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v. 1.0.1-1

Generic Installation & Configuration for EMI 1

This document is addressed to Site Administrators responsible for middleware installation and configuration. It is a generic guide to manual installation and configuration for any supported node types.

The list of supported node types can be found in the EMI 1 web pages.

When installing a particular node type please also have a look at the specific release page of that node type to get specific installation information.

Installing the Operating System

All EMI 1 components are fully supported on the SL5/64 platform with EPEL as repository for external components.

Full platform support means the component is distributed from the EMI repository using certified source and binary packages according to the format specification of the platform.

Scientific Linux 5

The OS version of EMI 1 is Scientific Linux 5 (SL). For more information please check: http://www.scientificlinux.org

All the information to install the operating system can be found: https://www.scientificlinux.org/download Example of sl.repo file

name=name=SL 5 base

Node synchronization, NTP installation and configuration

A general requirement is that the nodes are synchronized. This requirement may be fulfilled in several ways. If your nodes run under AFS they are most likely already synchronized. Otherwise, you can use the NTP protocol with a time server.

Instructions and examples for a NTP client configuration are provided in this section. If you are not planning to use a time server on your machine you can just skip this section.

Use the latest ntp version available for your system. If you are using APT, an apt-get install ntp will do the work.

  • Configure the file /etc/ntp.conf by adding the lines dealing with your time server configuration such as, for instance:
       restrict <time_server_IP_address> mask nomodify notrap noquery
       server <time_server_name>
Additional time servers can be added for better performance results. For each server, the hostname and IP address are required. Then, for each time-server you are using, add a couple of lines similar to the ones shown above into the file /etc/ntp.conf.
  • Edit the file /etc/ntp/step-tickers adding a list of your time server(s) hostname(s), as in the following example:
  • If you are running a kernel firewall, you will have to allow inbound communication on the NTP port. If you are using iptables, you can add the following to /etc/sysconfig/iptables
      -A INPUT -s NTP-serverIP-1 -p udp --dport 123 -j ACCEPT 
      -A INPUT -s NTP-serverIP-2 -p udp --dport 123 -j ACCEPT
Remember that, in the provided examples, rules are parsed in order, so ensure that there are no matching REJECT lines preceding those that you add. You can then reload the firewall
     # /etc/init.d/iptables restart
  • Activate the ntpd service with the following commands:
      # ntpdate <your ntp server name>
      # service ntpd start
      # chkconfig ntpd on
  • You can check ntpd's status by running the following command

      # ntpq -p

Cron and logrotate

Many middleware components rely on the presence of cron (including support for /etc/cron.* directories) and logrotate. You should make sure these utils are available on your system.

Host Certificates

All nodes except UI, WN and BDII require the host certificate/key files to be installed. Contact your Certification Authority (CA) to understand how to obtain a host certificate if you do not have one already.

Once you have obtained a valid certificate:

  • hostcert.pem - containing the machine public key
  • hostkey.pem - containing the machine private key
make sure to place the two files in the target node into the /etc/grid-security directory and check the access right for hostkey.pem is only readable by root and that the public key, hostcert.pem, is readable by everybody.

Installing the Middleware

For SL5 the yum package manager is considered the to be the default installation tool.


For a successful installation, you will need to configure your package manager to reference a number of repositories (in addition to your OS);

The middleware (EMI) repository

All EMI components are distributed from a single repository (http://emisoft.web.cern.ch/emisoft) having the following structure:
  • EMI-production (stable), EMI/{1,2,3}:
    • stable and signed, well tested software components, recommended to be installed on production-sites;
  • EMI-testing, deployment/{1,2,3}:
    • packages that will become part of the next stable distribution; passed the certification and validation phase and are available for technical-previews
  • platform/{arch-s,tgz,SRPMS}/{base/updates/third-party}
The packages are signed with the EMI gpg key, that can be downloaded from http://emisoft.web.cern.ch/emisoft/dist/EMI/1/RPM-GPG-KEY-emi. Save it under /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/ BEFORE starting the installation:
# wget http://emisoft.web.cern.ch/emisoft/dist/EMI/1/RPM-GPG-KEY-emi -P /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/
# rpm --import http://emisoft.web.cern.ch/emisoft/dist/EMI/1/RPM-GPG-KEY-emi

