class RBendGeometry : public StraightGeometry

(Return to index)

The geometry for a RBend element.

It is a Geometry wrapper which adds two rotations by alpha/2 (local y-axis rotations) to the entrance and exit planes of a StraightGeometry. The y-rotations become part of the global geometry definition. {P} NOTE: in general the transformations returned include the effects of the y-rotations when the required point specifies the entrance or exit point. Requests for transformations within the geometry (i.e. from s1 to s2, where s1 and/or s2 are not the entrance or exit planes) do not contain the y-rotations. {P} A RBendGeometry can be seen as an OffsetGeometry, whose global geometry is a PlanarArcGeometry, and whose local geometry is a StraightGeometry.

Type: Instantiable
Superclasses: public StraightGeometry
Include file: ./BeamlineGeometry/RBendGeometry.hh


Synopsis (including inherited members):


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