STS Server: Configuration


EMI Security Token Service (STS) is a partial implementation of the OASIS WS-Trust specification. It is a service that can be used for transforming an existing security token into another security token format. Security token, on the other hand, is defined in the WS-Security specifications as a collection of claims that can be attached into a Web Service message.

The incoming token formats that are supported by our STS implementation include username and password that is validated against an LDAP directory, and SAML assertion. From these types of tokens, STS can issue an X.509 certificate or a proxy certificate containing the users' VO attributes.

The current implementation of the STS focus on a subset of all the possible functionality outlined with the WS-Trust specification. Specifically it will implement the issuance of the supported security tokens. It will not support the renewal, cancellation, or validation functionality, nor it will support all possible key and token parameter extensions.

This guide explains how to install and configure the server-side.


The nature of the STS server is to integrate very closely with two external parties: the online CA and attribute authority (VOMS). For this reason, there is no quick guide for making the software work without interoperating closely with the administrators of the external parties.


Make sure that the host has NTP properly configured. Clock skew between the clients, server and external parties may cause many types of failures.

The server can be installed from the EMI repositories. The package name sts.

For SL5/SL6, the installation can be done using the command yum install sts.

Main configuration File

The STS server is configured through the use of the sts-server.ini file. This file is a standard INI file with different defined sections.

The StandaloneServer section contains properties related the service as a whole and how it listens for incoming requests. The Messages section contains properties related to the incoming WS-Trust messages. The SAML section contains properties related to the consumation of the incoming SAML messages. The LDAP section defines how the STS server interacts with the LDAP directory for validating username tokens and collecting user attributes. The CACLient section configures the communication with an external online Certification Authority, as the VOMS section configures the VOMS communication.

The checking mode configuration options for namespaceCheckingMode, crlCheckingMode, ocspCheckingMode and proxySupport that exist in multiple section can be found from the CA & certificate checking modes section of this document.

Main configuration Options

StandaloneServer section

Property Description Default Value
hostname hostname of the host running the service localhost
port port number that the service is listening to 8443
scheme the connection scheme, http or https https
webappContext the Web application context in the URL sts
warfile full pathname to the Web application archive (WAR) /usr/share/sts/wars/sts-server-1.0.0.war
certificate full pathname to the certificate protecting the endpoint /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem
private_key full pathname to the private key protecting the endpoint /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem
crlUpdateInterval interval for updating the revocation lists in milliseconds 600000
trustStoreDir full pathname to the directory containing the certificates /etc/grid-security/certificates
maxRequestQueueSize maximum queue size for the incoming requests -1 (= unbounded)
maxConnections maximum amount of parallel connections 64
shutdownCommand (internal) command for shutting down the service shutdown
shutdownPort port for shutting down the service 8444
namespaceCheckingMode CA namespace checking mode for the incoming connections EUGRIDPMA
crlCheckingMode CRL checking mode for the incoming connections REQUIRE
ocspCheckingMode OCSP checking mode for the incoming connections IF_AVAILABLE
proxySupport proxy allowance for the incoming connections ALLOW
wantClientAuth is client certificate authentication wanted for the incoming connections false
requireClientAuth is client certificate authentication required for the incoming connections false

Messages section

Property Description Default Value
clockSkew the clock skew in milliseconds allowed in the incoming message timestamps 300000
lifetime how long the timestamps are valid in milliseconds in the incoming messages 300000
requireIssueInstant is issue instant required in the incoming messages true
requireFrameworkVersion is sbf:Framework version 2.0 required in the incoming messages true
requireMessageId is message identifier required in the incoming messages true
requiredRecipientId which recipient identifier is required in the incoming messages (empty means not required)  
schemaDirectory the directory containing the XML schema definition files /usr/share/sts/schema
requireSignature is signature required in the incoming messages false