The fingerprint of the key is:

pub   1024D/DF9E12EF 2011-05-04
      Key fingerprint = AC82 01B1 DD50 6F4D 649E  DFFC 27B3 331E DF9E 12EF
uid                  Doina Cristina Aiftimiei (EMI Release Manager) <aiftim@pd.infn.it>
sub   2048g/C1E57858 2011-05-04

Giving EMI repositories precedence over EPEL

It is strongly recommended that EMI repositories take precedence over EPEL when installing and upgrading packages. Please install the latest version of the emi-release package (http://emisoft.web.cern.ch/emisoft/dist/EMI/1/sl5/x86_64/updates/emi-release-1.0.1-1.sl5.noarch.rpm. This package will install required dependencies, the EMI public key and ensures the precedence of EMI repositories over EPEL. Please use the option "--nogpgcheck" if you didn't download first the EMI gpg key.

# wget http://emisoft.web.cern.ch/emisoft/dist/EMI/1/sl5/x86_64/updates/emi-release-1.0.1-1.sl5.noarch.rpm
# yum localinstall emi-release-1.0.1-1.sl5.noarch.rpm 

For manual configuration:

  • you must install the yum-priorities plugin and ensure that its configuration file, /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/priorities.conf
is as follows:
enabled = 1
check_obsoletes = 1
  • you can find bellow EMI 1 .repo files:
    • emi1-base.repo
name=EMI 1 base Repository
# To use priorities you must have yum-priorities installed
    • emi1-updates.repo
name=EMI 1 updates 
# To use priorities you must have yum-priorities installed
    • emi1-third-party.repo
name=EMI 1 third-party
# To use priorities you must have yum-priorities installed

The Certification Authority repository

All the details on how to install the CAs can be found in EGI IGTF release pages (https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/EGI_IGTF_Release) Example of ca.repo file:


For installation please follow the instructions provided at https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/EGI_IGTF_Release#Installation, as it is the place where EGI keeps the updated version of this documentation.

The EPEL repository

If not present by default on your SL5/x86_64 nodes, you should enable the EPEL repository (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL)

EPEL has an 'epel-release' package that includes gpg keys for package signing and repository information. Installing this package, http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/5/x86_64/epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm, should allow you to use normal tools such as yum to install packages and their dependencies. By default the stable EPEL repo is enabled. Example of epel.repo file:


Important note on automatic updates

Several site use auto update mechanism. Sometimes middleware updates require non-trivial configuration changes or a reconfiguration of the service. This could involve service restarts, new configuration files, etc, which makes it difficult to ensure that automatic updates will not break a service. Thus


on the EMI middleware repositories (you can keep it turned on for the OS). You should read the update information provides by each service and do the upgrade manually when an update has been released!


You need to have enabled only the above repositories (Operating System, EPEL, Certification Authority, EMI).

Example of a general installation of a node:

# yum update
# yum install ca-policy-egi-core
# yum install <meta-package name>

NOTE: it happened that on other operating systems than SL5/x86_64, as for example CentOS, for certain node-types you have to install first the jdk (SunJdk) package. Please refer to your Operating System documentation to learn how to do this.

The table below lists the available EMI meta-packages:

