Gaudi Framework, version v23r0

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ApplicationMgr Class Reference

The Application Manager class. More...

#include <ApplicationMgr.h>

Inheritance diagram for ApplicationMgr:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for ApplicationMgr:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef std::list< std::pair
< IService *, int > > 
typedef std::list< std::stringListName
typedef std::vector< std::stringVectorName

Public Member Functions

 ApplicationMgr (IInterface *=0)
virtual ~ApplicationMgr ()
virtual StatusCode queryInterface (const InterfaceID &iid, void **pinterface)
virtual StatusCode run ()
virtual StatusCode configure ()
virtual StatusCode terminate ()
virtual StatusCode initialize ()
virtual StatusCode start ()
virtual StatusCode stop ()
virtual StatusCode finalize ()
virtual StatusCode nextEvent (int maxevt)
virtual const std::stringname () const
 This is needed to avoid ambiguous calls to name()
virtual StatusCode executeEvent (void *par)
 implementation of IEventProcessor::executeEvent(void*)
virtual StatusCode executeRun (int evtmax)
 implementation of IEventProcessor::executeRun(int)
virtual StatusCode stopRun ()
 implementation of IEventProcessor::stopRun()
virtual Gaudi::StateMachine::State FSMState () const
virtual Gaudi::StateMachine::State targetFSMState () const
virtual StatusCode reinitialize ()
virtual StatusCode restart ()
virtual StatusCode sysInitialize ()
virtual StatusCode sysStart ()
virtual StatusCode sysStop ()
virtual StatusCode sysFinalize ()
virtual StatusCode sysReinitialize ()
virtual StatusCode sysRestart ()
void SIGoHandler (Property &theProp)
void SIExitHandler (Property &theProp)
template<class I >
SmartIF< IComponentManager > & getManager ()
SmartIF< ISvcManager > & svcManager ()
SmartIF< IAlgManager > & algManager ()
virtual SmartIF< ISvcLocator > & serviceLocator () const
 Needed to locate the message service.
Property handlers
void evtLoopPropertyHandler (Property &theProp)
StatusCode decodeExtSvcNameList ()
StatusCode decodeCreateSvcNameList ()
void createSvcNameListHandler (Property &)
void extSvcNameListHandler (Property &theProp)
StatusCode decodeMultiThreadSvcNameList ()
void multiThreadSvcNameListHandler (Property &theProp)
StatusCode decodeDllNameList ()
void dllNameListHandler (Property &theProp)
void reflexDebugPropertyHandler (Property &theProp)
void initLoopCheckHndlr (Property &)

Protected Types

typedef std::map< unsigned
long, SmartIF
< IComponentManager > > 
 Typedef for the map of component managers, the key is the "id" field of the basic InterfaceID of the managed components.

Protected Member Functions

StatusCode declareMultiSvcType (const std::string &name, const std::string &type)
 declare one or more copies of svc type/name as determined by NoOfThreads
StatusCode addMultiSvc (const Gaudi::Utils::TypeNameString &typeName, int prio)
 add one or more copies of svc type/name as determined by NoOfThreads
void setServiceManager (ISvcManager *)
StatusCode i_startup ()
 Internal startup routine.
StatusCode GoToState (Gaudi::StateMachine::State state, bool ignoreFailures=false)
 Reach a state from current state (whichever it is) going through the correct transitions.

Protected Attributes

ManagersMap m_managers
 Map of known component managers.
StringArrayProperty m_declaredManagers
 Property to declare the list of known managers.
SmartIF< ISvcManagerm_svcManager
 Cached pointer to the manager of services.
SmartIF< IAlgManagerm_algManager
 Cached pointer to the manager of algorithms.
 Reference to the class manager.
SmartIF< ISvcLocatorm_svcLocator
 Reference to its own service locator.
IntegerProperty m_SIGo
 For SI's "Go" command via callback.
IntegerProperty m_SIExit
 For SI's "Exit" command via callback.
StringArrayProperty m_topAlgNameList
 List of top level algorithms names.
StringArrayProperty m_outStreamNameList
 List of output stream names.
StringProperty m_outStreamType
 Output stream type (obsolete?)
StringProperty m_messageSvcType
 MessageSvc type.
StringProperty m_jobOptionsSvcType
 JobOptionsSvc type.
ListSvc m_topSvcList
 List of top level services.
ListName m_topSvcNameList
 List of top level services names.
std::string m_name
Gaudi::StateMachine::State m_state
 Internal State.
Gaudi::StateMachine::State m_targetState
 Internal State.
VectorName m_defServices
 Vector default services names.
VectorName m_svcMapping
 Default mapping of services.
VectorName m_svcOptMapping
 Default mapping of services.
 Reference to Property Manager.
SmartIF< IMessageSvcm_messageSvc
 Reference to the message service.
SmartIF< IRunablem_runable
 Reference to the runable object.
SmartIF< IEventProcessorm_processingMgr
 Reference to processing manager object.
SmartIF< IJobOptionsSvcm_jobOptionsSvc
 Reference to JobOption service.
int m_evtMax
 Number of events to be processed.
StringArrayProperty m_extSvcNameList
 List of external services names.
BooleanProperty m_extSvcCreates
 LHCb or ATLAS defn of "ExtSvc".
StringArrayProperty m_multiThreadSvcNameList
 List of external services names for which we want a copy per evt thread.
int m_noOfEvtThreads
 no of multiThreadSvc copies
StringArrayProperty m_dllNameList
 List of DDL's names.
std::string m_jobOptionsType
 Source type (e.g. dbase, file...)
std::string m_jobOptionsPath
 The "file" to look for properties.
std::string m_runableType
 Runable type.
std::string m_eventLoopMgr
 Processing manager type.
std::string m_evtsel
 Event selection.
std::string m_histPersName
 CGL: Name of the Hist Pers Svc.
int m_outputLevel
 Message output level.
std::string m_appName
 The name of the application.
std::string m_appVersion
 The version of the application.
bool m_actHistory
 Activate HistorySvc.
bool m_codeCheck
 Activate StatusCode checking.
IntegerProperty m_reflexDebugLevel
 Debug level for the reflex plugin system.
StringArrayProperty m_createSvcNameList
BooleanProperty m_auditTools
 Defaults for auditors.
BooleanProperty m_auditSvcs
BooleanProperty m_auditAlgs
std::map< std::string,
 Environment variables to set.
BooleanProperty m_loopCheck
 For ServiceMgr initialization loop checking.
BooleanProperty m_stopOnSignal
 Property to enable/disable the "stop on signal" service (enabled by default).
BooleanProperty m_stalledEventMonitoring
 Property to enable/disable the monitoring and reporting of stalled events (enabled by default).
bool m_propertiesPrint
 flag to activate the printout of properties
IntegerProperty m_returnCode
 Property to record the error conditions occurring during the running.

