EMI SA2 Weekly Meeting 20100616

Meeting Information

Actions Review

  • A.Aimar - Prepare wiki page describing how to use the infrastructure, wiki, mailing list, indico, etc... Started, to be completed

  • All partners should send clarifications about who participates to each task. DONE

  • A.Aimar asks for creation of mailing lists emi-sa1, sa2, etc DONE


Participants:(in the disorder, please mail me if I have forgoteen your name)

Marek Kocan, Jozef Cernak, , Giuseppe Fiameni, Andrea Ceccanti, Claudio Cacciari, Danilo Dongiovanni Gianni Pucciani, Tomasz Wolak, Maria Alandes Pradillo, Andres Abad Rodriguez, Alberto Resco Perez, Bjoern Hagemeier Anders Waananen, Eamonn Kenny, Alberto Aimar

Task Reports and Progress

TSA2.1 – Work Package coordination (Alberto Aimar)

+ Status and Progress
- Mailing lists for each task created, can include people external to SA2. 
Contact me in case of problems to include people
- Followed a few of the tasks kick-off

+ PEB Report
- CERN accounts should being solved. Who still has no news about it? 
Mail if you have not received an account or a request to register

- Milestones and deliverable before M3 moved of 1 month
- Announced that the EMI repository is available. 
PEB agreed that the 3 middleware should be added to the repository as they are, in 3 separate areas. 
A proposal and instructions is needed in a wiki page (task 2.4) 
EMT will manage the contents and structure of the repository. \
L.DIni added that Cristina will fill it with the information she receives and the 
RPMs will be signed. This is an SA1 issue. 

+Issues to Discuss

+ Step for Next Week
- Deliverable DSA2.1
- M2 - DSA2.1 - Quality Assurance Plan (task 2.2) Reviewers: Francesco Giacomini (SA1), Andrea Ceccanti (JRA1)
- M3 - DSA2.2.1 - QA Tools Documentation (task SA2.4) Reviewers: to be defined

  • L.Dini asked whether there are templates for technical documents. A.Aimar replied that those templatres have not been defined but one can use the official ones and simply them. Will also be useful if some content needs to be included in deliverable or milestones reports.

A.Aimar will distribute the official EMI templates for deliverables and milestones.

(update: EMI templates available here: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/EMI/EmiTemplates)

  • D. Dongiovanni asked whether the deliverable DSA2.1 will contains only the plans and the information for the testbed will be in the deliverable at Month 3. A.Aimar replied that in the first deliverable we put the information we have and further updates will be done when things are clearer.

  • It was discussed whether all SA2 members should participate and was agreed that is better is all participate. Tasks can organize their weekly meetings in addition if they need it.

TSA2.2 – Quality Assurance Process Definition and Monitoring (Maria Alandes Pradillo)

+ Status and Progress
- First draft of Software Quality Assurance Plan created: 
- Feedback is being collected from WP leaders + Area leaders

+ Issues to Discuss
- None
+ Steps Next Week
- Understand the scope of the Quality Assurance Plan after collecting feedback from 
  WP leaders + Area leaders
- Start working on each specific section to define it in more detail when scope is defined

TSA2.3 – Metrics and KPIs Definition and Reporting

+ Status and Progress
SA2.3 kick-off meeting was quite loose/unstructured but was satisfactory.

    1. The metrics survey has now been returned by all partners to 
        Gianni and has been summaried by Gianni.
    2. Eamonn contacted members of Cross-grid to obtain access to the project documentation. 
        This has been studied, not a huge amount of extra insight has been added.
    3. Alberto set up SA2.3 list and area leaders list.

+ Issues to Discuss
Currently no issues to discuss, since a large amount of background reading and planning is 
still required. Query to area leaders will help with decision making process on planned metrics. 
We are still weighing up what can be obtained against what is actually useful for pushing quality 
over the next 3 years.

+ Steps Next Week
Action points from SA2.3 meeting and progress so far (in braces):

   1. Look at Sonar in addition to A-QCM (to be done).
   2. Gianni to look at security plugins at CERN (in progress).
   3. Eamonn will look at ISO standards on the web. TCD has free access to all 
     IEEE publications (in progress).
   4. Eamonn will contact area leaders about what metrics they see as being useful 
     to their overall tasks (e-mail reviewed, to be sent).
   5. We need a draft of metrics for a proposal in one weeks time to go into the deliverable 
     due to be completed in two weeks time (in progress).
   6. Alberto will contact SA2.5 partners by e-mail with Eamonn in CC.

TSA2.4 – Tools and Repositories Selection, Maintenance and Integration

+ Status and Progress
- Tool Inventory completed at 90%
   - https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/EMI/TSA24
   - Missing answers from ARC and APEL  
Lorenzo remarked that all other PTs have replied therefore should not be too difficult to reply. 
The answers of the other PTs is available on the wiki
   - Preparing summary document

- Discussions with users/stakeholders about the tool integration
   - A proposal will be prepared during next days

- The EMI Repository is in place
   - http://emisoft.web.cern.ch
   - Linked by eu-emi.eu
   - According to project requirements
   - Permission granted to the release manager of the EMT.The EMT is responsible for the repository.

- SA2.4 Mailing list has been created and people invited

- Going towards an EMI-dedicated ETICS infrastructure
   - Import script for externals
   - Configuration validator

+ Issues to Discuss

- Situation about CERN Accounts
- I'd like to know what commitment I can expect from different people/partners
A.Aimar replied that the participation of GRNET and CESNET will be asked at the PEB

+ Steps Next Week

- ETICS private Installation for EMI
- Jira migration under our administration
- Document: SA2.4 Plan draft

New Action: An SVN repository shoudl be created for SA2 (by whom?)

TSA2.5 – QA Implementation Review and Support

+ Status and Progress
Task SA 2.5 has not started 

+ Issues to Discuss
Activities before first reporting period
Activities after first reporting period

> + Steps Next Week
-ask team leaders to assign persons to this task
-update wiki page
-first task meeting

TSA2.6 – Testbeds Setup, Maintenance and Coordination

+ Status and Progress
 - A draft model of requirements, actual resources, problems and implementation proposal for Testbeds was provided. 11 subtasks were defined, we're still missing for a couple of assignee for these subtasks.
 - we had a meeting on 14th to discuss the draft with minutes and actions defined at https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/EMI/TSA26
 - According to what discussed in the meeting a mail with feedback requests was sent to JRA1/SA1 and SW area Leaders. All main issues to discuss were mentioned in the mail and a meeting for Thursday (10:30 or 14:30) was proposed. There was a request for postponing the meeting to next week. This will depend on the deadline for the proposal.

+ Issues to Discuss
- Deadline for the quality plan (deliverable DSA2.1) and contribution expected from sa2.6 (will the draft written be included in the quality plan once updated with developers' feedback)? Patrick is asking me to postpone the meeting to next week, could it be done?

+ Steps Next Week
- collect feedback from developers and integrate the draft accordingly

  • D.Dongiovanni asked which are the Mandatory platforms.for which the testbed should be set up. A.AImar replied that initially will be SL5/64 and SLC4/32. But will be defined by SA1 EMT.

  • D.Dongiovanni noted that if the platforms are too many will be difficult to have the testbed resources from the sites. A.Aimar replied that this will be clarified when resources are asked. Sites will not say in advance which resources they put. We need to ask to the partners when we know what is needed by EMI.

  • L.Dini noted that the tools for the testbeds are not part of task 2.4 but of 2.6. D.Dongiovanni agreed. And for automate testing tools will not be ready by M3.

Issue and Topics to Discuss 25'

  • AOB

Next Steps:

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