Node Type meta-package name Comments
AMGA_postgresql emi-amga-postgresql Details - Section 2 "Installation"
APEL emi-apel Details - Section3 - "Installation Instructions"
ARC-CE nordugrid-arc-compute-element  
ARC Clients nordugrid-arc-client-tools arc* tools
ng* tools
ARC InfoSys nordugrid-arc-information-index  
ARGUS emi-argus  
BDII_site emi-bdii-site  
BDII_top emi-bdii-top  
CLUSTER emi-cluster  
CREAM emi-cream-ce Installation of CREAM
CREAM LSF module emi-lsf-utils  
CREAM TORQUE module emi-torque-utils  
DPM mysql emi-dpm_mysql specific installation
DPM disk emi-dpm_disk specific installation
FTS oracle emi-fts_oracle, emi-fta_oracle more info in the Installation Guide
GLEXEC_wn emi-glexec_wn The GLEXEC_wn should always be installed together with a WN.
more details in the Section "Installation"
LB emi-lb more info
LFC mysql emi-lfc_mysql specific installation
LFC oracle emi-lfc_oracle specific installation
MPI_utils glite-mpi MPI implementation instalaltion
specific MPI-start instalaltion
PX (MyProxy) emi-px  
STORM_backend emi-storm-backend-mp  
STORM_frontend emi-storm-frontend-mp  
STORM_checksum emi-storm-checksum-mp  
STORM_gridhttps emi-storm-gridhttps-mp  
STORM_globus_gridftp emi-storm-globus-gridftp-mp  
STORM_srm_client emi-storm-srm-client-mp  
TORQUE WN config emi-torque-client  
TORQUE server config emi-torque-server  
User Interface emi-ui
UNICORE Gateway    
UNICORE Registry    
VOMS_mysql emi-voms-mysql  
VOMS_oracle emi-voms-oracle  
WMS emi-wms  
Worker Node emi-wn

Configuring the Middleware

Using the YAIM configuration tool

Some of EMI services can be configured using the YAIM tool. For a detailed description on how to configure the middleware with YAIM, please check the YAIM guide.

The necessary YAIM modules needed to configure a certain node type are automatically installed with the middleware. However, if you want to install YAIM rpms separately, you can install them by running yum install glite-yaim-<node-type>. This will automatically install the YAIM module you are interested in together with yaim core, which contains the core functions and utilities used by all the YAIM modules.

Configuration information

The table bellow lists the configuration instructions for some of EMI services:

Node Type/Service Comments
AMGA_postgresql yaim configuration target "AMGA_postgresql"
use yaim
APEL yaim configuration target "APEL"
use yaim
ARC-CE Sections 9-11
ARC Clients arc* tools
ARC Client Configuration
Section "Configuration"
ARC InfoSys Details
ARGUS yaim config target "ARGUS_server"
use yaim
ARGUS Deployment
BDII_site yaim config target "BDII_site"
use yaim
BDII_top yaim config target "BDII_top"
use yaim
CREAM yaim config target "creamCE"
CREAM Configuration
CREAM LSF module yaim config target 'LSF_utils"
use yaim
DPM mysql yaim config target "emi_dpm_mysql"
use yaim
specific HEAD_node configuration
DPM disk yaim config target "emi_dpm_disk"
use yaim
specific DISK_node configuration
FTS oracle yaim config target "emi_fts2" "emi_fta2", "emi_ftm2"
Full YAIM reference for FTS 2.2.6
GLEXEC_wn yaim config target "GLEXEC_wn"
use yaim
The GLEXEC_wn should always be installed together with a WN.
LB yaim config target "LB"
use yaim
more info
LFC mysql yaim config target "emi_lfc_mysql"
use yaim
specific configuration
LFC oracle yaim config target "emi_lfc_oracle"
use yaim
specific configuration
MPI_utils yaim config target 'MPI_utils"
use yaim
Config batch system
details on MPI-start configuration
PX (MyProxy) yaim config target "PX"
use yaim
STORM_backend yaim config target 'SE_storm_backend"
use yaim
STORM_frontend yaim config target 'SE_storm_frontend"
use yaim
STORM_checksum yaim config target 'SE_storm_checksum"
use yaim
STORM_gridhttps yaim config target 'SE_storm_gridhttps"
use yaim
STORM_globus_gridftp yaim config target 'SE_storm_globus_gridftp"
use yaim
TORQUE WN config yaim config target 'TORQUE_client"
use yaim
TORQUE server config yaim config target "TORQUE_server"
use yaim
CREAM TORQUE module yaim config target "TORQUE_utils"
use yaim
UI yaim config target "UI"
see details bellow
UNICORE Gateway  
UNICORE Registry  
VOMS_mysql yaim config target 'VOMS_mysql"
use yaim
more information
VOMS_oracle yaim config target 'VOMS_oracle"
use yaim
more information
WMS yaim config target 'WMS"
use yaim
more details on WMS config file
WN yaim config target 'WN"
see details bellow for configuring them for different batch systems

The LSF batch system

You have to make sure that the necessary packages for submitting jobs to your LSF batch system are installed on your CE. By default, the packages come as tar balls. At CERN they are converted into rpms so that they can be automatically rolled out and installed in a clean way (in this case using Quattor).

