for Nuclear


MAD-X Home Page


MAD-X is the successor of MAD-8, a program for accelerator design and simulation with a long history. MAD-X was first released in June, 2002. It offers most of the MAD-8 functionality, with some additions, corrections, and extensions. The most important of these extensions is the interface to the Polymorphic Tracking Code of E. Forest. Documentation for FPP (Fully Polymorphic Package) and some for PTC can be found respectively at: FPP Documentation and PTC Reference Manual. A nice physics manual has been prepared by D. Abel from the TECH-X corporation PTC physics manual.

FPP is a package which overloads the LBNL version of Berz package and The Lingyun Yang C++ TPSA package. The user can select which package he wants to use at run time (details to be found at PTC_CREATE_UNIVERSE command).

The most important new features of MAD-X are:

For more details, look at the MAD-X project.

The MAD-X module keepers are invited to study and follow the Module Writer's Guide. The MAD-X code and its modules is spread out over a team developpers and it is therefore essential that certain programming rules are respected with discipline.

Getting Help, Info, Source, Binaries and Upgrades:


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