
The name of the workstation you wish to create.

This should be a character string of 20 characters or less.

[No default, this is a mandatory argument.]


States the type of workstation you wish to open. The list of known types varies with the graphics system you are using.

You've to specify either a type or a GKS identifier, but not both.

Additional information on:


The GKS identifier of the workstation you are defining. This number is found in the documentation of your GKS system.

You've to specify either a type or a GKS identifier, but not both.


The connection identifier for workstations not associated with a file. The way the connection identifier is to be chosen should be described in the GKS documentation.

Workstations associated with a file are connected via a logical unit which is chosen by Garfield, and the connection identifier is in this case given by the logical unit number plus an offset.

[This parameter is optional and defaults to 1.]


Specifies the offset between logical unit and connection identifier for workstations associated with a file.

This parameter should not be specified when you are adding a workstation that is not associated with a file.

This parameter is used by certain GKS systems to distinguish closely related workstation types. Details should be contained in the GKS documentation.

[If you describe the workstation by type, you do not have to specify the offset. Specifying the parameter is optional if you describe the workstation by GKS identifier. In the latter case it defaults to 0.]


The file to be associated with the workstation.

This file is opened at the time the OPEN-WORKSTATION command is issued and it is closed by CLOSE-WORKSTATION.

The file name is allowed to be an expression in terms of Global variables, to be evaluated at the time the workstation is opened. This is useful if the SINGLE-FRAME-FILE option is specified.

[This parameter is mandatory for workstations which are output-only.]


Workstations such as terminal screens and PostScript files are designed to receive several frames one after the other. For such workstations, the option MULTIPLE-FRAME-FILE should be specified.

[This option is default except if the file name contains curly brackets.]


Workstations such as Encapsulated PostScript files can only store a single frame. A new file should be opened for the next frame. This is done when the option SINGLE-FRAME-FILE is specified.

This option is default if the file name associated with the workstation is constructed such that it depends on Global variables, as in the following example:

!add epsfig type EPS file-name "fig\\{frame\\}.eps"

Here, the file name depends on the predefined variable FRAME which is automatically incremented for each new frame, but any expression in terms of global variables can be used.

Note the use of the ESCAPE character (a backslash in this example): without backslash, the expression would be substituted using the value of FRAME at the time the command is issued and subsequent changes in the value of FRAME would not be reflected in the file name. With the backslash, the { and } are preserved as part of the string and substitution of the value of FRAME is done only when the file is opened.

If you select this option and specify a static file name, then the file will be overwritten each time a new plot is made.

[This option is default if the file name contains curly brackets.]

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Formatted on 21/01/18 at 16:55.