Since LSF is a commercial software it is not distributed together with the gLite middleware. Visit the Platform's LSF home page for further information. You'll also need to buy an appropriate number of license keys before you can use the product.

The documentation for LSF is available on Platform Manuals web page. You have to register in order to be able to access it.


The WN for LSF

Apart from the LSF specific configurations settings there is nothing special to do on the worker nodes.

After installing:

# yum install emi-wn

just use the plain WN configuration target.

/opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -c -s site-info.def -n WN

Note on site-BDII for LSF

When you configure your site-BDII you have to populate the [vomap] section of the /etc/lcg-info-dynamic-scheduler.conf file yourself. This is because LSF's internal group mapping is hard to figure out from yaim, and to be on the safe side the site admin has to crosscheck. Yaim configures the lcg-info-dynamic-scheduler in order to use the LSF info provider plugin which comes with meaningful default values. If you would like to change it edit the /etc/glite-info-dynamic-lsf.conf file. After YAIM configuration you have to list the LSF group - VOMS FQAN - mappings in the [vomap] section of the /etc/lcg-info-dynamic-scheduler.conf file.

As an example you see here an extract from CERN's config file:

vomap :
module_search_path : ../lrms:../ett

The Torque/PBS batch system


  • if you want to have a dedicated node for the TORQUE server:
       # yum install emi-torque-server emi-torque-utils
       # /opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -c -s site-info.def -n TORQUE_server -n TORQUE_utils
  • if you want to install configure the TORQUE server on the same node as the CREAM Computing Element:
       # yum install emi-cream-ce emi-torque-server emi-torque-utils
       # /opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -c -s site-info.def -n creamCE -n TORQUE_server -n TORQUE_utils
For more details see the CREAM System Administrator Guide

The WN for Torque/PBS

# yum install emi-wn emi-torque-client
# /opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -c -s site-info.def -n WN -n TORQUE_client

The UI

# yum install emi-ui
# /opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -c -s site-info.def -n UI

-- DoinaCristinaAiftimiei - 17-Apr-2011

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf EMI_GenericInstallationConfigurationEMI1_v1_0_0_3.pdf r2 r1 manage 105.7 K 2011-06-11 - 22:42 DoinaCristinaAiftimiei Added details on emi-release
PDFpdf EMI_GenericInstallationConfigurationEMI1_v1_0_0_4.pdf r1 manage 88.7 K 2011-09-05 - 10:46 DoinaCristinaAiftimiei Added description of workaround for EMI repo protection
PDFpdf EMI_GenericInstallationConfigurationEMI1_v_1_0_0_1.pdf r1 manage 87.6 K 2011-05-18 - 21:00 DoinaCristinaAiftimiei Version with fix for GGUS tkt #70512
PDFpdf EMI_GenericInstallationConfigurationEMI1_v_1_0_0_2.pdf r2 r1 manage 101.5 K 2011-05-19 - 11:48 DoinaCristinaAiftimiei Version with Note for GGUS tkt #70628
PDFpdf EMI_GenericInstallationConfigurationEMI1_v_1_0_1_1.pdf r2 r1 manage 94.3 K 2011-09-18 - 21:05 DoinaCristinaAiftimiei Corrected EMI repositories, installation & configuration targets
PDFpdf GenericInstallationConfiguration_EMI1_v_1_0_0.pdf r1 manage 92.0 K 2011-05-12 - 12:39 DoinaCristinaAiftimiei  
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