
The name of the file in which you wish to write the gas description.

You may prefix the dataset name with the keyword DATASET, but this is mandatory only if you wish to place a remark before the dataset name. If you use the DATASET keyword, then you must also use the REMARK keyword if you wish to add a remark to the member. If you do not use the DATASET keyword, then the first argument is interpreted as file name, the 2nd as member name and the 3rd and following arguments as remark.

[The file name is mandatory, no default is provided.]


The name by which you will want to reference the member when retrieving it.

The member name should follow the file name.

[The member name is by default set to "< none >".]


A remark string that helps in identifying the member.

You may prefix the remark with the keyword REMARK, provided you also prefix the dataset name with DATASET. If you do not use these keywords, then the 3rd and following arguments are interpreted as remark.

[The field is left blank by default.]

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Formatted on 21/01/18 at 16:55.