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Mother to daughters

The connection from a mother to its daughters is available for MC particles and for composite particles established by the QVxxxx routines described in 9.2.2.

              IMOTH = ... (track number of a mother particle)
              DO 10 I = 1, KNDAU (IMOTH)
                IDAUGH = KDAU (IMOTH,I)
                CALL HFILL (47, QP(IDAUGH))
         10   CONTINUE
number of daughters for track ITK = 0 if no daughter exists
track number of Ith daughter
Note for standard V0s from YV0V: The daughters of a standard V0 (section V0T) are stored in the DCT section (see 7.1). These tracks are copies of tracks in the CHT section, but their momenta are recalculated relative to the secondary vertex position. The function KCHT (see 7.6.2) returns the CHT track number corresponding to a track in the DCT section.


         DO 10 IV0=KFV0T,KLV0T
c---  First daughter of V0 (in DCT section)
C --- Corresponding track in CHT section.

The above note is not valid for the ``Long V0s'' from the new tracking (vertices in the range KFLV0,KLLV0).

Joel Closier