number of size arguments.

[These are mandatory arguments, there must at least be one of them and there can be at most MXMDIM, usually 10, dimensions. No defaults are supplied.]


A Number used to fill elements of the matrix that did not exist before the matrix was reshaped.

[This argument is mandatory, even if the reshaped matrix is smaller than the original matrix. No default is supplied.]

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Formatted on 21/01/18 at 16:55.