Private Types

typedef CommonMessaging
< implements4< IAppMgrUI,
IEventProcessor, IService,
IStateful > > 
 Typedef to this class.

Private Attributes

std::vector< std::stringm_okDlls
 names of successfully loaded dlls

Detailed Description

The Application Manager class.

The main purpose of the Application Manager is to steer any data processing application. This includes all data processing applications for LHCb data in all stages: simulation, reconstruction, analysis, high level triggers, etc. Specific implementations of the ApplicationMgr will be developed to cope with the different environments (on-line, off-line, interactive, batch, etc.).

Pere Mato

Definition at line 47 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Typedef to this class.

Reimplemented from CommonMessaging< implements4< IAppMgrUI, IEventProcessor, IService, IStateful > >.

Definition at line 54 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Definition at line 57 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Definition at line 56 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

typedef std::map<unsigned long, SmartIF<IComponentManager> > ApplicationMgr::ManagersMap [protected]

Typedef for the map of component managers, the key is the "id" field of the basic InterfaceID of the managed components.

Definition at line 184 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Definition at line 58 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ApplicationMgr::ApplicationMgr ( IInterface = 0 )

Definition at line 54 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.

                                         : base_class() {
  // IInterface initialization
  addRef(); // Initial count set to 1

  // Initialize two basic services: messagesvc & joboptions
  m_messageSvc        = 0;
  m_jobOptionsSvc     = 0;

  // Instantiate component managers
  m_managers[IService::interfaceID().id()] = new ServiceManager(this);
  m_managers[IAlgorithm::interfaceID().id()] = new AlgorithmManager(this);

  m_svcLocator = svcManager();

  // Instantiate internal services
  // SvcLocator/Factory HAS to be already instantiated
  m_classManager = new DLLClassManager(this);
  m_propertyMgr  = new PropertyMgr(this);

  m_name  = "ApplicationMgr";
  m_state = Gaudi::StateMachine::OFFLINE;
  m_targetState = Gaudi::StateMachine::OFFLINE;

  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty("Go",            m_SIGo = 0 );
  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty("Exit",          m_SIExit = 0 );
  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty("Dlls",          m_dllNameList );
  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty("ExtSvc",        m_extSvcNameList );
  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty("CreateSvc",     m_createSvcNameList );
  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty("ExtSvcCreates", m_extSvcCreates=true );

  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty("SvcMapping",    m_svcMapping );
  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty("SvcOptMapping", m_svcOptMapping );

  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty("TopAlg",        m_topAlgNameList );
  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty("OutStream",     m_outStreamNameList );
  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty("OutStreamType", m_outStreamType = "OutputStream" );
  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty("MessageSvcType",m_messageSvcType= "MessageSvc" );
                                 m_jobOptionsSvcType = "JobOptionsSvc" );
  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty( s_runable,      m_runableType   = "AppMgrRunable");
  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty( s_eventloop,    m_eventLoopMgr  = "EventLoopMgr");

  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty("HistogramPersistency", m_histPersName="NONE");

  // Declare Job Options Service properties and set default
  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty("JobOptionsType", m_jobOptionsType = "FILE");
  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty("JobOptionsPath", m_jobOptionsPath = "");
  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty("EvtMax",         m_evtMax = -1);
  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty("EvtSel",         m_evtsel );
  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty("OutputLevel",    m_outputLevel = MSG::INFO);

  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty("MultiThreadExtSvc", m_multiThreadSvcNameList);
  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty("NoOfThreads",    m_noOfEvtThreads = 0);
  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty("AppName",        m_appName = "ApplicationMgr");
  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty("AppVersion",     m_appVersion = "");

  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty("AuditTools",      m_auditTools = false);
  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty("AuditServices",   m_auditSvcs = false);
  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty("AuditAlgorithms", m_auditAlgs = false);

  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty("ActivateHistory", m_actHistory = false);
  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty("StatusCodeCheck", m_codeCheck = false);

  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty("Environment",    m_environment);

  // ServiceMgr Initialization loop checking
  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty("InitializationLoopCheck", m_loopCheck = true)
    ->declareUpdateHandler(&ApplicationMgr::initLoopCheckHndlr, this);

  // Flag to activate the printout of properties
    ( "PropertiesPrint",
      m_propertiesPrint = false,
      "Flag to activate the printout of properties" );

  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty("ReflexPluginDebugLevel", m_reflexDebugLevel = 0 );

  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty("StopOnSignal", m_stopOnSignal = false,
      "Flag to enable/disable the signal handler that schedule a stop of the event loop");

  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty("StalledEventMonitoring", m_stalledEventMonitoring = false,
      "Flag to enable/disable the monitoring and reporting of stalled events");

  m_propertyMgr->declareProperty("ReturnCode", m_returnCode = 0,
      "Return code of the application. Set internally in case of error conditions.");

  // Add action handlers to the appropriate properties
  m_SIGo.declareUpdateHandler  ( &ApplicationMgr::SIGoHandler         , this );
  m_SIExit.declareUpdateHandler( &ApplicationMgr::SIExitHandler       , this );
  m_topAlgNameList.declareUpdateHandler(&ApplicationMgr::evtLoopPropertyHandler, this);
  m_outStreamNameList.declareUpdateHandler(&ApplicationMgr::evtLoopPropertyHandler, this);
  m_outStreamType.declareUpdateHandler(&ApplicationMgr::evtLoopPropertyHandler, this);
  m_reflexDebugLevel.declareUpdateHandler(&ApplicationMgr::reflexDebugPropertyHandler, this);
ApplicationMgr::~ApplicationMgr (  ) [virtual]

Definition at line 161 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

StatusCode ApplicationMgr::addMultiSvc ( const Gaudi::Utils::TypeNameString &  typeName,
int  prio 
) [protected]

add one or more copies of svc type/name as determined by NoOfThreads

Definition at line 1162 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.

  using Gaudi::Utils::TypeNameString;
  StatusCode result = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
  MsgStream log( m_messageSvc, m_name );
  if (0 == m_noOfEvtThreads) {
    result = svcManager()->addService(typeName, prio);
    // result = svcManager()->addService(name, type, prio); // CHECKME???
    if( result.isFailure() ) {
      log << MSG::ERROR << "addMultiSvc: Cannot add service "
          << typeName.type() << "/" << << endmsg;
    } else {
        log << MSG::VERBOSE << "addMultiSvc: added service "
            << typeName.type() << "/" << << endmsg;
  } else {
    for(int iCopy=0; iCopy<m_noOfEvtThreads; ++iCopy) {
      const std::string &type = typeName.type();
      std::string thrName( + getGaudiThreadIDfromID(iCopy));
      result = svcManager()->addService(TypeNameString(thrName, type), prio);
      if( result.isFailure() ) {
        log << MSG::ERROR << "addMultiSvc: Cannot add service "
            << type << "/" << thrName << endmsg;
      } else {
          log << MSG::VERBOSE << "addMultiSvc: added service "
              << type << "/" << thrName << endmsg;
  return result;
SmartIF<IAlgManager>& ApplicationMgr::algManager (  ) [inline]

Definition at line 149 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

    // Cache the casted pointer to IAlgManager
    if (!m_algManager) {
      m_algManager = getManager<IAlgorithm>();
    return m_algManager;
StatusCode ApplicationMgr::configure (  ) [virtual]

Definition at line 303 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.

