EMI user tutorial

Access the EMI UI

you have to login via ssh on a remote machine in Catania; XX is a number between 01 and 40, you will be told which actually use. Password will be also told verbally.

ssh -p 2222 -l budapestXX emi-tutor.ct.infn.it


Authenticate yourself

Create your voms proxy, certificate passphrase is BUDAPEST, capital letters

voms-proxy-init --voms testers.eu-emi.eu

and check it's valid

voms-proxy-info -all
subject   : /C=IT/O=GILDA/OU=Personal Certificate/L=BUDAPEST/CN=BUDAPEST40/CN=proxy
issuer    : /C=IT/O=GILDA/OU=Personal Certificate/L=BUDAPEST/CN=BUDAPEST40
identity  : /C=IT/O=GILDA/OU=Personal Certificate/L=BUDAPEST/CN=BUDAPEST40
type      : proxy
strength  : 1024 bits
path      : /tmp/x509up_u542
timeleft  : 11:58:40
key usage : Digital Signature, Key Encipherment, Data Encipherment
=== VO testers.eu-emi.eu extension information ===
VO        : testers.eu-emi.eu
subject   : /C=IT/O=GILDA/OU=Personal Certificate/L=BUDAPEST/CN=BUDAPEST40
issuer    : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Host/L=CNAF/CN=emitestbed07.cnaf.infn.it
attribute : /testers.eu-emi.eu/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL
timeleft  : 11:58:40
uri       : emitestbed07.cnaf.infn.it:15002

Browse available resources

Through the command lcg-infosites we can gather the available resources for our VO. We see first which Computing Elements are available

[budapest40@emi-tutor ~]$ lcg-infosites --vo testers.eu-emi.eu ce
#   CPU      Free   Total Jobs   Running   Waiting   ComputingElement
     16        16            2         2         0   cert-09.cnaf.infn.it:8443/cream-lsf-demo
    200       159           42        42         0   cream-37.pd.infn.it:8443/cream-lsf-cert
      2       159            0         0         0   cream-37.pd.infn.it:8443/cream-lsf-creamtest1
    216       159            0         0         0   cream-37.pd.infn.it:8443/cream-lsf-creamtest2
      8         8            0         0         0   lxbra2308.cern.ch:8443/cream-pbs-testersemi

Tip : If you get sick of typing such a long VO name, shortcut it through an environment variable

Now we query the information system to know which Storage Elements are available

[budapest40@emi-tutor ~]$ export MYVO="testers.eu-emi.eu"
[budapest40@emi-tutor ~]$ lcg-infosites --vo $MYVO se
 Avail Space(kB)  Used Space(kB)  Type    SE
         7236051         1212806  SRM     cork.desy.de
              -1              -1  SRM     emitestbed09.cnaf.infn.it
        83799892        23521860  SRM     lxbra1910.cern.ch
        83944410        23377343  SRM     lxbra2502.cern.ch
        15382114          629248  SRM     lxbra2506v1.cern.ch
        59077997             942  SRM     sligo.desy.de
         7636881             n.a  SRM     xen-ep-emi-tb-se-3.desy.de
         7226745              12  SRM     xen-ep-emi-tb-se-4.desy.de

Store a file on a Storage Element

Create a local file, and then store it on an available SE:

[budapest40@emi-tutor ~]$ echo "This a sample file" > example.txt
[budapest40@emi-tutor ~]$ cat example.txt
This a sample file
[budapest40@emi-tutor ~]$ lcg-cr -d  lxbra1910.cern.ch file:$PWD/example.txt 
 GSIFTP: default set up URL mode
GSIFTP: dest: set up FTP mode. DCAU disabled. Streams =  1, Tcp BS = 0

The file has been stored on the SE lxbra1910.cern.ch and the lcg-cr command returns a Grid Unique Identifier (guid) for our file. Our file has also automatically registered in the File Catalog and assigned a Logical File Name (lfn). With the option -l we could specify an lfn for the file. The File Catalog provides an easier way to identify and browse our files using these Logical File Names.

To see our file we can use the File Catalog command lfc-ls command to list all files, in this case we will limit it to files created today.

