Other documented items

Namespace index

Physics A namespace defining various mathematical and physical constants.

Class index

AbsFileStream A stream of input tokens.
AbstractMapper Build transfer map.
AbstractTracker Track particles or bunches.
AlignWrapper Define the position of a misaligned element.
ArithmeticError The abstract base class for all CLASSIC arithmetic exceptions.
Array1D One-dimensional array.
Array2D Two-dimensional array.
AttributeError Exception for bad object attribute.
AttributeSet Map of string versus double value.
BDipoleField The field of a magnetic dipole.
BMultipoleField The magnetic field of a multipole.
BSingleMultipoleField Representation for a single magnetic multipole field.
BVector A magnetic field vector.
BeamBeam Abstract beam-beam interaction.
BeamBeamRep Representation of beam-beam interaction.
Beamline An abstract sequence of beam line components.
BeamlineGeometry Implements the composite geometry of a beam line.
BeamlineVisitor Abstract algorithm.
Channel Abstract interface for read/write access to variable.
ClassicException The abstract base class for all exceptions in CLASSIC.
ClassicParser A parser for the standard input format (SIF) described in
Collimator Abstract collimator.
CollimatorRep Representation for a collimator.
ComplexEigen Complex eigenvector routines.
Component Interface for a single beam element.
ConstBField A homogenous magnetostatic field.
ConstBzField A homogeneous magnetostatic field in z-direction.
ConstChannel Abstract interface for read-only access to variable.
ConstEField A homogeneous electricstatic field.
ConstEzField A homogeneous electrostatic field in z-direction.
ConstSliceIterator Iterator for array slice.
ConvergenceError Convergence error exception.
Corrector Interface for general corrector.
CorrectorRep Representation of a closed orbit corrector.
CorrectorWrapper Representation for a perturbed closed orbit corrector.
DefaultVisitor Default algorithms.
Diagnostic Interface for beam diagnostics.
DirectChannel Direct access to a double variable.
DivideError Zero divide error.
DomainError Domain error exception.
DoubleEigen Double eigenvector routines.
DragtFinnMap A Lie algebraic map, factored according to Dragt and Finn.
Drift Interface for drift space.
DriftRep Representation for a drift space.
DynamicFixedPoint Dynamic fix point of a map.
EBVectors A representation of an electromagnetic field.
EDipoleField A static homogeneous electrostatic field in the (x,y)-plane.
EMField Abstract base class for electromagnetic fields.
EVector An electric field vector.
EigenvalueError Eigenvalue error exception.
ElementBase Interface for basic beam line object.
ElementFactory Concrete factory class for CLASSIC elements.
ElementImage An image of an element.
ElmPtr A section of a beam line.
Euclid3D Displacement and rotation in space.
FArray1D A templated representation for one-dimensional arrays.
FArray2D A templated representation for 2-dimensional arrays.
FComplexEigen Eigenvalues and eigenvectors for a complex general matrix.
FConstSlice Constant version of FSlice
FDoubleEigen Eigenvalues and eigenvectors for a real general matrix.
FDynamicFP Dynamic fixed point of a Truncated power series map.
FLUMatrix A templated representation of a LU-decomposition.
FLieGenerator A representation for a homogeneous polynomial, used as a Lie generator.
FMatrix A templated representation for matrices.
FMonomial Representation of the exponents for a monomial with fixed dimension.
FNormalForm Normal form of a truncated Taylor series map.
FSlice An iterator permitting to iterate with a stride different from 1.
FStaticFP Static fixed point of a Truncated power series map.
FTps Truncated power series in N variables of type T.
FTpsData Internal utility class for FTps<T,N> class.
FTpsRep No documentation available
FVector A templated representation for vectors.
FVps Vector truncated power series in n variables.
Factory Abstract interface for an element factory.
FileStream A stream of input tokens.
FlaggedElmPtr A section of a beam line.
Flagger Set/reset all selection flags in a beam line built from FlaggedElmPtr
FormatError Format error exception.
Geometry Abstract base class for accelerator geometry classes.
IdealMapper Build a map using the linear map around the design orbit for each element.