  // Check if the state is compatible with the transition
  MsgStream tlog( m_messageSvc, name() );
  if( Gaudi::StateMachine::CONFIGURED == m_state ) {
    tlog << MSG::INFO << "Already Configured" << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
  else if( Gaudi::StateMachine::OFFLINE != m_state ) {
    tlog << MSG::FATAL
         << "configure: Invalid state \""  << m_state << "\"" << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
  m_targetState = Gaudi::StateMachine::CONFIGURED;

  StatusCode  sc;
  sc = i_startup();
  if ( !sc.isSuccess() )    {
    return sc;

  MsgStream log( m_messageSvc, name() );

  // Get my own options using the Job options service
  if (log.level() <= MSG::DEBUG)
    log << MSG::DEBUG << "Getting my own properties" << endmsg;
  sc = m_jobOptionsSvc->setMyProperties( name(), m_propertyMgr );
  if( !sc.isSuccess() ) {
    log << MSG::WARNING << "Problems getting my properties from JobOptionsSvc"
        << endmsg;
    return sc;

  // Check current outputLevel to eventually inform the MessageSvc
  if( m_outputLevel != MSG::NIL && !m_appName.empty() ) {
    assert(m_messageSvc != 0);
    m_messageSvc->setOutputLevel( name(), m_outputLevel );
    // Print a welcome message
    log << MSG::ALWAYS
        << std::endl
        << "=================================================================="
        << "=================================================================="
        << std::endl
        << "                                "
        << "                   Welcome to " << m_appName;

    if( "" != m_appVersion ) {
      log << MSG::ALWAYS << " version " << m_appVersion;
    else {
      log << MSG::ALWAYS
          << "(GaudiCoreSvc "
          << ")";

    // Add the host name and current time to the message
    log << MSG::ALWAYS
        << std::endl
        << "                                "
        << "          running on " << System::hostName()
        << " on " << Gaudi::Time::current().format(true) << std::endl
        << "=================================================================="
        << "=================================================================="
        << endmsg;

  // print all own properties if the options "PropertiesPrint" is set to true
  if ( m_propertiesPrint )
    typedef std::vector<Property*> Properties;
    const Properties& properties = m_propertyMgr->getProperties() ;
    log << MSG::ALWAYS
        << "List of ALL properties of "
        << System::typeinfoName ( typeid( *this ) ) << "/" << this->name()
        << "  #properties = " << properties.size() << endmsg ;
    for ( Properties::const_iterator property = properties.begin() ;
          properties.end() != property ; ++property )
    { log << "Property ['Name': Value] = " << ( **property) << endmsg ; }

  // Check if StatusCode need to be checked
  if (m_codeCheck) {
    sc = addMultiSvc("StatusCodeSvc", -9999);
    if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
      log << MSG::FATAL << "Error adding StatusCodeSvc for multiple threads" << endmsg;
      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
  } else {

  // set the requested environment variables
  std::map<std::string,std::string>::iterator var;
  for ( var = m_environment.begin(); var != m_environment.end(); ++var ) {
    const std::string &name  = var->first;
    const std::string &value = var->second;
    std::string old = System::getEnv(name.c_str());
    const MSG::Level lvl = (!old.empty() && (old != "UNKNOWN" ))
        ? MSG::WARNING
        : MSG::DEBUG;
    if (UNLIKELY(m_outputLevel <= lvl))
      log << lvl << "Setting " << name << " = " << value << endmsg;

  //Declare Service Types
  VectorName::const_iterator j;
  for(j=m_svcMapping.begin(); j != m_svcMapping.end(); ++j)  {
    Gaudi::Utils::TypeNameString itm(*j);
    if ( declareMultiSvcType(, itm.type()).isFailure() )  {
      log << MSG::ERROR << "configure: declaring svc type:'" << *j << "' failed." << endmsg;
      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
  for(j=m_svcOptMapping.begin(); j != m_svcOptMapping.end(); ++j)  {
    Gaudi::Utils::TypeNameString itm(*j);
    if ( declareMultiSvcType(, itm.type()).isFailure() )  {
      log << MSG::ERROR << "configure: declaring svc type:'" << *j << "' failed." << endmsg;
      return StatusCode::FAILURE;

  // Declare other Services and Algorithms by loading DLL's
  sc = decodeDllNameList( );
  if ( sc.isFailure( ) ) {
    log << MSG::ERROR << "Failure loading declared DLL's" << endmsg;
    return sc;

  // Deal with the services explicitely declared by the user.
  sc = decodeExtSvcNameList();
  if ( sc.isFailure( ) ) {
    log << MSG::ERROR << "Failure during external service association" << endmsg;
    return sc;

  sc = decodeMultiThreadSvcNameList( );
  if ( sc.isFailure( ) ) {
    log << MSG::ERROR << "Failure during multi thread service creation"
        << endmsg;
    return sc;

  sc = decodeCreateSvcNameList();
  if ( sc.isFailure( ) ) {
    log << MSG::ERROR << "Failure during external service creation" << endmsg;
    return sc;

  // Retrieve intrinsic services. If needed configure them.
  Gaudi::Utils::TypeNameString evtloop_item(m_eventLoopMgr);
  sc = addMultiSvc(evtloop_item, 100);
  if( !sc.isSuccess() )  {
    log << MSG::FATAL << "Error adding :" << m_eventLoopMgr << endmsg;
    return sc;

  if (m_noOfEvtThreads == 0) {
    m_runable = m_svcLocator->service(m_runableType);
    if( !m_runable.isValid() )  {
      log << MSG::FATAL
          << "Error retrieving Runable:" << m_runableType
          << "\n Check option ApplicationMgr." << s_runable << endmsg;
      return sc;
    m_processingMgr = m_svcLocator->service(evtloop_item);
    if( !m_processingMgr.isValid() )  {
      log << MSG::FATAL
          << "Error retrieving Processing manager:" << m_eventLoopMgr
          << "\n Check option ApplicationMgr." << s_eventloop
          << "\n No events will be processed." << endmsg;
      return sc;

