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Daughter to mother(s)

The connection from a daughter to its mother(s) is available for MC particles and for daughters of ``saved'' composite particles (see KVSAVE in 9.2.9). The QVADDx routines (9.2.2) and the jet / event topology routines 10) do NOT set up this relation.

              IDAUGH = ... (track number of a daughter particle)
              DO 10 I = 1, KNMOTH (IDAUGH)
                IMOTH = KMOTH (IDAUGH,I)
                CALL HFILL (47, QP(IMOTH))
         10   CONTINUE
Number of mothers of track ITK. Note that MC particles as read in from the event input file have no or one mother.
Track number of the Ith mother.

Joel Closier