Namespace Physics

(Return to index)

A namespace defining various mathematical and physical constants.

Include file: ./Physics/Physics.hh


  • extern const double a_e ;
  • extern const double a_p ;
  • extern const double alpha ;
  • extern const double c ;
  • extern const double e ;
  • extern const double epsilon_0 ;
  • extern const double h_bar ;
  • extern const double lamda_e ;
  • extern const double lamda_p ;
  • extern const double log10e ;
  • extern const double m_e ;
  • extern const double m_p ;
  • extern const double mu_0 ;
  • extern const double pi ;
  • extern const double q_e ;
  • extern const double r_e ;
  • extern const double r_p ;
  • extern const double two_pi ;
  • extern const double u_two_pi ;

    Detailed descriptions:

    extern const double a_e ;
    The magnetic momentum anomaly for electrons, no dimension

    extern const double a_p ;
    The magnetic momentum anomaly for protons, no dimension

    extern const double alpha ;
    The fine structure constant, no dimension

    extern const double c ;
    The velocity of light in m/s

    extern const double e ;
    The value of e

    extern const double epsilon_0 ;
    The permittivity of vacuum in As/Vm

    extern const double h_bar ;
    The reduced Planck constant in GeVs

    extern const double lamda_e ;
    The reduced Compton wave length for electrons in m

    extern const double lamda_p ;
    The reduced Compton wave length for protons in m

    extern const double log10e ;
    The logarithm of e to the base 10

    extern const double m_e ;
    The electron rest mass in GeV

    extern const double m_p ;
    The proton rest mass in GeV

    extern const double mu_0 ;
    The permeability of vacuum in Vs/Am

    extern const double pi ;
    The value of \pi

    extern const double q_e ;
    The elementary charge in As

    extern const double r_e ;
    The classical electron radius in m

    extern const double r_p ;
    The classical proton radius in m

    extern const double two_pi ;
    The value of 2 \pi

    extern const double u_two_pi ;
    The value of 1 / (2 \pi)

    Documentation generated by fci on Mon Feb 7 11:41:58 2000