  // Establish Update Handlers for ExtSvc and DLLs Properties
  m_extSvcNameList.declareUpdateHandler (&ApplicationMgr::extSvcNameListHandler,
  m_createSvcNameList.declareUpdateHandler (&ApplicationMgr::createSvcNameListHandler,
    (&ApplicationMgr::multiThreadSvcNameListHandler, this);
  m_dllNameList.declareUpdateHandler (&ApplicationMgr::dllNameListHandler,
                                      this );

  if (m_actHistory) {
    // Create HistorySvc with a priority to ensure it's initialized last, finalized first
    sc = svcManager()->addService("HistorySvc",std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
    if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
      log << MSG::FATAL << "Error adding HistorySvc" << endmsg;
      return StatusCode::FAILURE;

    if (m_noOfEvtThreads > 0) {
      sc = addMultiSvc("HistorySvc",std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
      if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
        log << MSG::FATAL << "Error adding HistorySvc for multiple threads"
            << endmsg;
        return StatusCode::FAILURE;

  log << MSG::INFO << "Application Manager Configured successfully" << endmsg;
  m_state = m_targetState;
  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
void ApplicationMgr::createSvcNameListHandler ( Property  )

Definition at line 1011 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.

  if ( !(decodeCreateSvcNameList()).isSuccess() ) {
    throw GaudiException("Failed to create ext services",
StatusCode ApplicationMgr::declareMultiSvcType ( const std::string name,
const std::string type 
) [protected]

declare one or more copies of svc type/name as determined by NoOfThreads

Definition at line 1129 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.

  StatusCode result = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
  MsgStream log( m_messageSvc, m_name );
  if (0 == m_noOfEvtThreads) {
    result = svcManager()->declareSvcType(name, type);
    if( result.isFailure() ) {
      log << MSG::ERROR << "declareMultiSvcType: Cannot declare service "
          << type << "/" << name << endmsg;
    } else {
        log << MSG::VERBOSE << "declareMultiSvcType: declared service "
            << type << "/" << name << endmsg;
  } else {
    for(int iCopy=0; iCopy<m_noOfEvtThreads; ++iCopy) {
      std::string thrName(name + getGaudiThreadIDfromID(iCopy));
      result = svcManager()->declareSvcType(thrName, type);
      if( result.isFailure() ) {
        log << MSG::ERROR << "declareMultiSvcType: Cannot declare service "
            << type << "/" << thrName << endmsg;
      } else {
          log << MSG::VERBOSE << "declareMultiSvcType: declared service "
              << type << "/" << thrName << endmsg;
  return result;
StatusCode ApplicationMgr::decodeCreateSvcNameList (  )

Definition at line 1021 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.

  StatusCode result = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
  const std::vector<std::string>& theNames = m_createSvcNameList.value( );
  VectorName::const_iterator it(theNames.begin());
  VectorName::const_iterator et(theNames.end());
  while(result.isSuccess() && it != et) {
    Gaudi::Utils::TypeNameString item(*it++);
    if( (result = svcManager()->addService(item, 10) ).isFailure()) {
      MsgStream log( m_messageSvc, m_name );
      log << MSG::ERROR << "decodeCreateSvcNameList: Cannot create service "
          << item.type() << "/" << << endmsg;
    } else {
      ON_DEBUG {
        MsgStream log( m_messageSvc, m_name );
        log << MSG::DEBUG << "decodeCreateSvcNameList: Created service "
            << item.type() << "/" << << endmsg;
  return result;
StatusCode ApplicationMgr::decodeDllNameList (  )

Definition at line 1210 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.


  MsgStream log( m_messageSvc, m_name );
  StatusCode result = StatusCode::SUCCESS;

  // Clean up multiple entries from DLL list
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  std::vector<std::string> newList;
  std::map<std::string,unsigned int> dllInList, duplicateList;
  {for ( std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = m_dllNameList.value().begin();
        it != m_dllNameList.value().end(); ++it ) {
    if ( 0 == dllInList[*it] ) {
      newList.push_back(*it);        // first instance of this module
    } else { ++duplicateList[*it]; } // module listed multiple times
    ++dllInList[*it];                // increment count for this module
  //m_dllNameList = newList; // update primary list to new, filtered list (do not use the
                             // property itself otherwise we get called again infinitely)
  // List modules that were in there twice..
  ON_DEBUG if ( !duplicateList.empty() ) {
    log << MSG::DEBUG << "Removed duplicate entries for modules : ";
    for ( std::map<std::string,unsigned int>::const_iterator it = duplicateList.begin();
          it != duplicateList.end(); ++it ) {
      log << it->first << "(" << 1+it->second << ")";
      if ( it != --duplicateList.end() ) log << ", ";
    log << endmsg;
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

  const std::vector<std::string>& theNames = newList;

  // only load the new dlls or previously failed dlls
  ON_DEBUG log << MSG::DEBUG << "Loading declared DLL's" << endmsg;

  std::vector<std::string> successNames, failNames;
  std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it;

  for (it = theNames.begin(); it != theNames.end(); it++) {
    if (std::find (m_okDlls.rbegin(), m_okDlls.rend(), *it) == m_okDlls.rend()){
      // found a new module name
      StatusCode status = m_classManager->loadModule( (*it) );
      if( status.isFailure() ) {
        result = StatusCode::FAILURE;
      else {

  // report back to the user and store the names of the succesfully loaded dlls
  if ( !successNames.empty() ) {
    log << MSG::INFO << "Successfully loaded modules : ";
    for (it = successNames.begin(); it != successNames.end(); it++) {
      log<< (*it);
      if( (it+1) != successNames.end())  log << ", ";
      // save name
      m_okDlls.push_back( *it );
    log << endmsg;

  if ( result == StatusCode::FAILURE ) {
    log << MSG::WARNING << "Failed to load modules: ";
    for (it = failNames.begin(); it != failNames.end(); it++) {
      log<< (*it);
      if( (it+1) != failNames.end())  log << ", ";
    log << endmsg;
  return result;
StatusCode ApplicationMgr::decodeExtSvcNameList (  )

Definition at line 1057 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.

