graphics: REPRESENTATION: text_attributes: TEXT-FONT: HIGZ


The correspondence between font numbers and font names is shown in the table below:

Font name Font Notes
HIGZ-SOFTWARE 0 Used by default
TIMES-ITALIC -1 Italic Times
TIMES-BOLD -2 Bold Times
TIMES-BOLD-ITALIC -3 Bold-italic Times
HELVETICA -4 Helvetica
HELVETICA-OBLIQUE -5 Oblique Helvetica
HELVETICA-BOLD -6 Bold Helvetica
HELVETICA-BOLD-OBLIQUE -7 Bold-oblique Helvetica
COURIER -8 Courier
COURIER-OBLIQUE -9 Oblique Courier
COURIER-BOLD -10 Bold Courier
COURIER-BOLD-OBLIQUE -11 Bold-oblique Courier
SYMBOL -12 Mainly Greek characters
TIMES-ROMAN -13 Roman Times
ZAPF-DINGBAT -14 Stars, phones, hearts etc
HOLLOW-TIMES-ITALIC -15 Hollow forms of the above

These fonts have the following appearance:


  1. "Italic" is a cursive form of roman, designed to replicate handwriting. "Oblique" is a text style created by slanting a roman font to simulate italics. "Roman" characters have a vertical stem. For details about type setting terminology, see for instance http://typographic.razorfish.com/
  2. Certain fonts can be missing on some output devices.


In output to a PostScript metafile, Greek characters, diacritics, ligatures and some special symbols can be created. This can be done by entering the PS octal code for the symbol, but also by using the SGML entity name.

When using the PS code, remember that the backslash that precedes the symbol number is by default an escape character in Garfield. You must therefore set the escape character to something else before using these codes. It is therefore probably easier to use the SGML entities.

The correspondence for some symbols commonly used in French, German and Polish is listed in the table below. The SGML entity names for most Greek characters are easy to guess: α, β, Ζ etc. The terminal \σ and alternative \θ are in the table, accented Greek characters (dialytica and tonos) are currently not available via entities (they are not in the standard Greek PostScript fonts).

PostScript characters are as a rule not visible on the screen.

PostScript SGML entity Symbol
\\366 á \á
\\367 Á \Á
\\276 â \â
\\300 Â \Â
\\260 à \à
\\265 À \À
\\357 å \å
\\362 Å \Å
\\311 ä \ä
\\314 Ä \Ä
? ã \ã
? Ã \Ã
\\321 ç \ç
\\322 Ç \Ç
\\323 é \é
\\324 É \É
\\327 ê \ê
\\330 Ê \Ê
\\325 è \è
\\326 È \È
\\331 ë \ë
\\332 Ë \Ë
\\333 î \î
\\334 Î \Î
\\335 ï \ï
\\336 Ï \Ï
\\370 ł \ł, lower case l with stroke, not in HTML 3
\\350 Ł \Ł, upper case L with stroke, not in HTML 3
\\337 ñ \ñ
\\340 Ñ \Ñ
\\342 ô \ô
\\344 Ô \Ô
\\371 ø \ø
\\351 Ø \Ø
\\345 ö \ö
\\346 Ö \Ö
\\347 û \û
\\354 Û \Û
\\374 ù \ù
\\375 Ù \Ù
\\355 ü \ü
\\356 Ü \Ü
\\361 æ \æ, "ae" ligature
\\341 Æ \Æ, "AE" ligature
\\256 fi fi ligature, not in HTML 3
\\257 fl fl ligature, not in HTML 3
\\372 œ \œ, "oe" ligature, not in HTML 3
\\352 Œ \œ, "OE" ligature, not in HTML 3
\\373 ß \ß, German sharp "s"
\\126 G ς \ς, final \σ, not in HTML 3
\\112 G ϑ alternative \θ, not in HTML 3
\\302 ´ \´, acute accent, not in HTML 3
\\046 & \&, ampersand
\\047 ' \', apostrophe, not in HTML 3
\\145 S ≈ \≈, approximately equal
\\100 @ \@, commercial at
\\323 S © \©, copyright symbol
\\360 S € \€, euro sign
\\257 S ← \↓, down arrow
\\312 ° \° degrees, not in HTML 3
\\044 $ $, dollar
\\041 ! !, exclamation mark
\\263 S ≥ \≥, greater or equal, not in HTML 3
\\301 ` \`, grave accent, not in HTML 3
\\076 S > \>, greater than
\\071 S ↔ \↔, horizontal double arrow
\\111 S ∫ \∫, integral sign, not in HTML 3
\\067 S ← \←, left arrow
\\243 S ≤ \≤, less or equal, not in HTML 3
\\133 [ [, left bracket
\\074 S < \<, less than
\\043 # #, hash
\\144 S ∂ \∂, partial derivative
\\045 % %, percent
\\275 ‰ \‰, parts per thousand, not in HTML 3
\\261 S ± \± plus-minus, not in HTML 3
\\122 S √ \√, radical sign, not in HTML 3
\\065 S → \→, right arrow
\\322 S ® \®, superscript registered trademark symbol
\\135 ] ], right bracket
\\122 S &sqrt; \√, square root, not in HTML 3
\\264 S × \×, product, not in HTML 3
\\324 S ™ \™, superscript trademark symbol
\\255 S ↑ \↑, up arrow


  1. The letter "S" after the octal PostScript code indicates that the character comes from the Symbol font, a "G" indicates that the letter comes from the Special font.
  2. A list of SGML entities (many of which are not accessible inside Garfield) can be found at: http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/html40/entities/


The following SGML and pseudo-SGML tags are recognised:

Tag Meaning
<BACK> Backspace one character
<SUB> Go to subscript
</SUB> End of subscript
<SUP> Go to superscript
</SUP> End of superscript

Note: tags are case sensitive.

Go to the top level, to graphics, to REPRESENTATION, to text_attributes, to TEXT-FONT, to HIGZ, to the topic index, to the table of contents, or to the full text.

Formatted on 21/01/18 at 16:55.