[budapest40@emi-tutor ~]$ lfc-ls /grid/$MYVO/generated/2011-07-11

Note that the identifier returned here is the lfn not the guid. If we want to see the guid we can use the lcg-lg command

[budapest40@emi-tutor ~]$ lcg-lg  lfn:/grid/$MYVO/generated/2011-07-08/file-99018d3a-138c-4344-82a0-48a2ad10c27b

To copy the file from the SE to the UI we can use the lcg-cp command as follows

[budapest40@emi-tutor ~]$ lcg-cp guid:e2edabff-3fa7-4853-b44a-9cab256befdb file.txt

or we could use the lfn

[budapest40@emi-tutor ~]$ lcg-cp lfn:/grid/$MYVO/generated/2011-07-08/file-99018d3a-138c-4344-82a0-48a2ad10c27b file.txt

Of course, the lfn is more useful if you set it to a sensible value when creating our file with the -l option. Try creating another file with a logical file name containing your user id, for example lfn:/grid/$MYVO/generated/2011-07-11/budapestXX.txt.

We can now delete the registered file using the GUID; if we check for file existence after deletion, we obviously don't find it.

[budapest40@emi-tutor ~]$ lcg-del -a guid:e2edabff-3fa7-4853-b44a-9cab256befdb
[budapest40@emi-tutor ~]$ 
[budapest40@emi-tutor ~]$ lfc-ls /grid/$MYVO/generated/2011-07-11
[budapest40@emi-tutor ~]$ 

Submit a job

Job submission request are expressed via JDL (Job Description Language). Find below a very simple but usable example, which just runs "uname -a" on the executing node

[budapest40@emi-tutor ~]$ cat uname.jdl
Type = "Job";
JobType = "normal";
Executable = "/bin/uname";
StdOutput = "uname.out";
StdError = "uname.err";
OutputSandbox = {"uname.out","uname.err"};
Arguments = "-a";
requirements = other.GlueCEStateStatus == "Production";
rank = -other.GlueCEStateEstimatedResponseTime;
RetryCount = 0;

We now submit the job to the Workload Management System (WMS) which will find a suitable resource on which our job can run:

[budapest40@emi-tutor ~]$ glite-wms-job-submit -a uname.jdl

Connecting to the service https://lxbra2303.cern.ch:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server

====================== glite-wms-job-submit Success ======================

The job has been successfully submitted to the WMProxy
Your job identifier is:



On success, the submission command returns a job identifier, that we eventually use to monitor job status and, once it's done, we use the job identifier to retrieve the output

[budapest40@emi-tutor ~]$ glite-wms-job-status https://lxbra2303.cern.ch:9000/F0KY_m0DBH5wpXzLt59q5A

======================= glite-wms-job-status Success =====================

Status info for the Job : https://lxbra2303.cern.ch:9000/F0KY_m0DBH5wpXzLt59q5A
Current Status:     Done (Success)
Logged Reason(s):
    - job completed
    - Job Terminated Successfully
Exit code:          0
Status Reason:      Job Terminated Successfully
Destination:        lxbra2308.cern.ch:8443/cream-pbs-testersemi
Submitted:          Sat Jul  9 13:32:09 2011 CEST

[budapest40@emi-tutor ~]$ glite-wms-job-output https://lxbra2303.cern.ch:9000/F0KY_m0DBH5wpXzLt59q5A

Connecting to the service https://lxbra2303.cern.ch:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server



Output sandbox files for the job:
have been successfully retrieved and stored in the directory:


[budapest40@emi-tutor ~]$ 
[budapest40@emi-tutor ~]$ ls /tmp/jobOutput/budapest40_F0KY_m0DBH5wpXzLt59q5A/
uname.err  uname.out
[budapest40@emi-tutor ~]$ ls -l /tmp/jobOutput/budapest40_F0KY_m0DBH5wpXzLt59q5A/
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 budapest40 users   0 Jul  9 13:35 uname.err
-rw-r--r-- 1 budapest40 users 116 Jul  9 13:35 uname.out
[budapest40@emi-tutor ~]$ 
[budapest40@emi-tutor ~]$ cat /tmp/jobOutput/budapest40_F0KY_m0DBH5wpXzLt59q5A/uname.out 
Linux lxbra2506v6.cern.ch 2.6.18-238.12.1.el5xen #1 SMP Tue May 31 13:35:45 EDT 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[budapest40@emi-tutor ~]$ 

Submitting Multiple Jobs

There are several ways to submit multiple jobs to a gLite Grid. The simplest is to submit separate jobs as a collection of jobs.

[budapest40@emi-tutor ~]$ glite-wms-job-submit -a --collection jdls/

Connecting to the service https://lxbra2303.cern.ch:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server

====================== glite-wms-job-submit Success ======================

The job has been successfully submitted to the WMProxy
Your job identifier is:



You can then view the status and get the output of all jobs via the single job id which is returned by glite-wms-job-submit.