  StatusCode result = StatusCode::SUCCESS;

  std::vector<std::string> theNames = m_extSvcNameList.value( );

  VectorName::const_iterator it(theNames.begin());
  VectorName::const_iterator et(theNames.end());
  while(result.isSuccess() && it != et) {
    Gaudi::Utils::TypeNameString item(*it++);
    if (m_extSvcCreates == true) {
      if ( (result = svcManager()->addService(item, 10)).isFailure()) {
        MsgStream log( m_messageSvc, m_name );
        log << MSG::ERROR << "decodeExtSvcNameList: Cannot create service "
            << item.type() << "/" << << endmsg;
    } else {
      if( ( result = svcManager()->declareSvcType(,
                                                  item.type()) ).isFailure()) {
        MsgStream log( m_messageSvc, m_name );
        log << MSG::ERROR << "decodeExtSvcNameList: Cannot declare service "
            << item.type() << "/" << << endmsg;
  return result;
StatusCode ApplicationMgr::decodeMultiThreadSvcNameList (  )

Definition at line 1099 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.

  StatusCode result = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
  const std::vector<std::string>& theNames = m_multiThreadSvcNameList.value( );
  for(int iCopy=0; iCopy<m_noOfEvtThreads; ++iCopy) {
    for (VectorName::const_iterator it = theNames.begin();
         it != theNames.end();
         ++it) {
      Gaudi::Utils::TypeNameString item(*it);
      result = addMultiSvc(item, 10);
      if( result.isFailure() ) {
        MsgStream log( m_messageSvc, m_name );
        log << MSG::ERROR
            << "decodeMultiThreadSvcNameList: Cannot create service "
            << item.type() << "/" << << endmsg;
      } else {
        ON_VERBOSE {
          MsgStream log( m_messageSvc, m_name );
          log << MSG::VERBOSE
              << "decodeMultiThreadSvcNameList: created service "
              << item.type() << "/" << << endmsg;
  return result;
void ApplicationMgr::dllNameListHandler ( Property theProp )

Definition at line 1199 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.

  if ( !(decodeDllNameList( )).isSuccess() ) {
    throw GaudiException("Failed to load DLLs.",
void ApplicationMgr::evtLoopPropertyHandler ( Property theProp )

Definition at line 999 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.

  if ( m_processingMgr.isValid() )    {
    SmartIF<IProperty> props(m_processingMgr);
    if ( props.isValid() )    {
      props->setProperty( p ).ignore();
StatusCode ApplicationMgr::executeEvent ( void *  par ) [virtual]

implementation of IEventProcessor::executeEvent(void*)

Definition at line 873 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.

  MsgStream log( m_messageSvc, name() );
  if( m_state == Gaudi::StateMachine::RUNNING ) {
    if ( m_processingMgr.isValid() )    {
      return m_processingMgr->executeEvent(par);
  log << MSG::FATAL << "executeEvent: Invalid state \"" << FSMState() << "\""
  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
StatusCode ApplicationMgr::executeRun ( int  evtmax ) [virtual]

implementation of IEventProcessor::executeRun(int)

Definition at line 888 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.

  MsgStream log( m_messageSvc, name() );
  if( m_state == Gaudi::StateMachine::RUNNING ) {
    if ( m_processingMgr.isValid() )    {
      return m_processingMgr->executeRun(evtmax);
    log << MSG::WARNING << "No EventLoop Manager specified " << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
  log << MSG::FATAL << "executeRun: Invalid state \"" << FSMState() << "\""
      << endmsg;
  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
void ApplicationMgr::extSvcNameListHandler ( Property theProp )

Definition at line 1046 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.

  if ( !(decodeExtSvcNameList( )).isSuccess() ) {
    throw GaudiException("Failed to declare ext services",
StatusCode ApplicationMgr::finalize (  ) [virtual]

Definition at line 669 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.

  MsgStream log( m_messageSvc, name() );
  if( m_state == Gaudi::StateMachine::CONFIGURED ) {
    log << MSG::INFO << "Already Finalized" << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
  else if( m_state != Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED ) {
    log << MSG::FATAL << "finalize: Invalid state \"" << m_state << "\""
        << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
  m_targetState = Gaudi::StateMachine::CONFIGURED;

  // disable message suppression in finalize
  m_svcLocator->service<IProperty>("MessageSvc")->setProperty(BooleanProperty("enableSuppression", false)).ignore();

  // Finalize independently managed Algorithms
  StatusCode sc = algManager()->finalize();
  if (sc.isFailure()) {
    log << MSG::WARNING << "Failed to finalize an algorithm." << endmsg;
    m_returnCode = Gaudi::ReturnCode::FinalizationFailure;

  // Finalize all Services
  sc = svcManager()->finalize();
  if (sc.isFailure()) {
    log << MSG::WARNING << "Failed to finalize a service." << endmsg;
    m_returnCode = Gaudi::ReturnCode::FinalizationFailure;

  //svcManager()->removeService( (IService*) m_processingMgr.get() );
  //svcManager()->removeService( (IService*) m_runable.get() );

  if (m_codeCheck) {

  if (sc.isSuccess()) {
    log << MSG::INFO << "Application Manager Finalized successfully" << endmsg;
  } else {
    log << MSG::ERROR << "Application Manager failed to finalize" << endmsg;

  m_state = m_targetState;
  return sc;
Gaudi::StateMachine::State ApplicationMgr::FSMState (  ) const [virtual]

Definition at line 924 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.

  return m_state;
template<class I >
SmartIF<IComponentManager>& ApplicationMgr::getManager (  ) [inline]

Definition at line 137 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

    return m_managers[I::interfaceID().id()];
StatusCode ApplicationMgr::GoToState ( Gaudi::StateMachine::State  state,
bool  ignoreFailures = false 
) [protected]

Reach a state from current state (whichever it is) going through the correct transitions.

By default, if a transition fails, the chain is interrupted, but the behavior can be changed with the parameter "gnoreFailures"

Definition at line 776 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.

  StatusCode sc = StatusCode(StatusCode::SUCCESS,true);

  switch (state) {

  case Gaudi::StateMachine::OFFLINE:
    switch (m_state) {
    case Gaudi::StateMachine::OFFLINE    : return StatusCode::SUCCESS; break;
    case Gaudi::StateMachine::CONFIGURED : return terminate(); break;
    default: // Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED or Gaudi::StateMachine::RUNNING
      sc = GoToState(Gaudi::StateMachine::CONFIGURED);
      if (sc.isSuccess()) {
        return terminate();
      } break;
    } break;

  case Gaudi::StateMachine::CONFIGURED:
    switch (m_state) {
    case Gaudi::StateMachine::CONFIGURED  : return StatusCode::SUCCESS; break;
    case Gaudi::StateMachine::OFFLINE     : return configure(); break;
    case Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED : return finalize(); break;
    default: // Gaudi::StateMachine::RUNNING
      sc = GoToState(Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED);
      if (sc.isSuccess()) {
        return finalize();
      } break;
    } break;

  case Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED:
    switch (m_state) {
    case Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED : return StatusCode::SUCCESS; break;
    case Gaudi::StateMachine::CONFIGURED  : return initialize(); break;
    case Gaudi::StateMachine::RUNNING     : return stop(); break;
    default: // Gaudi::StateMachine::OFFLINE
      sc = GoToState(Gaudi::StateMachine::CONFIGURED);
      if (sc.isSuccess()) {
        return initialize();
      } break;
    } break;

  case Gaudi::StateMachine::RUNNING:
    switch (m_state) {
    case Gaudi::StateMachine::RUNNING     : return StatusCode::SUCCESS; break;
    case Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED : return start(); break;
    default: // Gaudi::StateMachine::OFFLINE or Gaudi::StateMachine::CONFIGURED
      sc = GoToState(Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED);
      if (sc.isSuccess()) {
        return start();
      } break;
    } break;


  // If I get here, there has been a problem in the recursion

  if (ignoreFailures){
    // force the new state
    m_state = state;
    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;

  return sc;
StatusCode ApplicationMgr::i_startup (  ) [protected]

Internal startup routine.

