class OffsetGeometry : public Geometry

(Return to index)

A geometry which offset with respect to some global geometry.

OffsetGeometry effectively acts as a bridge between two geometries, designated as the global geometry and the local geometry. The global geometry is used to define a segment of the true global geometry, and so most functions are delegated to the global geometry. The local and global geometries are ``offset'' with respect to each other by a single transformation (Euclid3D object), which defines the transformation from the global geometry's Local Frame to the local geometry's Local Frame. The two patch functions return the necessary transformations to/from the global/local geometries. OffsetGeometry primary task is to calculate these two patches. Note that when OffsetGeometry is being used to model an alignment error, the local and global geometries can both refer to the same geometry.

Type: Instantiable
Superclasses: public Geometry
Include file: ./BeamlineGeometry/OffsetGeometry.hh


Synopsis (including inherited members):


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