SAML section

Property Description Default Value
entityId the SAML entity id of the STS
consumerServiceUrl the consumer service URL of the STS /soap
metadataFile directory containing the metadata for the trusted Identity Providers /usr/share/sts/metadata
metadataFileFrequency how often the metadata files are reloaded in milliseconds 300000
certFile the certificate file used for signing the SAML messages /etc/grid-security/servicecert.pem
keyFile the private key file used for signing the SAML messages /etc/grid-security/servicekey.pem
keyPass optional password protecting the private key  
assertionLifetime lifetime in minutes how long the assertions are considered valid 30
requireRequestId is authentication request id required to exist in the local storage true
requestIdLifetime how long the request ids are valid in the local storage in milliseconds 300000
requestIdSweepFrequency how often the expired request ids are sweeped from the local storage 300000
authnLifetime how long the authentication instant is valid in the assertion 300000
requireAuthnStatement is authentication statement required in the assertions true
requireAuthnLocality is authentication locality required in the assertions false
requireConditions are conditions required in the assertions true
requireAudience is audience element required in the assertions true
remoteAddressHeader the HTTP header containing the client IP address (for locality check) X-Forwarded-For

LDAP section

Property Description Default Value
enableLdap is LDAP enabled, configuration is ignored if false false
serverUrl the URL for the LDAP endpoint ldap://
useStartTls is start TLS used in the connection false
baseDn base DN for the users in the directory dc=people,dc=organization,dc=com
bindDN the DN of the administrator user used for binding  
bindCredential the credential of the administrator user  
uid the attribute name for the uid  
userPassword the attribute name for the hashed password  
hashAlgorithm the hash algorithm, only SHA1 is supported at the moment  
blockWaitTime the maximum waiting time in milliseconds for a connection 5000
minPoolSize the minimum connection pool size 5
maxPoolSize the maximum connection pool size 20
validatePeriodically is connection validated periodically false
validatePeriod how often the connection is validated 30

CAClient section

Property Description Default Value
serverUrl endpoint for the CMP service
dnPattern the pattern for building the DN, attribute name inside ${ } C=xx,DC=xx,O=xx,OU=xx,CN=${cn}
certFile full pathname for the certificate file used in the client authentication /etc/grid-security/servicecert.pem
keyFile full pathname for the private key file used in the client authentication /etc/grid-security/servicekey.pem
keyPass password protecting the private key  
trustStoreDir the directory containing the CA certificate files /etc/grid-security/certificates
trustStoreUpdateInterval how often the truststore is updated 600000
namespaceCheckingMode CA namespace checking mode for the CA connection EUGRIDPMA
crlCheckingMode CRL checking mode for the CA connection REQUIRE
ocspCheckingMode OCSP checking mode for the CA connection IF_AVAILABLE
proxySupport is proxy allowed in the CA connection ALLOW
caDn CMP-related configuration parameter CN=xx CA,OU=xx,O=xx,C=xx
senderDn CMP-related configuration parameter C=xx
recipientDn CMP-related configuration parameter C=xx
senderKid CMP-related configuration parameter keyIdentifier
sharedSecret CMP-related configuration parameter sharedSecret
keysize the keysize for the key-pair if generated by the STS 2048

VOMS section

Property Description Default Value
vomses the directory containing the vomses files /etc/grid-security/vomses
vomsDir the directory containing the CA cerfificates /etc/grid-security/vomsdir
updateInterval how often the directories are updated 300000
namespaceCheckingMode CA namespace checking mode for the VOMS connection EUGRIDPMA
crlCheckingMode CRL checking mode for the VOMS connection REQUIRE
ocspCheckingMode OCSP checking mode for the VOMS connection IF_AVAILABLE
keysize the keysize for the key-pair if generated by the STS 2048

CA & certificate checking modes

The following options exists for the checking modes, as documented in the EMI common authentication library:


  • GLOBUS_EUGRIDPMA: A Globus EACL is checked first. If found for the issuing CA then it is used and enforced. If not found then EuGridPMA namespaces definition is searched. If found for the issuing CA then it is enforced. If no definition is present then namespaces check is considered to be passed.
  • EUGRIDPMA_GLOBUS: An EuGridPMA namespaces definition is checked first. If found for the issuing CA then it is enforced. If not found then Globus EACL definition is searched. If found for the issuing CA then it is enforced. If no definition is present then namespaces check is considered to be passed.
  • GLOBUS: A Globus EACL is checked only. If found for the issuing CA then it is used and enforced. If no definition is present then namespaces check is considered to be passed.
  • EUGRIDPMA: An EuGridPMA namespaces definition is checked only. If found for the issuing CA then it is enforced. If no definition is present then namespaces check is considered to be passed.
  • GLOBUS_EUGRIDPMA_REQUIRE: A Globus EACL is checked first. If found for the issuing CA then it is used and enforced. If not found then EuGridPMA namespaces definition is searched. If found for the issuing CA then it is enforced. If no definition is present then namespaces check is considered to be failed.
  • EUGRIDPMA_GLOBUS_REQUIRE: An EuGridPMA namespaces definition is checked first. If found for the issuing CA then it is enforced. If not found then Globus EACL definition is searched. If found for the issuing CA then it is enforced.If no definition is present then namespaces check is considered to be failed.
  • GLOBUS_REQUIRE: A Globus EACL is checked only. If found for the issuing CA then it is used and enforced. If no definition is present then namespaces check is considered to be failed.
  • EUGRIDPMA_REQUIRE: An EuGridPMA namespaces definition is checked only. If found for the issuing CA then it is enforced. If no definition is present then namespaces check is considered to be failed.
  • EUGRIDPMA_AND_GLOBUS: Both EuGridPMA namespaces definition and Globus EACL are enforced for the issuer. If no definition is present then namespaces check is considered to be passed.
  • EUGRIDPMA_AND_GLOBUS_REQUIRE: Both EuGridPMA namespaces definition and Globus EACL are enforced for the issuer. If no definition is present then namespaces check is considered to be failed.
  • IGNORE: CA namespaces are fully ignored, even if present.


  • REQUIRE: A CRL for CA which issued a certificate being validated must be present and valid and the certificate must not be on the list.
  • IF_VALID: If a CRL for CA which issued a certificate being validated is present and valid then the certificate must not be listed on the CRL. If the CRL is present but it is outdated (or anyhow else corrupted) then the validation fails. If CRL is missing then validation is successful.
  • IGNORE: CRL is not checked even if it exists.


  • REQUIRE: Require, for each checked certificate, that at least one valid OCSP responder is defined and that at least one responder of those defined returns a correct certificate status. If all OCSP responders return error or unknown status, the last one received is treated as a critical validation error. Not suggested, unless it is guaranteed that well configured responder(s) is(are) defined and can handle all queries without timeouts.
  • IF_VALID: Use OCSP for each certificate if a responder is available. OCSP 'unknown' status and query errors (as timeout) do not cause the validation to fail. Also a lack of defined responder doesn't cause the validation to fail.
  • IGNORE: Do not use OCSP.


  • ALLOW: All kinds of proxies are allowed.
  • DENY: All kinds of proxies are denied.

Example sts-server.ini file

The following example file contain an example for the configuration file:
hostname = localhost
port = 8443
scheme = https
webappContext = sts
warfile = /usr/share/sts/wars/sts-server-1.0.0.war
certificate = /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem
private_key = /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem
crlUpdateInterval = 600000
trustStoreDir = /etc/grid-security/certificates
maxRequestQueueSize =
maxConnections =
shutdownCommand = shutdown
shutdownPort = 8444
namespaceCheckingMode = EUGRIDPMA
crlCheckingMode = REQUIRE
ocspCheckingMode = IF_AVAILABLE
proxySupport = ALLOW
wantClientAuth = false
requireClientAuth = false

clockSkew = 300000
lifetime = 300000
requireIssueInstant = true
requireFrameworkVersion = true
requireMessageId = true
requiredRecipientId =
schemaDirectory = /usr/share/sts/schema
requireSignature = false