Definition at line 209 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.

  StatusCode  sc;

  // declare factories in current module

  // Create the Message service
  SmartIF<IService> msgsvc = svcManager()->createService(Gaudi::Utils::TypeNameString("MessageSvc", m_messageSvcType));
  if( !msgsvc.isValid() )  {
    fatal() << "Error creating MessageSvc of type " << m_messageSvcType << endmsg;
    return sc;
  // Create the Job Options service
  SmartIF<IService> jobsvc = svcManager()->createService(Gaudi::Utils::TypeNameString("JobOptionsSvc", m_jobOptionsSvcType));
  if( !jobsvc.isValid() )   {
    fatal() << "Error creating JobOptionsSvc" << endmsg;
    return sc;

  SmartIF<IProperty> jobOptsIProp(jobsvc);
  if ( !jobOptsIProp.isValid() )   {
    fatal() << "Error locating JobOptionsSvc" << endmsg;
    return sc;
  sc = jobOptsIProp->setProperty( StringProperty("TYPE", m_jobOptionsType) );
  if( !sc.isSuccess() )   {
    fatal() << "Error setting TYPE option in JobOptionsSvc" << endmsg;
    return sc;

  if ( m_jobOptionsPath != "") {         // The command line takes precedence
    sc = jobOptsIProp->setProperty( StringProperty("PATH", m_jobOptionsPath) );
    if( !sc.isSuccess() )   {
      fatal() << "Error setting PATH option in JobOptionsSvc" << endmsg;
      return sc;
  else if ( isEnvSet("JOBOPTPATH") ) {// Otherwise the Environment JOBOPTPATH
    sc = jobOptsIProp->setProperty (StringProperty("PATH",
    if( !sc.isSuccess() )   {
           << "Error setting PATH option in JobOptionsSvc from env"
           << endmsg;
      return sc;
  else {                                   // Otherwise the default
    sc = jobOptsIProp->setProperty (StringProperty("PATH",
    if( !sc.isSuccess() )   {
           << "Error setting PATH option in JobOptionsSvc to default"
           << endmsg;
      return sc;

  // Sets my default the Output Level of the Message service to be
  // the same as this
  SmartIF<IProperty> msgSvcIProp(msgsvc);
  msgSvcIProp->setProperty( IntegerProperty("OutputLevel", m_outputLevel)).ignore();

  sc = jobsvc->sysInitialize();
  if( !sc.isSuccess() )   {
    fatal() << "Error initializing JobOptionsSvc" << endmsg;
    return sc;
  sc = msgsvc->sysInitialize();
  if( !sc.isSuccess() )  {
    fatal() << "Error initializing MessageSvc" << endmsg;
    return sc;

  // Get the useful interface from Message and JobOptions services
  m_messageSvc = m_svcLocator->service("MessageSvc");
  if( !m_messageSvc.isValid() )  {
    fatal() << "Error retrieving MessageSvc." << endmsg;
    return sc;
  m_jobOptionsSvc = m_svcLocator->service("JobOptionsSvc");
  if( !m_jobOptionsSvc.isValid() )  {
    fatal() << "Error retrieving JobOptionsSvc." << endmsg;
    return sc;

  return sc;
StatusCode ApplicationMgr::initialize (  ) [virtual]

Definition at line 524 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.


  MsgStream log( m_messageSvc, name() );
  StatusCode sc;

  // I cannot add these services in configure() because they are coming from GaudiUtils
  // and it messes up genconf when rebuilding it.
  if (m_stopOnSignal) {
    // Instantiate the service that schedules a stop when a signal is received
    std::string svcname("Gaudi::Utils::StopSignalHandler");
    sc = svcManager()->addService(svcname);
    if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
      log << MSG::INFO << "Cannot instantiate " << svcname << "signals will be ignored" << endmsg;

  if (m_stalledEventMonitoring) {
    // Instantiate the service that schedules a stop when a signal is received
    std::string svcname("StalledEventMonitor");
    sc = svcManager()->addService(svcname);
    if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
      log << MSG::INFO << "Cannot instantiate " << svcname << "signals will be ignored" << endmsg;

  if( m_state == Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED ) {
    log << MSG::INFO << "Already Initialized!" << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
  else if( m_state != Gaudi::StateMachine::CONFIGURED ) {
    log << MSG::FATAL
         << "initialize: Invalid state \""  << m_state << "\"" << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
  m_targetState = Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED;

  // Initialize the list of top Services
  sc = svcManager()->initialize();
  if( !sc.isSuccess() ) return sc;

  // Final steps: Inform user and change internal state
  log << MSG::INFO << "Application Manager Initialized successfully"  << endmsg;
  m_state = m_targetState;

  return sc;
void ApplicationMgr::initLoopCheckHndlr ( Property  )

Definition at line 1302 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.

void ApplicationMgr::multiThreadSvcNameListHandler ( Property theProp )

Definition at line 1087 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.

  if ( !(decodeMultiThreadSvcNameList( )).isSuccess() ) {
    throw GaudiException("Failed to create copies of mt services",

const std::string & ApplicationMgr::name (  ) const [virtual]

This is needed to avoid ambiguous calls to name()

Implements CommonMessaging< implements4< IAppMgrUI, IEventProcessor, IService, IStateful > >.