Creating and managing proxy certificates

The arcproxy command is capable of creating different kind of certificates, also with VOMS extension, and it has support for MyProxy.

Note: If you have already created a proxy certificate in the gLite part of this tutorial you should be able to use the same certificate! Otherwise, follow the instructions here.

The default usage is simply to create a proxy from the user's cert and key file located at the default ~/.globus path, or specified in the ~/.arc/client.cont:

$ arcproxy

If you would like to have VOMS extensions:

$ arcproxy --voms VONAME

You can check your proxy with:

$ arcproxy -I

Getting information about clusters

The arcinfo -c CLUSTERNAME or arcinfo -g INDEXSERVER command prints the information about the specified cluster or the clusters registered into the index server. Without argument the command will get the URLs from the defaultservices specified in the ~/.arc/client.conf file. To use the EMI testbed, we will specify the index server of the testbed in the ~/.arc/client.conf:


Then we can see information about the clusters registered to this index server with the arcinfo command:


With the --long argument it will print more information.

You can also specify aliases for specific clusters or index servers in the [alias] section of the ~/.arc/client.conf command:


Then you can query just this cluster with the -c option:

arcinfo --long -c pgs

Of course you can just specify the hostname of the cluster without having an alias:

arcinfo -l -c testbed8.grid.upjs.sk

Here is an example to query the information system with the -g option:

arcinfo -g ldap://arc-emi.grid.upjs.sk:2135/O=Grid/Mds-Vo-Name=ARC-EMI

But because we set this URL as a default service, we don't have to specify any -g or -c arguments during this tutorial for the other commands.

Submitting a simple job

The arcsub commands does everything from communicating with the information systems and doing brokering to translate job descriptions and copy local input files to the cluster.

Here is a simple XRSL job description

cat <<EOF > hostname.xrsl

With the --dump option, the command does not do the actual submission, just chooses a computing element and prints the job description to be sent to it:

arcsub hostname.xrsl --dump

We can really submit the job without the --dump option:

arcsub hostname.xrsl

The command prints the URL of the job, which serves also as the unique ID. This URL can be used to query the status of the job, and also to list the contents of its session directory on the cluster.

The arcsub command supports the JDL and the JDSL job description languages too, you can try to submit jobs using them as an exercise.

You can use the -e command to provide the job description as a command line argument:

arcsub -e '&(executable="/bin/hostname")(stdout="hostname.out.txt")'

Querying the status

The arcstat command queries the status of the active jobs. Without argument it doesn't know which jobs to query, so we have to specify either some job IDs, some clusters or index servers (with the -c and -g options), or the -a option which prints the status of all our jobs:

arcstat -a

Or we can just specify the ID (the URL) of the job:

arcstat JOBID

Getting the standard output/error

The arccat command prints the standard output or the standard error of a job. The same way as the arcstat command, we have to specify some jobs (either by job ID, or by cluster/index server), or we can give the -a options for all jobs. By default it prints the standard output, but we can get the standard error with the -e option:

arccat -a
arccat JOBID
arccat JOBID -e

The -e option only works if you specified a stderr filename in the job description, e.g.:


Alternatively you can join the stdout and stderr into the stdout file with the join parameter:


Listing the session dir of the job

The session dir is the directory where the job lives on the cluster. We can list its contents during or after the job run with the arcls command. We have to specify the job's URL:

arcls JOBID

We can copy any files out of the session dir with the arccp command. You just have to add a slash after the JOBID (which is a URL), and write the name of the file:


where LOCALNAME is the local path on our machine where we want to put the file.

We can also use - instead of LOCALNAME which will copy the file to the standard output:


(The arcls and arccp command together with the arcrm command provides full-featured data operations, supporting multiple protocols, registration of replicas to file catalogs, even SRM requests.)

Getting the results of a job

After the job finished we can download all the results and remove the job from the grid in one step with the arcget command. We have to specify which jobs we want to get the same way as we did for the arcstat or arccat commands.

arcget -a
arcget JOBID
arcget -c CLUSTER

The output will be downloaded to the current directory into a subdir named by the job's numerical ID. Or you can specify the -J option to name the directory with the jobname instead:

arcget -a -J

Please note that by default this command removes the job from the cluster. This can be avoided by the --keep option.