IndexedChannel Access to an indexed double data member.
IndirectChannel Access to a double data member.
Integrator Base class for special integrators.
LUMatrix Triangle decomposition of a matrix.
Lambertson Interface for a Lambertson septum.
LieMap Lie algebraic map.
LinearFun Linear function in N variables of type T.
LinearMap Linear map with values of type T in N variables.
LinearMapper Build a map using a linear map for each element.
LogicalError Logical error exception.
MapIntegrator Integrate a map.
Mapper Build transfer map.
Marker Interface for a marker.
MarkerRep Representation for a marker element.
Matrix Matrix.
Matrix3D 3-dimensional matrix.
Monitor Interface for beam position monitors.
MonitorRep Representation for an orbit position monitor.
Multipole Interface for general multipole.
MultipoleRep Representation for a general multipole.
MultipoleWrapper Representation of a perturbed multipole.
NormalForm Resonance-free normal form.
NormalFormError Normal form error exception.
NullField A zero electromagnetic field.
NullGeometry Geometry representing an identity transform.
OffsetGeometry A geometry which offset with respect to some global geometry.
OrbitTracker Track closed orbit.
OscillatingField An oscillating electromagnetic field.
OverflowError Overflow exception.
OwnPtr A pointer which owns the object pointed at.
ParseError Parse exception.
Parser Interface for abstract language parser.
PartBunch Particle Bunch.
PartData Particle reference data.
Particle Particle position.
Patch Interface for a geometric patch.
PatchRep Representation for a geometry patch.
PlanarArcGeometry A simple arc in the XZ plane.
Point3D A point in 3 dimensions.
Pointer Reference-counted pointer.
RBend Interface for rectangular bend.
RBendGeometry The geometry for a RBend element.
RBendRep Representation for a rectangular bend magnet.
RBendWrapper Representation of a perturbed rectangular bend.
RCObject Abstract base class for reference counted objects.
RFCavity Interface for RF cavity.
RFCavityRep Representation for a RF cavity.
RFQuadrupole Interface for RF Quadrupole.
Random The CLASSIC random generator.
RangeError Range error.
Rotation3D Rotation in 3-dimensional space.
SBend Interface for sector bend.
SBendRep Representation for a sector bend magnet.
SBendWrapper Representation of a perturbed sectorr bend.
SRotatedGeometry A Geometry which wraps an arbitrary geometry in two s-rotations.
Separator Interface for electrostatic separator.
SeparatorRep Representation for an electrostatic separator.
Septum Interface for septum magnet.
SimpleStatement A simple input statement in token form.
SingleMultipole Representation for single multipoles.
SingularMatrixError Singular matrix exception.
SizeError Size error exception.
SliceIterator Iterator for array slice.
Solenoid Interface for solenoids.
SolenoidRep Tepresentation for a solenoid magnet.
Statement Interface for statements.
StaticElectricField Abstract base class for static electric fields.
StaticFixedPoint Static fixed point of a map.
StaticMagneticField Abstract base class for static magnetic fields.
StraightGeometry A geometry representing a straight line.
StringStream A stream of input tokens.
Surveyor Survey algorithm.
TBeamline Template class for beam lines.
Taylor A representation for a Taylor series in one variable,
TerminalStream A stream of input tokens.
ThinMapper Construct thin lens map.
ThinTracker Track with thin lens algorithm.
Token Representation of a single input token.
TokenStream Abstract interface for a stream of input tokens.
Tps Truncated power series.
TpsData Bookkeeping class for Tps<T>.
TpsMonomial Exponent array for Tps<T>.
TpsRep No documentation available
TrackIntegrator Integrate particle.
Tracker Track particles or bunches.
TransportFun Transport function in N variables of type T.
TransportMap Transport map with values of type T in N variables.
Vector Vector.
Vector3D A 3-dimension vector.
Vps Vector truncated power series.
VpsInvMap Invertible power series map
VpsMap Truncate power series map.
XCorrectorRep Representation for an orbit corrector.
XMonitorRep Representation for a orbit position monitor.
YCorrectorRep Representation for an orbit corrector.
YMonitorRep Representation for a orbit position monitor.
complex No documentation available

Documentation generated by fci on Mon Feb 7 11:41:58 2000