Service Discovery Test Plan for ISN Component

Service Description

There are two related APIs: SD and ISN. SD is described in the OGF document and ISN is described in a document recently submitted to the OGF editor. SD provides basic search mechanisms for a service and completely hides the information system - and its schema. This means that users of this API will not be aware of the move to GLUE-II. ISN on the other hand does expose the schema and allows navigation between the entities as described in the GLUE document. It can be configured to support any schema; configurations for GLUE-I and GLUE-II are provided.

This plan is for the ISN Component. It includes a command line tool - saga-isn that is currently packaged with the emi adapter but it will be migrated at some time to the SAGA engine as it has no adapter dependencies.


emi-saga-adapter_R_1_0_0_2 containing:

  • emi-saga-adapter-context-cpp_R_1_0_2
  • emi-saga-adapter-isn-common_R_1_0_1
  • emi-saga-adapter-isn-cpp_R_1_0_2


All machines referred to below are in the domain

Rgma06 is used for installation of the components to be tested A private bdii was installed on rgma10 rgma08 was used to generate a fake proxy.

To get a fake proxy on rgma08:

Log in as root

export PATH=.:/opt/globus/bin:/opt/globus/sbin:/home/fisher/etics/etics/bin:/home/fisher/python2.5/bin:/opt/d-cache/srm/bin:/opt/d-/dcap/bin:/opt/edg/bin:/opt/glite/bin:/opt/lcg/bin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/home/fisher/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/globus/lib:/opt/d-cache/dcap/lib:/opt/glite/lib:/opt/glite/lib64:/opt/globus/lib:/opt/lcg/lib:/opt/lcg/lib64:/usr/local/lib:/opt/classads/lib64/:/opt/c-ares/lib
voms-proxy-fake  -fqan /picard/sensors/Roll=NULL/Capability=NULL -fqan /picard/sensors/long-range/Roll=NULL/Capability=NULL -voms picard -fqan /belle/sick_bay/Roll=NULL/Capability=NULL -voms belle -hostcert /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem -hostkey /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem -verify -debug
scp /tmp/x509up_u0 fisher@rgma06:/tmp/x509up_u500

Unit tests

This component is not very amenable to unit testing instead we rely upon testing functionality by system tests.

Deployment tests

Software is installed by: yum install emi-saga-adapter-isn-cpp.

Functionality testing

As a normal user:

  • Check for doc in /usr/share/doc/glite-saga-adapters-cpp/isn and ensure that it is clear and accurate

  • man saga-isn and check the output

     mkdir -p ~/saga-adapter-tests
     cp -r /usr/share/doc/glite-saga-adapters-cpp  ~/saga-adapter-tests/cpp
     cd ~/saga-adapter-tests/cpp/isn
     make NUM=two
     export SAGA_LOCATION=/usr

Run the C++ tests. For the C++ test the should be specified as a machine where you have installed the test BDII as this will be modified to set fixed configuration files and is a time in seconds that should be long enough for the BDII server to repopulate itself after a restart - this depends upon the speed of the machine running the test BDII. Try 120 and increase it if you have problems. The tests should run to completion. Some tests include providing bad input to obtain error messages. These messages should be checked to ensure that they can be understood.

  • Get a voms proxy

    export CVS_RSH=ssh

    cd ~/saga-adapter-tests
    cvs co org.glite.saga-adapter.isn-cpp/test
    cd ~/saga-adapter-tests/org.glite.saga-adapter.isn-cpp/test
   ./ rgma10 200

Regression testing

Assuming that cvs co in functional tests has been done then

    cd ~/saga-adapter-tests/org.glite.saga-adapter.isn-cpp/test



Performance and scalability testing


Standard compliance and conformance tests

The deployment and functionality testing confirms that it is conforms with the SAGA engine

Inter-component tests


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Topic revision: r5 - 2011-04-20 - unknown
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