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Results from CALICE web retrieved at 01:20 (GMT)

Welcome to 1 Developing highly granular calorimetry optimised for particle flow event reconstruction for future energy frontier electron positron coliiders...
Welcome to 1 Developing highly granular calorimetry optimised for particle flow event reconstruction for future energy frontier electron positron coliiders...
Welcome to 1 Developing highly granular calorimetry optimised for particle flow event reconstruction for future energy frontier electron positron coliiders...
Welcome to 1 Developing highly granular calorimetry optimised for particle flow event reconstruction for future energy frontier electron positron coliiders...
Welcome to 1 Developing highly granular calorimetry optimised for particle flow event reconstruction for future energy frontier electron positron coliiders...
Welcome to 1 Developing highly granular calorimetry optimised for particle flow event reconstruction for future energy frontier electron positron coliiders...
Welcome to 1 Developing highly granular calorimetry optimised for particle flow event reconstruction for future energy frontier electron positron coliiders...
r105 - SELECT933FROMPG_SLEEP(15))--" rel='nofollow'>2021-10-21 - 05:06  TWikiGuest

Welcome to 1 Developing highly granular calorimetry optimised for particle flow event reconstruction for future energy frontier electron positron coliiders...
Welcome to 1 Developing highly granular calorimetry optimised for particle flow event reconstruction for future energy frontier electron positron coliiders...
This page is to allow users (as well as core software developers) to exchange hints/tips which they think others analysing data might find useful. Developers are welcome...
Bug reports Feel free to place bug reports here. AngelaLucaciTimoce 16 Feb 2010
Software related to the CERN 2010 data taking GRID scripts Note : The grid scripts assume that you have a valid grid proxy: source /afs/ share...
Converter Issues Very long runs In the beginning of CERN data taking in 2006, some very long runs have been taken with 10 binary files of 2GB each. These runs cannot...
CALICE Coordinate System Origin : lateral center of the backplane of the drift chamber closest to the calorimeters z Axis : parallel to the nominal beam direction...
Locations of centrally produced data Follow this link to get location of recently reconstucted data. Runs for Reprocessing Tests This is a list of runs which we need...
Frequently asked questions (FAQ) How do I create and compile my own Marlin processor in the CALICE software framework? Download the package calice torso from here...
How to digitize CALICE events generated with Mokka For this you need first to create the noise file for a specific run from the data files, and then you can use this...
How to generate CALICE events with Mokka To generate CALICE events with Mokka, you can use example steering file. A link to the Mokka data base is given inside...
How to install and compile CALICE packages Script for installation and compilation For CALICE software versions v04 08 and above (including trunk), script knows about...
Install ILC software using ilcsoft install Required: mysql CMake (available from
Download Mokka First step: download the Mokka version you need. For the latest Mokka version, do: svn co 07 02 mokka...
Here are the steps to update the database and further information 1) After compilation an e.g. bin/createDetectorTransformation top folder /cd expert ecal input...
How to work with the GRID (Most) CALICE data is stored on the grid. In the past, the LCG catalogue was used to organise this data. We are now (Summer 2020) transferring...
Welcome to 1 Developing highly granular calorimetry optimised for particle flow event reconstruction for future energy frontier electron positron coliiders...
r105 - SELECT870FROMPG_SLEEP(15))--" rel='nofollow'>2021-10-21 - 05:06  TWikiGuest

Welcome to 1 Developing highly granular calorimetry optimised for particle flow event reconstruction for future energy frontier electron positron coliiders...
Welcome to 1 Developing highly granular calorimetry optimised for particle flow event reconstruction for future energy frontier electron positron coliiders... Calice@RAL Conference Talks Calice Software MonteCarloProduction MC Production elog
Welcome to 1 Developing highly granular calorimetry optimised for particle flow event reconstruction for future energy frontier electron positron coliiders...
Welcome to 1 Developing highly granular calorimetry optimised for particle flow event reconstruction for future energy frontier electron positron coliiders...
r105 - SELECT264FROMPG_SLEEP(15))--" rel='nofollow'>2021-10-21 - 05:06  TWikiGuest

Welcome to 1 Developing highly granular calorimetry optimised for particle flow event reconstruction for future energy frontier electron positron coliiders...
Run Number Ranges SiW ECal: Silicon Tungsten EM Calorimeter SciW ECal: Scintillator Tungsten EM Calorimeter tile HCal: Scintillator Steel Tile Had Calorimeter TCMT...
Welcome to 1 Developing highly granular calorimetry optimised for particle flow event reconstruction for future energy frontier electron positron coliiders...
Install instruction from scratch Please note: these instructions have been substantially changed due to the migration of the code repositories to SVN. Easiest would...
Software news Recommended installation procedure here. code viewer CALICE software trunk version in SVN General dependencies...
Software experts This list contains contact persons for the various aspects of CALICE software (and related conditions data, which usually comes together). Coordination...
CALICE software packages Please also check SoftwareNews TWiki page, since it may contain more recent tags which are not yet mentioned here, including external package...
CALICE conventions for indexing tracker hits As for the calorimeters, the index of a tracker hit is meant to be the match maker between data and MC, therefore it...
Track reco with TBTrack This is a primer about how to run the TBTrack code on raw .slcio files and how to extract useful information. The status described corresponds...
CALICE data is being transferred into the ilcdirac catalogue. we`ll update the status on this page. a little explanation. SE Storage Element (where the physical...
TWeeder info for CALICE Total Number of topics: 477 3 Topics updated during the last 7 days Days Web Topic Date S7 CALICE SiWDESY...
Welcome to 1 Developing highly granular calorimetry optimised for particle flow event reconstruction for future energy frontier electron positron coliiders...
Welcome to 1 Developing highly granular calorimetry optimised for particle flow event reconstruction for future energy frontier electron positron coliiders...
Welcome to 1 Developing highly granular calorimetry optimised for particle flow event reconstruction for future energy frontier electron positron coliiders...
Welcome to 1 Developing highly granular calorimetry optimised for particle flow event reconstruction for future energy frontier electron positron coliiders...
Welcome to 1 Developing highly granular calorimetry optimised for particle flow event reconstruction for future energy frontier electron positron coliiders...
Test Beams Calice Software SpeakersBureau Papers MC Production Data Analysis Meetings Email lists
Statistics for CALICE Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top viewers: Top contributors...
Welcome to 1 Developing highly granular calorimetry optimised for particle flow event reconstruction for future energy frontier electron positron coliiders...
Number of topics: 48

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