Input files

Most of the jobs need some input files. Some of these files are located on the local machine from where the jobs are submitted, some of them are located on remote servers. Both kinds of files can be specified in the job description, the local files will be uploaded by the arcsub command during job submission, the remote files will be downloaded by the computing element before the job starts.

A simple example with a local input file:

cat <<EOF > data.txt
Hello EMI!
cat <<EOF > simple-input.xrsl
(inputfiles=(data.txt data.txt))
arcsub simple-input.xrsl

We can check the session dir with the arcls command:

arcls JOBID

After a couple of minutes we can check the standard output with the arccat command:

arccat JOBID

Output files

The results of the job could either be automatically copied to a remote location (by specifying the target URL in the job description) or they can be kept on the cluster and downloaded by the arcget client tool. If an output file is not specified in the job description as either a remote upload or a file to keep: it will be removed when the job finishes.

If we want to upload a file to a remote storage, we have to specify the target URL, if we want to keep the file, we have to specify an empty target URL in the XRSL:

(outputfiles=(data.txt ""))

The file containing the standard output (or the standard error if specified) will be always kept by default.

Simple parameter sweep

The arcsub command doesn't have support for parameter sweep jobs, so we have to use other methods. Here is a simple way to do it. First we create a template job description:

cat <<EOF > simple-sweep.template

I used the -args- and -name- strings, which I will replace later with sed. (This is not ARC-specific.)

The arcsub command can accept a job description as a string with the -e option. We will do some bash scripting to sweep through an interval with multiple jobs. The SIZE bash variable will contain the size of our window:

for i in `seq 100 $SIZE 300`; do arcsub -e "`sed -e "s/-args-/$i $((i+SIZE))/" -e "s/-name-/.$i/" < simple-sweep.template`" --dump; done

Because we specified the --dump option, this commmand just printed the job descriptions but didn't actually submit the job. If it looks right, we can remove the --dump option and do the submission for real:

for i in `seq 100 $SIZE 300`; do arcsub -e "`sed -e "s/-args-/$i $((i+SIZE))/" -e "s/-name-/.$i/" < simple-sweep.template`"; done

Then after several minutes, we can check the status and the standard outputs:

arcstat -a
arccat -a

We can also use grep to wait until every job finishes:

arcstat -a | grep "State:" | grep -v "FINISHED" | wc -l

This will show the number of unfinished jobs.

Then we can get the outputs with the arcget -a command, or if the standard output satisfied us, then we can just clean the jobs with the arcclean -a command.


The UCC is already configured; you can see this in ~/.ucc/preferences (Note: You don't have to specify the password in the configuation file. If you omit the line, UCC will ask you for it on every call. To avoid typing your password repeatedly, you can run ucc shell and then issue every UCC command from within the UCC shell.)

First, you have to run the connect command:

$ucc connect
Help for each ucc command with -h:
$ucc -h
List available sites
$ucc list-sites

To enter an interactive mode:

$ucc shell
List applications and storages and exit an interactive mode:

UCC – date.u

Copy this file to a date.u file:

# simple job: run Date
   ApplicationName: Date, 
   ApplicationVersion: 1.0,

UCC - Running job

$ucc run date.u -v
In this case the standard out went for example to 58c55a2d-83ec-450f-b5f7-3e6f958312f7.stdout

Get the status of a specific job using ucc get-status. As an argument you can either use the job file that you got from run -a or the End Point Reference (EPR) you got from list-jobs :

$ucc run -a date.u -v -b
$ucc list-jobs
$ucc get-status job
$ucc get-output job

UCC – Data Management

Often your job will need to access some data, or you may need to upload your own executable or script with your job. Similarly, your job might produce output files which you need to retrieve after your job has completed. To do this, the job description must contain details of the input and output files.

You can upload files directly from and download to the UI machine as follows

    Imports: [
       { From: "/path/fileName", To: "remoteFileName" },

   Exports: [
        { From: "remoteFileName", To:"/path/localFileName" },  

If you want your files to be accessible to multiple jobs then it might make sense to copy them to UNICORE storage and have the jobs access them from there. This can be achieved in the same manner, simply by substituting the local file name with the uri of the file on the UNICORE Target System's storage.

    Imports: [
       { From: "u6://TS/Storage/fileName", To: "remoteFileName" },

   Exports: [
        { From: "remoteFileName", To:"u6://TS/Storage/fileName" },  

UCC – Resources

It is possible to set certain requirements for the resources on which your job will run. For example, you can specify how many nodes or CPUs your job will require.

