
The number of tracks to be generated.

[By default 200]


Number of bins in the histograms.

One can either set the same number of bins for all histograms using the BINS keyword, or set a different number for each of the 6 histograms that are produced.

[By default 100]


The range of the histograms is by default determined automatically using the first entries of the histogram.

You may, e.g. for comparison purposes, wish to set the same range for all histograms. This can be accomplished with the various RANGE options.

[By default automatic range selection for all histograms.]


Requests the histograms to be kept in storage when the instruction has finished. The histograms will be called as follows:

Name Description
SIZE Number of electrons in a cluster
CLUSTERS Number of clusters on the track
DELTA Distance between track and electrons [cm]
RANGE Distance between track start and last electron [cm]
DE Total energy loss [MeV]
ECLUSTER Energy per cluster [eV]

You have to declare the Global variables before the loop if

Declaring is not required if the variables are only used outside the loop, in procedure Calls, in Say statements or for substitution in normal input statements.

[The histograms are not kept by default, the setting of this option is remembered from one call to the next.]


This command by default plots the histograms it computes. If this is not desirable, e.g. because you only need the histograms as a set of globals, then adding NOPLOT-HISTOGRAMS suppresses the plots.

[The plots are made by default, the setting is remembered from one call to the next.]

Go to the top level, to &DRIFT, to CLUSTERING-HISTOGRAMS, to the topic index, to the table of contents, or to the full text.

Formatted on 21/01/18 at 16:55.