
This is a Number which identifies a read-out group. Signals are summed over the elements that compose a read-out group - signals for the individual members are not stored.

Read-out groups are formed with the SELECT command. SELECT without arguments will show how the groups are composed and will display the numbers by which they are identified.

[No default, this is a mandatory parameter.]


Should contain a Matrix of the same overall size as the number of signal sampling points set with the WINDOW command. The matrix does not have to be 1-dimensional.

The matrix should contain the signal directly induced into the electrode specified with the first argument, at time intervals established with the WINDOW command.

[This is a mandatory argument.]


Should contain a Matrix of the same overall size as the number of signal sampling points set with the WINDOW command. The matrix does not have to be 1-dimensional.

The matrix should contain the cross induced signal of the electrode specified with the first argument, at time intervals established with the WINDOW command.

[This is a mandatory argument.]

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Formatted on 21/01/18 at 16:55.