class Rotation3D

(Return to index)

Rotation in 3-dimensional space.

There are two possible external representations:

Matrix3D R
The matrix R is an element of SO(3). Its column vectors define the unit vectors of the rotated coordinate system, expressed in the original system. This representation is used internally and can only be read from a Rotation3D object. To build such an object, use the other representation.
Vector3D V
The direction of V defines the axis of rotation, and its length the sine of half the rotation angle. A zero vector represents the identity.
The copy constructor, destructor, and assignment operator generated by the compiler perform the correct operation. For speed reasons they are not implemented.

Type: Instantiable
Include file: ./BeamlineGeometry/Rotation3D.hh

Synopsis (including inherited members):


Documentation generated by fci on Mon Feb 7 11:41:50 2000