
graphics: REPRESENTATION: text_attributes


Font designers stipulate a given ratio between height and width of a given character. You may overrule this ratio by choosing an expansion different from 1.

This attribute is ignored by some graphics systems, such as HIGZ.


The height of the character, the width is adjusted automatically.


If you wish extra spacing, ask for a number larger than 0.

This attribute is ignored by some graphics systems, such as HIGZ.


The colour used to plot the text.

Two colours are known on every workstation: BACKGROUND and FOREGROUND. If your workstation allows, you may add further colours with the COLOUR command.


The font from which the characters are taken. If you choose a fancy font, you may have to switch to high precision to see the effect.

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Changes the quality of the character representation. GKS has 3 different qualities from which you may choose:

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Formatted on 21/01/18 at 16:55.