
Can be any of the following:

Item Explanation Unit
ATTACHMENT-COEFFICIENT Attachment coefficient/pressure 1/cm.Torr
DRIFT-VELOCITY Drift velocity cm/\μsec
ION-DISSOCIATION Ion dissociation coefficient 1/cm.Torr
ION-MOBILITY Ion mobility cm\²/\μsec.V
LONGITUDINAL-DIFFUSION Longitudinal diffusion \√p cm.\√Torr for 1\ cm
LORENTZ-ANGLE Lorentz angle degrees
TOWNSEND-COEFFICIENT Townsend coefficient/pressure 1/cm.Torr
TRANSVERSE-DIFFUSION Transverse diffusion \√p cm.\√Torr for 1\ cm

Note that the same scalings have to be applied as for the TABLE.


The function may depend on the following variables:

Variable Meaning Unit
ANGLE_EB Angle between E and B degrees
ATTACHMENT Attachment coefficient / p 1/cm.Torr
B Magnetic field strength Tesla
BOLTZMANN Boltzmann constant 1.380658 10\<SUP\>-23\</SUP\> J/K
DISS Ion dissociation coefficient 1/cm.Torr
ECHARGE Electron charge 1.60217733 10\<SUP\>-19\</SUP\> C
EP Electric field / p V/cm.Torr
LORENTZ Lorentz angle degrees
MOBILITY Ion mobility cm\&sup2;/\&mu;sec.V
P Pressure Torr
SIGMA_L Longitudinal diffusion \&radic; p cm.\&radic;Torr for 1\&nbsp;cm
SIGMA_T Transverse diffusion \&radic;p cm.\&radic;Torr for 1\&nbsp;cm
T Temperature K
TOWNSEND Townsend coefficient / p 1/cm.Torr
VELOCITY Electron drift velocity cm/\&mu;sec

The variable EP can always be used, ANGLE_EB and B can only be used in tables prepared for magnetic fields. The transport properties can be used only insofar as they have been entered already.


If you wish to add experimental data to a table, you should prepare

The E/p vector should in principle cover the entire range of the table. Values outside the range of the E/p vector are left untouched - no attempt is made to extrapolate. Since most items are initialised to values outside their permissible range, an error will in general be reported from the checks that are carried out while leaving the gas section. To avoid this, one can first set the item with an approximate function and then override in part with more precise values. This is illustrated here for He\<SUP\>+\</SUP\> in He:

// Experimental data
Vector E_He_He K_He_He
   0  10.5
   6  10.3
   8  10.2
  10  10.2
  12  10.1
  15  10.0
  20   9.90
  25   9.74
  30   9.60
  40   9.28
  50   8.97
  60   8.67
  80   8.12
 100   7.67
 120   7.25
 150   6.78
 200   6.12
 250   5.60
 300   5.19
 400   4.58
 500   4.17
 600   3.81
 700   3.57

// Scaling from Td to V/cm.Torr and from V/cm\&sup2;.sec to V/cm\&sup2;.\&mu;sec Global E_He_He = E_He_He/(0.010354*300) Global K_He_He = K_He_He*1e-6 // Fit an exponential to the shape Call fit_exponential(E_He_He,K_He_He,1e-8,p0,p1,p2,p3,ep0,ep1,ep2,ep3) // Provisionally set the mobility to the exponential function add ion-mobility exp({p0}+{p1}*ep+{p2}*ep^2+{p3}*ep^3) // Override the values that are in the range add ion-mobility K_He_He vs E_He_He

The E/p values in your vector do not have to coincide with the E/p values present in the table - your vectors will be interpolated at the values of the table and these interpolations are stored instead of the values from the vector.


Selects the degree of polynomial interpolation in the pair of vectors.

When the data is smooth, a value of 2 (quadratic interpolation) is a good choice. This may however lead to intermediate points with a negative value in for instance Townsend coefficient tables that usually start at 0. For such tables, linear interpolation is advised.

Instead of ORDER 1, you may also type LINEAR. QUADRATIC is a synonym for ORDER 2, CUBIC for ORDER 3.

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Formatted on 21/01/18 at 16:55.