Definition at line 919 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.

  return m_name;
StatusCode ApplicationMgr::nextEvent ( int  maxevt ) [virtual]

Definition at line 612 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.

  if( m_state != Gaudi::StateMachine::RUNNING ) {
    MsgStream log( m_messageSvc, name() );
    log << MSG::FATAL << "nextEvent: Invalid state \"" << m_state << "\""
        << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
  if (!m_processingMgr.isValid())   {
    MsgStream log( m_messageSvc, name() );
    log << MSG::FATAL << "No event processing manager specified. Check option:"
        << s_eventloop << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
  return m_processingMgr->nextEvent(maxevt);
StatusCode ApplicationMgr::queryInterface ( const InterfaceID iid,
void **  pinterface 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 172 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.

  if ( 0 == ppvi ) { return StatusCode::FAILURE ; }

  // try to find own/direct interfaces:
  StatusCode sc = base_class::queryInterface(iid,ppvi);
  if (sc.isSuccess()) return sc;

  // find indirect interfaces :
  if      ( ISvcLocator     ::interfaceID() . versionMatch ( iid ) )
  { return serviceLocator()-> queryInterface ( iid , ppvi ) ; }
  else if ( ISvcManager     ::interfaceID() . versionMatch ( iid ) )
  { return svcManager()    -> queryInterface ( iid , ppvi ) ; }
  else if ( IAlgManager     ::interfaceID() . versionMatch ( iid ) )
  { return algManager()    -> queryInterface ( iid , ppvi ) ; }
  else if ( IClassManager   ::interfaceID() . versionMatch ( iid ) )
  { return m_classManager  -> queryInterface ( iid , ppvi ) ; }
  else if ( IProperty       ::interfaceID() . versionMatch ( iid ) )
  { return m_propertyMgr   -> queryInterface ( iid , ppvi ) ; }
  else if ( IMessageSvc     ::interfaceID() . versionMatch ( iid ) )
    *ppvi = reinterpret_cast<void*>(m_messageSvc.get());
    if (m_messageSvc) {
    // Note that 0 can be a valid IMessageSvc pointer value (when used for
    // MsgStream).
    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
  *ppvi = 0;
  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
void ApplicationMgr::reflexDebugPropertyHandler ( Property theProp )

Definition at line 1288 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.

  // Setup debug level for Reflex plugin system
  MsgStream log (m_messageSvc, name());
  log << MSG::INFO
      << "Updating ROOT::Reflex::PluginService::SetDebug(level) to level="
      << (int)m_reflexDebugLevel
      << endmsg;
StatusCode ApplicationMgr::reinitialize (  ) [virtual]

Definition at line 936 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.

  StatusCode retval = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
  StatusCode sc;
  if ( m_state < Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED ) {
    throw GaudiException("Cannot reinitialize application if not INITIALIZED or RUNNING",
                         "ApplicationMgr::reinitialize", StatusCode::FAILURE);
  if ( m_state == Gaudi::StateMachine::RUNNING ) {
    retval = GoToState(Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED);
  sc = svcManager()->reinitialize();
  if (sc.isFailure()) retval = sc;
  sc = algManager()->reinitialize();
  if (sc.isFailure()) retval = sc;
  return retval;
StatusCode ApplicationMgr::restart (  ) [virtual]

Definition at line 956 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.

  StatusCode retval = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
  StatusCode sc;
  if ( m_state != Gaudi::StateMachine::RUNNING ) {
    throw GaudiException("Cannot restart application if not RUNNING",
                         "ApplicationMgr::restart", StatusCode::FAILURE);
  sc = svcManager()->restart();
  if (sc.isFailure()) retval = sc;
  sc = algManager()->restart();
  if (sc.isFailure()) retval = sc;
  return retval;
StatusCode ApplicationMgr::run (  ) [virtual]

Definition at line 843 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.

  StatusCode sc = StatusCode::SUCCESS;

  sc = GoToState(Gaudi::StateMachine::RUNNING);
  if ( sc.isSuccess() ) {
    MsgStream log(m_messageSvc, name());
    if ( m_runable != 0 ) { // loop over the events
      sc = m_runable->run();
      if ( !sc.isSuccess() ) {
        log << MSG::FATAL << "Application execution failed. Ending the job."
            << endmsg;
    } else {
      log << MSG::FATAL << "Application has no runable object. Check option:"
          << s_runable << endmsg;
  if (sc.isSuccess()) { // try to close cleanly
    sc = GoToState(Gaudi::StateMachine::OFFLINE);
  // either the runable failed of the stut-down
  if (sc.isFailure()) { // try to close anyway (but keep the StatusCode unchanged)
  return sc;
virtual SmartIF<ISvcLocator>& ApplicationMgr::serviceLocator (  ) const [inline, virtual]

Needed to locate the message service.

Implements CommonMessaging< implements4< IAppMgrUI, IEventProcessor, IService, IStateful > >.

Definition at line 158 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

    return m_svcLocator;
void ApplicationMgr::setServiceManager ( ISvcManager  ) [inline, protected]

Definition at line 171 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

void ApplicationMgr::SIExitHandler ( Property theProp )

Definition at line 989 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.

  StatusCode status;
  status = finalize();
  status = terminate();
  ::exit( 0 );
void ApplicationMgr::SIGoHandler ( Property theProp )

Definition at line 973 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.


  MsgStream log (m_messageSvc, name());
  StatusCode sc;

  // Re-initialize everything
  sc = reinitialize();
  // Execute a number of events

StatusCode ApplicationMgr::start (  ) [virtual]

Definition at line 578 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.


  MsgStream log( m_messageSvc, name() );
  StatusCode sc;

  if( m_state == Gaudi::StateMachine::RUNNING ) {
    log << MSG::INFO << "Already Initialized!" << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
  else if( m_state != Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED ) {
    log << MSG::FATAL
         << "start: Invalid state \""  << m_state << "\"" << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
  m_targetState = Gaudi::StateMachine::RUNNING;

  // Initialize the list of top Services
  sc = svcManager()->start();
  if( !sc.isSuccess() ) return sc;

  // Final steps: Inform user and change internal state
  log << MSG::INFO << "Application Manager Started successfully"  << endmsg;
  m_state = m_targetState;

  return sc;
StatusCode ApplicationMgr::stop (  ) [virtual]

Definition at line 631 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.


  MsgStream log( m_messageSvc, name() );
  StatusCode sc;

  if( m_state == Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED ) {
    log << MSG::INFO << "Already Initialized!" << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
  else if( m_state != Gaudi::StateMachine::RUNNING ) {
    log << MSG::FATAL
         << "stop: Invalid state \""  << m_state << "\"" << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
  m_targetState = Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED;

  // Stop independently managed Algorithms
  sc = algManager()->stop();
  if( !sc.isSuccess() ) return sc;

  // Stop the list of top Services
  sc = svcManager()->stop();
  if( !sc.isSuccess() ) return sc;

  // Final steps: Inform user and change internal state
  log << MSG::INFO << "Application Manager Stopped successfully"  << endmsg;
  m_state = m_targetState;

  return sc;
StatusCode ApplicationMgr::stopRun (  ) [virtual]

implementation of IEventProcessor::stopRun()

Definition at line 905 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.

