Minutes PSB Upgrade WG Meeting 10th July 2014

Participants: B. Riffaud, A. Newborough, A. Sanz Ull, J. Betz, W. Weterings, J. Hansen, A. Blas, J. Abelleira, S. Bertolasi, R. Garoby, K. Hanke, G.P. Di Giovanni.


1. Approval of Minutes

  • The minutes of the last LIU-PSB WG meeting #127, available here, were approved.

2. Communications

  • The EVM report was sent to all the working group (WG) members:
    • Please read it.
    • Please remember to report your progress monthly. Even if there is no progress, please just report it with the "no progress" button. There is currently too much effort spent on chasing people who do not report their progress timely and the project cannot be held back by similar issues.
    • R. Garoby mentioned that for next iteration all the workpackage (WP) holders whose WPs show inconsistencies will be requested to provide a short explanation. Hopefully this will act as a reminder for all the WP holders to update their WUs.
    • Generally the project progresses as expected, but some are late, like the power supplies and vacuum system WUs.
    • Please make sure that you correctly spend the money you requested. Any discrepancy at the end of the year may result in a budget cut for LIU.

  • R. Garoby reported the LIU deployment strategy at the LMC meeting:
    • The presentation was well received.
    • Thanks to all the people who helped with their contributions.
    • The only pending option in LIU-PSB is to decide is about the finement → decision to be taken in mid-2015.
    • During the preparation of the talk, the need of an official document in EDMS to summarize the performance of the PSB with Linac4 became clear
  • M. Meddahi will officially replace R. Garoby as LIU project leader.
  • There is the request from an associate to join the PSB team.

3. Follow-up of Open Actions

  • Next meeting, tentatively scheduled the 24th July 2014, C. Bracco will review the document about the aperture conflicts in the PATH file of the BI line the A. Lombardi circulated last weeks. After the review the action will be likely closed.
  • The TDR needs to be completed urgently, see below.

5. Status TDR

  • The hard deadline for completing the TDR has been set to end of July, to allow R. Garoby to review the TDR.
  • During last meeting, K. Hanke explicitly requested to have all contributions uploaded by end of June to allow for a review before handing over the LIU-PSB TDR to R. Garoby.

  • During the last weeks, a few of contributions were updated:
    • 3. Injection Line and PSB Injection Systems, posted on 08/07/2014.
    • 4. Magnets, posted on 09/07/2014.
    • 8. Beam Intercepting Devices, Main Dump posted on 26/06/2014.
    • 15. Civil Engineering posted on 27/06/2014.

  • A thorough review of the TDR from K. Hanke shows that:
Chapter Title Responsible Status Comment
1 Upgrade Path K. Hanke DONE Reviewed and fine.
2 Beam Dynamics and Collective Effects E. Benedetto DONE Reviewed and fine.
3 Injection Line and PSB Injection Systems E. Benedetto/C. Bracco/ W. Weterings DONE Reviewed and fine. Section 3.1 recently updated and added references in the latest version of 3.2.
4 Magnets A. Newborough DONE To be reviewed carefully, but it looks fine at a first glance.
5 RF Systems M.E. Angoletta/A. Blas/A. Butterworth/A. Findlay/M. Paoluzzi DONE Reviewed and fine.
6 Power Converters D. Nisbet/S. Pittet No No contribution from D. Nisbet on the injection power supplies. S. Pittet could base the TDR chapter on the feasibility study, but he needs to make sure to clean it up and that pending options are clearly resolved.
7 Beam Instrumentation J. Tan No J. Tan previously reported it is being worked on and should be posted by the end of this week. To be followed up.
8 Beam Intercepting Devices M. Delonca/C. Maglioni/A. Perillo Marcone/A. Sarrio Martinez DONE The section about the main dump is to be reviewed carefully, but it looks fine at a first glance.
9 Vacuum System J. Hansen DONE Reviewed and fine.
10 PSB Extraction Systems and PSB-PS Transfer Line W. Bartmann/J. Borburgh DONE Reviewed and fine.
11 Controls J. Betz Led-cup-orange The current contribution is too short and would not be suitable for a TDR chapter. An option is to remove it. J. Betz mentioned that nothing specific for the LIU-PSB is currently foreseen, but maybe for the MPS if a new front-end is needed. While it is hard to accept that really nothing new will be needed, R. Garoby suggested that for the TDR it could be mentioned that the LIU-PSB project will profit from the available tools set up during LS1, e.g. INCA, adding references and talking about the consolidation work. This should complete the present status of the Chapter and avoid its removal from the TDR, which will certainly look awkward to foresee an upgrade with no description about the control tools needed.
12 Electrical System S. Bertolasi DONE Reviewed and fine.
13 Cooling and Ventilation M. Obrecht No To be followed up.
14 Installation, Transport and Handling C. Bertone/J-L. Grenard No J-L. Grenard presented an update last week, see here. He was asked to take care of the chapter during C. Bertone' absence and he was provided the needed information. Unfortunately nothing is available as of today. To be followed up.
15 Civil Engineering A. Lopez-Hernandez DONE To be reviewed carefully, but it looks fine at a first glance.
16 Radiological Protection R. Froeschl DONE Reviewed and fine.
17 Machine Interlocks B. Puccio/P. Dahlen/C. Martin DONE Reviewed and fine.
18 Survey T. Dobers No To be followed up.
19 Commissioning B. Mikulec DONE Reviewed and fine. Handed over to R. Garoby who intends to merge all the commissioning chapters about the different machines in a single one.

  • K. Hanke will follow up with all the relevant contact people from the missing chapters.
  • A general remark from R. Garoby was about the importance of a TDR. In particular during last review the Council members asked for more details in a form of executive summary and this will be based on the TDR. A finished TDR gives the possibility to properly justify the budget and resource usage requested by the project, which could be heavily affected otherwise.

6. AOB

  • A. Blas reported that the work on the LL RF is progressing and that the damper in its pre-LS1 configuration works.
  • B. Riffaud has launched the manufacturing of the half-sector test (expected to be done by Oct/Nov. 2014)
  • W. Weterings said that the BSW4 was tested in position 2 and 3 and the wider aperture allows it to be used in these two positions as well. B. Riffaud mentioned that they are working on the drawings for the injection and should be done by the end of the year.
  • J. Hansen reported that one of the cause of the delay in spending is that the drawings are taking longer time than expected. It was agreed that as soon as a drawing is ready then the request for the component production can be launched.

  • Next meeting is tentatively scheduled for the 24th July 2014.

-- GianPieroDiGiovanni - 10 Jul 2014

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