Reflecting Hierarchies of Volumes

Hierarchies of placed or replicated volumes can be reflected by means of the G4ReflectionFactory class and G4ReflectedSolid, which implements a solid that has been shifted from its original reference frame to a new ‘reflected’ one. The reflection transformation is applied as a decomposition into rotation and translation transformations.

The factory is a singleton object which provides the following methods:

G4PhysicalVolumesPair Place(const G4Transform3D&   transform3D,
                            const G4String&        name,
                                  G4LogicalVolume* LV,
                                  G4LogicalVolume* motherLV,
                                  G4bool           isMany,
                                  G4int            copyNo,
                                  G4bool           surfCheck=false)

G4PhysicalVolumesPair Replicate(const G4String&        name,
                                      G4LogicalVolume* LV,
                                      G4LogicalVolume* motherLV,
                                      EAxis            axis,
                                      G4int            nofReplicas,
                                      G4double         width,
                                      G4double         offset=0)

G4PhysicalVolumesPair Divide(const G4String&        name,
                                   G4LogicalVolume* LV,
                                   G4LogicalVolume* motherLV,
                                   EAxis            axis,
                                   G4int            nofDivisions,
                                   G4double         width,
                                   G4double         offset);

The method Place() used for placements, evaluates the passed transformation. In case the transformation contains a reflection, the factory will act as follows:

  1. Performs the transformation decomposition.

  2. Creates a new reflected solid and logical volume, or retrieves them from a map if the reflected object was already created.

  3. Transforms the daughters (if any) and place them in the given mother.

If successful, the result is a pair of physical volumes, where the second physical volume is a placement in a reflected mother. Optionally, it is also possible to force the overlaps check at the time of placement, by activating the surfCheck flag.

The method Replicate() creates replicas in the given mother. If successful, the result is a pair of physical volumes, where the second physical volume is a replica in a reflected mother.

The method Divide() creates divisions in the given mother. If successful, the result is a pair of physical volumes, where the second physical volume is a division in a reflected mother. There exists also two more variants of this method which may specify or not width or number of divisions.


In order to reflect hierarchies containing divided volumes, it is necessary to explicitly instantiate a concrete division factory -before- applying the actual reflection: (i.e. - G4PVDivisionFactory::GetInstance();).


Reflection of generic parameterised volumes is currently not possible.

Listing 42 An example of usage of the G4ReflectionFactory class.
#include "G4ReflectionFactory.hh"

// Calor placement with rotation

G4double calThickness = 100*cm;
G4double Xpos = calThickness*1.5;
G4RotationMatrix* rotD3 = new G4RotationMatrix();

G4VPhysicalVolume* physiCalor =
    new G4PVPlacement(rotD3,                     // rotation
                      G4ThreeVector(Xpos,0.,0.), // at (Xpos,0,0)
                      logicCalor,     // its logical volume (defined elsewhere)
                      "Calorimeter",  // its name
                      logicHall,      // its mother volume (defined elsewhere)
                      false,          // no boolean operation
                      0);             // copy number

// Calor reflection with rotation
G4Translate3D translation(-Xpos, 0., 0.);
G4Transform3D rotation = G4Rotate3D(*rotD3);
G4ReflectX3D  reflection;
G4Transform3D transform = translation*rotation*reflection;

         ->Place(transform,     // the transformation with reflection
                 "Calorimeter", // the actual name
                 logicCalor,    // the logical volume
                 logicHall,     // the mother volume
                 false,         // no boolean operation
                 1,             // copy number
                 false);        // no overlap check triggered

// Replicate layers
         ->Replicate("Layer",    // layer name
                     logicLayer, // layer logical volume (defined elsewhere)
                     logicCalor, // its mother
                     kXAxis,     // axis of replication
                     5,          // number of replica
                     20*cm);     // width of replica