entityId =
consumerServiceUrl = /soap
metadataFile = /usr/share/sts/metadata
metadataFileFrequency = 300000
certFile = /etc/grid-security/servicecert.pem
keyFile = /etc/grid-security/servicekey.pem
keyPass =
assertionLifetime = 30
requireRequestId = true
requestIdLifetime = 300000
requestIdSweepFrequency = 300000
authnLifetime = 300000
requireAuthnStatement = true
requireAuthnLocality = false
requireConditions = true
requireAudience = true
remoteAddressHeader = X-Forwarded-For

enableLdap = false
serverUrl = ldap://
useStartTls = false
baseDn = dc=people,dc=organization,dc=com
blockWaitTime = 5000
minPoolSize = 5
maxPoolSize = 20
validatePeriodically = false
validatePeriod = 30

serverUrl =
dnPattern = C=xx,DC=xx,O=xx,OU=xx,CN=${cn}
certFile = /etc/grid-security/servicecert.pem
keyFile = /etc/grid-security/servicekey.pem
keyPass =
trustStoreDir = /etc/grid-security/certificates
trustStoreUpdateInterval = 600000
namespaceCheckingMode = EUGRIDPMA
crlCheckingMode = REQUIRE
ocspCheckingMode = IF_AVAILABLE
proxySupport = ALLOW
caDn = CN=xx CA,OU=xx,O=xx,C=xx
senderDn = C=xx
recipientDn = C=xx
senderKid = keyIdentifier
sharedSecret = sharedSecret
keysize = 2048

vomses = /etc/grid-security/vomses
vomsDir = /etc/grid-security/vomsdir
updateInterval = 300000
namespaceCheckingMode = EUGRIDPMA
crlCheckingMode = REQUIRE
ocspCheckingMode = IF_AVAILABLE
keysize = 2048

Token-specific configuration


Username and passwords can be validated against an LDAP directory using two different approaches: binding the incoming user directly to the directory or reading the user attributes from the LDAP using administrator user, and comparing the password value against the given one. The first option is the recommended one.

Binding the incoming user

The following options are used from the LDAP configuration section:

  • baseDn
  • uid

The password sent in the token must be in plaintext. User is binded to the directory using baseDn and adding the username value from the token to the uid attribute with the password value from the token.

Use of administrator user

The following options are used from the LDAP configuration section:

  • baseDn
  • uid
  • bindUser
  • bindCredential
  • userPassword

The password must be sent in SHA1 -hashed format, without nonce or created elements in the token. The user is validated by first obtaining uid and userPassword values from the directory using the bindUser account with bindCredential. The value of the userPassword attribute is then compared against the password given in the username token.

SAML assertion

The metadata for the STS can be constructed by using the following skeleton:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<md:EntityDescriptor xmlns:md="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata"
   <md:SPSSODescriptor protocolSupportEnumeration="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol"
      <md:KeyDescriptor xmlns:md="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata">
         <ds:KeyInfo xmlns:ds="">
            <ds:X509Data xmlns:ds="">
               <ds:X509Certificate xmlns:ds="">
      <md:AssertionConsumerService Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:PAOS" 
         Location="/soap" index="0" isDefault="true" 

The contents from the file defined in the certFile must be included inside the X509Certificate element. Also, the Location in the assertion consumer service must match with the configured consumerServiceUrl.

The STS supports the initiation of the ECP profile for generating the authentication requests. The ECP endpoint (/sts/ecp) must be contacted with the PAOS client as defined in the SAML 2.0 ECP profile specification. The option requireRequestId can force the check of the identifier during the assertion validation process, as requestIdLifetime controls how long the authentication request identifier is valid after the initiation of the ECP profile.

X.509 certificate

The CMP protocol is supported for the communication with the online CA. STS has been successfully tested to be compatible with the open source implementation called EJBCA, using RA mode of its CMP support.

VOMS certificate

The certificates that are issued by the STS must be already registered to the requested VO. The VO must also trust the CA certificate of the CA behind the STS.

Also, a corresponding vomses file must exist in the directory configured with the vomses configuration option.

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