
Number of the wire for which the multipole decomposition must be done.

[No default.]


Order of the highest multipole moment.

Dipole moments are computed for ORDER=1 and higher, quadrupole moments for ORDER=2 and higher etc.

[Default: 4.]


Distance from the wire at which the decomposition is to be carried out. The parameter r is expressed as a number of wire radii.

[Default: 1, i.e. at the wire surface.]


The 'small number' used by the fitting routine to calculate the covariance matrix.

[Default: 10\<SUP\>-4\</SUP\>.]


The maximum number of iterations that the fitting routine may do.

[Default: 20.]


Requests a plot of the potential around the wire and of each of the terms in which it has been decomposed.

The following representations are used:

[This plot is by default not made.]


Requests information about the fitting process be printed.

[This information is by default not printed.]

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Formatted on 21/01/18 at 16:55.