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Variables and constants

The format for variables (parameters) and constants has been unified, and a data types have been introduced:

REAL P=<logical expression>;          // a logical variable
BOOL B=<real expression>;             // a real variable
REAL CONST C=<constant expression>;   // a real constant
REAL VECTOR V=<vector expression>;    // a real vector
STRING S=<string expression>;         // a string constant
The word REAL is optional. For backward compatibility, a variable parameter can still be entered with

A variable or vector also can be redefined by the above syntax. To assigne a constant value to one of them, use


Logical Expressions

A logical expression has the same format as a logical expression in C. It is built from operators and operands. Operands may include functions:

   <relation> ::=
     true | false |
     <real expression> <relational operator> <real expression>
   <relational operator> ::= "==" | "!=" |
     "<" | ">" | ">=" | "<="
   <and expression> ::= <relation> |
     <and expression> "&&" <relation>
   <logical expression> ::= <and expression> |
     <logical> "||" <and expression>

Real Expressions

A real expression is built from operators operators and operands. Operands may include functions:

   <primary> ::= <literal constant> |
                 <symbolic constant> |
                 <real variable> |
                 <real vector>"["<index>"]" |
                 <function name>"("<arguments>")" |
                 (<real expression>)
   <factor>  ::= <primary> |
                 <factor> "^" <primary>
   <term>    ::= <factor> |
                 <term> "*" <factor> |
                 <term> "/" <factor>
   <real expression> ::= <term> |
                 "+" <term> |
                 "-" <term> |
                 <real expression> "+" <term> |
                 <real expression> "-" <term> |

Vector Expressions

A <vector-expression> can have one of the following formats:

   <real expression>
   {<real expression>, <real expression>, ... , <real expression>}
   TABLE(<max>, <real expression>)
   TABLE(<min>:<max>, <real expression>)
   TABLE(<min>:<max>:<step>, <real expression>)
It can be entered as a single scalar value, giving a vector of length one, as a table of scalar values with an unlimited number of values, or as a TABLE generator/ In the TABLE generator the <count> specifies how many components are wanted, and the <real expression> may contain the special value #. It allws to generate arbitrary tables. The generator fills the vector with zeros from 1 ... <max>, and the generates the expressions for all values <min> ... <max> with steps <step>. Thus

TABLE(4, #*A+B)
generates the vector

{1*A+B, 2*A+B, 3*A+B, 4*A+B},

TABLE(1,9,4, V[#+1])
returns the components 2, 6, 10 of the vector V and stores them in components 1, 5, 9.

A vector component is referred to by the syntax

where the index must have a positive non-zero value not exceeding the length of the vector. This may be combined with the attribute notation like

which denotes the normal quadrupole component of multipole.

String Expressions

All string values, including object names, but not attribute keywords, can be written using string concatenation:

   <simple string> :: " <litteral> " | <label> |
      STRING(<numeric expression>)
   <string expression> ::= <simple string> |
      <string expression> "&" <simple string>
The '&' is the concatenation operator.

An operand of the form

STRING(<numeric expression>)
generates a string representation of the <numeric expression>.


All arithmetic is done in floating-point. When an integer is required, the last operation consists in rounding to the nearest integer. A different behaviour can be requested by use of one of the functions ROUND(X), TRUNC(X), FLOOR(X), CEIL(X) All available operators are listed in operators, all available functions are listed in functions,

The complete list of available operators in expressions is now:

Table 1: Operators available in MAD-9 Expressions
Operator Meaning result type operand type
Operators with one operand
+ X unary plus, returns X real real
- X unary minus, returns the negative of X real real
Operators with two operands
X + Y add X to Y real real,real
X - Y subtract Y from X real real,real
X * Y multiply X by Y real real,real
X / Y divide X by Y real real,real
X ^ Y power, return X raised to the power Y > 0 real real,real
X & Y concatenate the strings X and Y string string,string
X < Y true, if X is less than Y logical real,real
X <= Y true, if X is not greater than Y logical real,real
X > Y true, if X is greater than Y logical real,real
X >= Y true, if X is not less than Y logical real,real
X == Y true, if X is equal to Y logical real,real
X != Y true, if X is not equal to Y logical real,real
X && Y true, if both X and Y are true logical logical,logical
X || Y true, if at least one of X and Y is true logical logical,logical

Table 2: Functions Available in MAD-9 Expressions
Function Meaning result type operand type
Functions with no arguments
RANF() random number, uniform distribution in [0,1) real  
GAUSS() random number, Gaussian distribution with $sigma$=1 real  
USER0() random number, user-defined distribution real  
SI() arc length from start of ring to the entry of the current element real  
SC() arc length from start of ring to the centre of the current element real  
SO() arc length from start of ring to the exit of current the element real  
Functions with one argument
TRUNC(X) truncate X towards zero (discard fractional part) real real
ROUND(X) round X to nearest integer real real
FLOOR(X) return largest integer not greater than X real real
CEIL(X) return smallest integer not less than X real real
SIGN(X) return sign of X (+1 for X positive, -1 for X negative, 0 for X zero) real real
SQRT(X) return square root of X real real
LOG(X) return natural logartithm of X real real
EXP(X) return exponential to the base $e$ of X real real
SIN(X) return trigonometric sine of X real real
COS(X) return trigonometric cosine of X real real
ABS(X) return absolute value of X real real
TAN(X) return trigonometric tangent of X real real
ASIN(X) return inverse trigonometric sine of X real real
ACOS(X) return inverse trigonometric cosine of X real real
ATAN(X) return inverse trigonometric tangent of X real real
TGAUSS(X) random number, Gaussian distribution with $sigma$=1, truncated at X real real
USER1(X) random number, user-defined distribution with one parameter real real
STRING(X) return string representation of the value<br> of the numeric expression X string real
Functions with two arguments
ATAN2(X,Y) return inverse trigonometric tangent of Y/X real real,real
MAX(X,Y) return the larger of X, Y real real,real
MIN(X,Y) return the smaller of X, Y real real,real
MOD(X,Y) return the largest value less than Y which differs from X by a multiple of Y real real,real
USER2(X,Y) random number, user-defined distribution with two parameters real real,real

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