  MsgStream log( m_messageSvc, name() );
  if( m_state == Gaudi::StateMachine::RUNNING ) {
    if ( m_processingMgr.isValid() )    {
      return m_processingMgr->stopRun();
    log << MSG::WARNING << "No EventLoop Manager specified " << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
  log << MSG::FATAL << "stopRun: Invalid state \"" << FSMState() << "\""
      << endmsg;
  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
SmartIF<ISvcManager>& ApplicationMgr::svcManager (  ) [inline]

Definition at line 141 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

    // Cache the casted pointer to ISvcManager
    if (!m_svcManager) {
      m_svcManager = getManager<IService>();
    return m_svcManager;
virtual StatusCode ApplicationMgr::sysFinalize (  ) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 110 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

{ return StatusCode::SUCCESS; }
virtual StatusCode ApplicationMgr::sysInitialize (  ) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 104 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

{ return StatusCode::SUCCESS; }
virtual StatusCode ApplicationMgr::sysReinitialize (  ) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 112 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

{ return StatusCode::SUCCESS; }
virtual StatusCode ApplicationMgr::sysRestart (  ) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 114 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

{ return StatusCode::SUCCESS; }
virtual StatusCode ApplicationMgr::sysStart (  ) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 106 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

{ return StatusCode::SUCCESS; }
virtual StatusCode ApplicationMgr::sysStop (  ) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 108 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

{ return StatusCode::SUCCESS; }
Gaudi::StateMachine::State ApplicationMgr::targetFSMState (  ) const [virtual]

Definition at line 928 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.

  return m_targetState;
StatusCode ApplicationMgr::terminate (  ) [virtual]

Definition at line 719 of file ApplicationMgr.cpp.

  MsgStream log( m_messageSvc, name() );

  if( m_state == Gaudi::StateMachine::OFFLINE ) {
    log << MSG::INFO << "Already Offline" << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
  else if( m_state != Gaudi::StateMachine::CONFIGURED ) {
    log << MSG::FATAL << "terminate: Invalid state \"" << m_state << "\""
        << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
  // release all Services
  m_targetState = Gaudi::StateMachine::OFFLINE;

  if (m_returnCode.value() == Gaudi::ReturnCode::Success) {
    log << MSG::INFO << "Application Manager Terminated successfully" << endmsg;
  } else {
    log << MSG::ERROR << "Application Manager Terminated with error code " << m_returnCode.value() << endmsg;

  { // Force a disable the auditing of finalize for MessageSvc
    SmartIF<IProperty> prop(m_messageSvc);
    if (prop.isValid()) {
      prop->setProperty(BooleanProperty("AuditFinalize", false)).ignore();
  { // Force a disable the auditing of finalize for JobOptionsSvc
    SmartIF<IProperty> prop(m_jobOptionsSvc);
    if (prop.isValid()) {
      prop->setProperty(BooleanProperty("AuditFinalize", false)).ignore();

  // finalize MessageSvc
  SmartIF<IService> svc(m_messageSvc);
  if ( !svc.isValid() ) {
    log << MSG::ERROR << "Could not get the IService interface of the MessageSvc" << endmsg;
  } else {

  // finalize JobOptionsSvc
  svc = m_jobOptionsSvc;
  if ( !svc.isValid() ) {
    log << MSG::ERROR << "Could not get the IService interface of the JobOptionsSvc" << endmsg;
  } else {

  m_state = m_targetState;
  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;

Member Data Documentation

bool ApplicationMgr::m_actHistory [protected]

Activate HistorySvc.

Definition at line 251 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Cached pointer to the manager of algorithms.

Definition at line 196 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

The name of the application.

Definition at line 249 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

The version of the application.

Definition at line 250 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Definition at line 260 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Definition at line 259 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Defaults for auditors.

Definition at line 258 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Reference to the class manager.

Definition at line 200 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

bool ApplicationMgr::m_codeCheck [protected]

Activate StatusCode checking.

Definition at line 252 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Definition at line 255 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Property to declare the list of known managers.

Definition at line 190 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Vector default services names.

Definition at line 219 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

List of DDL's names.

Definition at line 241 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Environment variables to set.

Definition at line 262 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Processing manager type.

Definition at line 245 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

int ApplicationMgr::m_evtMax [protected]

Number of events to be processed.

Definition at line 233 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Event selection.

Definition at line 246 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

LHCb or ATLAS defn of "ExtSvc".

Definition at line 235 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

List of external services names.

Definition at line 234 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

CGL: Name of the Hist Pers Svc.

Definition at line 247 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

The "file" to look for properties.

Definition at line 243 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Reference to JobOption service.

Definition at line 227 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

JobOptionsSvc type.

Definition at line 209 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Source type (e.g. dbase, file...)

Definition at line 242 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

For ServiceMgr initialization loop checking.

Definition at line 265 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Map of known component managers.

It contains (at least) the managers for IService and IAlgorithm. IAlgTool and IAuditor are not mandatory (but a missing manager for IAlgTool will probably not allow any job to run).

Definition at line 188 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Reference to the message service.

Definition at line 224 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

MessageSvc type.

Definition at line 208 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

List of external services names for which we want a copy per evt thread.

Definition at line 238 of file ApplicationMgr.h.


Definition at line 215 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

no of multiThreadSvc copies

Definition at line 239 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

names of successfully loaded dlls

Definition at line 282 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Message output level.

Definition at line 248 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

List of output stream names.

Definition at line 206 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Output stream type (obsolete?)

Definition at line 207 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Reference to processing manager object.

Definition at line 226 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

flag to activate the printout of properties

Definition at line 276 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Reference to Property Manager.

Definition at line 223 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Debug level for the reflex plugin system.

Definition at line 253 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Property to record the error conditions occurring during the running.

Definition at line 279 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Reference to the runable object.

Definition at line 225 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Runable type.

Definition at line 244 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

For SI's "Exit" command via callback.

Definition at line 204 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

For SI's "Go" command via callback.

Definition at line 203 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Property to enable/disable the monitoring and reporting of stalled events (enabled by default).

See also:

Definition at line 273 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Internal State.

Definition at line 216 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Property to enable/disable the "stop on signal" service (enabled by default).

See also:

Definition at line 269 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Reference to its own service locator.

Definition at line 201 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Cached pointer to the manager of services.

Definition at line 193 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Default mapping of services.

Definition at line 220 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Default mapping of services.

Definition at line 221 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

Internal State.

Definition at line 217 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

List of top level algorithms names.

Definition at line 205 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

List of top level services.

Definition at line 212 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

List of top level services names.

Definition at line 213 of file ApplicationMgr.h.

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Generated at Mon Jan 30 2012 13:53:10 for Gaudi Framework, version v23r0 by Doxygen version 1.7.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2004