graphics: REPRESENTATION: text_attributes: TEXT-PRECISION


This is the highest quality GKS has to offer, all attributes are respected but you have to pay a price in terms of long waiting times before a plot is finished and huge metafiles (if any). This quality would normally used for the final version of a plot that has to go into a thesis or a writeup.

High quality representations are normally only meaningful when a suitable font has been selected.

A synonym for STROKE is HIGH.


This is the standard quality. Most attributes are respected and the general appearance is usually satisfactory.

A synonym for CHARACTER is MEDIUM.


This is the lowest quality of character output in GKS. This is the recommended setting for interactive work during which you do not wish to spend your time looking at the way characters are plotted.

Usually hardware fonts are used and most attributes are ignored, such as the orientation and size of the characters.

Go to the top level, to graphics, to REPRESENTATION, to text_attributes, to TEXT-PRECISION, to the topic index, to the table of contents, or to the full text.

Formatted on 21/01/18 at 16:55.