Resources: {
      Memory: 16M,
      CPUs: 32,
      Nodes: 4,
      Runtime: 3600

For these exercises we should not set high requirements as we have only limited resources available to us for the tutorial!

UCC – localScript.sh

Copy this file to a localScript.sh file:

echo "Hello" >> newFile

UCC – Data Management

The script will need to be available on the worker node in order for it to run. For this exercise you will first copy the script to your home directory on the UNICORE Target System. Your job will then access the script from there.

First copy the script to your remote home directory. The ucc command put-file allows you to do this.

$ucc put-file -s localScript.sh -t u6://EMI-UNICOREX/Home/script.sh

This command takes a source file with the -s option and a target file with the -t option.

Now that you have copied the file to your UNICORE home directory, you can view it with the ucc ls command.

$ucc ls u6://EMI-UNICOREX/Home

You can always copy remote files back to the UI machine with the command ucc get-file

ucc get-file -s u6://EMI-UNICOREX/Home/script.sh -t copyOfLocalScript.sh

UCC - bash.u

If you look at the list of applications you will notice that the bash shell is an available application. Now you will submit a simple bash script to run on unicore.

Copy this file to a bash.u file:

 ApplicationName: "Bash shell",

 Environment: [

         Imports: [
                { From: "u6://EMI-UNICOREX/Home/script.sh", To: "remoteScript.sh"}
        Exports: [
                { From: "newFile", To: "localNewFile"},
                { From:"newFile", To: "u6://EMI-UNICOREX/Home/homeNewFile"}

 Resources: {
        CPUs: 1 ,

UCC - Running bash job

To run your bash job you just use the same ucc run command:

$ ucc run bash.u -v

UCC - Passing command line arguments

Now modify the file localScript.sh to take two arguments, for example

result=`expr $1 + $2`;
echo "$result";

The new script will be called with two numbers as arguments and will return their sum.

To specify the numbers you want to pass as arguments you need to add an "Arguments" line to your job description file

Arguments: ["19", "235"],

Now try to modify your bash script and bash.u file to take some command line arguments and submit the new job.

UCC - Running on set of files

To run a parameter sweep type job with UNICORE, or any other type of multi-job application, you can use the ucc batch command.

First you must create a separate job description file for each job, so for example, if you want to vary the input parameters to your script you would create a job description file for each set of parameters. All of these job description files should be copied to a directory which is passed to the ucc batch command in the -i option. The output directory is given with the -o option. For example:

$mkdir ex
$cp *.u ex
$ucc batch -i ex -o out

Note that your job description files will be removed from the input directory, so you should keep a copy of them elsewhere!


dCache is another EMI product which manages access to disk and tape storage. We will look briefly at some of the file access methods supported by dCache.


browsing files:
srmls -2 srm://sligo.desy.de:8443/pnfs/desy.de/data/testers.eu-emi.eu/

writing file to SE:
srmcp -2 file://////etc/group  srm://sligo.desy.de:8443/pnfs/desy.de/data/testers.eu-emi.eu/group_DDMMYY_[A-Za-z]

srmls -2 srm://sligo.desy.de:8443/pnfs/desy.de/data/testers.eu-emi.eu/

writing file back from SE
srmcp -2 srm://sligo.desy.de:8443/pnfs/desy.de/data/testers.eu-emi.eu/group_DDMMYY_[A-Za-z] file://///tmp/groups_080711A.back

deleting a file:

srmrm -2 srm://sligo.desy.de:8443/pnfs/desy.de/data/testers.eu-emi.eu/group_DDMMYY_[A-Za-z]


Browse files from command line:
     cadaver http://sligo.desy.de:2880

GUI clients: nautilus, firefox add-on TrailMix (now proprietary), OS-based file browsers that support webDAV

More information by Oleg and Tanja http://trac.dcache.org/projects/dcache/wiki/WebDAV%20Hands%20on

Write files:

curl -v -T /etc/group http://sligo.desy.de:2880/pnfs/desy.de/data/testers.eu-emi.eu/testFileCURL_DDMMYY_[A-Za-z]

Look for the file through srmls or cadaver

Thank you

Thank you for completing the EMI tutorial. Please fill in the feedback form at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2ZFSHGB

In the next session you will perform a more complicated exercise using several of these EMI technologies for data and compute. You can find the instructions for this exercise at DCISSIntegratingPractical

-- KathrynCassidy - 06-Jul-2011

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