class BeamlineVisitor

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Abstract algorithm.

The abstract class BeamlineVisitor is the base class for all visitors (algorithms) that can iterator over a beam line representation. A BeamlineVisitor applies itself to the representation via the ``Visitor'' pattern, see

E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson, and J. Vlissides,
Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software.

By using only pure abstract classes as an interface between the BeamlineVisitor and the beam line representation, we decouple the former from the implementation details of the latter.

The interface is defined in such a way that a visitor cannot modify the structure of a beam line, but it can assign special data like misalignments or integrators without problems.

Type: Abstract
Include file: ./AbsBeamline/BeamlineVisitor.hh


Synopsis (including inherited members):


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